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Everett Mountain Retreat-Now What Part 2

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The bunnies are safe!!! They are still ensuring the surveillance cameras works. To my bunny protectors, a little info, part two has been sent to the editor/proofer.

Everett Mountain Retreat-Now What

Posted at

I just received word from a diabolical reader, whom claimed he was enjoying a meal of Hasenpfeffer while commenting to me about my last blog entry…. My bet is that Google and Bing will be used by many! 

Everett Mountain Retreat-Now What

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Still working on the second part. Had three responses to last blog! Interest is waning.

My bunnies are still missing.. very troublesome.

Everett Mountain Retreat-Now What

Posted at

Part two is progressing...........slowly.

Everett Mountain Retreat-Now What

Posted at

News Flash: My bunnies are still being held by those diabolical evil doers. I need a search party, will anybody help!!!! Part two will be left a wanting if I am worried about my bunnies!!!!



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