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Cainneach McEinri: Blog


Tara Ardchlár update and cast list

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As you may have noticed Tara Ardchlár was published on Bookapy a few days ago. While checking through the story for style errors, I also corrected grammar errors. There weren't many errors. After it was published on Bookapy, I took a at the preview on the website. I was surprised to discover one in the first paragraph of the first chapter. What a way to give a first impression. It will soon be corrected.


On the version of Sarah's Saga that is available on SOL, I've removed most of the cast listing that was included in most of the books. Some of the cast lists contain a bit more than the cast, such as a map of Tara Ardchlár, time keeping, terminology, etc. After they are revised they will be inserted as the first chapter of the story. It will likely be a couple of weeks before they are posted.


Hope you have a great summer

Ananu & Tara Ardchlár

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Both stories have been reposted with corrected font styles. least based on the spot checks I made.

Thanks for taking the time to read these stories.


Tara Ardchlár repost in progress

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Well I've submitted the first 12 chapters of Tara Ardchlár for posting. The revised edition is some 40 chapters in length. Why in bits? Cause when i combined chapters into a single document, some of the formatting was lost. Why? I am not certain. I discovered it after posting Ananu, and unfortunately it affects Anna. The formatting issue has to do with font style. The story uses a lot of italic font. I am not sure what I did, but when the chapters were combined into a single document some of the italic fonts changed to normal. This was only in the cases where the entire paragraph was italic. It appears that only Ananu and Tara Ardchlár are impacted by this. So now I am in the process of fixing it.

New version of Tara Ardchlár

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The new version of Tara Ardchlár has been submitted for posting. This completes the revisions to Sarah's Saga. In preparing the revisions, I noted several activities that could take place in a future volume. Whether that occurs or not, only time will tell.

Hope you enjoy the revised edition of the story.

An update to changes to Sarah's Saga series

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Well the revisions are nearly complete to the Tara Aradchlár segment that is on the website. It has been split into 2 segments of a little over 300,000 words. The changes in the new versions are primarily to fix grammar errors which includes inserting the missing words. There are some small changes to the dialog.

The first segment of what was originally posted as Tara Ardchlár is titled 'Ananu' and covers the Órarduine's adventures after 'An Clochán' until they arrive over the planet Ananu.

The second segment titled 'Tara Ardchlár' begins with their arrival over Ananu and begin establishing a settlement on the planet.

So what happens now? First the version of 'Tara Ardchlar' now on the website will be withdrawn. The next step is to submit both 'Ananu' and 'Tara Ardchlár' to the website for posting. This will likely happen in the next several days.

The updated version of 'Ananu' is currently available on Bookapy. However, it will be several weeks before the new version of 'Tara Ardchlár' is available on Bookapy. It is essentially complete, so I expect it will be published before the end of June.

Thanks for you interest in this story.




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