Growing Up! - Cover

Growing Up!

Copyright© 2023 by tmax02610

Chapter 7: The Morning and Days After

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 7: The Morning and Days After - Margot moves across the country, starts on a new soccer team, and starts to grow up. The story involves teenage girls on a soccer team and Margot's adventures (mostly sexual) with the girls. Lots of Girl on girl; plus a bit of guy/girl. Ongoing story. Hope to update with a new chapter every 2 weeks (Thurs/Friday)

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   ft   Mult   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sports   Cheating   Slut Wife   Mother   Rough   Group Sex   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Fisting   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Big Breasts   Public Sex   Small Breasts   Smoking  

Lisa was gone when I woke up naked beside Mom. Thankfully Mom still slept.

What do I say to Mom about last night? Nothing, I couldn’t say anything.

My attempt at slipping out must have woken her, as her words startled me, “I had such strange dreams last night.”

“What dreams?” I almost asked.

Should I say something?

“When did you come to bed?” She groaned, sitting up and holding her head.

“After you fell asleep,” I said truthfully then quickly changed the subject,” Do you want coffee in bed?”

“That would be nice but we need to get going, I have to unpack today,” Mom sighed.

I nodded, dressed, and slipped out the door. My phone claimed it was 10 am but no way it could be that late. The sun still seemed so low in the sky.

Following the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, I found Lisa drinking a huge cup while sitting in the large clean kitchen.

How could everything look clean? What time did she get up to clean? How did she get up?

“Coffee’s in the pot by the stove,” were her first words after last night.

What do you say to someone who just had sex with you and your Mom at the same time?

I couldn’t trouble look at her. Instead, I busied myself making coffee. My mind tumbled over what to say while I added heaps of sugar to my coffee-flavored milk. I stared into my coffee trying to come up with something to say. Should I offer to make breakfast?

‘Great eating you out last night, can I make you breakfast?’ I thought and then quickly discarded it for obvious reasons.

I turned to say something but stopped as my mind failed me.

She still looked radiant, not tired at all. I likely looked like a zombie, I sure felt like one.

Mom stumbled in combing her fingers through her hair.

“Thanks for letting us stay the night,” Mom stammered. Did she subtly emphasize the ‘us’ or ‘night’ or both?

Shit, did Mom know?

What would I do if she knew?

“Grab a coffee and join me” Lisa’s perfect pink lips smiled, emphasizing the join part.

From the corner of my eye, I watched Lisa slightly open her legs. Was she inviting Mom to do more?

“Would love to, but I have so much to do today and it’s already so late.” Mom claimed but didn’t sound convincing.

I needed to get home and not be around these two.

Last night was a mistake.

Maybe I was a willing participant but by morning’s light, I could see how disgusting and wrong I acted.

Lisa’s radiant smile and bright blonde hair seemed tarnished. I wasn’t in love with her, it was just hormones. Stupid teenage hormones.

“Margot, you have to come swimming” a sharp voice cut the silent mood.

Rachel, dripping water, bounced into the kitchen for a snack from the fridge.

My mind shot to swimming with Rachel, then to Lisa and Mom, then to last night.

Last night was such a mistake. But then why did Lisa still turn me on?

Why was I imagining crawling between her legs?

I shook my head, I needed to rest. No way could I swim. But it would get me out of the kitchen and away from Lisa and Mom.

The whirlwind of skin and water disappeared with a handful of grapes. I was again alone with two people I loved but didn’t want to acknowledge.

Mom sat down, sipped her large coffee, and giggled at Lisa, “How does she do that?”

I guess we were staying. I cradled my cup, and for a lack of anything else to do, joined them. I sat at the far end of the table, away from Lisa and Mom. If they noticed, they gave no indication.

I tried to monitor what they were saying, worried that last night’s sleeping arrangements would come up. Thankfully, they conversed about boring parent stuff.

I refocused on my phone and the team’s gossip from last night.

Fenna and Lise claimed that Abigail and Ada had swapped partners in the basement, but they denied it.

Abigail claimed that Fenna and Lise had done it with Julia’s dad, but Julia and the pair denied it. Rachel and Matt almost had sex in the pool in front of everyone, but Anna and Tess had stopped them.

Tess - [Matt’s huge by the way] Abigail - [Yummy] Anna - [Leave him to my sister, slut] Ada - [You’re a slut] Abigail - [Yeah, fuck you.] The four started a text war.

I wanted to contribute but I didn’t want to tattle on anyone.

No one mentioned Lisa, Mom, and I.

Thank goodness no one witnessed.

I hadn’t even finished my coffee when Mom announced that we were finally leaving.

I existed at home just watching the clock.

I texted, read, and watched video shorts but couldn’t concentrate on anything for very long. I was too excited for coffee with Nathan.

Mapping the route, it would be a 45-minute walk to Starbucks.

Just after 1 pm, I announced to the house and my Mom, “Going for a walk, back for Dinner.”

Leaving, I spied only my black-eared bunny beside the bush.

Like a ninja, I slipped down the front walk, quiet and non-threatening. My little rabbit just twitched its whiskers as it regarded me. It was so cute. I wanted to break character to pet it.

As I turned away from my little friend, I noticed a hawk high in the air. The evil hawk would surely swoop down and catch my poor unsuspecting bunny Fearing for my rabbit’s life, I lunged toward the little fur ball.

In a flash, my bunny disappeared under the bush, its life saved.

I just hoped it didn’t hate me now.

I felt good walking in the sunshine, excited for my date with Nathan. I wished for my earbuds, but the day was already perfect. Turning around to get them would make me late. I couldn’t be late.

The walking helped my nerves somewhat.

What should we talk about?

Was I wearing the right clothes? My dark skirt and an over-the-shoulder blouse seemed too frumpy. I needed new clothes.

I thought my bra strap showing made me seem older and more sexy.

Did I have enough makeup? Or was it too much?

Time flew with my constant doubts and worries.

I was pleased to arrive 15 minutes early.

Nathan hadn’t arrived yet.

I became distraught with worry.

Was it immature to be this early? Was I too eager? Or did it demonstrate maturity and a desire to be with him? Did I want to show that desire?

I wanted to casually browse the other stores like I had come early to shop. However, all the other strip mall places were closed.

I decided to get a coffee, find a seat, and wait.

It was hard just sitting and sipping my drink. As a distraction, I started texting Charlotte snippets about the past week. Had it only been a week in this magical place?

Thirty minutes, and no Nathan.

I worried that maybe Nathan wasn’t coming until he arrived in a flurry of smiles and compliments

“You look amazing. More beautiful than I remember. I love your shirt, is that from New York?”

I didn’t have time to answer before he turned and ordered at the counter.

The slight wave in his hair looked so good. His tight jeans showed off his long legs and firm ass, which moved constantly while ordering.

He flirted with the cashier. She blushed and smiled back.

A pang of jealousy rose but I quickly squashed it. He wasn’t my boyfriend. It was just coffee. But hopefully more in the future?

As he walked towards me, I stared at his amazing chest. His shirt was half unbuttoned, showing a single thin gold chain nestled between his almost exposed nipples.

He returned with two cups.

“I bought you a caramel latte because I just knew a sweet hot thing like you would like something hot and sweet to drink.” He commented while giving me an expectant look.

Did he just make a sexual innuendo? If so, what was it?

I smiled, thanked him, and placed the cup beside my near-finished one. This much coffee would get me so buzzed.

We talked. We flirted.

He repeatedly touched my hand and paused mid-sentence to gaze into my eyes.

I was smitten.

Sexually confused but smitten.

First Lisa, now Nathan.

Maybe I was just attracted to older people, male or female.

I was glad it was over with Lisa so I could concentrate on Nathan.

It was over with Lisa? Yes, definitely after last night.

Time flew.

It was 5 pm before I realized it and I needed to get back home by 5:30.

Shit, I was going to be late.

Nathan calmly offered to drive me home.

Did I dare get into the car with a guy I barely knew? Yes, definitely yes, he was everything a girl could want.

Just before leaving, Nathan ran to the washroom.

As I waited for him to return, the cashier came over and asked, “Are you two dating?”

“No, well, not really, this was kinda our first,” I tentatively replied, not sure why she asked.

“I’m just asking because he meets lots of different girls here, and well, I don’t want you to get hurt.” She explained while looking over to see Nathan emerging from the washroom hall.

I nodded at her and left to walk out with Nathan.

Why would she say that? Did she want him for herself?

He’s a good-looking man, so of course girls would want to have coffee with him. But today he chose me, and hopefully tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that. I had to stop my mind from running too far into the future.

The point was, I chose me over you, I thought.

As we left the store, Nathan put his arm around my shoulders. It felt awkward but also satisfying that this older man wanted to touch and hold me.

“Thank you for having coffee with me, I hope you enjoyed yourself,” Nathan’s sexy voice whispered in my ear.

I looked up into his eyes.

He halted me with his arm, then leaned down with his sexy pursed lips and kissed me. So soft, so perfect. I kissed him back.

“You are an amazing kisser,” Nathan breathed, breaking the kiss.

I just nodded and wanted to kiss him again.

Instead, he pulled me towards his car, a late model Toyota something. It looked new on the outside but old inside. It also smelled a bit odd. The passenger seat was broken and hard to sit in.

“What’s your address?” He inquired as he tried to start the car.

It took a few attempts.

“I ... Nathan ... My mom wouldn’t understand you dropping me off. Can you just drop me off around the block from my place?” I stammered.

Was that uncool to ask?

“For such a beautiful woman, anything.” He smiled his gorgeous smile at me.

I gave him directions to a place a couple of blocks away.

I couldn’t chance Mom being out for a walk and seeing us.

It took very little time to drive and soon we were idling at the side of the busy road.

“We should do this again,” Nathan exclaimed, leaned over and kissed me.

This time he held my face and I felt his tongue move between my lips.

This was perfect.

I was in heaven.

I felt his hand leave my face and travel down to my breast. It felt wrong, I had just met him.

But what could I do? If I stopped him, he would think that I was too young and not experienced enough for him.

Emotionally, I wanted to stop. But physically, it felt great. He knew how to caress my breast.

When I felt his hand leave my breast and start to move lower, I moved away from him.

“I have to get going. Sorry...” I mumbled, unable to look at him.

I kinda wanted him to continue but first, I kinda wanted to get to know him better.

Why am I so sexually confused?

“Of course, maybe we will have coffee again, or something more?” He said as I exited the car.

What did he mean by “something more”? And “maybe”? Should I have let him go further? He did buy me coffee, but it was just coffee.

“I would like that,” I mumbled before closing the door and heading for home.

Did I just screw this up? Why am I so bad with guys?

Dinner, running, messages to Charlotte then off to an early bed.

My mind ran through everything that had happened today and this week.

“What a first week in California”, I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

Monday’s practice started with Coach Wilson yelling at us for losing the game.

We sat in a circle listening to him rant about everything we screwed up. Everyone did something wrong.

I was nervous and scared as I knew I had done the most wrong things.

Was he going to kick me off the team? He screamed that a pylon would have played better than me.

Thankfully, he moved to yelling at others.

After about ten minutes, he suddenly stopped his tirade and stared at Julia and Eva. They sat right beside me, so at first, I thought he was staring at me. Was he about to hit me or something?

I realized his gaze was on Julia.

I glanced over to see her legs spread wide and her panties pulled to the side. Her pussy was on full display for him.

“Everyone, run five laps, I need to go to the washroom.” Coach Wilson suddenly announced. Most of the girls groaned but I felt happy. I would rather run than get yelled at.

Coach Lisa started the run beside me.

“You played well, do not let Mark’s bark get you down.” She commented.

I was out of breath while she seemed to be barely trying.

“He always yells after we lose,” Tess commented on the other side of me.

“He also yells after we win,” Fenna giggled just behind me.

“I think it’s so funny the way he gets so worked up about the game,” Lise added, running beside Fenna.

“You’re stoned, you think everything is funny,” Fenna commented back.

I looked to Coach Lisa to see her reaction. She just smiled.

Then I remembered that I didn’t like her anymore, so I quickly looked away.

After the first lap, I was still within the main group of girls. Fenna and Lise talked constantly about games they played years ago. Every so often Zoe or Bella would make a comment that would cause everyone to start laughing.

I felt very much like an outsider running in the group. I hadn’t been to any of the past games and didn’t understand most of the comments.

We finished the laps but Coach Wilson hadn’t returned from the washroom.

Coach Lisa set up a passing drill, pairing everyone off.

I expected to be with Coach Lisa but instead, I was with Eva. I looked around for her normal partner, Julia, but she was not on the field. She had started the run with us. When did she slip away? And where was she?

I looked at the small concrete washroom nested in the lush green. Was she in with Coach Wilson? What the hell? His wife, and her coach, Lisa, was right here. Coach Wilson is such a pig.

Julia and Coach Wilson finally appeared as we switched to a shooting drill. They looked satisfied. Coach Lisa didn’t say a thing. She didn’t even appear concerned.

To let your husband brazenly do something like that? I was glad I didn’t like her anymore.

Soon it was Partner Stretches.

Coach Lisa paired with me again.

I started just stretching her, no sexual touching.

She eventually commented, “On Saturday you ate me out, on Friday, I squirted all over you. You can put your fingers in my pussy. I think we are past being shy.”

Saturday night still bothered me but her body still turned me on.

My hormones were betraying me once more.

I slipped my hand into her shorts as I held her leg up in the air.

She was wet and warm. My fingers moved past her pussy folds and into her hole.

“Oh, that’s nice.” I heard her whisper then she shouted, “Switch Legs.”

How can she still concentrate on stretching when I am fingering her?

I moved her other leg up, this time my fingers went directly to her pussy. I slipped two fingers in and moved my thumb over her clit.

“I needed this.” She whimpered.

I pushed on her leg while I slammed my fingers in and out of her pussy. I briefly wondered if the others could hear the squishing noises her cunt made while I finger fucked her.

I stopped worrying as I heard others moaning.

Looking around, most were stretching - Julia/Eva, Abigail/Ada, Zoe/Bella; however, Tess was fingering Anna, and Lise was just laying beside Fenna sucking on her massive breast.

“Switch” Coach Lisa suddenly shouted.

I removed my fingers and moved onto my back.

Tess continued to finger Anna, and Lise continued to just suck on Fenna’s breast. Everyone else switched.

“Do you want to orgasm?” Coach Lisa asked.

Yes, of course I did, but not with her anymore. I wanted to save myself for Nathan. I looked around and turned red in embarrassment, not with everyone around. I felt like an outsider surrounded by strangers.

I shook my head no.

“OK, just let me know if you want anything.” Coach Lisa commented while stretching my leg hard.

Wow, it hurt, and I was horny but not enough I guess, because I just laid there and enjoyed the painful stretch.

We switched legs, we switched stretches. I would finger Lisa in each position but she only stretched me.

Anna groaned and orgasmed during the final stretch. The two moved to cuddling.

Lise just kept sucking and playing with Fenna’s breasts until Coach Lisa ended the stretches.

I was walking back to the parking lot when Abigail commented, “I am not sure who likes Fenna’s huge breasts more, Fenna or Lise.”

Ada and I nodded in agreement.

“They are so big.” Abigail continued, “Maybe I should do partner stretches with her.”

Ada gave Abigail a shocked look. I laughed and added, “They are big enough for everyone.”

Ada and Abigail started laughing, with Ada making sucking noises.

I started to feel like I belonged again.

Maybe it was just the image of Lisa and my Mom throwing me off.

I tried to keep busy at home but all I could think about was Nathan.

Would he text? Why hadn’t he texted?

I worried all Monday afternoon while practicing soccer. All Monday evening over dinner, and running with Mom.

I texted Charlotte about Nathan - she said to just wait. But I waited all day.

I went to bed horny from earlier but too worried to want to get off.

Tuesday morning, still no text.

I texted a quick [Thank you for Sunday, I enjoyed the coffee].

Soccer practice happened and no response. Stretching was fun but it was just stretching. Nathan consumed my thoughts.

The Afternoon’s skills practice couldn’t break my obsession with him.

A good long computer conversation with Charlotte and still no text.

Dinner and a run, no text.

Finally, just as I put my phone in the charger for the night, a text arrived.

I almost didn’t look, but of course I did. I am glad I did.

Nathan - [Hey, crazy days at work. Lunch later this week?] Wow, yes, Yes.

But do I answer right away? Fuck it, I was horny and I wanted him.

[Sure, what day?] I found myself texting before really thinking about it.

Nathan instantly replied - [Tomorrow? I will pick you up at Noon.] I responded [Yes] I set him my address before realizing that he likely already had it from the store.

It bothered me that a stranger would have easy access to my phone number and address. What if his co-worker had helped us instead? What if the co-worker was a stalker? Thankfully it was Nathan who helped us.

Dreamy Nathan.

Wednesday’s morning practice blurred by. I was distracted by thoughts of lunch with Nathan.

At 12:05, he arrived at my place with bags of food.

I had expected to go out. I dressed as sexy as I could; a short brown mini-skirt that showed off my long thin legs. Legs that were more toned from soccer and running. A tight yellow top with a semi-visible black laced bra under showed my perky breasts. Charlotte picked this outfit for me specifically to pick up guys. It hadn’t worked in New York but maybe Nathan would like me in it.

“You look amazing. I only have an hour for lunch, so we have to be fast.” He commented as I slid into the passenger seat.

The smell of fast food burgers only slightly improved the previous car odor.

I smiled and commented,” I can be fast”.

I so wanted him to like me.

He placed a hand on my bare knee.

“Your outfit is nice,” he complimented, smiling as he drove away.

“I know a little field that we can eat at, then go for a short walk,” He informed me as drove Abigail’s mom, Erin’s way to our practice field.

He parked in the same spot as Coach Lisa parked in for practice. Was that fate? Was the world telling me to move from Coach Lisa to Nathan? I hoped so.

The field looked wrong. The shadows didn’t match my memory. I felt like an intruder returning at this time of day.

“You look like a New York fashion model,” Nathan complimented me while handing me a small package of fries.

I blushed and looked up into his eyes. So blue. It was like our souls connected. He leaned forward and kissed me.

It was as good as Sunday, better because I was so horny from the last few days.

He must have put down the fries because I felt that warm hand on my knee. His firm strong hand started massaging my leg.

My head started to spin faster as his other hand went to the back of my head.

I moved my hands under his shirt to feel his strong well-defined shoulders.

The hand on my leg started to massage higher, now just at the edge of my skirt.

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