The Friendly Traveler's Inn is a hotel devoted fifty percent to family activities and fifty percent to adult activities, with a computerized guest matching system that facilitates anonymous sexual assignations. Guests use the open environment of the facility to reach out to one another in relative safety -- but not just for pleasure...
In the summer between their Junior and Senior years of high school, three young men make a pact to handle their sexual supply problems by seducing each other's mothers. That's how it starts...
The Swarm Cycle is a collection of stories written around a concept introduced by the Thinking Horndog about an alien invasion and Earth's reaction to it. The intent is for it to be a public, multi-author universe after the fashion of the popular Naked in School stories.
The Sa'arm, a tripedal race with some physical resemblance to a cross between a mushroom and a lizard but with a hive mind, is sweeping across this galactic arm toward the center. They communicate by some sort of ESP, and ignore any race that does not. In their path is the Confederacy, a Galactic civilization that universally practices nonviolence -- and Earth...
Interested authors should examine the Swarm Author's page at