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Al Steiner: Blog



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Been awhile since I've checked in here, hope everyone is well. Since I am now almost finished with Book 6 of the Intemperance series (there will be a Book 7, which will likely be the last, although I've said that for the past 3 books) I thought it was time to start letting it out into the world a little bit more. I will start posting Intemperance III chapter by chapter on a weekly basis soon. For those who want the entire story immediately, it is available on for a small fee (there is a link to on the SOL home page). I have also put the edited and rewritten versions of Intemperance I and Intemperance II on Bookapy. These versions are the publication versions with a considerable amount of rewriting done in Book I, particularly involving the band's legal issues and contract disputes.

In the Four-Four

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I have just submitted a new chapter of what will hopefully be an ongoing tale. It is the story of Eric Townsend, an experienced paramedic who has to take an assignment in the worst area of his city for family reasons. Eric's tale and my real life are very similar. I had to work such an assignment the entire time I was taking prerequisite classes to be admitted to nursing school, as that was the only assignment my seniority would allow me that had Tuesdays and Thursdays off for classes.

I originally started this tale a few years back, during a summer break in nursing school when I was desperate to start writing something again. I only got a few pages into the story at that time, but I picked it up again a few weeks ago because I have just finished Intemperance IV and I wanted to step into a different universe for a bit before getting into Intemperance V.

I will try to maintain production on this story, but my priority at the moment must remain the Intemperance story. I know at one point I told you all that I would start posting Brainwash, the story of the band of teachers in the Intemperance universe, but I found that I could not work on two stories of the same basic plot that take place in the same universe simultaneously. I'm hoping that In the Four-Four will be different, as it is a completely different tale.

In any case, I have just submitted the first chapter for posting and it should be appearing soon. Give it a read and let me know what you think. I present it as a realistic and gritty portrayal of what it is like to work an assignment in the ghetto.

The Intemperance universe

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I am happy to announce that I have just finished Intemperance III and it is now available for all on Amazon in both Kindle and paperback format. The story of Intemperance remains incomplete, however, and I will be jumping right into Intemperance IV and I'm also going to start working on a new project in the universe called Brainwash, which will be concerned with the backstory of that band of teachers from Providence. They make an appearance in Intemp III and I realized that their story cried out to be told. Chapters of Brainwash will be posted here at SOL as I complete them. I cannot say what kind of schedule I'll have with Brainwash as of yet, as I've never tried writing two things simultaneously before and Intemp IV will necessarily be given priority on my writing time, but keep your eyes out for it. Intemp IV will be available as I'm writing it, chapter by chapter, at Patreon, as Intemperance III was and I hope to have the first chapter out by the end of this month.

Intemperance III - resolution of the problem

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Okay. Thank you to all my friends out there who helped me resolve this issue. Apparently, if you mark your entry "adult content" on Patreon, it will not appear in the search engine. Intemperance III can be found by going manually to

Hope that helps.

Intemperance III

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Okay, first of all, I'm sorry to say that I will not be posting Intemperance III in this forum at this time. That may or may not change in the future. The good news, however, is that I have finally completed and edited Chapter 1 of the story and it is ready for public viewing. I have just attempted to post it over on, my tier set at $1 per chapter. I promise to make standard Al Steiner length chapters and not try to profiteer.

In any case, I'm new to the whole Patreon thing and I'm not sure I've done it correctly. From my end, it shows the chapter ready and available, but I cannot locate it in the search box, either under the title or "Al Steiner" when I try to access it as if I were someone other than me.

If anyone can give me some assistance here, it would be greatly appreciated. If anyone can find the story, let me know.



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