The ClitoridesAwards are now in the voting phase. Read and vote for your favorites
We're having an April's fools writing contest. Few more days until submissions close.

Stultus: Stories


It Must Have Been the Roses

2 Stories
Rural Loving County in the Texas Hill Country is a place where old 'lost love' is found once more. Maybe it is the roses... or perhaps it's fate (or a happy local romance fairy). Also, a place for several Grateful Dead themed stories!

Love in Lovett County

13 Stories
A series about a strange rural coast town in Texas where despair soon becomes hope and sadness turns instead into happiness; and miracles have a odd way of becoming commonplace.

Weaver's World

3 Stories
An unique and different fantasy world from the warped mind of Stultus. Most of the stories in this series will be of a romantic nature, but there are a few fantasy mystery tales that I will be telling as well.
Latest Blogs:

Revenant revealed
New 'story' posted... definitely full of WTF?
Endeavoring to Endeavor...



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