I had just replaced my broken flat bed a4 scanner with a small a6 one but this time it came with a built in transparency and negative light. So when I was in the attic replacing the Christmas decoration, I looked around and found the big cardboard box with all my holiday pictures in and brought it down. Forgotten at the bottom of the box was an a4 envelope containing a dozen or so very early picture of my 1st wife, taken within months of meeting her, so she would be about 17.
I consider myself very lucky to have such a beautiful wife, although she is only 23 years old, to my 29, she has lived her life to the full. I of course didn't know any of this until after I had married her, but after an initial shock I found it very stimulating to hear of her sexual adventures when she was younger. I sowed my fair share of wild oats in my time but its nothing compare to hers.
She had never been so frightened in her short life, the snatch from her own home was smooth, and all her struggles were handled calmly and efficiently. Now the car had stopped and the three large men had got out leaving her all alone, at least for now but she was still tied up on the back seat.
"Fucking Lucy Long," Danny said out loud as he slammed the front door to his home. She didn't have to be such a bitch about it, all he had asked for was a date, but no she had to make fun of him and in front of everybody too.
"And a very nice and generous brother you are, too," she said advancing towards me. "And the only way I can thank you properly is to make it nice for you. Just put it between here."
Through half closed eyes I watched my girlfriend get out of bed and start to get dressed. Firstly she found her bikini briefs that I had thrown carelessly across the floor last night and she wiggled into them; don't you love it when they do that
I just sat there staring at the closed door, still seeing those magnificent tits in my mind. Sally isn't small by any means, I think she's at least a 'C' cup but she hasn't said. Pam must be at least a cup size bigger if not two; to add to their size there stood straight out from her chest with hardly any droop.