Valentines Day Contest 2024
Meddling gods often cause destiny to tangle and realms to collide. Psyche, an atypical supermodel, unknowingly infuriates a goddess, threatening her celebrity world. After her indiscretion betrays Cupid, Psyche must abandon her opulent, familiar world to avoid a lifetime of unhappiness, and rediscover the love of her life.
A Halloween 2023 Contest Entry
On Hallowe’en night in 1983, a familiar and alluring stripper lost her life in a tatty motel room. Forty years later, she finds a living friend.
While living on the streets, Sarah meets Brady, a handsome and spiritual benefactor. He offers her shelter and an opportunity to escape her past in an idyllic utopia. Does his generosity mask more sinister motives? Is utopia tarnished? The right path is rarely the easy path. / (Reviews)
Flannery is a bit of an outsider in a sleepy small town, but when Rebecca, the preacher's daughter, drifts through his life, the world can never be quite the same. Sometimes it's important to know who your friends are. (Originally written/posted in 2008)
Selene is determined to honour Cody. But her last score doesn't quite proceed as expected. Do any paths lead to redemption? WARNING: This story is dark and unhappy, including violence and illegal activities. There are no redeemable sexual activities depicted in it whatsoever. If you are here only to absorb glorified non-consensual sex, you are in the wrong place. Same if you are looking for a stroke story.
A Snapshot Story Summer heat relentlessly invades her bedroom. Insomnia stakes its torrid claim. Eryn dresses and departs, leaving her alone until tomorrow to suffer the sultry heat. Originally written in June 2012.