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Cainneach McEinri: Blog


An update to changes to Sarah's Saga series

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The posting today completes the revisions to An Clochán as published in 2014. The 2014 story has been split in to two stories. Dóchas which has been posted is the first part of the 2014 story. An Clochán which was posted today is the second part of the 2014 story. In making these changes, a significant amount of time was spent reviewing the stories for errors in grammar, punctuation, missing words, font style, and etc. In doing this, a few sentences were reworded to improve clarity. Well that was the intent. ;-) Undoubtedly some were missed.

In the near future, similar revisions to 2015 version of Tara Ardclár are planned. The first half has a working title of Ananu. The second half will retain its current name. The change in titles closely aligns with the story sequence.

At some point the all the stories will be offered on Bookapy. Currently Mistaken Identity and Comrie are offered on Bookapy.

BTW, I have a new story in progress. Suspect it will be awhile before it is posted.


Update on revisions to Sarah's Saga

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Comrie the second story in the Sarah's Saga series has been updated. It is also available on Bookapy.

As noted before An Clochán as currently posted will be split in to 2 stories. The first half will be named Dóchas and the second half An Clochán. These will become parts 3 and 4 of Sarah's Saga. Don't expect them to be ready until August some time.

What is currently posted as Tara Ardclár will be split in to 2 stories. Thus becoming parts 5 and 6 of Sarah's Saga. The name for the first half is undecided however the second half will be named Tara Ardclár. As to timing it will be a while.


Revisions to Sarah's Saga progressing

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Thought an update was needed regarding the revisions to Sarah's Saga. Mistaken Identity has been revised and is now posted. Most of the changes are grammar corrections but there are some dialog changes. The last chapter ends a bit earlier than before. This was done to provide a better opening for Comrie the second story in the series. Revisions to Comrie are I think complete, but another review is needed before posting. So it will likely be a week or more before it is posted.

The currently posted story, An Clochán, will be split in to two stories. First segment will be named Dóchas and the second will be An Clochán. Both stories will be about 40 chapters in length. There are similar plans regarding the currently posted story Tara Ardclár.

Plans are to publish all the stories on Bookapy.

For a bit of background. Mistaken Identity was the first fiction story I've published which was initially over 10 years ago. The subsequent stories grew out of that experience.

Hope you've enjoyed reading them.


Story titles of Sarah's Saga

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As noted previously, I am currently editing the stories in the Sarah's Saga series. In doing so I've opted to rename the stories to be more consistent with the events, well at least I thinks so. Not quite ready to post the newer version, which will have fewer grammar issues...well hopefully. One perhaps significant difference is the transition from Mistaken Identity to Comrie which use to be titled Dochás. This is essentially a modification to the last chapter of MI and adding a chapter to C.

As to when the newer editions will be posted...likely a couple of weeks presuming no unanticipated issues.


Characters, Pronunciation & stuff

Posted at

A list of characters has been added to Mistaken Identity. A similar list has been added to Dóchas however this list includes pronunciation assistance for those strange words you sometimes see in these stories.

A new 'story' will be posted shortly to hold the character lists above plus an ongoing one for Comrie. This will likely be done in the next few days. The one for Comrie also includes additional information such as name pronunciation, name meaning, title translation, etc.

Thanks for taking the time to read these stories.

Cheers, Cainneach



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