The Strawberry Patch Book 3 - Life On The Savannah - Cover

The Strawberry Patch Book 3 - Life On The Savannah

Copyright© 2019 by Writer Mick

Chapter 20: Thanksgiving Day Plans

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 20: Thanksgiving Day Plans - The Third in The Strawberry Patch Series. The O'Dell Family faces great tragedy and great successes together. The Babies keep everything interesting, as do the O'Dell children. The stories chapters will be posted every Sunday morning as usual. The big difference is that for this book someone finally realized how badly I needed an editor. Askepot has kindly taken on the task and has made the story so much better. Thank you for your readership.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Coercion   Consensual   Romantic   Fiction   Tear Jerker   Paranormal   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Lactation   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Petting   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Tit-Fucking   Water Sports   Big Breasts   Small Breasts   Nudism   Slow  

“We need to start getting things together for Thanksgiving. And we need to work on Christmas travel plans.” Blossom said.

“Do we want to do it here or go out?” Erin asked.

“Do it?” I asked.

“Thanksgiving dinner, you goof.” Lynn lovingly punched me in the shoulder.

“Oh! Ouch! Hey!”

“Sorry Lover. I’ll kiss it and make it better.”

“Kiss it?!”



“Back to the subject. Are we going to have Thanksgiving dinner here or are we going to go to a restaurant or have our meal catered?”

“At the risk of getting punched again, I think that if we do not cook here, everyone is going to incur the wrath of Gwenyth Martinez. I also think that it is important for our girls to be a part of what is going to be a huge family holiday. Thanksgiving was always a big holiday for my family.”

“I agree with Paul. We should do this here. The kitchen is plenty big and between the oven, BBQ, and deep fryer, we can cook up a mess of turkey and sides.” Erin said.

“I think we should do it here, too. We can cook a few turkeys and I can do a mess of turkey wings to eat during the football games. I’ll do them like chicken wings only they’ll be bigger.” Blossom said, her eyes getting big at the idea.

“Ok, we have us and the kids and Bill and Gwenyth. Let’s see if Dara and Trent want to join us or if they are going to be with Trent’s family.” I said.

“We can invite his folks to join us. We haven’t had a get together with them in a long time.” Lynn suggested.

“Then we can all go naked, too.” Erin said.

“Then should we include Teri and Bosco?” Blossom asked.

“I don’t think that they will mind being nude anymore.” I said.

“Bosco never minded us being nude. And you never minded seeing Teri naked once she got used to it.”

“I’m not saying anything about Teri or her very nice body because I don’t want to get punched again. I think that is a good list. We will have to get tables for the ballroom, the dining room is way too small for that crowd.”

“I’ll take care of it and I’ll also take care of the invitations.” Lynn said.

“Blossom, who else besides you and your mom are going to cook?”

“Dara and Teri will join in and Paul is handy with a knife for any slicing and dicing that is needed.”

“That sounds like a good kitchen crew.” I said.

“And Bill is a wiz at deep frying turkey.” Blossom added

“This sounds like it is going to turn into a great tradition.” I said as I wrapped all three of my wives up in a hug.

“It will be. Let’s make the shopping list and we can get all we need tomorrow and be ready to go for next Thursday.” Blossom said.

“Do you think everyone will be ok going naked?” Lynn asked.

“When we invite them, ask them. If anyone feels uncomfortable, then we won’t do it. Ok?”

“That sounds good. I’ll start making calls and see if I can convince any doubters.” Lynn said.

“Hey! Add Marcus and Geoffrey, too.” Erin said.

“I don’t know if I can stand seeing Geoffrey naked. That big beautiful body being all gay and everything.” Lynn added.

“Don’t worry, Lover. I’ll be there to distract you.” I wiggled my eyebrows at my bald wife.

“Now, what about Christmas? The bus won’t be ready, and we won’t be ready to drive it so if you want to get family together, we will need to fly them in.” Erin said.

“We talked about a charter, right?” I asked.

“Yes, but first we need to know if they can come.” Lynn said.

“I’ll call them as soon as we are done here.” I said.


“Hi Mike! Do you have a few minutes?” I asked.

“Sure, Dad, what’s up?”

“Do you and Belinda have any plans for Christmas?”

“We were going to spend some time with Mom and then with Belinda’s family. Why do you ask?”

“I was wondering if you and Belinda and the kids would like to come to see us for Christmas. We would fly you and your sister and her family out for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and if you want to stay, for my birthday.”

“Really? Let me ask Belinda. If she thinks it’s ok, I’ll talk with Mom and Belinda can check with her folks and make alternate plans.”


“Um, Dad? Can you afford all of that airfare?”

“Yeah, we think we can cover it. Let me know as soon as you can, ok?”

“Yup. Thanks Dad, I hope it works out, it will be good to see you again.”

“It will will be good to see you too. Good bye, son. I love you.”

“I love you too Dad. Bye.”


“Hi Beth.”

“Daddy! Hi! Is everything alright?”

“Yes, everything is wonderful. I wanted to ask you if you guys had any plans for Christmas?”

“Not really. We don’t have any family or close friends around the St. Louis area. We were just going to cook a turkey and stuff here at home.”

“We want to fly you and Arthur and the kids out here for Christmas. We’d bring you out for Christmas Eve and if your schedule works, you can stay through my birthday.”

“Daddy that’s going to be awfully expensive.”

“Just let us worry about that. Things here have been going really well. Check with Arthur and let me know ASAP. We are planning on bringing out Mike and his family as well.”

“Daddy, that’s a lot of money.”

“Don’t let that worry you, baby. Let me know if you can make it.”

“Ok, Daddy. I’ll call back as soon as I can I know the airline tickets are going to be hard to coordinate.”

“Ever the practical chick.”

“Thanks Daddy. I love you.”

“I love you too Beth. Bye.”


Beth called back the next morning and Mike called back the next afternoon. They were good to go. I was going to have my entire family together for the first time. I was actually emotional over the whole thing.

“Paul? Are you ok?” Lynn asked.

“Yeah Lover. The kids called back, and they can come for Christmas. The idea of a charter plane makes better sense all the time. Do you have time to arrange a flight from St. Louis to KC to here and back for them?”

“Of course. I’ll take care of it right now.”

Lynn walked away, her perfect sized butt cheeks moving in the most perfect manner. I wanted to grab them and make love to them.

“I’d get a boner too if I had a penis.”

I turned to find Erin looking at me looking at Lynn. I looked down to see my penis working to get erect. I shrugged my shoulders and smiled.

“I can’t help it. I like my wives’ butts.”

“Where is she sashaying off to?”

“She is going to make flight arrangements for Mike and Beth and their families to join us for Christmas.”

“Really! The entire O’Dell clan together for the first time? This is going to be a great Christmas. Hey, do you think they will want to be naked?”

“No. I don’t think so.”

“Paul? Have you asked them?”


“Paul? Have you even told them that we are nudists?”


“Paul? Have you told them about all the babies?”

“No, but Lynn said she would stay in touch with them.”

“Uh-huh. We need to talk to Lynn. With all of the craziness, they might not even know about Taylor Erin or the pregnancies or anything. And that could get awkward.”

“I’ll talk to Lynn, Sweetie. They are my kids, it’s my job.”

I walked into our home office where Lynn worked on Foundation business. She was on the phone and talking like the boss, so I quietly closed and locked the door behind me...

“Yes, I know it’s a holiday. I’m sorry, but this just came up and we’re in need of travel arrangements for nine departing St. Louis Lambert Field on Dec 23 in the evening, with a pick up at Kansas City International and then travel to Boise. The return trip will be the reverse on Dec 30.”

“Yes. I would prefer that. Four Adults and five minor children. Yes. Thank you. Send all of that to our email address. Thank you so much. Is the crew going to remain? We will take care of them. Thank you. Good bye.”

“Was that the charter company?”

“Paul! You startled me. Yes, Lover. That was. We may have to plan for three more for Christmas dinner. The flight crew is staying here.”

“I don’t have a problem with that is they are as cool as the bunch we had coming back from Houston.” I remembered that bunch.

“Well it is all set. As soon as I get with Mike and Beth I will get the itinerary to the company and we will be all good to go.”

“Um ... Lynn ... Lover?”

“Oh oh. What did you do? Better yet, what did you not do?”

“You know that little issue I have with telling the kids’ stuff?”

“Let me guess, they don’t know anything about the past several months.” Lynn let out a sigh.

“I thought you were going to keep in touch with them, and then it occurred to me that with everything going on, maybe you haven’t been able to keep in touch with them.”

“Paul, I’m sorry, but you’re right. It has been crazy. If you aren’t mad at me, I can’t be upset with you.”

“Lynn, I never get mad at you, for anything. I’ll call the kids before they get here and tell them everything that has been going on. But before that, let’s focus on Thanksgiving and our immediate family and friends.”

“Thanks. Come here.”

Lynn waved me closer and leaned down to take my penis into her mouth and pull it all the way down into her mouth. She began to fondle my balls with one hand and put her other hand on my butt. Almost immediately I began to get hard as a rock and I could feel the head of my cock sliding down my wife’s throat. After a few seconds, Lynn, red-faced, pulled back and off of my erection.

“Oh man, I love that feeling. When you grow down my throat, It just about gets me off.” She was a little out of breath and still a little red-faced from fighting off the gag reflex.

“It feels really nice from my end too. Now that you got me hard, what are you going to do?”

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