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Uther Pendragon: Stories


Uther writes a wide variety of styles and lengths. (The longest story has 2,000 times as many words as the shortest.)

He is best known for his stories of married love.


The marriage of Bob and Jeanette Brennan from their wedding night through the rest of their lives, with some flashbacks. Includes some stories about Bob's sister.

God joined together

This concerns several couples who will ultimately all meet in a church couples' group. The stories are told from the perspective of different people, and each of a couple has their own version of the story of their association. Generally, one story will run on Mondays and the other on Thursdays. The stories will be synchronous, but the chapters may not be.

Post Gettysburg

In July 1863, Lee's Army of Northern Virginia reeled away from Gettysgurg after suffering 36% casualties. Meade's Army of the Potomac limped after them after suffering 26% casualties. Lee managed to slip away over the swollen Potomac, but what would have happened if he had not? This is the alternative history of a somewhat shorter Civil War. And how some individual lives would have been affected.


In the early 1800s, King George III was mad as a hatter. The Prince of Wales was regent, and the period has come down to us as "The Regency." Then, the Tarleton family -- led by the Marquess of Stroud -- was one of the more powerful in England. They could defy the lesser conventions, and each other, but they could no more control their fates than anyone then -- or today -- can. {br} {br} These are some tales of them and their contemproaries.
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