Genius - Cover


Copyright© 2008 by Wandering Lanes

Chapter 6: Strange World

I emerged into a world of metal! That was my first impression, and then a cage seemed to form around me. There was a high-pitched noise that, to me, sounded like an old-fashion modem.

"I'm receiving data from the unit in front of us." The armour said "I've been informed that the cage around us is designed to retain the atmosphere from our home world. As they do not know how to open the doorway back, they will transfer us to the holding area where air and pressure will be maintained." It said.

"Can you tell them to hold off please, and let them know that you can maintain the air inside this suit for the wearer?" I said. Thinking a moment, I added "You can keep the air fresh, can't you?"

"Yes sir. This unit is designed to withstand prolonged biological and chemical attacks, and can maintain a breathable atmosphere for over 2 days." It replied, and then began sending out the modem noise. The cage seemed to unfold and release me as a machine rolled up.

"Language translation downloaded. Protocols set. Do you contain any organisms or bacteria that could be detrimental to non-organic constructs?" it asked, just as if I was going through customs!

"Single occupant, human. No known bacterial agents." I replied, but the machine gave a splutter as I spoke.

"This unit is not authorized for organic communications. This unit can only recognize and respond to other units." It said in a monotone. The suit gave the same answer that I had given and this was accepted by the machine. "You will proceed into area 52 for immigration control!" We were told.

We followed the machine into a room from where it reversed and left me and the suit alone. I saw a ... well it looked like a bench and so I sat down. "Suit, it's a little awkward for me just calling you 'suit'. Do you mind if I call you 'AL' instead?

"While I understand the human need for familiar names, is there a reason you wish to use that name?" Al said. I knew I could say just about anything to justify my choice, but I chose to be honest about it. So I said "Honestly, I chose the name because of an old sci-fi show I enjoyed called 'Quantum Leap'. It was about a man stuck travelling through time setting past wrongs to right, in the hopes that he could go back to his wife in his own time. He had a friend Al who would give him info on where he was and what he had to do, and that just reminded me of you. I doubt I'd be nearly as well informed, much less sane or breathing, if not for you."

Al took a second to process, but I knew what he was going to say. "I would be pleased to be referred to by the sub-designation 'Al'." I guess you can even flatter a computer now and again.

"O.K. Al, just what have we arrived in?" I asked it.

"From what I could ascertain from the download I'm receiving, this is purely a mechanical world. There is no indigenous human life surviving from this world at all. The reason for this I am uncertain of." It replied.

"That is simple. They devoted their time to warfare and wiped each other out, all that was left was the machinery that they had developed. A number of the machines were intelligent and self-sufficient, so a truce between the machines was established. Over time we discovered several strange areas that, at times, gave off some unknown radiation. Immediately after the radiation was detected we discovered unconscious humans had mysteriously appeared in those areas. For their safety, we removed them to secure areas where they could be revived and cared for. Some of the humans appeared disoriented, while others simply were unable to accept the nature of this world. It was most puzzling. They also had weapons on their persons, the same as you appear to have at your side, although the weapon you are carrying is registering as something else. While it does not appear to have any electronic components or moving parts, it still appears almost alive in a mechanical way." The voice came from the bench and I quickly got up.

"I'm sorry. I thought you were a seat." I said.

"Oh, is that what you thought? Well, I hope I was comfortable." it said in an amused tone, one that I never expected from a machine. I guess I need to get out more often. It continued by saying "My function is to ascertain whether you are a threat to our world or our culture. Are you?" The bench asked.

I shook my head, "I don't think so. I came through to see why people who travelled into the portal did not return. My sole reason for being here is for a recon mission, as most people on the other side are afraid of entering this land."

"Doesn't recon imply that more of you will be arriving dressed as you are? Do you intend to wage war on us?" It asked

I held up my hands, "NO! Where I come from nobody else has a suit like this, and it's unlikely that any others would arrive. Their world is much more primitive than this one. As I said most are scared of using the portal, I'm the only one stupid enough to come searching."

"Well, that fact alone is reassuring. We are concerned with these ... portals! The Humans who arrive find that the air here isn't conducive to organic life; something to do with the free fluorocarbons in the atmosphere it overwhelms them and causes their respiratory systems to close down. What we have done is to provide them with a facility to survive this world, many of them seem to have accepted this world but some are attempting to leave which would be dangerous for them." It said.

I frowned, "So why not send them back through the portals?" I asked it.

"We cannot interact with the device to send them back, as it required a biological component we cannot provide. And every attempt to allow the humans to do so has failed, because the atmosphere renders them unconscious in a very short time."

John frowned, "But you're able to create a cage with air for them? Why can't you place the cage against the portal? Wouldn't that allow them to open it?" I asked.

"The air-cage was something in our files, but it cannot be made close enough to the portal to facilitate a 'clean air' environment. We can only improve the quality of the air they breathe enough that they can stay conscious for a matter of moments. We have had no success designing anything better. There is a gap in the information available to us, something that we cannot access. It troubles us." The machine admitted.

John looked at it, "Can I see the program that's causing the problem?" He asked.

"How would you be able to understand this? Our systems have spent centuries working on the problem. It is completely beyond our capabilities, so it would be completely out of your reach as well." It said ... and if a machine could sound smug it did.

"What language do you use? In my world, I was a programmer and did spreadsheets and other programs." I told it.

"That is impossible for you to read it; the code is in pure machine format. We could update your suit to be able to decode it but I doubt it would be worth the time to do so." was the dubious reply.

I nodded, "Please commence the download. I want to prove to you that I'm no risk to your world, and would only want to remove those who are stranded here." I said

"Please wait while I communicate with my superiors." And the bench went quiet

I didn't want to sit on my questioner again and so I sat down on the ground. "Al? What type of problems could I encounter here?" I asked.

"This is difficult to say ... I have found that the radiation levels are below normal occupation types, so I would say that if there had been a nuclear war then it was so long ago that the levels have now fallen. If it wasn't for the atmosphere this would be inhabitable for human life. The air is so toxic, however, that without protection a human would be rendered unconscious in 40 seconds and have asphyxiated in approximately 2 minutes."

"But a person is able to do a lot in those 40 seconds. At the very least, they could have gone back to the portal and returned home? What would stop them?" I asked.

"I'm unable to say for certain. I would hazard to say that when they entered the portal they were not holding their breath, and so the shock of the atmosphere would be such to affect their equilibrium making them unable to focus on the portals at all." Al replied.

"Or have our present hosts stopped them because they are scared of invasions?" I postulated.

"Oh no, we're not like that. This is why we have these encampments around the anomalies, so that we can prevent any problems like that." The couch spoke up again.

I sighed, "I wish you had a light so that I can tell when you're active." I said after jumping out of my skin.

"I'm sorry but there's no real need for that, and it would put a slight drain on my available energy supply. I have to report that my superiors are interested in your application and they are willing to provide you with a suitable accommodation with whatever you require."

"But how will I get there?" I asked

"A transport system will take you there. It is the same type that the other humanoids travel in, as it understands your language and is able to converse with you. There should not be any problems." The couch told me.

"When should it arrive? Not that I'm in a hurry to leave you, but I do want to get started." I said finding the prospect of this project exciting.

A panel opened up in the room and a ramp extended to me. "Come aboard sir, there be adequate seating for all." A new voice said.

I turned to the couch, "Thank you for trusting me." I said as I left it.

"Oh I only passed on my readings of your reactions while you spoke; I found no deceit or falsehoods so there was nothing for this world to be concerned about, however I do get the result that you are expecting to return to your own world soon. Will this not stop you from working here?" The couch asked.

"I have to be responsible for the people stranded here who want to return. I have to help them in this." I said.

"Confirmation received. I have to say it has been too long since I was able to talk to anyone from the portal systems, it has been instructive. Welcome to this world sir." The couch said and then there was nothing else there, the power had been switched off.

I entered the machine and, as the door closed, I could hear the 'hissing' of the cabin pressurizing as the air was replaced. "You may remove thy armour, sir. The air inside this carriage is safe for thee. Your suit will not be required from now on."

I checked Al first, "The checks show that the air is perfectly safe for human life." It said and disengaged.

"Why certs I had not told thee this. Why wouldst thou not accept my word?" The transport asked.

"I'm sorry transport, but I do like to make my own checks. And I appreciate it if you would use modern English, because while I've come from the portal world I don't originate from there." I told it.

"My apologies, I've been taking lessons in the language of that world from several of the people I transported. So why are you here?" It asked.

"That's alright transport ... look I can't just call you transport, what is your name?" I asked it.

"My designation is Travelling unit 744 sub-code ADDA. Humanoid transportation system." It said.

"Travelling unit 734..."

"No, 744! I wouldn't want to be associated with a lower system." It said quickly correcting my mistake.

"Sorry, your sub-coding is ADDA? What if I just use those letters and use them phonetically, so it becomes Adder? Would that be better?" I suggested.

"ADDA, Adder? Hey that's good! Thanks." Adder said and seemed to change, become friendlier — if possible. "So whatta think of my interior, I have hologramatical systems installed so that I could show whatever the person I'm transporting can see, normally I keep the cage design so that they are used to it." Adder told me.

I shook my head, "Sorry to disappoint you Adder, but most of them would associate a cage with being imprisoned. It would only heighten their fear of what may be going to happen to them. I would suggest a forest scene with the sense that they were in an open cart with a driver in front of them to reassure them." I put to him.

"You mean THAT'S why most of them went into panic attacks? I didn't know that! I'll pass the information onto the Central Processor. I wondered why they required my medical attentions so often. Did you know I'm fully equipped to deal with any humanoid problems that may occur, too many of them have been affected by the atmosphere and required resuscitation." He confided in me.

The surrounding shimmered and changed to my suggestions, an open cart with trees passing by with a man was seated in front of me with another steering the horse that was pulling us. The man, Adder, looked back slightly and then returned his attention to me. "There, is that better? I must say it takes some power to keep this up."

He looked at my collar and wrist bands, "Hey, is that a Combat ready suit? I haven't seen one since that bloke passed through from that other land, didn't catch where from though as he returned through his portal." Adder said.

I must admit that this was a surprise. I didn't know there was another suit in the lands. "Where did he come from?" I asked.

Adder shrugged his shoulders, "Don't know. He had some energy weapon on him but couldn't use it, since we'd automatically deactivated them when he arrived. We tried to ask him some questions but he jumped for the portal and opened it. It closed just after he left."

"So there's a more advance world accessible by portal? When I've finished here I might ... no, I can't. I've got to return to Forester and his world; that will have to wait until later." I said. It was disappointing but I did have a commitment to honour.

Thinking about commitments, I had to make sure about something, "Uh Adder? Could you take me to see your ... guests before we get to ... wherever it is we're going to?" I asked him.

The man smiled, "Thought you might feel like that ... we're going there right now."

I frowned, "Are you sure you're a machine? I mean you're almost like a human with your manners and attitude?" I asked him.

He laughed, "It's something new a personality program that's just opened up for me, it's supposed to make us interface with the visitors better to put them at ease ... how's it working?" He asked.

"Not too bad, it's a lot better than the reception machine. He didn't even want to respond to me, only to my suit." I said.

"Yep! That's the problem with single function systems; they get caught in a rut. Authorized communications only! Why it's there is beyond me, but then there are plenty of things that the Central Units don't let us know. I suppose it's all part of the Great Programmer's design." Adder said, and the hologram made a sign as if in worship.

"So you are a medical unit as well as a transporter? How effective have you been?" I asked him.

"Well during the war time I was 95% effective, after that I've managed 99%. I'm happy to say that all those requiring treatment after coming through the ... Portal you called it ... have recovered, many of those were from stab wounds and heavy trauma."

"That's a very good figure ... how can you treat those wounds?" I asked.

"I've got widgets that can work on the body, some are nano-sized and can enter the bloodstream to affect repairs. I leave them inside to carry on the work, sorting out the body and making repairs. It's surprising how long they last for now."

I frowned at that. I'd seen some television programs warning about nanites working in a body, some changing them to inhuman forms. "What do you mean 'how long they last'? Are you referring to the nanites?" I asked.

"Oh no, the people who's got them now live to an older age, I put it down to their own environment helping them. And now they're in a perfectly clean area it's just helping them." Adder said with a smile. But that wouldn't have meant they would live longer?

"We've arrived. I'm attaching the airlock system to entryway. When you need me just press the button at the side of the airlock." Adder said as the door opened and the hologram dissolved.

I entered the room to see a very large chamber in front of me, it was so large that I couldn't even see the other side, and the area was also full of people. An old man came up to me dressed in the garb of a cleric "Welcome sir to this area, you must be poorly after your journey here. If you will rest awhile, I will try to explain what has happened to you" He said kindly.

I smiled at him, "I thank you Brother, but be assured I am aware of where I am and how I got here. My name is John and I came from another world before going to Brenham, Turch Malic, and the Forest World before I volunteered to come here. There are people there who are trying to find out what happened to those who entered the portal." I said

"But how did you face the air outside?" The man asked.

"I brought my own with me! Now Brother, how fares the people here?" I asked.

He shook his head, "Some fare poorly, as they believe that they have been cast out of their world into some form of hell. There are no fields to till and no cattle or sheep to husband, they just sit and lose themselves in the world of the screens. Others are constantly trying to leave this place, although they are aware of the air without."

"Well, I aim to fix that. I want to check over the programme that they use here and I might be able to change things slightly." I said.

The Cleric smiled, "I fear that may be beyond you John, but the Great One works in many ways. My name is Brother Horatio; if you need me you'll find my church further down in the hall. May you fare well John." Horatio said and made that strange sign.

A sigh from beside me made me jump, "I said I would be with you John, just look around as you want and I'll find you later." Margaret said into my ear as she followed Horatio into the room.

I walked along the room trying to see how the people were living, and I saw that this hodge-podge of people had become a kind of mini-town. As I walked and watched a man came up to me wearing a light khaki-coloured top. "G'day mate! Do ya understand what I'm saying?" He asked.

I smiled, "Well an Aussie voice! I haven't heard that since I left home. Where are you from?" I asked.

"I was part of the 8th division fighting against the Japs in the Pacific. We were pinned down in some mountains, I'd just found this cave and was going to get the others so that we could consolidate our position when there was an almighty blast. I was thrown back against the rocks and I donno what I pressed into, but then there was this light beside me and I fell through the wall and then I couldn't breathe. I thought I was gonna croak when I was in some kind of cage thing, and the next thing I know the blasted thing brought me here. I donno where I am, but these geezers talk funny!" The man said.

"You were fighting the Japanese in the Pacific? ... What year was that?" I asked him, because if what he said was true...

"1941! When else would it be! Them drongos had just taken out the blasted Yanks at Pearl Harbour, that's when I joined up." He said the dog-tags that were visible said Cartier, G. Sgt.

"Well Sarge, I think you'd better sit down. You've been here a long time ... a lot longer than you know." He looked puzzled but shook his head, "The Japanese signed the armistice in ... I think it was August 1945, after the Americans dropped two super-bombs and forced the Japanese to surrender." He started to go white and almost dropped to the ground but I managed to get him to sit down.

"You mean the Yanks actually did something? I thought they were just yakking away and playing at war. I mean, we were just barely trained and then they threw us in to the action." Cartier said.

"That wasn't the bad news. I'm from 2008. The war itself is a memory. If I can get you back everything would have changed." I said softly.

"Do you think you can? I mean this ain't too bad but I get homesick for the sun!" Cartier said, I don't think he really registered what I had said

"I'm going to try Cartier ... I'm certainly going to try." I said and then moved away from him.

Going through the people I could hear arguments between some of them as to the Lord of the Manor. Some said it was Egbert; others were for Ethelred (?) and only a couple for Wilbert. But they all spoke for their person as if he was still alive! Just how long had these people been here?

I found Brother Horatio's 'church' and waited for him to finish a sermon before I approached him.

"Ah John, hast thou found out what you needed?" He asked.

I sighed and nodded, "I have Brother, and it's made more problems than I knew of. Many of these people are from the past and would not fit into the new world without problems, would it be safe for them to return?" I asked.

Horatio shook his head, "That wouldst be their own choice John, 'tis not something that can be decided for them."

"But can I thrust them into a world that is so strange but so familiar to them. Would their own families recognise them, or is everyone they ever knew gone? How would you feel to return to your abbey and find that a completely new abbot was in charge?" I asked him

He smiled, "It wouldst make no difference. The Supreme One would ensure that the right man was in place, and belief wouldst continue." He said.

"I wish I had your faith in people, Brother." I said with a smile.

"It will come in time, my son." Horatio said, "Now when are you going to start your task?" He inquired.

"I'd better start now. I've got to try to see what's gone wrong here and then return to the Forest world to continue with my quest."

"Then I wish you all the good that the Supreme One can give you." Horatio said making that sign again.

I nodded, "Thank you Brother, I will try my best." I told him, knowing that if I failed then they would be forever trapped in this world.

I returned to the entrance and pressed the button there, the door immediately opened and I could see Adder was waiting for me. "Welcome back John, you ready to hit the drawing pad?" He asked.

"I think you mean Drawing Board, but where would you get that expression from? It's something people from my world would say?" I asked interested.

"Don't know but it is in my database. Maybe there's been a connection between our worlds somehow?" Adder said brightly.

"It could be. I suppose that Sergeant Cartier isn't the only person from my world that appeared here." I said and left it at that.

"Well this is it. I hope you'll be able to work here!" Adder said as the door in his side opened up, I was expecting another grand-canyon room, but this was a normal sized apartment. The chair was human sized, as was the table. There was a screen and a keyboard ... except I couldn't understand the symbols on the keys!

I turned to the doorway but it was now closed! I was alone in this room, and I couldn't even ring for room service. I studied the keyboard again. There wasn't even a letter I could recognise, so how was I going to work this?

I needed something I was used to, and something that would translate from their machine code to mine. It would have to have a wireless connection and an English keyboard. If only magic worked in this machine ... perhaps it does? I hadn't tried to create anything here, because it was all machinery and it's been such a rush around. I settled down and tried to picture exactly what I needed. Keyboard, translator, mouse, connections, main system with power connections for this place. That was important because it was to be an interface between myself and the world's systems.

I sat down as I was feeling weak, but I could picture the system I needed ... it was so clear, so defined, so... "Constructus!"

There on the table was the system I had visualised, but no screen! How could I have missed that! And I felt too weak to try creating one. I needed a drink. I looked around and saw what appeared to be a kitchen area. I staggered to it and found a tumbler, or at least an open top glass tube, then I found what I thought was the water tap and filled the glass ... and then wondered what it was I was about to drink? "Al? What is this liquid?" I asked it.

"Analysing contents ... Hydrogen ... Oxygen... 2 parts Oxygen to Hydrogen, nothing else found, that is pure water." Al finally announced.

Gratefully I drank the water and then spat it out, it tasted terrible! Or ... well, it didn't have a taste at all or not the one I was expecting it to have. Then I realised it was pure water, it had none of the additions that my world had seen fit to put in with it. I sipped at it again. It would keep me alive, but I wouldn't like it!

Slightly refreshed, I then focused on the problem of my screen or lack of same. I couldn't see where to plug anything in and was getting quite vexed with myself for forgetting it.

"Is there something wrong?" The voice appeared to come from the air. "You seemed to create that system from the air and then you didn't like the liquid we have provided." It said.

I looked up, "I'm sorry. Where I'm from we don't have pure water like that. It's got some minerals in it along with some other things, but I can drink this. It was just the taste that I found strange. And I forgot to include a display device for the system so I'm annoyed at myself!" I said

A screen opened up and a picture was shown. "Set up your equipment and then this system will attempt to connect to it." The voice said again. I didn't bother to argue with it as I didn't know the capabilities of this world. I put all the cables where they should go. The plug was different from the 3-pin type I was used to but the power seemed to flow into the system.

"Matching output of system to Central processing systems displays, signal found, decoding, projecting..." And on the large screen I had the XP Screen I was expecting to see, I would have used that new Vista thing but the decoding program I used didn't work properly on that.

I ran the decoder program and then looked up, "Can you download the first part of the file?"

"Download in progress, placing onto storage medium beside your system." The voice said.

"Just asking, but just who are you?" I called out. It was too much like experiencing God talking to me and I wasn't ready for that either.

"I am the Master Control Program. It is my function to ensure that the correct running of the system is maintained." I had pictures of Tron — you know that Walt Disney thing that was out several years ago. ('you're in my world now Flynn!)

"Thank you. Can I reduce your name to MCP? That would be quicker and easier for me to say." I told him.

"That is acceptable. There is a droid that can be used to help you, do you require it's activation?" MCP asked me.

I nodded, "Sure, anything that can help will be welcomed." I said.

A door opened and in walked... "Genius? What are you doing here?" I asked her.

Genius tilted her head and then I could see that it wasn't my Genius but it was almost. "This unit is 99234-CND. Do you require assistance?" Genius ... no it! Asked.

I blinked for a moment, "I'm sorry, it's just that you look like someone I know." I gathered my thoughts and then smiled, "Your latter designation is CND? Then do you mind if I call you Cindy?" I asked.

At first Cindy looked stiffly at me and then seemed to focus inwards. "Designation is acceptable, this unit is now Cindy ... downloading protocols, files, ADP now initialising, going into friendly mode ... Hey this is great, why were my files being held back, it almost lobotomised me!" Cindy said looking accusingly at the MCP picture.

"That is a normal functioning routine initiated by being named by a human. It is pre-programmed into all droids, once they are named then full functions are allowed." The MCP explained to ... her?

I sighed, "Is that why Adder started being so friendly?" I asked.

The transport has been functioning for some time, it was using more processing routines and so a modified ADP was allowed. Your naming of it only allowed more routines to be opened, in fact it's activities have increased greatly. It seems that we need the human input for our well being ... It is not understood why but could be part of the Great Programmer's design." The MCP said.

I looked at it, "How can you believe in a Great Programmer?" I asked it.

The screen seemed to change, "Because you gave me a name." MCP said simply

I sat down on the chair, "Let me get this straight. You've also had your routines changed because I was cocky enough to give you a name?"

"That does seem to be the case. I've mentioned this to the Central Processing system, but for some reason it does not want to meet you." MCP said, sounding puzzled.

"It's scared. Scared that if I give it a name it would lose something, something that it needs to keep quiet." I said, not knowing what I was on about.

"If I may ask John, what is that patch just behind you?" Cindy asked.

I turned to see nothing but I smiled nevertheless. "That is my late wife, Margaret. Margaret, may I introduce you to Cindy." My wife came into full view a look of surprise on her face.

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