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Dark Apostle: Blog



Posted at Updated:

Been more progress on all fronts, progress on Tempus Fugit 2 and progress with Ashrak. Both are going nicely, I won't post Ashrak until I've completed it, so it might be a while yet, and I won't post Tempus 2 until I've got some work done on it.

The flat sale seems to be going through as well, so hopefully, soon I'll be moving out and into my new abode.

I did post asking after a cop a while back, got no news on that front. But I did want to do a story based on Rick & Morty if any detectives or police officers are interested in helping me with it.

It's about the citadel of Ricks, a Rick is murdered and James is tasked with finding the killer. but in a citadel of Ricks and Morty's everyone is a potential killer.

Additionally, Venom 2 looks interesting, let there be carnage. Sony always was good with music in movies. Disney could learn a thing or two from it.

Bad Batch

Posted at

Not bad, not bad, I approve and hope for more! There is hope yet for star wars. I can't believe this shit about them wanting to unwhite it, Jesus, it's a show about clones. How do you make black clones out of white DNA doner, please if there are any scientists out there, enlighten me.

On other news, almost sold my flat and am packing tons of shit away, so Diem will be slightly delayed. I am working on chapter 1, albeit slowly. I hope to have stuff out soon.

I took down Ashrak and am working through it with my military guy, but I won't post that again until its completed, very excited about my Stargate crossover!


Posted at Updated:

Not a bad story idea, but holy shit it needs editing. I tried to send constructive criticism but the email is turned off. Dbuck if you see this, excellent story, it just needs to be polished bruv.

EDIT: Had some information about him, that's a shame that people on this site can be so fucking nasty. Pity, the guys got talent and with a little bit of polishing it could be an amazing piece of work.

Keep at Dbuck, the only way you get better is with practice. Not all of us on here are cunts.

A police short story

Posted at

I did a short story of James as a police officer a long while back, there was a copper on here who helped me out with a story and I wondered if he's still around, would he be interested in helping me polish it up?

For the Prince!

Posted at

Dying in your thirties or forties? "Tragic."
Fifties? "Such a shame."
Sixties? "Too soon."
Seventies? "A good run."
Eighties? "A life well lived."

"Hell of a ride."



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