Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Dinspiration: Stories


Please note that I do not accept anonymous comments and e-mail. This is my policy for several reasons.

Reason one is that I like to be able to respond to a comment or question if I should need to. The second reason is that I personally believe a comment means far more if the person is willing to attach their name to it, rather than, what seems to me, hide behind anonymous comments and e-mails.

I am going to try to keep a more consistent update schedule for future projects.


Temporary/Permanent gender change has been made possible through a new technology. This technology has been marketed as the "Altargen Experience", and while generally safe has one major danger - if one in a transformed state becomes pregnant, the change may become permanent. Later stories may feature governmental support of the technology, while in foundation era stories it is still experimental and only available in one place. If anyone would like to write a story in this universe, please contact me first (for the sake of keeping the universe more or less consistent) so we can discuss details and I can offer any assistance you may need.
Latest Blogs:

Ongoing formating issues w/Chapters 57 & 58
Display issues in chp 57 and 58
Final Kara NiS chapters



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