Genius - Cover


Copyright© 2008 by Wandering Lanes

Chapter 16: Welcome Home

This was what I didn't really want to do, but had to do it anyway!

I had to return to Brenham to claim my land, the castle and people who lived in the nearby villages, but to thwart me was Hubert and his men, the ones who ancestors had taken the castle from its true lord, Lord Wilbert, who had been slain and his body given a short funeral before the priest was also killed.

When I entered the land where Wilbert had been killed his shade tried to frighten me, but found it couldn't. I was able to get Brother Pieter to bless him and his men to allow their shades to ascend along with the priest who rewarded Brother Pieter with his knowledge.

But that was then, now I've got to prepare! I returned to the Forest World where Forester was waiting with a smile on his face, "My Lord, you have returned to take your place with us!" He said.

I shook my head, "I'm sorry Forester but I've been told that my promise to Lord Wilbert has precedence over my later one, I must ask you to continue to look after these lands and the people on it. But I will ask for some of your people to come with me for a battle ahead." I said.

"But of course My Lord, they are yours anyway. I wouldst ask that you speak to your people here to tell them." Forester said indicating the way to the main village.

I was met by all the villagers both from Forester's original village and also from the larger village which had set itself up at the Portal. They cheered as I raised my hand.

"My friends and loyal subjects ... I do hope you are loyal?" I said with a laugh which was carried on by Forester.

"Be assured milord, all here are staunch supporters of you and your reign, we are ready to do your bidding." He said and the audience seemed to agree.

"Thank you, I have a heavy task ahead of me, one for which there will be hardship and possible death, I will not order any of you to come with me, but I would like volunteers to help me in this. I have to return to Brenham to claim my territory from those who had stolen it from Lord Wilbert." I said expecting everyone to leave, but I was surprised when everyone stepped forward to join me

"My lord you just say how many you want and we will be there for you." Forester said.

"But everyone could die; I don't want people to throw their lives away. I can't order them to do that." I said aghast.

"Then lead us Lord, be where you have to be but we will follow you." A man said from the back of the people.

"Aye and we'll be there as well, a little fun and games will be just what we need!" A voice said and entering the village was a group of small people at the head of which was...

"Puck? What are you doing here? And why aren't you looking after Clancy?" I asked in surprise.

"Oh, there be others capable, but where else could I be but where the action be?" Puck countered.

"You see milord; we want to follow you so lead us!" Forester said sticking his sword into the ground in exclamation.

"Aye, lead us to glory or death, neither matters just to be there." The Puck said which didn't raise my spirits too much, although the chant was taken up by the others, I turned to Margaret and Brother Pieter. "I want you two near the back, there's no need for you to endanger yourselves." I said and brother Pieter nodded.

"Bugger that John; I'm your wife, where you go there go I." Mags said pulling Forester's sword from the ground, "If I'm going to be the Lady of the Manor, then I'm going to bloody well earn it!" She said holding the sword up, although I noticed that she dropped it to the floor as soon as she could.

Genius took her position beside me, "You didn't try to dissuade me I noticed Lord John." She said.

I shook my head, "I knew there was no point. You'd be with me regardless." I said

She laughed, "Too true." She said and so the troops were ready.

With the assistance of the Green Lady, and due to the extra power from BRENDA, we used the Portal to take us directly to Brenham, to be greeted by a large army of men headed by Bran who smiled at us.

"You have finally arrived Lord John, we of the forest and the land will join you in your battle ahead. With your permission I have built a small chapel where Father Ignatius was slain, I hope this is agreeable?" He said looking at Brother Pieter.

"It is Bran o'the forest, I think that Brother Pieter would be happy to bless the chapel and to hold his first service there, would you not Brother?" I asked him.

Brother Pieter's face was full of wonder, "Aye, certainly, and wouldst you be the first person to be there my lord Bran?"

Bran started laughing loudly, "I would be happy to attend to you Brother, but shouldn't Lord John be the first?"

"I don't mind Lord Bran. It's not that I haven't fallen asleep listening to a priest before." I said and then Bran laughed again, Brother Pieter shook his head as he smiled.

"I have been told that many people catch up on their rest in church, although they should be listening to the sermon, but such is human nature." He said good naturedly.

"Enough of this banter for the moment. Let us go to the chapel and have the blessings of Brother Pieter for the battle ahead." I said and as Bran gestured a pathway opened up towards the place where a gleaming new building stood, it was in the form of a cross with a large double door at the long end and stained glass windows all over.

Brother Pieter was silent as he gazed at this building and then he turned to Bran, "My Lord Bran, I thank you on behalf of the Supreme One, this outshines all except the cathedral at Yvens, but e'en then..." He said awe in his voice.

"I copied the plans for that edifice but didn't have the stone for a comparable recreation. So you approve of this." Bran said his arm encompassing the chapel.

"Aye I do. But to really bless such a place as this requires a bishop to do it justice." Pieter could barely form the words he was so astounded.

"Your words will be just as good Brother." I said patting him on his shoulders, "I'm sure the Supreme One will hear you just as loudly as any bishop." I said.

Brother Pieter nodded and then opened his arms and looked to the sky. "Oh Supreme One, look down upon this, your chapel. May you bless it and watch over it and the people of this land." And a glow seemed to settle over the chapel, a glow that spread throughout everyone who was with us.

"Oh my." Margaret said and I could only mutely agree with her.

I sidled over to where Bran was standing and whispered to him, "This is an android thing? Isn't it?" I asked

But he shook his head awe showing on his face, "No, this is beyond us and it's not anything that Brenda could accomplish either, this is actually happening." He said and sank to his knees.

I turned to look at Brother Pieter, but his face was now glowing with the same light, "Did you think you arrived here purely by the whim of the servants of the rescuers? Now do your duty here and live your life as you are meant to." He said ... although it wasn't Pieter speaking and then Pieter's face was back to normal, he staggered slightly and I was there to hold him. "Thank you Lord John, I don't know what happened then." He said.

"You're just excited from being in this area, now can you carry on with your blessing?" I said not mentioning what he said, mainly because I didn't know what it was either.

And so, in a state of grace, did Lord John go forth to meet the evil usurper ... Isn't that what the chroniclers would say? Well it was wet, muddy and the 'evil usurper' stayed in his castle.

I looked around for a herald to take a message to be heard throughout the castle, and the obvious one pulled on my sleeve, "Very well Puck, do your best." I said knowing that his voice would penetrate everywhere.


"You don't think you laid it on a bit thick?" I asked The Puck.

He smiled at me, "Nay milord, I only called his ancestors robbers and unworthy folk, what wrong could there be in that?" He said and laughed.

From the battlements came a cry, "By what right do you call Lord Hubert in such a manner. From where does you bastard claim arise? Lord Hubert knows not of a Lord Wilbert or of his family? He does know that his family has ruled from this castle for years, history has proven it! Begone from our fields lest we be forced to remove you."

Puck turned to me, "Of course milord, 'History has always been written by the victors'." He said.

I nodded, "'tis always so Puck, but then Lord Hubert would know of the passageways that were constructed by his ancestors would he not?"

"Aye, and no doubt has guards along them, although from my spies they say that the ways are dusty and neglected." Puck told me.

I frowned, "Strange? I wonder if they are scared of ghosts within the walls?" I suggested.

The Puck smiled, "I wonder also milord, if thou will excuse me?" He said and seemed to vanish.

I turned to where Robert was waiting for my orders. "It seems they want us to wait, I suggest we place tents beyond arrow range and make fires, we're going to act as if we're in for a long siege." He nodded and ran off to make the arrangements. I called Genius to my side, she nodded to me.

"Yes my Lord John?"

"Genius, do you recall where we entered the castle when rescuing Brenda?" I asked her.

She nodded, "Yes my Lord, but would there not be guards watching?" She asked.

I shook my head, "Not according to The Puck and his people, what I want you to do is to take a team of people in and to cause as much mayhem as you can, you know damage arrows, put too much salt into the food and generally cause disruptions." I asked her.

She smiled and then frowned, "What about the troops within?" She asked.

"I believe they'll have other problems plaguing them. Puck is also working his magic within the walls." I said and began laughing as I could picture what was going to happen.

The first attack came from the castle, in the form of three dark wraths, but I knew how to fight them now, I activated Al who deployed himself around me and I drew Twilight from its sheath, 'These are dark wraths, they are joined to their masters by a link, I will direct you to that link which you will sever, once free they should turn on their masters' I told the sword as it was the first time this particular incarnation of Twilight had fought.


'Because what you are seeing is only the image of them, it is not the source. In this case trust me.' I told it and then the three were upon us. Except that one decided to swerve from me and head towards the camp.

I couldn't run to the camp because that would expose me and so I stood my ground. Al gave me the wire graphics of both dark wraiths, but this time there were two links on each, not one, as if each had two masters. 'It's difficult to listen to two people at the same time' I sent to them.

Their reply was garbled and then from the camp I heard "Somno Dablous Tia" as Margaret began fighting the third wrath, Twilight came around dragging my arm with it as one link was cut.

'I CAN FEEL THE MIND OF THAT PERSON ... HE'S PURE EVIL! I WILL FIND AND DESTROY HIM.' Twilight said and I felt my hand starting to turn with the blade as it took the link and began wrapping it around the blade.

'Twilight hold on, we need to break all the links, not just one of the four. Now do what I direct you to do!' I ordered the blade, but then felt a jolt of power being sent through the link back to the wizard who had conjured the spell. As it connected the second link dissolved. I smiled, 'Sorry Twilight, let's do the same with the other one' I sent as I heard another 'Somno Dablous Tia' from the camp and the cry of the defeated dark wraith which told me that Margaret had successfully destroyed it.

"Brother, let us return to those who subjugated us!" The freed dark wraith was saying as it pulled away from its attack.

"I cannot brother, there is so much force being used against me, HELP ME!" The second said as it was forced to attack me again. The display in my helm showed me that the first wraith was trying to pull at one of the links, so that I concentrated on the other link, severing it with Twilight and then twisting it up like candy-floss (cotton candy) onto the blade. "Stand clear!" I directed the wraith and then instructed Twilight to send the power back to the controller.

Again the force broke the second link and both wraiths were floating in front of me, "I can destroy you, but I think you want your revenge on those who enslaved you? So return to them and show them the force of a dark wraith." I said and then they laughed before turning and soaring back to the castle.

I ran back to the camp, sheathing Twilight — after thanking it first for its actions — and then telling Al to return to standby mode, I had to see Margaret and make sure she was okay. She was kneeling by the form of the dark wraith, it had reverted to its true form, a girl of about nineteen, Mags looked tired out but I could see the chest of the girl moving and so I took her hand 'Revitar' I said and felt the power flowing through me into the girl.

"Father, don't do it!" She said as she opened her eyes and then looked around before she began crying. Brother Pieter knelt beside the girl.

"Peace little one, you are now safe and free from the demon that held you." He said and I could feel his own power behind his words, the girl quietened and began to sleep. Margaret looked at him in surprise. "She was used by a dark mage as a conduit for a demon to take her, and that became the dark wraith." Pieter explained.

"So I've killed innocent people when I destroyed the wraiths?" I asked feeling sick.

"Oh no Lord John, only those who do not revert, and as far as I know all those before were fully taken by the demons, this one is only recent and so the taint on her soul isn't as great, once the demon has fully consumed the hosts' soul then the body would fade into dust." Pieter took me by the shoulders and held me. "The one's you may have faced have been enslaved for several weeks, this one was only a day or maybe even less, she is slightly tainted but your wife's action has ensured that her soul is saved."

"This cannot be allowed to continue." I decided and then shouted out. "Puck take all the mages out of the picture."

There was a loud crash from inside the castle and screams could be heard from one of the towers. Then there was a thick pall of smoke issuing from the open windows in the tower and then a wash of air beside me, "The Puck says that all the wizards are now down, and if you wish to give an order just whisper." The elf said with a smile and then it was gone again.

"Thank you Puck." I said quietly

Inside the castle Genius was moving within the passageway, her mind was showing her a map of the castle with a way down to the kitchens, a small body ran to her. "The Puck says hold on." Genius held up her hand as a shudder seemed to pass through the walls.

"The Lord John asked for The Puck to take out the wizards, he didn't know if these old walls could take the strain ... it seems that they could." The elf said smiling.

"What did The Puck do?" Genius asked amazed at the power in these small androids.

"He clouded their minds and they ignited some black powder in their cauldrons, it seems they mistook the instructions." The elf said and then added, "My Lord Puck calls me." And the elf ran off into the distance.

Genius turned to the men following her, "Ahead is the armoury, it will be guarded, once inside damage as much as you can, any guns you find try to block the muzzles." (Although Brenham was a sword based society powder and guns were known about.) The men nodded and waited.

Genius opened the door to the passageway and slipped out, the armoury was just around a corner and she glanced around the turn and saw two men standing there, she held up her hand showing two fingers and pointed to two of her group who nodded, she counted 3... 2... 1. And the men charged forward giving the guards no time to react; they were unconscious before they hit the floor.

Due to the siege the door wasn't locked and the group entered quickly, closing the door and placing a bar across to deny entry while they worked. Genius directed her men to where armour was hung on frames, "Cut the leather ties. Ensure that they can't fasten the armour once it's on." She said and left a few men to do that, and then she saw barrels of black powder, she found a spear with a metal point to it and began using it to poke holes into the barrels.

Arrows seemed to have a short life as their heads were removed and then the shafts broken, there were crossbows but without strings they were not much use, also the spares were taken away, There were racks of pikes and spears, all of which met blades of swords — with the results that none were of any real use, except for close quartered fighting.

"I only wish we could do more about the swords!" Genius said and then found an elf beside her.

"The Puck sends his regards and also some of this, be careful with it as it sticks like a fly to the wall ... oh and don't get it on your hands!" It added giving her a small pot of a clear sticky substance and a brush.

Genius looked at both and then drew a sword from a sheath, she coated the sword with the clear gloop and then put it back in the sheath, a few seconds later it was bonded with the sheath and couldn't be removed. She smiled at the gloop and then began coating all the others.

They looked around at their work, in places it looked as if the stock was securely intact; it was with a closer look that the damage could be seen, "Let's get out of here." Genius said and they withdrew, as the door closed Genius began coating the door with the gloop and then she ran back to the passageway.

They made their way down to the kitchen area, again due to the siege there were people working there that hadn't been seen in the castle before, so it was simple for the group to merge with the staff there, distracting the cooks while others added spices to food that didn't require them, more salt to soups and so on. They managed to get into the larder where eggs were being stored and breaking them before moving on.

During this time they started to hear reports of noises coming from room that were known to be empty, or suits of armour that had been firmly fixed falling apart, Genius smiled to herself 'The Puck is certainly doing his best.' She thought to herself.

They had just hidden themselves in another passageway when Hubert himself stormed passed the spy-hole. "Where's that worthless cook! How can they produce garbage like this?" He was thundering.

Genius smiled, she hadn't realised how much of an irritation badly tasting food can be.

Then The Puck was with her, she didn't see him arrive, "My elves and I can carry on from here, you'd best be getting back to Lord John, he's going to want to attack soon or I don't know humans." He said with a grin and then was gone again, Genius considered his words, there wasn't really much more they could do that Puck and his people wouldn't be able to do quicker or better, and so she gestured to her group and they withdrew from the castle.

In a way I was relieved when Genius returned to us unharmed she was laughing over Lord Hubert's reactions to his ruined dinner. My dinner had been cooked to my liking and I was fully refreshed.

The girl, that had been the unwilling host to the Dark Wraith, had recovered enough to tell us that Hubert was going through the peasants taking refuge in the castle, sorting out those he wasn't sure of and taking hostages from others, she was a hostage who was taken to the, now defunct, tower she was chained to a wall while wizards began chanting, soon a dark shape rose from a glowing portal and then it seemed to wrap itself around the girl, choking her as it entered her mouth and nose.

"And the next thing I knew was I was here with you, what have I done... ?" She said and began crying again.

I went to her and held her in my arms, "You did nothing. That demon that took you over did it all, and that wasn't very much thanks to my wife, you are blameless in this ... but the evil wizards who did this are very guilty indeed and you have my word that they will pay.

She clutched my arm and began sobbing again, "You don't understand ... my father was one of them." She said and seemed to collapse on herself.

"Brother Pieter says that your soul is good, you are not your father and so you are blameless in this." I said to her still holding her.

"But ... but when that Lord John finds out who I am he'll try to use me to get to my father ... who's going to protect me from him?" She said fear now sounding in her voice.

"Oh don't worry about him, I'll have a word with him and set him straight." I said.

"Please my lord don't do that, I'm not worth it. I've heard that he's a fearful fighter and would think naught of beheading anyone who crosses him." She said now sounding really frightened.

"I heard that as well ... but it's all baloney." I said and at her look I amended it, "It's a lot of lies placed by his enemies, from what I know about him he's a pussy cat." I said.

"I can agree with that." Mags said from behind me, "Now don't scare her any more John, she needs a gentle touch." She added and took the girl from my hands, as Margaret did so the girl looked at me.

"You are Lord John?" She asked sounding amazed.

I nodded, "I am, and I tell you that I will stop Lord Hubert from doing this again." I said feeling the promise settle on me. I stepped from the camp towards the moat. "Al, deploy and then activate the megaphone." I said.

The armour wrapped itself around me and then Al said into my ear, "You're on."

"Lord Hubert. I am Lord John. I challenge you to single battle, here in front of the Castle build by Lord Wilbert and stolen by your ancestors. I demand that you fight me here or be forever called coward by all here." I said and the words were amplified by the megaphone — I learnt later that The Puck had also augmented the speech with his power, so that everyone in the castle heard me.

The first response was an arrow that flew towards me, without thinking I drew Twilight and struck it out of the air, it wasn't repeated. Then the drawbridge opened up and a rider came out, I knew it wasn't Lord Hubert, his armour was too dull.

As he approached he pulled his mace from its scabbard and began waving it to build up a momentum to strike at me. I shook my head as Al began playing scenarios of how to defeat the man, waiting for the rider to be close enough I began charging towards him, something he wasn't expecting and so was out of position when I was near him, a swing of Twilight and his hand flew away with the mace — it had to it was gripping it when the sword sliced through the flesh.

I pulled the rider off his horse and then held him, "Revitar!" I said concentrating on his bleeding wrist, the flesh healed over and stopped bleeding. "Go to the camp and they will help you." I told him pushing him towards my camp.

"Does anyone else think they can stop me?" I called out and then stood facing the castle once more. "I demand that Lord Hubert now face me, I've already seen to the brave man he sent in his place and I don't want to harm anyone else." I said knowing that the battlements at least could hear me.

"I decide not to meet you brigand. I've sent word to the King to defend my people and my castle." A voice called out and I could see the man — Lord Hubert — standing over the gatehouse.

I laughed hearing the amplified sound rolling through the castle, "And so the coward finally speaks, I call you traitor to your people, your land and also to your king. I will enter your castle and hunt you down like the animal you are, I Lord John pledge this! And hear me all within, I will not be stopped by anyone, keep out of my way and you will be safe. As I speak so I pledge — By the Supreme One!" I raised Twilight to the sky and was happy to hear a rumble of thunder sound out — as if on cue.

I returned to the camp with what I hoped was a look of grim determination, remembering what The Puck had said I spoke gently, "Puck, I want you and your people to begin harassing those within the walls, just warnings that I'm not to be stopped, I'm going to enter the castle by the passageway and then to the main hall. Ensure that nobody is going to get in my way, but don't kill them, just keep them away." I said.

In reply I heard a sound from the castle and a puff of white smoke came from several windows to which I smiled.

On arriving at the camp Margaret and Robert were waiting for me. "What the hell were you thinking of John? You're not indestructible if Duke Warren had struck you you'd be dead." Mags said.

"Aye my lord, he's one of the best with the mace is Warren, if you hadn't made him miss his stroke..." Robert didn't finish.

Al went back to his standby state leaving me naked before them — well I was dressed but you know what I mean — my face was sweaty and my clothing saturated. "I know Mags, but I cannot just let Lord Hubert hurt anyone else. I have to stop him now." I said and then turned to our newest member of the camp.

"I'm sorry I had to do that Warren, it should have been Hubert out there not you." I said

The injured man nodded, "That was what I said and for that he ordered me to fight you else he would kill my wife and daughter who he had imprisoned, I dread to think what he's going to do to them now." Duke Warren said looking at the stump where his hand had been.

I turned to Margaret, "You see, by saving one I've possibly doomed two more ... I have to go." I said. "Al deploy and set a shield to stop projectile shot" I said and as the armour wrapped itself around me again I slipped out and ran towards the side of the castle.

A wolf was now running beside me its tongue hanging out of its mouth as it ran. "Nice to see you as well Genius, but Hubert is mine." I said

Al spoke for her, "I'm translating an android transmission... Well someone's got to look after your ass. Lady Margaret told me to guard you ... End transmission."

I smiled at the words, "Thank you Genius, but don't get hurt yourself." I said and the wolf sneezed in answer — as if saying 'chance would be a fine thing.'

Nobody saw us as we entered the passageway; there was a general rumbling noise all around as if the castle was being used in a perpetual thunderstorm — but no lighting.

I followed the way to a marked doorway which I opened, it led to a corridor which I followed, a woman was walking towards me but stopped when she saw me, her mouth opened in surprise but then she was on her knees and pointing down the corridor, "He's that way milord, don't hurt me." She said.

"Rise woman, I don't make war on those who are unable to defend themselves, now don't worry." I said and moved on, I passed a guard who seemed to be glued to a doorway, his eyes widened as he saw me and he tried to struggle free.

I passed him and noticed a smell start to come from him as he fainted his body being held in place by his clothes. I looked down at Genius who pointedly looked away. "So what's wrong with him?" I mused but didn't receive any reply

As we got closer to the main hall we met up with some armed men, they drew their swords and went to charge us, but then they fell to the ground as small hands held onto their legs. "His Lordship is just yonder with a woman and her daughter; I think he's anticipating dallying with both." The Puck said pointing to a side chamber.

"Thank you Puck, I think I may need your powers shortly to take the ladies back to my camp." I said and entered the chamber.

I found myself behind a curtain — it was supposed to stop drafts from the corridor entering the room, I listened to what was being said. "Now Baroness, your husband was one of my most trusted people, I'm sorry he died at the hands of that imposter, but it does fall to me to take care of his land and also his property." It was an oily voice that I recognised.

"But Lord Hubert, the King himself gave Warren the land; it is up to him as to the disposal of the property, not you as a Lord." The woman protested.

There was a thump of metal on wood, "By the Supreme One! Your husband pledged his life to me. In that pledge he promised that everything he had would be mine. You are therefore mine due to his death!" Hubert said.

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