Greetings, dear readers. I am so glad you stopped by, perhaps after reading one of my stories and finding it entertaining or perhaps arousing.
I love to write, and I mostly write about some of my own fantasies.
Nothing is better for a writer than feedback from readers, so please, if something I have written strikes you as particularly erotic or arousing, let me knw.
Also, if I have missed the mark, or my story fell flat, I appreciate knowing that as well. But, of course, be gentle!
Retired author meets a frisky young girl at the checkout at his local deli, who tells him she has a thing for older men. It's every older man's dream come true.
Our intrepid hero (the author) gets a gig working at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. After he reviews the rules about contacts with foreign nationals which he learned while staitioned in Prague, he realizes that as long as he follows the rules, he's found the perfect place for completely random and no-strings-attached hardcore sex, with an almost endless string of smokin hot babes.