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Cotton Nightie: Blog


I finished Sucky Vacation just in time for Christmas

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I've just uploaded the whole 16 chapters of Sucky Vacation. Big thanks to Denny for the edits and corrections. I also changed some of the early story elements to make more sense, so it may be worth re-reading from the beginning.

The Tutor is my next story to finish. I've gotten closer, but it's not quite there yet. Not even gonna predict when I can get it done, but I'm trying.


I'm still telling my stories... s l o w l y

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I've had lots of requests for the next chapters in my parallel novel writing experiments The Tutor and Sucky Vacation. I wish I could satisfy those requests for speedier posts, but life continues to consume my writing time.

I've just posted chapter 13 for both novels, so expect them to show up in the next day or so. I also completely revised both stories and ran them through Grammarly to fix my most obvious errors.

Both stories have just two chapters left. The Tutor is currently 56K words and Sucky Vacation is currently 52K words. With the two remaining chapters, the stories will end up just over 60K words each, or 120K words total. It's not my best writing year, but they will push my total fiction word count over the last five years to just under 3 million words.

If you bear with me for a bit longer, I hope to wrap up both stories as quickly as I can. Thanks so much for the words of encouragement!


Truth is stranger than fiction

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Between job changes, long commutes, and family obligations my writing time has been severely reduced. I still write most days, but where I used to write 500 words a day, now I'm lucky if I can get 50. And with two novels going at the same time, with an average of 3000 words each chapter, I'm struggling to get enough done to post regularly.

That being said, I've just submitted chapter 11 for both The Tutor and Sucky Vacation. Hope you like them! I started both stories at the same time for a reason, but the current political climate has taken what I'd intended and turned it upside down.

The Tutor isn't just a sexy story about a college girl tutoring a couple of high school guys. It's my exploration of the complex concepts of consent, sexuality, and gender identity wrapped up in an erotic novel. The story has been plotted out since I started writing it, but now I'm finding key elements of my story playing out in the current political news.

I'm posting this blog entry just as the Senate begins voting on Kavanaugh's confirmation. I'm not going political here, but the parallels with my story are obvious to me. The idea of being sexually assaulted and then being forced to open your whole life for public scrutiny to get to the truth is real.

The next few chapters of The Tutor will involve a Title IX hearing about Alicia's sexual assault. Her life will be laid open for judgement. Because we see her POV, we know what really happened in Dillon's room, but no one else will know with any certainty.

Writing this story at this time has definitely influenced my opinions on what I'm seeing in real life. I suppose the cliche that truth is stranger than fiction is true because it really does seem to happen sometimes.

Whatever the outcome, happy reading!


The Summer I Grew Up is really open now ;-)

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I got some notices that The Summer I Grew Up was still locked behind the paywall. That issue has been resolved so let me know what you think about it!

Cotton Nightie

Opening the Summer I Grew Up for all members

Posted at

I'm still writing and have a new Bella Chal story coming out soon. You can read a two chapter excerpt to whet your appetite for its release by years end.

I also noticed some early Golden Clitoride nominations for my recent novel The Summer I Grew Up. Thanks for the nominations! I opened the story up for all members to read to celebrate.

Cotton Nightie



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