The Interview - Cover

The Interview

Copyright© 2013 by Justin Radically

Chapter 4: Brother Loves Traveling Sideshow

This is fiction. Any resemblance between the content of this story or any of the characters depicted herein and real persons or events is highly unlikely and purely coincidental.

Most of the lights in the convention hall were dim. Sitting in the audience, one could see enough to navigate down the row to the aisle. Spotlights centered on the lectern, bathing it in a heavy sunlight yellow. On the dais, a collection of elders, bishops, ministers, and a few evangelists nodded to the music.

The Gomez Family Singers were just finishing their rendition of 'Banda de los Angeles', a Spanish version of the old 19th century Angel Band found in the Haskell Hymnal. The audience applauded enthusiastically. Shouts of "Hallelujah!" "Amen!" and "God be praised!" erupted from various members of the crowd.

Bowing for a second time, the Gomez Family Singers stepped down from the dais then exited through the backside doors. Bishop E. R. Kaiser clapped his hands as he approached the lectern. He adjusted the microphone up a bit to make using it easier for him. "Praise God, isn't it good to hear songs of praise. Regardless of the language, they bring glory to God. The steering committee has chosen to deviate from the planned set of speakers for tonight. For this afternoon, to paraphrase the Apostle Paul," he placed both hands over his eyes as if he were playing peek-a-boo, "the blinders have been lifted and I can see." He drew his hands away in a grandiose circular gesture. "I only pray that you can be inspired to call upon the Holy Spirit and cast aside the blinders Satan has forced upon you." He turned to his right, stretching out an open hand. "May I introduce to you, the Reverend R. Hayden Powers, lead pastor of the Temple of Trinity, in Denton Texas."

Bishop Kaiser shook Reverend Powers' hand, and then he pulled Reverend Powers into a hug. The audience could not hear the words the men exchanged, but they could see the look of grim determination on Reverend Powers.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. To begin with, I must make a confession. Pride, arrogance, and failure as a parent, for before my eyes I was shown the evil, and the form that the evil has taken." Powers used his hands to grab both sides of the lectern. "Because I could not see, I was blinded, nevertheless, the truth burned brightly before me. Because I could not see, I lost my wife." Powers looked up and pulled his hands together over his chest. "Still the truth burned brightly before me." He slapped the lectern repeatedly. "Because I could not see, my son turned away from God, and was lost to us." Powers grabbed the microphone. He stepped to the front of the dais. He was less than three feet from the edge. "Because I could not see, I was forced to step into the lions' den. And then because of my pride, my arrogance, I joked with my friend that I would be like the Prophet Daniel." Powers dropped to his knees. "I walked in there, to save my remaining child, without..." His voice cracked. A mournful low cry emanated from his crumpled form. He looked up at the congregation. "I walked in there unclothed, bereft of the Holy Spirit. As a man alone I was powerless and I had to be stripped of my dignity and my daughter to have my eyes open." From the enthralled multitude came words of sympathy, words of encouragement, and calls that the Almighty bring Reverend Powers comfort and healing. Slowly he climbed back to his feet. "My friends, I laid on the floor in the presence of God's enemy. I wallowed in the depths of my pride, my arrogance weighed me down, and as I lay drowning in my despair that my daughter was taken."

Reverend Powers moved to the left side of the stage. "I was at my lowest, curled into a ball like a spoiled child." He crouched down mimicking the description in his speech. "But even in that place," he paused dramatically, "was the presence of God. My friends, my friends I was on the brink of losing my faith." Standing, suddenly Reverend Powers sprinted back to the lectern. "How did God make his presence known to me?" He stopped, looking to his left and looking to the right, he pantomimed a search. "Hands reached down and helped me stand. A voice told me 'Walk from this place'. I admit that in my shame and despair those the same hands that had helped me stand, had to lead me out of there." Reaching into the open back of the lectern, Reverend Powers pulled out a water bottle and took a quick sip. Tension in the room grew. He returned the water. "Before people believe that God sent an angel, let me set the record straight. My assistant's hands were the hands God used to help me. It was my assistant's voice, which carried God's words to my ears."

Reverend Powers walked across the full length of the dais. He stepped down, walked over to Billy Wesley, pulled him up into a hug. The room rejoiced. Everyone could see he whispered into Billy's ear. Reverend Powers patted Billy on the back before returning to the dais.

"I thought I was alone, but I was not. We may think that we are alone. Look around you," he paused and watched as his listeners followed his instruction. "We are a group of people, but we're more. For in this righteous cause, to stand against the Beast from the sea, we have God."

Reverend Powers took another sip of the water. He surveyed the room. He could sense the delegates were listening.

"Coming to us across the vast sea of space is the so-called Confederacy. Claiming to be superior to us mere humans, they come with a carrot and stick." Reaching into his pocket, Reverend Powers pulled out his wallet. He pulled something from it. "This is my Texas driver's license, it gives me the right to operate a motor vehicle in the United States. On it is my name, my address, the little magnetic strip has other information about me. All this information is required by either Texas State Statute or U.S. Federal Law." He returned his driver license to his wallet. The wallet was returned to his hip pocket. He took a moment to stand and smile. "We're being required to start carrying a new card. This card has promise of the carrot. We used to scoff at the Islamic militants who had strapped bombs to their bodies for the promise of seventy-two virgins. Now we have people falling for the promise of two, four, six, or eight sex slaves. As far as the offers go, instead of a Cadillac Escalade, we are settling for a Ford Pinto. It makes me wish their temptations were a bit more inventive."

That brought a chuckle from the audience.

"They threatened us with the stick. An unseen evil is following in their wake. They need us to fight their battles. Whether these evil aliens exist or not, the Confederacy cannot fathom one simple truth," he used his hands and arms trying to engulf the crowd figuratively, "that we serve an awesome God."

Reverend Powers stopped for a moment so the chorus of "hallelujahs" and "amens" could taper off.

"We made a mess of our planet. Man was charged by God to be the caretaker of planet Earth. Dominion over this world was given to man. With God on our side, the so-called Swarm will not destroy this planet, they will not defeat the children of God."

This time it took a while for the congregation to settle. Reverend Powers could almost see the Spirit move through the room. Standing very still caused the people in the room to hush.

"Something wonderful is going to happen. Yes, it seems strange that I quote a line from a science fiction movie. Born here tonight in this very room is a force that counters Satan's Confederacy. When you leave tonight, I charge you to be like John the Baptist. Go forth to your home, towns, and churches. Now is the time to clear the pebbles from the path. For in God's time, all his Christian children will be tried together and be united. There will be a Conclave of Christian Churches. When we are ready and charged with the Holy Ghost, he will make us one. May God have mercy on those who oppose us. You will be with us or against us. Good night, and may God be with you, Amen."

The congregation thundered in approval. Reverend Powers made his way across the dais, shaking hands of the clergy standing there. It took six minutes for him to meet Billy Wesley in the hallway. "We need to talk." The reverend signaled he wanted their discussion to be private.

Fortunately, the hotel with the two-bedroom suite was only two blocks down the street. On the way, the reverend had Billy order soup and sandwiches for supper. Tonight they would be dining in the room. They discussed the Texas Rangers' pitching rotation as they walked along the sidewalk.

Entering their room, their meal was waiting on them. Sitting down, the men prepared to eat. The idle chatter they maintained up to his point ended. Billy gave the blessing; they began to partake of the meal.

"Son," the reverend called him such when he needed to emphasized the importance of what he was about to say. Billy put down his utensils. "I believe that I have set in motion an unstoppable force. My only fear is that someone or something will parade Michael in the public eye to discredit us."

"Reverend Powers," Billy raised his fingers up, pleading to be heard. "I read the prognosis for Michael today. I'm sorry, sir, but they are unable to cure him."

"We can no longer deny that space travel exists." He took a sip of his cola. "We must control the message."

Billy offered a suggestion. "Maybe, we should concentrate on the damaged families left behind." The reverend peaked an eyebrow. "Besides the abandoned spouses, there are couples who must now live with a public display of infidelity by one or both of them. Rarely, some people abandon their children." Billy looked up at his father figure. "I fear that you also understand and have been damaged by this."

"Then I shall be as Job was, left with no wife and no children." The Reverend locked eyes with Billy. "Though he is a disappointment and has sinned, I do not wish him to suffer. Take care of this for me Billy." The reverend picked up his spoon. "Remember, God gave Job a new family, my son."

Billy stopped eating and smiled. After the meal ended, Reverend Powers headed into his bedroom. Billy picked up his smart phone.

Philip discovered he was trapped. It was difficult to discern exactly who held what part of his body down. Draped across his left arm was Mia. Looking along her Pacific Islander body, he barely made out her visible belly bump. Even with her head resting on his chest, his left hand held up her butt cheeks. Two of his fingers nestled deep in the cleft.

The top of Tina's head was inches from Mia's brow. She spooned against his right side. That left his right arm free. Her right leg lay draped high across his stomach. Tina's breasts rested against Philip's chest.

"Morning, love," it was Mandy's voice.

Philip raised his head. He could see Mandy was in the rocker, feeding their baby Jack. "Morning babe," he smiled, winking at her. Though baby Jack was the youngest of five children in the household, he was Philip's first. His boy was five months old and fortunately looked more like his mother than he did Philip. Jack did have his father's light jade eyes, but his mother's deep mocha skin. Normally he would lie there and watch her feed Jack. This morning, he had other things he needed to do.

His balls sent a warning message to his brain. This meant Marsha was awake. "It's getting a bit rough down there!" Switching away from Mandy and Jack, he looked at his groin. He could see the top of Marsha's head. "Easy, Marsha, that's almost too much."

Rising up quickly, she apologized, it was directed more toward his gonads than him. "I'm sorry," she sounded like a little girl who had just hurt her puppy. "I was doing what I learned yesterday."

"I never talked about being rough with 'me' balls," he quipped playfully.

"For my third turn last night, when I..." Marsha turned beet red. "I started crying out harder, faster. You said that was good."

"Baby, you came on my cock from that."

Marsha nodded. "Yes."

"When your clitty was being licked, did any body do it hard?"

"No," Marsha turned to look at Mandy. "I did say faster."

"Well my balls like to be licked softly and slowly. If you want to go faster, find the spot where they join my body. It is near my ass crack. The taint enjoys a faster tongue."

"Down here." Her tongue wiped across the base.

"That's it."

"I think your cock likes the balls licked." When she finished talking, Marsha returned her attention back to his balls. This time her touch was delicate, almost soothing.

His cock responded. Having her hair short as it was caress over his cock, heightened the experience. The biggest problem stemmed from the fact this was teasing his piss hard on. Philip kissed the top of Tina's head. He waggled the buried fingers in Mia. That roused both girls awake. "I got to pee." He began to work free.

Marsha did not understand his predicament. As he retreated, she followed. When her tongue ran along his taint, again he almost lost bladder control. Mia came to his rescue.

"Marsha, let Philip up." That stopped the assault long enough for him to drag both of them near the edge of the bed. "We have to teach you how to aim Philip," Mia addressed her fellow concubine. "Lead him into the bathroom." Marsha climbed off Philip's legs. She joined Mia at the edge of the bed.

"Got to go, got to go." He expressed his urgency. When Philip stood on his feet, Marsha reached out and took his hand.

Mia frowned at her. "You lead a naked man to the bathroom, by his cock." Mia pointed at the erect member. "Snag it, and follow me."

Marsha reached over quickly. Philip flinched, pulling back out-of-the-way. "It's scary when you move quickly toward the boys." Marsha giggled as she reached out slowly and grabbed Philip. Tugging daintily made him he take a step toward her. Marsha followed Mia into the bathroom.

Mia stopped next to a full-length urinal. Marsha had seen these when she was much younger and had explored her daddy's church after school. This model extended all the way to the floor.

"Ease off on the grip," Mia advised. "It's best if you stand beside Philip to aim. Sometimes you have to push," she pointed at the head, "him down a bit."

Holding the shaft that took her virginity last night somehow seemed right. She pushed down and hoped her aim was good. Marsha waited. What should happen next eluded her experience.

"For all the wicked things that he does, and has us do, our Philip is painfully shy." Mia's playful tone hid what truth there might have been in that statement.

Water streamed out of the tip. It hit almost at the top of the urinal. Mia reached over and pinched at Philip's hipbone. He yelped playfully and leaned forward, causing the stream to strike much lower in the fixture.

The stream was now a dribble. "The joy stick is way too stiff to teach you how to shake the dribbles clear." Mia grabbed a few sheets of toilet paper. "When he has a hard-on, it is better to milk and dab." Mia grabbed Marsha's fingers. "Use your thumb and pointer finger to run the last of the pee out. Hold the toilet paper to catch the excess." Marsha tried. The technique was a lot easier than it sounded. "Later I'll teach you the shake technique."

"Maybe I should take over this morning duty myself." Philip droned, "I feel like a piece of meat, sometimes."

"Philip," Mia sounded almost like a grade school teacher scolding a naughty boy. "It will take about a month, like it did the rest of us. Eventually you'll be able to lead him here, drain his lizard, and then get your reward in the shower." Mia kissed Marsha full on the lips. Before Marsha could react, Mia kissed Philip's little head. "Breakfast in twenty-five minutes."

"Mia," Marsha stopped her, "he's too tall for me to wash his hair."

"Marsha," Mia quickly kissed her on the cheek. "Put him in the shower. There's a bench where he can sit."

At breakfast, Philip's AI requested that he bring Marsha to his office. He dressed her in a baby blue sheer teddy. The translucent fabric hid nothing; her areolas were very visible. A wide band of blue satin prevented anyone from directly spying her charms.

General Parish and Nicholas Christos were waiting in his office. Marsha remained outside with Tina. Today, she was Philip's receptionist. She wore a form-fitting camouflage body leotard. There was a tiny skirtlet that covered the fact the outfit was crotchless.

"Tina, is there anything I can do to help?" Marsha was bored out of her mind.

Tina's reply was a bit sad. "All I really do is meet people who come to the office or speak with people who do not want to leave messages with the AI."

Marsha nodded. "I was hoping to do more than just wait around for bedtime."

Tina smirked and quickly covered her mouth with her hand. "I'm sorry; I thought you meant stuff here in the outer office." She turned and pointed at a door Philip did not enter. "I misunderstood. Now that Mandy has baby Jack, and Gigi became a sponsor, Mia and I have been helping Philip with planning exactly what sponsor pools need to be filled."

Marsha preformed a double take between Tina and the door. "What?"

"Mia, Mandy, and I used to work in the Human Resources Department at the different theme parks in Orlando." Tina moved across to the door she pointed at earlier. "We all have a gift for people allocation."

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