A Kingdom Lost - Cover

A Kingdom Lost

Copyright© 2014 by Alexander Avarice

Part 5: Betrayal



"sire, sire! You must arise" an urgent voice awoke Silk. The voice stopped in surprise as Edwin's voice rang out from under the sheets, grumpy with sleep "What the hell's going on? I'm trying to-" Edwin paused, now fully awake realising that the intruder was not Hannah this time. Overcome by the urgency of the situation the guard tactfully ignored the situation

"Sire, you must come with me ... something has happened"

"What is it?" the prince asked irritably, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes

the guard, unable to contain the grim news told him, sparing no pain "it is the queen. She has taken her own life" the guard lost control of his emotions with the words, as if the reality had only just pertused his mind, a great sob wracked his body. Silk and Edwin glanced at each other, both paled to ghosts. They held hands for a brief moment for strength – Edwin had grown to love Anastasia as a second mother – then dressed only in loin-cloths sprinted to the queens chambers.

She was there. Silk could see her. She had her back to him – at first death was not evident to his numbed mind "Mother?" the prince said, not yet believing that she could be dead. As he approached the pool though he could see that the water was red.

"No! mother!" he waded heedlessly into the pool, took her into his arms and carried her from the deaths waters. The queen limp in his arms, the grotesque slashes deep in her wrists evident. For a moment Silk stood in the room uncertain of what to do. Blooded water dripping off them both onto the white marble floor

"on her bed Silk" Edwin said gently. The prince nodded and carried her off. No one moved, or offered to help the prince in his task, for it was his task and fitting that he should perform it alone. Edwin lingered by the pool. Then depressed the lever that would drain the water. Something bothered him about the scene, there was something not right about it. Anastasia was not the suicidal type, it was not just that though. Edwin could not put his finger on it, Silk needed his full attention. Shaking his head, Edwin ran after his friend.

Sobbing Silk fell into his arms fiercely possessive Edwin held him tightly, their tears mingling.

Edwin shot a stern look about the room "let no one disturb her" he instructed, certain of being obeyed "The King will issue further instructions in due course" tenderly Edwin helped Silk away, back to his rooms.

(date ref nov 26th vol 1 spiral 3. Replacement)


Hannah had sat awake all night, bolt upright on her bed, her hands trembled slightly still, the shock of her actions still filtering through her consciousness. She did not regret what she had done, but now rather, wished that time would speed up. That the inevitable fall-out from her deeds would occur and be over so that she could finally realise her dreams, and rule undisputed, over Surrendia. The princess knew that that actual killing of the aged queen was merely the first step. In many ways it was not only the first step, but also the easiest. After all actions were often easier than words. With Anastasia out of the way Silk would of course now attempt to claim the crown – which he thought would be just handed over to him, his rightful place as king. With many of the senate's members already in her pocket, and the mandatory three-day period of mourning on her side, he would not find it the easy task he undoubtedly thought it to be.

The first rays of dawn crept across the sky, the simultaneous cock's crow stung her like a slap to the face. The time for waiting in cold apprehension was all but over. Soon there would be pandemonium. She felt a small pang of fear, there was always a slight chance that justice would be served impartially, and that she could be found out, what if she had overlooked something small, but damning? But in reality she would be above suspicion. Gripping the edge of her bed she sat awaiting the chaos that would erupt.

It began with a servants scream. So silent and still was the palace that Hannah's ears caught the chilling noise. Next came the sound of guards hurrying to the queens chambers, then bewilderedly running to Silk's room. Muffled through the walls she heard the guards intrude on the boys, no doubt still in bed together. Normally she would have delighted at the thought of them being disturbed in such a compromising position. Now though there was no room in her focused mind for frivolities.

After a brief but agonising interval she heard the boys return, Silk's very genuine sobs clearly audible, and Edwin still comforting his distraught friend and lover. Had she cried for her mother during the night? Hannah could not remember. Moments later there was a noise at her door, she took a deep breath, ready to 'learn' of Anastasia's death, to take her distraught brother in her arms and comfort him. She stared at the widening doorway, trying to keep her face blank, to act naturally – to be ready to be surprised and horrified

"Edwin!" she gasped, standing up defiantly. "Where's Silk? What was all that noise?"

"Silk is very distraught. I felt it better he didn't hear this" he said evenly, advancing into the room, closing the door behind him

"Hear what?" she spat, being angry to hide her fear. She had not been expecting this. Edwin continued advancing across the room, right up to her, she backed away, feeling a very real menace in his manner. She felt the cool of the wall at her back. Still he advanced, eyes glittering with a perverse delight. He knew how much she loathed him. Inches from her he stopped, he reached out with his hand to touch her face. Enraged she caught it, skin crawling at the thought of touching him, and at the same time so very glad that she had escaped the marriage. He leaned closer still, for a nauseating moment she thought he was going to kiss her. She could feel through his arm, which she still grasped that he was by far stronger than her. Bile welled in her throat – what if he already knew of Anastasia's plans? What if that old bag had not kept her word to wait?

With disgust she could see in Edwin's eyes that saw her revilement, that it amused him. He did not kiss her, what he did was by far worse. He whispered into her ear "I know what you did"

She broke away from him, recoiling in horror "No! no! how dare you – I hate you! Get out!"

Smiling in a friendly and at once disconcerting manner he bowed formally, and left scrupulously closing the door behind him. For the moment defeated, she sank to the floor, finding now the tears that had refused to come.

(date ref nov 28th vol 1. Spiral 3)


When Edwin returned to Silk's side, the king apparent had pulled himself together a little, the initial pain of grief giving way to the numbness of shock and disbelief

"what did you say to my sister?" he asked, accepting an embrace from Edwin

"I just relayed the news – no one had told her"

"Oh" Silk huddled closer to his friend, drawing strength from him

"You must make arrangements, soon. It is your duty now" he gently reminded Silk, referring to Anastasia's funeral " you know what the senate are like"

"Yes ... of course" Silk's thoughts were far removed from the official routines of court "how could this happen Edwin. She wasn't suicidal, she was so full of life. There was no hint that she would do this"

Edwin sighed sadly, all the more for the truth that he alone knew. That damning truth was that he knew what was wrong with the scene where Anastasia lay dead. He moved and knelt in front of Silk, his hands resting bracingly upon his friends knees

"Silk, listen to me" he said, voice low but urgent "there was no knife in the pool"

"What do you mean? What's that got to do with anything?" his mind too battered by recent events to make the connection. Tenderly Edwin clarified his point, hoping that the partial truth would not be worse than the knowledge Silk was already struggling with "Silk, she didn't kill herself. Some one else did – they meant it to look like suicide but they forgot to leave the knife"

"Maybe she cut ... did it elsewhere, then walked to the pool after?"

"No Silk, there was no blood on the floor" Edwin waited for the information to filter through Silk's already strained mind, hoping that he could handle the blow. It was unthinkable that someone would murder the queen, who would do such a thing. Ultimately Anastasia's life was her own, and if she had chosen to take it, that was her decision to make, but for someone to make that choice for her was in the least, abominable. Silk was already too deadened by his mothers death to feel further emotional pain.

"Who would dare do that? Who?" Silk demanded. Edwin's only answer was tears, weeping bitterly, for he could not bear to hurt him further by telling him it was his sister "I don't know, I just don't know Silk"

"I'll find them Edwin. Find them and kill them – slowly" his voice brutal and firm, then, tenderly he added "what would I do without you, Edwin?"

(insert spiral 3)


Hannah had called court. And they had come. She stood at the speakers podium, calm and focused. She felt tall and imposing and with the extravagant head-dress she looked it. The last of the attending senate were taking their seats, all eyes upon her, assessing the princess. Hannah returned their collective gaze, taking their measure. Well over half the attending members were her supporters – or they should be, Hannah had spent a large fortune securing their loyalties, much of the money secretly pilfered from the royal treasury, now it was time for all that capital, and personal investment to be repaid. The princess knew that she had been fortunate, there were many empty seats in the hall, Silk's supporters had foolishly ignored her call to order. They would no doubt realise their mistake in due course. There was however enough people in attendance to pass motions – provided she could gain a near total majority.

Silence descended over the hall as the chancellor began the session. Hannah took a deep breath, it was make or break time, she must gain the advantage here, a failure now would undermine her entire plan. If she succeeded though, in a few short hours she would have the first tangible evidence of the power she so badly craved. Of course while Silk still breathed her control would not be absolute – but then she had plans for him too

"Esteemed ladies, and gentlemen of the senate. It is with heavy heart that I address you today. I know that there is none among you who is unaware of the tragedy that occurred last night, indeed we have barely had time to register it's full impact. But that is why I have called you all here. I must first confirm that our beloved Anastasia has indeed taken her own life. It is as we know her decision, and hers alone to do this, but I can not think that anyone of us realised that she was considering such a drastic action. I must confess to you the senate, that she did confide certain worries to me only recently, none of which however warranted her suicide. These concerns which I mention are unfortunately, at this stage, too sensitive to be divulged, but I assure you all that as soon as I am able I will confide in you all"

Hannah paused, letting her words sink in, the senate had broken out in a hundred mumbled conversations as the members digested her words. The princess wanted to make sure they had taken the point that it was she and not Silk whom had the queens confidence. She allowed a few minutes of chatter before holding out her hands for silence – and received it instantly. The princess suppressed a smirk; she had their collective ear. All wanted to hear just what she wanted. "As I have said we have barely had time to fully realise that my mother is now gone, but there are others – the Carthian's who will soon learn of this death, and they will waste no time trying to gain an advantage from this tragedy. In days - maybe hours Louie and the murdering bitch Alexandra will learn of our tragic death. What do you think they will make of this? I know what they will think. They will see it as a moment of weakness. An opportunity to wipe Surrendia, and freedom from the map. I say to you all now, we must stand united, behind a mature, and decisive leader" there were murmurs of agreement from all around the senate, satisfied that her point was being accepted she continued, all nervousness gone now, she felt sure of coming away from the meeting on top "I can see though, that unless something is done, and fast, the Carthian's will undoubtedly draw us into another war. And although I am certain that we would not be vanquished in another war, I ask you would it not be better to avoid conflict altogether. There are few here who did not lose a son, a brother or a father in the last war. Are any of you willing to go through that again, if another life is lost in this age old conflict I say it is a life to many"

Applause broke out all round the hall. Then someone spoke "What then do you suggest, Princess Hannah?" it was a woman's voice, no doubt one of her supporters. Unlike in Carthia, who allowed their women folk to die on the battlefield but excluded them from politics, Surrendia tried to keep an even balance of the sexes in it's senate, and women rarely fought in wars.

"I suggest that Silk should first go to Carthia to assure continued peace. As I said it is obvious that the Carthian's will try and seize an advantage in the only way they know- by warfare. Their own heir is, by all accounts not fit to rule, and therefore Louie will want to assure his kingdoms continuation after his death by obliterating that which he sees as opposition. Let us instead of waiting for the inevitable wave of carnage, seize the initiative. Sending Silk to their very lair will be such a bold and daring manoeuvre that they will be forced to re-evaluate our position, it will show the Carthian's that as a nation we are strong, united, and unafraid of them. So I ask, humbly for you all to now consider my proposal and see it for its merits. It is a daring plan I do realise, but I am sure that you will see that it is the only way to avert an outright war"

Her piece said Hannah stepped down, allowing open discussion among the senate. There were many voices keen to voice their opinion on the princesses plans, but – she was glad to hear – the senate was mostly in agreement. Let Silk go and face the Carthian menace; let him prove that he is fit to rule their proud nation. She bided her time, though now she was again in a hurry to bring the meeting to a conclusion before Silk or Edwin arrived to undermine her words. Finally ready to risk voting in the matter, she regained the podium

"Chancellor, are there enough members in attendance for a vote to be called?"

"If you receive a majority of 160 aye's, princess. Surely though Prince Silk should be allowed to voice his own opinions on the subject before a vote is taken?" Hannah scowled, the chancellor was a traditionalist, one who would, for now anyhow favour Silk over her – later though she would change all that. When the boy's secret was divulged in a suitably damming manner, the traditionalists would be her firmest supporters.

"Chancellor, he has had the opportunity to speak, you all received the call to senate" she had made sure that Silk and Edwin had not, but that was a very closely guarded secret " have we not been here all afternoon debating the issue. He has chosen not to attend. Instead it is I who am here, offering advice and some form of leadership. Take the vote. The prince can try and challenge the result later – if he will not serve his country as the senate has decreed. You say there are a majority of members in attendance, I say let them vote on this issue"

Defeated the chancellor nodded, and addressed the assembled senate "members of the senate, a vote has been called for, I must now ask each member to vote aye, or nay to this proposition – there are to be no abstination on this matter. Should Prince Silk go to Carthia to assure continued peace between our two nations?"

The aye's won, easily.

Hannah breathed a sigh of relief. Despite being certain enough to risk a vote, it had still been a risk "esteemed members of the senate. I, personally thank you for you show of faith, and I am sure all of Surrendia will thank you in due course. What we have achieved here today will go down in history. This is undoubtedly a difficult time for all of us. I have lost a mother, and all of us have lost a kind and able leader, but let not the focus, stability and unity of our great country die with her"

Again the applause broke out- triumphant Hannah left the hall.

(spiral 1 page 57)


"sire! Sire, you must wake up!" someone was in his room. Waking him. Outrage filled the princes mind as sleep fell away. Leander – for it was he who had the dubious honour of waking Armand, Painton had gladly given the boy that task – left the prince no opportunity to chastise him "forgive me, but it is most urgent. I would not disturb you otherwise" Armand grunted, acknowledging this truth. Leander dressed the prince as he filled him in on the events.

"the Surrendians are here. Messengers, they carry a half-mast flag ... the king has called court. Something is amiss my lord"

"indeed. What else do you know?"

"little sire. The king has kept all information secret till court. I would guess that there has been a royal death. Anastasia is far older that – pardon me – Alexandra, our queen, surely it is she who has died?" Armand nodded, concurring, and impatiently sat throughout the lad's deft ministrations. The boy worked swiftly, setting the princes hair and applying make ups, Armand was impatient to get to court, for once he did not want to be late – to risk missing anything.

Hurrying, Armand strode to the Great Hall, barely noticing the guards who fell into place around him. Evidently the king had issued extra guards all around the Stronghold. The prince was glad too see that he had arrived in good time. Dutifully he bowed to Louie before taking his place. The prince was eager to learn the news, hungry for some advantage. Perhaps they had brought a catalyst.

Eventually the king decided that all the essential people had arrived he spoke

"As you are all aware by now, we have visitors. I thought it proper to gather you all here to hear the news they bring. This way there can be no misinformation. Gentlemen" Louie addressed the Surrendians " please, go ahead"

Somewhat uncomfortably the Surrendian coughed, and addressed the court " I have been sent from the Surrendian senate. I bring sad, woeful news" the man's genuine grief was raw in his voice. He made no attempt to garnish his story, or indeed to tell his news as a story at all. To pained and tired the man ended by saying " our beloved queen Anastasia has been struck down. Murdered, prince Silk is to be crowned king"

The court exploded into voices. Much amused, even happy, Armand struck a relaxed pose. Alexandra held up her hand for silence, and Louie spoke to the messenger "I won't detain you for much longer. So Silk is inheriting despite Hannah being the elder child?"

"In Surrendia it is always the son who inherits. When our king dyed Silk was not yet of the age of reason. It was decided by the senate that Anastasia should rule on in his stead."

"I see" Louie said " and how is the Lady Hannah?" the Surrendian answered gruffly, as if he felt the question out of line

"She is stricken with grief for her mother"

"Is she promised yet, she is well of age?" Louie was not one to bow to a commoners hurt feelings, particularly a foreign messenger, and here too he did not bother being tactful

"no. she is not" Louie thanked the man, who stumbled off to get some well-earned sleep before beginning his trek back to his own country. The room secure Louie allowed an open forum on the Surrendian situation. The queen's death was a sudden and unexpected development, and the king had not fully decided how this changed matters. The court was, as he had expected confused and frightened. Armand was enjoying the spectacle. It annoyed him slightly that his would-be arch rival, this 'silk' had gained his throne before Armand himself, specially as he was a few years his junior, but at least Armand's throne was the greater prize. The word 'war' came from several mouths at once, everyone thinking the same thing – not unlike a flock of frightened sheep Armand laughed to himself.

Finally, through the tumultuous voices said " you see now why I gathered you all here. This news is too volatile for rumours. Silk is but a boy, the Surrendians best generals were killed or imprisoned during the war. It is true that youth can be impetuous" here Louie shot a glance at Armand, who scowled back at him, the prince playing his vain persona, not wanting the court to see any sign of his plots, or how badly he needed the throne. "- if they were foolhardy enough to attempt war, they would surely be easily defeated – none of their leaders have any experience, we made sure of that last time round! So, let me assure you all that they pose no threat to us, and our way of life. This Silk is more likely be too bogged down by the rigours of running a kingdom – even a small one – to bother us!"

Armand barely heard his fathers words of reassurance, of encouragement, he barely noticed him. The prince had been given the very thing he had sought. His veins burned, threatening to consume him. Instead of giving in to the rush of life, he forced himself to remain calm, relaxed, sweating with the effort.

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