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wandrer: Stories


Hello! I am wandrer. Hope you enjoy seeing inside my deeply weird mind.

My stories tend to feature odd transformations, mind control, occasional weird couplings, and a lot of mental humiliation. They definitely tend towards the bizarre, as I am somewhat omnifetishist in my fantasies. More details here:

More information, as well as links to my comics and illustrated stories here:

Fantasy Frenzy

The Fantasy Frenzy is the first in a line of magical sex clubs and other businesses run by the mysterious Proprietor. The Fantasy Frenzy mysteriously popped into existence in "Costume Party", and has grown rapidly, spreading in secret through the world.

Matam's Fetishes

Matam (a mysterious little old man of some unidentifiable ethnicity) appears from place to place with his tray of "fetishes" - small statues. Should you stumble across him, be very, very careful not to take (or even touch) one of his statues. Few who do are ever the same again. As for Matam himself - is he en evil perpetrator of horrible transformations? Or the last line of defense between us and whatever the Fetishes really are? Who can say... (I can, but I'm not.)

SRU Online

An online purveyor of strange websites and apps. You never know what might befall anyone who happens to stumble across one of them. If you find yourself using one of their products - beware. A derivation of the long-existing "Spells 'R Us" universe, as it moves into the age of the internet...

The Company (wandrer)

The Company is a mysterious company (natch) with vast technological abilities, and often seemingly with nefarious purposes. They can make almost any modification to anyone...for a price.\r\n\r\nDo not cross The Company.
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