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Aurora: Blog



Posted at

I actually finished this on Christmas day - how sad is that! - but I left it a couple of days to give it a final polish, well, more a rub down with an oily rag. I listed it as action/adventure but it could (possibly should)have been romance. But whatever, enjoy


Posted at

I am still writing, but very slowly. Good for those who don't read very fast - okay very old joke.

There seems to be a number of writers who are unhappy with the scoring system, which I have to admit I don't understand. This is because I'm not interested, it simply doesn't bother me. I'm happy if people enjoy what I write, of course. But scores simply don't matter.

Am I the only one I wonder?

Feedback - Smilodon

Posted at

I've been doing a lot of reading recently and not writing. So I'd like to leave feedback. I read several by Smilodon who asks for feedback but no email. If you see this email me and I tell you why I enjoyed them.

Blind man's buff

Posted at

Well the title's a bit of a joke but if your sight is failing it ain't very funny. I just read The Blind Man's blog followed by Fast Turtle's. I've lost the sight of one eye and part of the other, fotunately I can still see quite clearly at normal screen resolution but I do have difficulty finding the mouse pointer (I use trails) and the cursor. So I'm probbly better off than them, but it does worry me when Fast Turtle says he is still driving. I gave up because when your eyesight reaches a certain point you don't know what you can't see. For instance I can look at a sheet of plywood and my brain fills in the whole thing because I know what it looks like. If there is a pencil in the middle of it I probably won't see it until I look very carefully. If I were driving that could be a small child... Think about it.


Posted at

Reports of my death, if there were any, would have been gross exaggerations - thanks Sam - I just haven't written anything for a couple of years for several reasons that you don't want to know about. Doubtless I shall gets some stick over this one, lack of codes, but I've had that before, but hey, whilst people are having a go at me everyone else gets a rest! I've got several stories in the pipeline, I just thought of another today so I'll find more time to get them written up.



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