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I went by the site today to see if I recognized any of the nominees...
Unless I'm reading things wrong, there have been no stories nominated!?
To all who offered various solutions to my problem with my computer. To begin, this is not the first time I've used said stock from my paper drawer. But it is the first time I've experienced problems... About the possibility of low 'toner' condition, know that the printer is a monochrome job... So just the one 'drum'. I may try the straight through approach, if nothing else works... Empty paper drawer and feed aux slot... But I shouldn't have to! I've done this before from the drawer with this stock!! But Sunday the printer refused to pick up the card stock...!
Old news? I don't know. It just seems that things keep booting my behind. I would like to print my own business cards, but it seems that for some reason my printer is choking on the card stock. I'm going to try a solid piece, rather than the one that is perfed.... Maybe that is the issue. I mean the critter is so old they have stopped making the toner cartridge for it... Brother HL 2170w series printer, though I never have gotten the thing to work via wi-fi...
Other than that? I'm spending Sunday morning coughing up nasty green shit.... Hope I feel at least well enough to go to work maƱana...
That my job is somewhat challenging physically. That it keeps me active, and that I'm now in better shape than any time after leaving basic training.
The above said, as I've noted, the pay leaves something to be desired, and the fact that I do a lot of fine manipulation of heavy objects with my hands leaves me in pain.
Some here have suggested that I go to a patreon page, (that is start such a thing) I have considered that, and while I generally trust them to maintain my privacy, the other people in the mix are the IRS (Infernal Recovery Society...) Or however you want to refer to them. Any way, I;m not at all sure I trust them to maintain my privacy....
Well I have a job, but if I continue at it in a year or so I probably won't be able to even do any typing. I apparently have some sort of nerve pinching going on in my shoulders or neck due to this job. Whenever I relax enough to go to sleep two things occur. First my hands feel like they have pins and needles going on. They also feel very swollen. They feel hot to my forehead (I can't trust touching one hand with the other to tell what might be going on...) so I'm not too worried about lost circulation, though I may be not having adequate return of blood from my hands given the 'swelling' that is going on. Anyway to even type this now hurts a little. I can't imagine what even a few more years of the sort of work I'm doing will do.
Besides the job just doesn't support me in the fashion I'd like to live... I.E. having an escape (even for a few hours) from living with my mother. Such is fine most of the time, but some how I'm expected (because I work) to cover any emergencies that happen around the house... This means that I have no funds for even normal other things like say a 'bolt hole'... or practically even fuel for my vehicle...
I'd start a patreon or other page, but the govt makes me use both my real name and real address on it, which means that even if I use a pseudonym to front it someone who wished to stalk me due to my perverse work (it hasn't happened yet but some of the comments on my work make me think it might!!) could very easily find me and harass me.
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