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Banadin: Blog



Posted at

No one picked up on Alice Liddell.

Chapter 9 reposted

Posted at

I have corrected errors in Chapter 9 and reposted it. The most famous, over 50 emails was the cut off of the final words. For some reason when I copied and pasted it didn't carry over. Had to submit and type in after pasting in. To show you what errors can come up, here is a list, this is after 4 checks, including two software driven.

-cut off ending
-Mrs. Hernandez became Mrs. Rodriquez
-Farriers shoe horses, not blacksmiths (I knew that! Dang)
-used correspondence when meant correspondents.
-Had Popeye and Sybil arrive twice
-Forgot Rick got a weekly stipend from studio, no change to story.
-Had Susan Wallace mixed up with Sharon Branson- Too many people, maybe I should kill a few off?
- to quick, should be too quickly
-French out of Vietnam in 1954.
-without a huge outlay, not with a huge outlay
-Introvert not invert
-Pointed out that Dad was in AA, true, and he will be in and out throughout the story.
-Rick will be Sir Richard or Rick, never Ricky.
-Formidable, not formable
-A general comment on commas, I am letting W0rd be the judge, I find there are several conventions but using the most common vernacular. Not what I was taught but hey.
-Haiphong is the port in North Vietnam, not Hanoi.

These are what sharp eyed readers caught. Thank you. Over 100 emails on this chapter, I think a record.

For those who enjoy the story and have told me, Thank you from my heart.

For the trolls I am sorry you have so little joy in your life.


Short stories

Posted at

Recently because of business commitments my writing has slowed down. It bothers me from the point of view that I enjoy writing, and that I know some people who are shut in for whatever reason use the stories as escape.

I just got some prospective on the whole subject. There is a thread in the authors section where they discuss how long a short story should be or is. The consensus appears to be around 10,000 words.

Looking back at all my stories that would mean I have written over 60 short stories in the last three years.

I don't know if that is a brag or complaint, take your pick. What it does mean is that I have written a respectable amount and should quit agonizing over it.

BTW the latest chapter is at 9,900 words so I had better get back at it.

Bunch of junkies

Posted at

It has been three weeks since I posted a chapter, the current one is about 90% done. That said people are sending emails asking if the story is being abandoned. No it is not. This is the last story that I will release chapter by chapter. It is planned to be 18 chapters long. So if I get this finished it will be probably be a year before the next story appears.

Also thanks to all the unsung patient people out there who bear with me.

Admirals Club

Posted at

Tried writing in the St. Louis Admerials Club early this morning. Nothing. Then tried club in Charlotte, nothing, now in club in Philly, still nothing. Heck with it going home.



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