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Intemperance series lyrical connections

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Through the course of writing the Intemperance series, I have been inspired by multiple classic rock lyrics for parts of the story. I present a partial list of such inspirations.


Helen Brody had a ticket to ride the same ride that Laura Best ended up riding. But Helen didn’t care.

After the breakup of Intemperance and his relationship with Helen, Jake spent a whole season in New Zealand, wasted away and strumming his six-string on a front porch swing. In the end, he had nothing to show but a brand-new tattoo.

Matt sincerely believes that cocaine does not lie to him.

After Rachel walked out Jake’s door, he pondered that it was not the first time a woman had left him and it likely would not be the last. He then got the boys around and did some drinking fast.

Jake and the others live in the limelight, a universal dream. They put aside the alienation and try to get on with the fascination.

Matt’s Maserati can go 185 mph. He loses his license and then he can’t drive.

Jake and Celia take a trail marked on Jake’s father’s map. He then kisses her.

At one point for Jake, winter is there again, oh lord. He has not been home in a year or more. He hopes his girlfriend Angie can hold on a little longer.

The members of Intemperance at several points tell National Records fuck you, and they don’t do what they tell them.

Jake and Matt walk into a restaurant in Texas, strung out from the road. And they feel the eyes upon them (although it is not really cold). One of the owners of those eyes uses that same old cliché, “is it a woman or a man?”

Jake’s mother worries about him, because the reports are he’s been a bad bad boy. But he does not say sorry, because it’s something he enjoys.

On the road, Jake experiences an endless stream of cigarettes and magazines. He makes note that every town looks the same to him, specifically citing the movies and the factories.

Matt often lives in hotels and he has been known to tear out the walls. He does have an accountant that pays for it all.

Jake does enjoy kissing certain people all over, often until the night closes in.


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Hello, all! I have just submitted Intemperance VII to Bookapy for publication and it will be available as soon as the moderator approves it. In addition, once the book is available, I will begin posting it chapter by chapter here on SOL at my usual pace. I hope you enjoy it and sorry for leaving you all with such a cliffhanger at the end of Book VI.

Intemperance VI - Jake's plane

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For those who are interested in the plane that Jake flies, the Piaggio Avanti 180, here is a link to a cool YouTube video showing a flight in one from San Jose to Orange County and gives a rundown on the aircraft. This is the same neck of the woods that Jake usually flies in. The aircraft in the video is the newer version than Jake's and has a different cabin configuration, but it's the same basic plane. Here is the link:

Final chapter of Intemperance 4

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I just posted the final chapter of Book 4 of the Intemperance series. At the same time I also published Book V, subtitled "Circles Collide" to Bookapy and it should be available there today or tomorrow. Book V is widely considered the best of the series, including by myself, as lots of major events in the lives of Jake, Celia, and Matt occur, bringing them all into increasing contact with each other. I will post Intemperance V chapter by chapter as well.

Final chapter of Intemperance III

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I just posted the final chapter of Intemperance III and it should be available in a few hours or so. I hope everyone enjoyed the tale and I thank all who did so for taking the time to provide feedback. I will start posting chapters for Intemperance IV very soon and the complete Intemperance IV will be available on Bookapy as soon as I can get it formatted up.



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