John and his family and friends get a gift of spaceships? John also meets a very big friend.
Happy Fourth! God Bless America!
Star Chamber Chapter 8 is in the Queue.
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John and the people at the shelter go to God. They also go to Lockheed to find out about spacecraft.
Star Chamber Chapter 7 is in the Queue.
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John and Jenny return from the General. They learn to stop tennis balls just in time to stop a bullet.
Star Chamber Chapter 6 is in the Queue.
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There is a time for work, a time for play and a time for love. The world also comes wanting things or else.
Star Chamber Chapter 5 is in the Queue.
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Thanksgiving with eleven hundred friends along with a tribe of Indians. Is this a repeat on the true American dream? The weather outside is killing, but inside it is warm and toasty. I can smell the Turkey Dinner now. Hummmmmm.