1 New Alexandria
A Story in the Infinatorum Universe
Alexander has a headache, and that headache is Earth. Alexander uses his Infinity powers to reshape our "human condition" hoping to put us on a path for true harmony. Naturaly he decides to get personally involved leading to the Second American Civil War and the founding of the First Earth Empire.
[More Info]Alexander has a headache, and that headache is Earth. Alexander uses his Infinity powers to reshape our "human condition" hoping to put us on a path for true harmony. Naturaly he decides to get personally involved leading to the Second American Civil War and the founding of the First Earth Empire.
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fiction, Science Fiction, Slow, Violent, Military
Downloads: 1469 | Votes: 50 | Score: 6.30
Size: 7KB | 1,310 words | Posted: Incomplete and Inactive (Last Activity: )