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I've posted chapter one, Rite of Passage. It's a rip of Window of Opportunity and James is my Mary Sue character, because why the fuck not.
It's a Predator Stargate Crossover, the first chapter introduces the players.
I plan on having five, maybe six chapters in total. A small, one-shot story with little to no sex and just action, action, action in it.
The military stuff is done by a lovely chap called David, who pinged me on Tempus when I asked for advice. He will be, when he gets the time, be helping me with future chapters.
Steven & NNPDAD have edited as always. I must say I'm quite proud of this chapter.
Jaffa Kree!
Okay I'm getting the hang of it now, in order to be nominated you must be finished. Mine wasn't finished in time.
Ashrak is on the move... including another Stargate story. Diem will be rolling soon.
Chapter one has hit 40 thousands downloads oO
My god, I'm mind blown :)
Keep it going!
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