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Forum: Story Ideas

Has anyone ever actually used any of these story ideas?

Eddie Davidson 🚫

As an author, I know it's very easy to fall into a formula and keep writing basically the same scenario in different variations.

As an example, almost every one of my submissives are naked at home. I like that scenario but it's almost expected.

I like to collaborate with people to discuss different ways to make my stories interesting and a forum is a great place to do it.

Almost every thread that gets responses here typically devolves into a series of bad puns, or someone essentially telling the op that their fantasies are bad/untenable.

Curious if anyone has ever actually read an idea here and went and wrote a story for Sol based on it?

I have a lot of ideas or requests for stories that I would love to see get written but I have my doubts that this is the place to ask any more.

Seems more like people would rather tear down an idea, or use it as an opportunity to post bad puns.

I would love to be proven wrong.

Replies:   Vincent Berg  JoeBobMack
Vincent Berg 🚫

@Eddie Davidson

I used to frequent this particular forum quite a while ago, and it has some very good ideas. I'm not sure what happened between then and now, but I haven't seen many 'usable' themes for some time. I never used any for a story premise of my own, but I did aspects of some in my ongoing stories.

As for the more judgmental responses, those mostly come when someone requests more Pedo stories, which are expressly forbidden both by the site and by Canadian law, and could get the entire site shut down. Thus, to help preserve the site, many will attempt to sidetrack those efforts before they progress very far.

However, there are other ideas which just haven't been well enough thought through and developed to actually make for a sustainable story. I've seen several of those arguments here, and the reasons are generally well defended, IMHO.

The bad puns, however, are mostly an attempt by certain individuals (myself included) to help deescalate rising tensions in the discussions, especially when two or more authors face off in little more than a shouter match, insulting and belittling each other. And once the pun-wars start, they too escalate rapidly. For the many authors who routinely 'punish' their characters for the sake of story conflict purposes, it's nice to let off some steam by playing on other author's often poor phrasing choices.

By the way, I've also offered a couple of ideas here for story plots which I discovered I couldn't follow through on. However, those nary got a nibble, and nowadays, I more often get near the end of a complete first draft before abandoning a story, and at that idea it's no longer an 'idea' but a fully fleshed out story.

The bigger issue, as you've apparently noted, is that each author has their particular shtick, where it's harems, incest, revenge fantasies, or whatever. So, it becomes difficult to find suggestions that match your particular impulses and desires. It's one thing to put a slightly different spin on a common story, it's another to change the central theme entirely to wrap it around a different premise.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son 🚫

@Vincent Berg

As for the more judgmental responses, those mostly come when someone requests more Pedo stories, which are expressly forbidden both by the site and by Canadian law, and could get the entire site shut down.

There has also been quite a bit of "Well go write it yourself" responses.

Personally I think this area of the forum works better as a place for authors to vet ideas they are interested in with potential readers and/or other authors than as a place for ideas to be put out with the intent of others taking them up and writing them.

JoeBobMack 🚫

@Eddie Davidson

A group can develop a habit of looking for the seed of greatness in an idea, the "mighty oak in the acorn." Not a redwood or banyan, but an oak - true to the core of the idea, but seeing how it can be more. Or, bringing the best of an idea forth by directing questions toward the positive. A group tends to move in the direction of the questions it asks.

I haven't been active here long enough to have any ideas what might have changed, or even to judge the extent of change, but it would be fun to see a flourishing hothouse for the development of story situations, characters, plotlines, and possibilities.

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