Chapter 17 of Gaia, Book 3 of A Thousand Years of Peace!
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John and his forces battle another world. The Nanux are here to take what they believe is theirs. That's us, they eat us. Come, be part of the action.
Chapter 16 of Gaia, Book 3 of A Thousand Years of Peace!
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Planet Earth is getting prepared for a major battle from the Nanux Forces. Over 3,000 war ships are coming our way. Will the good guys be able to stand up to them?
Chapter 15 of Gaia, Book 3 of A Thousand Years of Peace!
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John, his family and friends arrive back on planet Earth.
Chapter 14 of Gaia, Book 3 of A Thousand Years of Peace!
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Cleaning out another SWAMP? Fly around the Galaxy with John and his family and friends as they sweep aside decay and corruption while setting other things right.
Chapter 13 of Gaia, Book 3 of A Thousand Years of Peace!
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John, family and friends survive the Galactic adventure. Now they are off to feed an Enemy. Thank You!