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Sponge cake new chapter ready

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This story has everything one could ever want, Vegemite and Margaritas. Wow what more do you need. Wait, didn't some one say all you need was LOVE?

Soon for Angela

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You all have been really patient with this story. It had gotten away from me a bit. I just started writing Chapter 13 and still no Angela. From rumors, just rumors mind you, Angela appears in Chapter 14 or 15.

Just a reminder, Monica wanted me to tell you the restaurant will be open for lunch from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm and 5:00 pm to 11:30 pm. Monday to Saturday. Sunday, for a brunch from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm.

Trina is moving back to Florida from New Orleans, so every Monday she will prepare a Creole or Cajun entrée for y'all featured at $9.95. In-season too, Joe's will present a stone crab claw appetizer on a Sunday and Ruth Chris's of Miami will provide a steak taster at another brunch. Our Chef Vito will make a veal or lamb dish on some Sundays also. Watch for the dates but August and September are what I hear.

Just Another Day continues

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Finally made up my mind that I could not, would not loose my girls and children in this story. Chapter 13 picks that up again. Thanks for so many reactions and suggestions about the story. When you see those giant redwoods, then drive though some that have been scarred to let cars go thru yet still stand you will carry that scene with you your entire life. 50-60 years ago millions were destroyed to make picnic tables, benches, siding, decks and stains. Some that had stood nearly 2,000 years against nature were no match against a chain saw.

Thanks for Review

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Fuzzy Wuzzy reviewed ....Sponge Cake. I tried to correct errors but should have sent the chapters off to the two editors and a proof reader, but I didn't.
Lot of reasons, mainly one has enough on his plate, another never wants his name used on most.

I am a West Ponder, but I don't think in 17 years in schools that I ever had an American English Instructor.

E-Zed, colour, honour etc. and a 7 with a line through was standard English I thought. Worked many years with the Brits and Aussie, A.D.F. but never in-country there. 11 years everywhere else, outside the U.S. though. So I tend to use the Queen's English, watched her Coronation in'54 and ..... Oh Well, This story or sequels in the same Universe should go on, for a bit I hope. Getting older so if I 'kick off' everything may not get finished. When I get in the mood, I'll try to go back and 'fix' earlier mistakes. I write under more than one Pen, so be patient. Fell free to write in the Universe, it should be more happy than sad though. Thanks for the review Fuzzy and to you readers, I'll try to keep it interesting.

Sponge Cake

Posted at

Well, what started out as a 5 chapter story, has reached 9, maybe 10 already and its still at Tuesday after Memorial Day there. None of the girls will tell me what happened to Vicky. They keep saying to ask Mandy, not even her Mom will tell me anything. I asked Mary and Jen as to how many collars they were buying? Do you know what they told me! "Ask Mandy!"

Like I'm paying right? I even asked Belle how much money she allotted them? Her answer was, "Enough!"

Anyhow. I don't know what to do! I know, I know, they tell me that all the time. I just can't believe in 9 chapters that I still don't know a lot of stuff. Nothing on Angela yet.

I don't even know what kind of car, or cars Mary and Jen are getting either. I forgot, on purpose maybe, the little explosion that will happen when Ben and John hear about their girls moving in . They have to tell them both, I as sure as Hell am not.

Wait, I found a note from Mandy. Sec, let me look. Uggh, it's all 'girly stuff' to buy at the CVS and Walgreen's. As soon as I know about Vicky I'll tell you. Forget about when I'll hear anything about Angela, Military Intelligence could learn things about secrets from these girls.

Be back, I think.



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