Growing Up! - Cover

Growing Up!

Copyright© 2023 by tmax02610

Chapter 11 - Thurs-Sat are special team days

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 11 - Thurs-Sat are special team days - Margot moves across the country, starts on a new soccer team, and starts to grow up. The story involves teenage girls on a soccer team and Margot's adventures (mostly sexual) with the girls. Lots of Girl on girl; plus a bit of guy/girl. Ongoing story. Hope to update with a new chapter every 2 weeks (Thurs/Friday)

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   ft   Mult   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sports   Cheating   Slut Wife   Mother   Rough   Group Sex   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Fisting   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Big Breasts   Public Sex   Small Breasts   Smoking  

I stayed under the covers in my room after I woke up. I couldn’t face Mom after hearing her last night. It slightly turned me on, which grossed me out even more.

She finally left, and I enjoyed my coffee while staring at my herd of rabbits. They’re so cute. Warmth grew in my belly until the orange cat suddenly appeared and pounced on my little black-eared bunny. In shock, I dropped my cup and sprinted out the door. I needed to save my little bunny.

My sprinting presence spooked the cat, who released my bunny and ran away. My little rabbit then safely disappeared under the bush.

I am not sure why I was so connected to this little rabbit. It wasn’t just a rodent anymore it was my special bunny avatar.

I returned to my senses with a honk from a passing car. Oh shit, I was only wearing panties, my perky breasts exposed to the world. In horror, I sprinted for the privacy of my house.

I was a hero, even if I flashed my whole neighborhood.

Soccer practice was so much quieter without Coach Wilson. Even better than him missing was our team getting a spot at an exclusive soccer testing facility. A team dropped out, and we received their spot tomorrow. It meant missing our Friday tradition, but getting the opportunity to be tested and trained by professionals was too good to pass up. We just had to go.

The girls couldn’t stop talking and speculating about the soccer pros we might meet. Tess declared that she’d give up being a lesbian to fuck one of them. Anna just nodded and asked to join, as if it were a foregone conclusion that it would happen.

In the excitement, we almost forgot about our traditional stretching. However, Lisa hadn’t and she surprised us by switching up the partners. She wanted us to break our habits and try something new. She claimed something about team bonding, but she was likely tired of me being distant with her.

Lisa chose Ada and Zoe as partners. Tess/Lise/Abigail; Bella/Anna/Eva became triplets, while I was with Fenna and Julia.

“So, like, this is awesome. So, really, can we start with Fenna?” Julia exclaimed.

Not caring, I nodded. Outvoted, Fenna assumed the stretch position on the ground.

Julia insisted that Fenna go topless. She claimed that the bra and shirt somehow interfered with the hamstring stretch. I knew she just wanted to play with Fenna’s breasts. Everyone loved Fenna’s huge breasts.

I positioned myself under Fenna’s straight leg and pushed it towards her chest.

Julia didn’t even pretend to help, she just started to suckle on Fenna’s large nipple.

My nose was close enough to smell Julia’s effect on Fenna. Watching Julia suckling on Fenna’s amazing breast was having a similar effect on me.

Fenna’s started lifting her butt off the ground, almost like she wanted it closer to my face.

“Margot, like, can you help?” Julia exclaimed while she switched between breasts.

Help? I was doing all the stretching. She was just playing.

A moan from Eva grabbed my attention. Anna had her head buried between Eva’s legs while Bella squatted on Eva’s face, pulling Eva’s legs toward her.

Bella’s shirt-clad breasts heaved with excitement.

I glanced around. Ada was sucking on Lisa’s firm breast while Zoe ate Lisa’s sweet pussy. Tess licked Lise’s pussy while Lise licked Abigail’s hairy mound.

Oh, now I understood what Julia meant. She wanted me to eat Fenna. That’s why Fenna kept lifting her hips.

I pulled Fenna’s tight shorts and panties down her sexy legs. I now had access to her red flushed pussy. I dove right in. She tasted slightly sour with a hint of sweetness, likely from all the pot she smoked. It reminded me of sour candies, something I have always loved.

I licked up and down her slit, causing her to moan louder and push into me. I slipped a finger down and rubbed around her asshole. Thanks to her leakage, my finger easily slid up her little rosebud.

Fenna was one of the nicest people I knew, and I wanted to let her know that by giving her an earth-shattering orgasm.

She was close, so I sucked harder on her clit. Her orgasmic shudder was subtle but her grin indicated how much she enjoyed it.

“My turn,” Julia announced, stripping off her shorts and spreading her legs wide.

She was fearless in what she wanted.

“How do you want to do this?” Fenna asked me in a small voice.

Was she embarrassed by what had just happened? That’s so cute.

“Like, Margot, you stretch down there, so you know, Fenna can totally dangle her breasts in my face ‘cause that would be awesome”, Julia directed us.

I positioned myself between her legs, not even pretending to stretch. Her pussy hair is much paler than Fenna’s. She was like a little girl from my angle.

I started with licking, then added my fingers.

Julia moaned, squirmed, and sucked on Fenna’s breasts.

Julia must have been very turned on because she orgasmed very quickly.

I was proud of my mouth skills. My tongue orgasmed two girls in quick succession.

Fenna and Julia turned to me.

I was horny and wanted to orgasm, but being in public paused me. I had no problem eating a naked girl in public, but I didn’t want to become that naked girl.

I warred with my libido.

Thankfully, Lisa ended the war by ending the practice.

The other girls dressed. Even after all these weeks, I’m amazed that these girls go from full-on orgy to calmly getting ready to go so quickly. I shook with horniness as I dressed.

I wanted, no I needed Nathan, so I asked to be dropped off at the mall with his store.

Sweaty and gross but also very horny, I exited the vehicle and thanked Erin for the ride.

I wanted Nathan to play with me. I didn’t want sex yet, but maybe his fingers or his whole hand. The idea of Nathan’s hand stretching out my pussy had me creaming in my panties.

Lust-filled, I burst into the store frantic to find Nathan.

Nathan wasn’t there, some emergency.

Fred offered to buy me a coffee if I gave him a blowjob. I almost hit him. Instead, I ran burning from the store. Fucking jerk. Nathan and I were in love. I am not some cheap prostitute.

The walk home sucked until Tess called.

She wanted to shop and invited me along. It surprised me how much her offer calmed me down and even excited me.

After a quick shower, a bite to eat, and a change of clothes, I was outside waiting for Tess, Anna, and Lisa’s arrival.

My excitement damped with what the other three wore. The three blonde beauties wore short white skirts and bright-colored crop tops. My black tights and loose classic rock T-shirt singled me out like a black thumb, fun and vibrant versus somber and dark.

I needed to stop dressing like New York and get into the California vibe.

As the large glass doors opened and the blast of cold air hit me, Lisa muttered something about annoying teenagers and disappeared into an old person’s store.

The mall appeared almost identical in color and design to our malls back in New York. It even had the same stores. The fashion tended to be brighter colors, which generally clashed with my dark hair and paler skin, only slightly tanned all these weeks later.

The people even had the same general look. The girls back in New York wore low-cut shirts and short shorts to show off their cleavage and the bottom of their asses. Guys are so one-sided. Here it was more bikini tops and short skirts.

I started to despair when Tess mentioned wanting to be able to wear what I was wearing. Anna quickly agreed.

Do they like my style?

I was studying myself in the mirror when a plaid skirt caught my eye. It was cute, but it excited the two girls more than me.

“Oh god, you could totally pull off the Catholic schoolgirl look!” Tess exclaimed, clapping her hands in excitement.

“Seriously, you have to try it,” Anna added.

Reluctantly, I nodded and brought the plaid skirt and white shirt combo to the changeroom.

The tight white shirt showed off my perky little breasts beautifully, while the plaid skirt showed off my toned legs. As I twirled around in front of the mirror, the skirt lifted, and my white panties peeked out.

“Oh, that would be wicked without panties,” Anna commented.

I liked the outfit, and Nathan would love it. With the girls’ excitement and encouragement, I spent most of my money on the two pieces.

We shopped at the mall for hours. I spent everything on two new outfits, the schoolgirl combo and a rocker babe shirt that Tess almost bought me because she liked it so much. I liked how the large neck hole slipped down my shoulder and showed my bra strap and the top of one of the bra cups. Tess dared me to go without a bra. I humored her by taking it off in the changing stall. My little nipple was almost exposed, and if I bent over at all, my breasts were on full display. Tess and Anna commented that it was sexy and hot. I agreed but put my white bra back on anyway. I did wear the shirt for the rest of the shopping trip.

I loved the many guys that oggled us as we walked around. Especially, some as some were for me, not all for Tess and Anna. An old guy even commented that he liked my shirt. I wish I had said a great comment back, as all I did was blush, nod my head, and rush away.

Anna only purchased a cute pink bra, while Tess bought everything that caught her attention.

Mom joined us at a cool little pizza place. At first, I worried about Mom’s reaction to the shirt, but she liked it. Lisa commented that I would look great without a bra. To my surprise, Mom agreed.

The pizza place served super healthy but tasty thin-crust pizza that Charlotte hates. She claims that greasy New York-style pizza is the only good pizza. I generally agree with her, but still enjoyed my spinach and feta pizza. Of course, I had to take a picture and share it with her. Sure enough, she texted a series of angry responses. I’ve always enjoyed annoying her about her rigid pizza beliefs.

After dinner, the five of us stayed together and enjoyed more shopping. Mom even bought a new sun wrap for the pool.

That night, the world was a great place that I finally belonged in.

Friday morning, the group chat blew up with excitement.

Everyone was excited for the day of soccer testing. Surprisingly, I was sad to be missing our traditional Friday near-naked walk-through but also excited at the idea of getting tested by professionals.

It was such a long drive to the facility that Erin picked me up before Mom left for work.

She dropped us in front of these imposing two-story glass doors that led into a lobby of everything soccer. The lobby floor was even an artificial pitch. The ceiling had soccer ball light fixtures. I stared in disbelief that so many objects resembled soccer balls.

Young soccer players filled the lobby, luckily most were much shorter than us, so we quickly found the rest of our group. The team was all there, except for Coach Wilson, who was thankfully still away for work.

Our first stop was a classroom filled with cheap folding chairs where a fit young man put on a video of some famous soccer player I didn’t recognize. Tess appeared excited, so he must be someone superstar.

The player greeted us and briefly talked about how he scored in the World Cup. Fenna and Lise kept giggling whenever he said score in his sexy British accent.

“I bet Tess would let him score in her World Cup.” Lise’s comment elicited a shut-up stare from Anna.

A cute Asian woman replaced his chiseled face. She launched into an explanation of the day. I wished the soccer player back as he was very sexy. She was too professional, using complicated scientific words beyond my understanding and caring.

The video finished. We jumped up in excitement, ready to start the testing. However, our guide must have slipped out during the long video introductions.

At first, we didn’t care. Everyone was too excited by the prospect of the day. Tess pretended to kick as Anna talked about kick-testing. Eva ran around the room, exclaiming she would have the fastest sprint times. Julia tossed a chair to show how she would have the best throw-in.

Coach Lisa reprimanded the girls and reminded us to behave. She distracted us with stories about her testing while trying to become a pro.

The wait stretched on.

Our excitement became boredom and annoyance as Lisa ran out of stories.

Finally, our guild returned and announced that our first test was kick speed and strength. Everyone followed him, excited again.

Eva and Julia started to flirt with our guild. He wasn’t very cute, they just seemed to be doing it out of reflex. Turns out that he only likes guys, which made the girls increase their flirting, only adding kissing and caressing to the mix.

The kick test turned out to be super lame. We were only allowed one kick.

I barely connected with the ball on my kick, and they didn’t let me have a redo.

The other girls complained about having to give them our email to find out the speed. They wanted to brag or compare right now, not have to wait till later.

The rest of the tests sucked just the same. Even our high-performance lunch of spaghetti with thin tomato sauce sucked. Eva didn’t eat it because she’s gluten intolerant. Luckily, they had snacks for purchase, so most of us made our own high-performance lunch: chips and pop.

The other girls saved the day from being a total loss.

Every so often, a couple of girls started arguing, getting louder until they were yelling at each other. Our guide, an unfortunate instructor, or once security, stepped in to try to break them up, only to have the two girls turn on them. I guess only team members were allowed to get angry with each other.

As the day progressed, various girls slipped off to the washroom together. They always returned red-eyed, relaxed, and sometimes with slightly damp chins.

Most of the other athletes in the facility were much younger than us, 8 to 10 years old appeared the most common.

At one testing area, we were waiting with a 14-15 year-old boys team. Of course, they were falling all over themselves to get our attention.

Lise and Fenna were almost mean about flirting with them, especially Fenna, who kept showing a small group of boys her massive cleavage.

Julia entertained herself by flirting with the poor coach.

At this point, our guide had decided to escape as often as possible.

Lisa and I sat against the wall and laughed.

Bella and Zoe cornered the shyest boy, the one a bigger boy had been picking on the most. Zoe had his hand down her pants while Bella had her hand down his. Boys surrounded them, making lewd and inappropriate comments. The bigger boy, the obvious jerk team leader, kept trying to get into the action. Bella finally kissed the bully, while Zoe pulled the shy boy’s pants down and sucked him off until he came in her mouth. Zoe then replaced Bella, visibly pushing his teammates’ cum into his mouth.

The other boys started high-fiving the shy kid while mocking the former popular jerk, who was spitting his teammate’s cum and crying.

Julia successfully kept their coach occupied, so he didn’t know what was happening. It was a well-coordinated plan.

“The girls hate bullying and will go out of their way to bully the bully,” Lisa was laughing so hard, that she stumbled over her words.

I was too mortified to laugh.

Eva was about to do something to the boys’ team Coach when they finally called us into testing.

As we entered the room, the coach started screaming at the boys for making fun of his kid, the former team bully, who was curled up crying on the floor.

The instructor had just finished explaining some hopping test when the boys’ coach stormed in and started screaming at Lisa, “Your girls are out of control. Do you know what they did to my poor little boy? I will have all of you arrested and thrown in jail.”

He was almost incoherent with anger.

Four security guards arrived as he screamed more threats, and Lisa laughed at him.

The head guard calmed him down enough to get his story about one of us girls sucking off one of his poor boys and then spitting the cum in his innocent boy’s mouth.

“Did you see it?” Lisa calmly asked.

The coach glared at her.

The head security guard repeated her question.

“I was busy looking after my other boys,” he stammered.

Julia, twirling her one braid, flashing her bright silver braces, batting her innocent eyes, walked over and exclaimed,” You removed my panties and had your fingers up my teenage pussy.”

That hadn’t happened, but the security guards didn’t know that. They grew angry about this adult molesting this poor innocent teenage girl. If they only knew.

“I didn’t. She’s lying,” the Coach screamed, appearing even more guilty.

The guards turned to Julia. She appeared angry, but if you knew what to look for, she hid a trumphic smile.

“See,” she pulled down her shorts to reveal her hairy, non-panty-covered pussy.

Her exposed pussy stunned the guards and the boys’ Coach. The coach tried to speak, but while his mouth opened and closed, no sound emerged.

Bella broke the silence, “Her panties are right here, in his pocket.”

Bella stood with feet wide, and arm thrust high in the air, displaying a pair of pale blue panties like a flag. To the guards, it appeared she just pulled them from his pocket.

“Hey, like my panties,” Julia exclaimed, shorts still down and pussy still on display.

Security turned, grabbed his arms, and quickly dragged him off.

As soon as the door closed, everyone broke out in laughter.

“That was brilliant!”

“I couldn’t believe his face.”

“Hope the jerk gets arrested.”

We were still scheduled for more tests but blew them off and went for bubble tea in a nearby park.

We sat and just enjoyed each other’s company. At various times, groups of guys wandered up and asked us who we were. Eleven blondes and one black-haired girl, all dressed in the same uniform, attracted a lot of attention. All the requests were ignored, often with a mean comment, that elicited giggles when the boys sulked away. The other girls had the same idea as I did, it was just a nice team-only thing. No one wanted to be distracted.

I was sad watching the team slowly disband, leaving Abigail, Ada, and me waiting at the curb. Everyone offered us rides, but Erin was already on the way.

As we waited, Abigail entertained us with her mixed-up stories until a text came through. Erin had been in a car accident, and Ada’s dad was coming to pick us up. We were all relieved when the next text said that Erin was ok.

“Ada and I need to make another video today. Can you help Margot?” Abigail suddenly asked.

My mouth said “yes” before my mind processed the statement enough to ask,” What, why?”

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