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John Darkscar: Blog


Piling on. My take on Jay Cantrell's post.

Posted at

First off, let me say I admire Jay C's writings immensely, and I've enjoyed reading every last one of them.

Second, I agree with the points that he made. My writings amount to possibly 1/10 of 1% of the volume that he's turned out, and his quality is much better then my efforts.

That said, my experience with feedback here has been generally positive (probably for the simple reason that I haven't written enough to bring me to the attention of the Grammar Police and nit-pickers).

I've made contact with a few authors to point out an error or two, and have been generally well-received for my efforts.

As others have stated, I write for my own amusement, and occasionally to help myself get things straight in my head.

I enjoy getting positive feedback. I also enjoy getting constructive negative feedback, because someone cared enough to read my stuff and point out a problem.

The one or two trollish comments that I've gotten, I simply ignored. If I started getting enough to annoy me, I'd probably just quit reading the email I get from here.

As others have said more eloquently: You get what you pay for(hopefully). This is a free site showcasing mostly hobby authors. I, for one, am grateful for the stories I've found here, and I'll take this opportunity to thank my fellow authors.

Also, I should thank Lazeez for providing this site.

Bleg answered!

Posted at

Thanks to "massivereader" on the forum, we now have an answer! The story was apparently pulled from SOL by the author and published on smashwords. Here is the URL.

From the description, I'm quite sure that this is the one I'm looking for. I'll likely buy it for my Kindle. Thanks to everyone that replied.

I also had a fellow point me to stories on SOL by Mike Cropo. I checked his page out and the stories look interesting.

Once more, thanks for all the help!

BLEG- help finding a story on SOL.

Posted at

First, I apologize for my tardiness in posting story updates. Real life has taken hold with a vengeance. I have completed a couple more chapters of "Blackmail", but am holding off posting them until I get to a better pausing place. "Whitewater is coming along very slowly, as I've been trying to decide amongst a couple of alternatives in the storyline.

Now, the bleg. I once read a fairly long story here that involved a group of space navy types sent out in obsolescent ships to stop or delay in invading force. The commander was an Army officer, and the group was expected to die rather quickly. The invaders were a more or less human society rather like the Imperial Japanese, and the commander's sister was married to a fairly high-ranking official in the invader's society.

The plot involved sabotage and betrayal from a faction within the defenders government. The defenders managed to defeat a much larger force, before abandoning their defensive line and retreating to their own lines, where they were interned and intended to be liquidated to preserve the traitor's secrets, only to be saved at the last minute.

I can remember nothing about the story name, or the author. If anyone can identify the story from my rather poor synopsis, I'd be very grateful!

Thanks in advance,


Just to clear up any confusion.

Posted at

After a couple of email exchanges, I realized that I must not have very clear about God's Forge . The story is still being written, and in fact has grown to over 40 pages so far. I really didn't intend for this to be a long story, but as so often happens with me, the characters refuse to comply. I don't plan to post this one as a serial. I think it deserves being posted in one piece.

I apologize to those I may have confused. In other news, "Blackmail" is coming along and I may have another short chapter or so done soon. "Whitewater" is slower, but expect a new chapter around July 4.

Thanks once more for all your patience!

New chapters!

Posted at

Blackmail has two new chapters submitted for posting. In further news God's Forge is well.. forging along. The story is going well, but its going to be a LOT longer than I expected... dern charecters....



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