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Chained together as they flee their captors, an American doctor and the exotic beauty he's bound to run for their lives along with a curious old woman who needs their protection. Even though there's no common language between them, they finally reach safety in the depths of the rainforest and discover they are not merely bound by chains, but connected by desire.
A man is reunited with his ex-fiance's younger sister after a year apart. Traveling together along the southern coast of France, Hayden and Diva finally get their chance to discover if they were the ones who belonged together all along.
Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Heterosexual, Spanking, Black Female, White Male Downloads: 1966 | Votes: 67 | Score: 6.45 Size: 14KB | 2,717 words |
Firy and curvaceous Latina MILF teases her youthful neighbor without mercy, but ends up turning herself on just as much. This portrays the same incidence from Stroke, but from a BBW's point of view.
Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Heterosexual, Light Bond, Interracial, Black Female, White Male Downloads: 3430 | Votes: 60 | Score: 6.25 Size: 20KB | 3,845 words |