Just to clarify, some of the jokes are dated, some are new. If you find them not to your liking don't return to 'Jokes and Giggles' the readers who enjoy them compared to the ones that don't are about 100 to 1, which isn't that bad!!!!
What A Neighborhood Part Five
Posted at
Part five is now in the queue for posting, for the few readers wishing to read the next chapter, in spite of the Voo Doo Dolls, etc. Enjoy... As usual Comments are welcomed!!!!
Jokes and Giggles
Posted at
As the title suggests, this will be an ongoing submission of jokes, from funny to blushing. Enjoy!!!
What A Neighborhood Part Five
Posted at
No, it is not posted yet, just wanted to say thanks to the few readers that took the time to express their appreciation after part four was posted,
But the reader with the Voodoo doll and his needles, not so much :)
What A Neighborhood Part Four
Posted at
For the few readers following 'What A Neighborhood' part four is in the que for posting. I hope you enjoy it. Jack