My life was almost perfect, I was young, married to a handsome man who loves and looks after me, gives me everything I could possibly want; the only fly in the ointment was Carl. Carl was an ex boyfriend of mine from my college days, he was the one who popped my cherry and introduced me to booze, drugs and sex.
The short respite of our lust had made me forget our problems but now in the dark of the night they came swarming back. I was still out of work and those bills were piling up.
She held the cordless phone up and pressed the auto dial button.
"Hi it me Sally," she said her voice sounding quite normal.
"Tell him you're naked," I ordered.
"Pat says for me to tell you that I'm naked," she said.
I knew it was Ben who was on the other end of the line, one of my oldest friends and Bestman at our wedding.
I keep getting mails urging me to write more about my sexy first wife. Well I'm really going to scrap the barrel now. By now all those of you who have wanted to see what she actually looked like, have requested and received your photographs; I hope you enjoyed them, and from your comments you surely did. So how did these photos ever get taken?
But the tape measure never lies, my hips still were a plump thirty eight inches even though I'd lost five pounds. It's a good job, Dave, he's my boyfriend likes me like this. Well, at least I lost an inch off my waist so now that's down to twenty five inches. My tits are still the generous 'D' cup and I pray to god that they will always be so. Dave would drop me in an instant if I lost my big tits.