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John Darkscar: Blog


New story

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I've just submitted a new story. It's a sequel to "Loren" and takes up a few months after the events in the original story. This is Part One of the story, but it's pretty well a complete story in itself. I hope you all enjoy it.

In other news, I hope to have a few more chapters of "Blackmail" up before too long, and also a bit more of "Whitewater". I'm holding off putting any part of "God's Forge" and "A Fork in the Road" up until they are complete. I also have a bit done on a sequel to "I Know", but no working title as yet.

Real life is staying busy, but my health remains good, and I'm still writing, albeit slowly.

Thank you to all who read my scribbles.

God bless us, every one.


Posted at

In my last thrilling post, I sort of promised a new Loren story. It's still coming, but I have to plead force majeure, as my wife had to go to the hospital on June 28, and got out on July 6. She was quite sick with sepsis, and some circulatory problems in her legs. To make a long story short she ended up on some potent IV antibiotics and had a vascular procedure to help her circulation. She's still not 100%, and I've had to take time off from work to be there to help her. I'll polish up the Loren story as soon as I can, and get it up.


Update to the update (I guess)

Posted at

Just a quick note to my long-suffering readers. A new story is in the posting queue. It's a kinda short romantic fantasy. Just something that sort of wrote itself. There will probably be a sequel or two, eventually.

Next up, a new Loren story. This is part one of what may be quite a long story. I expect to get this one submitted next week.

There should (finally) be a couple of new chapters for "Blackmail" before much longer. (I know, you've heard that one before).

Real life continues to be busier than I like. My business partner retired a while back, and keeping all the balls in the air for my small business is taxing at times.

I'm still plugging away at various stories, as the spirit moves, and I have the time.

Thanks to all of you that bother to read my scribblings.



Posted at

I guess it's time for one of my sporadic, and sometimes overly optimistic updates. I have a new "Loren" story underway, it's about halfway done, and I'm pecking away at it as Real Life permits.

I have one more chapter for "Blackmail" done, but I want to get at least one more done before updating the story.

"God's Forge " is plodding along very slowly, with no end in sight. I'm still inclined to hold off posting any of it until it's finished.

"Whitewater" is stalled at the moment, while I consult with the characters to see what they want to do. They have been rather sullen lately.

In other news, I have a new "Powder City" story underway, that I will probably serialize before long, and a standalone semi-stroke story nearly finished.

Real life has been weird with the Wuhan COVID panic going on. My EMS family is on the front lines in this, and I pray for their safety every day. My business is still up and running, but order have nearly dried up, even on routine products, although I'm told that they will return eventually. I'm now on Medicare, and officially old, but I refuse to grow up.

Hunting season is coming, and I've been practicing like Loren and Tommy, and will probably take to the woods with my recurve bow for the first time since I was 15.

The 19th anniversary of 9-11 is upon us, and I will likely make a separate post, as I usually do tomorrow.

Stay safe out there, my loyal and sadly abused readers. There will be new posts sooner rather then later.


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I'm sorry to hear that yet another author of our small community has passed on. I have yet to read his work, but the mere fact that he was kind enough to post it here (and expose himself to criticism (constructive and otherwise)) is important. Godspeed and fair winds.



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