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wandrer: Blog


Mind if I join the party?

Posted at

Hi everyone! I've been kicking around the internet for a quite some time now, with stories mostly posted on the venerable ASSTR, which has recently seemingly given up the ghost. After a search around, this seemed by far the best option for posting stories - so I'm movin' in!

First, I wanted to thank both the folks in the forums the team on the site itself - everyone has been super helpful, as well as remarkably responsive.

I'll be moving my stories over here slowly over the coming weeks as I can (day job, do this for fun, etc. etc.). By way of introduction to my oeuvre, here is roughly the description I've had on my ASSTR site for OH MY LORD HAS IT REALLY BEEN THAT LONG!?!!

Ahem...sorry - let's just say it's been up there "a while":

My stories tend to feature odd transformations, mind control, occasional bestiality, and a lot of mental humiliation. They definitely tend towards the bizarre, as I am somewhat omnifetishist in my fantasies. They are evil and weird and bad and really no one should ever read them. You have now been warned.

Some of them take place in a number of different "worlds", a couple of which I've created, and a couple of which were created by others. People should feel free to write their own stories in any of the worlds I've created. If you do, I would love to know about/read them. I also *love* seeing images based on my stories, so if you are inspired and have artistic talent, feel free to create images based on them - I would love to see them.

I hope that you enjoy these - please keep in mind my warnings about weirdness above, however. They aren't for everyone, and many of them probably aren't for anyone. That being said, I like hearing if people enjoy them, and what they like in particular. Many such discussions have led to discoveries of entirely new kinky ideas for me to write about.

Finally - I do have a sort of "Home Page" on my Patreon, which links to all of my various sites (including - soon - this one):

Wandrer's Home/Patreon

In addition to my written stories, I have some comics and illustrated stories that are all linked from the Patreon - the purpose of the Patreon and those other sales is purely to fund/commission more stuff. You might enjoy them if you like some of my writing. More details on all of that over there.

Thanks for reading (both the blog post and maybe the stories) and I'm glad to be part of the site!




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