Exposure - Cover


Copyright© 2023 by aroslav

Chapter 15: Review

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 15: Review - Fresh out of high school, Nate is ready to face the world as he heads to college in Chicago. Before his summer is over, though, he has more models to photograph, both in Tenbrook and in Chicago. He has five girlfriends to keep satisfied. And he has his share of heartbreak to face. Then there is the unexpected trauma of going to school in Chicago in the fall of 1968. Nate’s principles and commitment will all be tested before he finishes the next eighteen months.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Historical   School   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Massage   Oral Sex   Pregnancy  

ELIZABETH AND I had a great night on Friday. My last class was out and I was free for a week. Unfortunately, that meant Beth would return to class on Monday. Ronda and I had found a nice club to dance at while she was in town, that didn’t serve alcohol so we minors were allowed in. Beth and I had a good time and went back to her house for loving afterward. Saturday after a late morning, I went to the bus station and picked up Patricia and Anna to start our spring break. We all stayed with Beth that night.

Sunday, Patricia, Anna, and I headed east toward the nearest bridge to Canada in Detroit. We weren’t really planning to camp, so stayed in one of the nice suites at the Holiday Inn in Windsor, Sunday night.

“I’m not very enthused about the Windsor area after our little driving tour today,” Anna said. “It’s kind of industrial. Maybe we should look at other entry points for finding a house.”

“We don’t need to find a house in Windsor,” I said as I cuddled with the two girls in bed. We might have a little less sex this week with two girls who weren’t interested in loving each other. But ... What am I talking about? I had two lovers with me. I was sure there would be plenty of sex.

“Where else?” Patricia asked.

“Well, the important part about Windsor is access. It’s less than 300 miles from Chicago to Windsor. We can make that in a day’s drive easily. Once we’re in Canada, who cares where we go? Ronda and I drove out to some pretty cool towns that really promote their English heritage. Very cute places. And there’s a real revival of the arts,” I said. “There’s a huge theatre festival in Stratford, and another newer one in Niagara-on-the-Lake. We didn’t get all the way over there to visit that one.”

“That sounds like fun. Let’s do it!” Patricia said.

“Do what, exactly?” Anna asked.

Patricia rolled over the top of me and onto Anna, much to Anna’s surprise.

“Let’s kiss and see what that does to our boyfriend,” Patricia said, much to all of our surprise. “I keep thinking that the awkward part about being four women in love with one man is waiting our turn. It would be so much better if we were entertaining each other some of the time, don’t you think?”

“Um ... Really? I mean, I don’t have anything against it, you know. I mean against girls loving girls. I just never thought about it affecting me before.”


“A little kiss wouldn’t hurt,” Anna said.

From that point, Patricia was absolutely no more experienced than Anna was. They started slowly, experimentally pecking at each other’s lips. Then their lips stayed together a little longer. I was sure I saw their tongues touch. They pulled back a little and just looked into each other’s eyes.

“You know I really do like you a lot,” Anna said. She kissed our girlfriend again.

“I’m glad,” Patricia answered. “There’s a reason I chose you to be my daughter’s godmother. It wasn’t to try and push you and Nate closer together. I didn’t think you needed any help with that. It was because I felt closer to you than any of the others. And um ... I’ve just decided I like kissing you.”

“It’s as new an experience for me as kissing Nate the first time was. I ... um ... Kissing makes a girl want to do so much more,” Anna said.

“I think our lover is ready for the next step. Just let me stay in touch with you while we make love to him,” Patricia said.

She rolled off of Anna and gave me access while the two girls continued to hug and give each other little kisses. Anna opened her legs to me, but I gently tested with my fingers to see if she was ready. As she said, kissing made her want to do so much more.

That didn’t begin Patricia and Anna making love to each other, but they’d moved to a new level of intimacy in sharing me. After I made love to Anna, the two girls bracketed me, alternately kissing me and kissing each other. Soon I was wearing a condom and being guided by Anna into Patricia’s warm pussy.

“How did you manage to get a prescription for birth control pills?” Patricia asked Anna when we were all cuddled and nearing sleep.

“Oh! Didn’t you know?”

“I heard there was a clinic in Dubuque that would fill the prescription, but I thought you had to have a prescription.”

“Ronda’s father, Dr. Mays. He requires an examination, but it isn’t too intrusive. He prescribed Chris’s pills. When he found out his daughter had gotten them in Colorado, he prescribed them for her, too. I thought you weren’t on them because of the baby,” Anna said. That was news to me.

“My body is pretty much back in shape from giving birth. I can’t believe I left my baby with my mother and just took off to another country for a week of sex and sleep,” Patricia said.

“Speaking of which, none of us have to get up at a particular time in the morning. Sleep sounds really good,” I said. I often didn’t sleep more than three or four hours at night. I wasn’t sure why. Everyone I knew could sleep for ten hours without even trying.

Monday, we drove on over to London, Ontario and got a hotel room there. We spent the day just driving around the city and trying not to get lost. It looked like it was a fast-growing place with over 200,000 people already. We moved on to Stratford Ontario, another forty miles northeast.

And we fell in love.

Less than a tenth the size of London, Stratford was a vibrant area where the Shakespeare Festival had revitalized a community after a major business left town. We were there too early in the season to see a show. The production of Hamlet wouldn’t open until the end of May. The season ran until early September, so it was just over three months.

We wandered around the town, and found an open restaurant. The hotel was very cheap in the off-season, though we were told things start picking up by mid-April when the casts and crews start arriving to begin rehearsals. We found a real estate brokerage and looked at several listings posted in the window.

We apparently spent long enough reading them that the broker came out to ask us if we were interested in anything specific.

“I don’t see what we want listed, though there are some really nice places here,” I said.

“Are you performers? We have seasonal listings available.”

“No. I’m a photographer and thinking about relocating up here,” I said.

“Up. I see. From the US?”

“Yes. It’s not urgent to find a place, but we’d like to find one before it becomes urgent, if you know what I mean.”

“I’m sure I do. Dreadful thing that war. Don’t envy anyone in the US these days. A place for the three of you?” he asked.

“Actually five,” Anna said. “Two couldn’t get free for this trip. We got off for spring break and decided to scout things out.”

“And a baby,” Patricia said. “We expect we’ll have a fair amount of visiting back and forth, but would like to explore the possibilities of dual citizenship or at least residency.”

“I’m Harold Duncan, by the way.”

“Nate Hart,” I responded, shaking his hand. “Anna Marx and Patricia Kowalski. Our other two partners, like Anna said, are in school and the baby is with the grandparents.”

“And, not that it makes a world of difference in a theatre town, but the other two partners ... men? Women?” Harold said.

“Women,” I said.

“But we’ll be a single household,” Patricia interjected.

“Well, like I said, doesn’t make a world of difference in a theatre town. Often rent to same-sex couples. Occasionally to triunes. Can’t say I’ve rented or sold to a penta—whatever they’d call that. Why don’t I take your names and give you some literature about the town. I’ll take down what you think you want in a house and what price-range you think you’ll be able to afford. Also, how you plan to finance it. Might be difficult for minors from America to get Canadian financing. Yes, we still consider you minors until twenty-one. There’s talk of lowering the drinking age to the age of legal majority at eighteen. Many financial institutions are following suit and considering eighteen the proper age these days. Some consider it to be nineteen to assure the client is out of secondary school.”

“Interesting. I’ll do some checking of our resources in the US,” I said. “I have a good income from photography, even though I’m only a nineteen-year-old university student. It seems that a town with a heavy theatre presence would be good for a business like mine.”

“Yes. In fact, having a vocation that you bring with you and that shows you are not taking a job away from a Canadian citizen is a definite plus. The government tends to smile on people who bring a business to the country.”

We went into the office and spent an hour with Harold, filling out forms, describing what we thought we wanted, going over what I needed for a studio, and giving a profile of our ‘family.’ Harold was brought up short when he was trying to find out about the baby.

“My husband was killed in Vietnam. Anna and Nate are my daughter’s godparents,” Patricia said.

“I’m very sorry,” Harold said. “Believe me, I will do what I can to help you all find a place to live in Stratford.”

We stayed another three days there and decided not to go on to Niagara-on-the-Lake. We’d found a place that felt like home.

We were all happy to get back to Tenbrook and see our little girl. I swear she got bigger every time I saw her. In fact, at 38 weeks, Toni was getting to be a big girl. She was turning herself over and beginning to scoot across the floor, not quite on her knees yet. We dressed her in her newest outfit and went to Easter service to hear Mom’s sermon.

I looked around Tenbrook before Anna and I headed back east.

“What are you looking for?” Anna asked as we drove around the town.

“Oh, just being a little sentimental,” I said. “I feel like we just found a possible new home and I wanted to spend a few minutes looking at our old home.”

“Yeah. You know, even living in Rockford, I haven’t felt like I’ve really left home. I come back here nearly every other weekend. But being over five hundred miles away in a different country really puts a different twist on the idea of leaving home.”

“Well, we don’t need to worry about it right away. It’s all a contingency plan, you know? I’ve got a four-year student deferment. Maybe the war will be over by then.”

“I’ll pray for that,” Anna whispered. “But we might still want to move.”

Now that spring break was over, the most important thing was what I considered my review by my patrons. I spent time in the studio every evening, sometimes with one or more of the girls and sometimes alone. Levi had located some additional props and backgrounds, like he said he would. That was what the girls had been organizing when I interrupted them with my study group.

“Expecting anyone else tonight?” Theresa asked on Thursday evening.

“No. All alone tonight,” I said as I went over the list of new props and drops that had been acquired.

“Good.” In less than a minute, Theresa was naked. “Now, my high school crush, let me show you some of the new stuff and start pulling things for your session Saturday. Do we have an idea yet?”

“Yes. Actually, I do have an idea. Getting away for a week really helped clear my head.”

“With those two girls, I’ll bet that’s not all that got cleared,” Theresa laughed. “Don’t worry. If you’ve got any backup yet tonight, I’ll take care of it.”

“How on earth did we get from classmates who hardly ever talked to each other to coworkers, one of whom runs around naked at work?”

“Oh, believe me, in my high school fantasies, I ran around naked with you a lot,” she giggled.

“I think it was probably a good thing I didn’t know about that. I still love thinking about your hard little nipples tenting your blouse.” I reached over and stroked her breasts, paying special attention to those same pointy little nipples.

“I caught you once,” she said, leaning against me and enjoying the attention. “We were freshmen. My breasts had really just started growing and they itched like crazy. My mother put me in a training bra. I hated it so much that I went to the restroom and took it off as soon as I got to school. So, there I was in Social Studies class, absently rubbing at my itchy breast when I looked up and saw you staring at me.”

“I remember that clearly. I’d been caught and was sure you were going to complain to the teacher or something. I knew it would be worse than you calling me Alfred E. Newman.”

“Really? Tell Mr. Humphreys? That old pervert would have joined you in staring. He did sometimes anyway. But my breasts started itching in a different way when I knew you were looking. I kind of narrowed my scratching until I was really just rubbing my nipple. It was so hard and tender. I finally moved my hand away and saw my nipple poked my shirt out. So, I just kind of pulled my blouse tighter against me to make it obvious and went back to studying.”

“I watched for the rest of the class period, just imagining what it would be like to rub that little nipple and feel it get hard like that. I was hard for the rest of the school day, and when I got home, I had an incredible orgasm, just thinking about your nipple. I’ve had several since then, too.”

“Want to have one now?” she asked. “I’d really love one. I’m still trying to decide if I prefer girls or boys. I don’t have much access to boys to compare to.”

“Maybe I can help. In the interest of your education.”

Sex with my high school fantasy girl was a great way to burn off tension over my upcoming photoshoot. We flopped down on the sofa and started making out. I thoroughly explored those pretty little breasts with my fingers and my lips. Not that they were still tiny, but they weren’t all that large either. I started working my way down her torso and over her stomach, pressing her legs open as I got down to her pubic area.

“You’re shaved nice and smooth down low,” I said.

“Leora said if I wanted to be licked, I needed to cut the forest. And I ... really like being licked.”

“Mmm. And you’re so tasty, too,” I said, scooping up some of her lubrication with my tongue. “Are things good with you and Leora?”

“Oh, yeah. But we aren’t getting together much any longer. She’s got a boyfriend and doesn’t need a girlfriend now.”

“I’m glad to know that. I wouldn’t want to make an unwelcome pass at her,” I said.

“It would be welcome. She is constantly hopeful that you’ll make a pass at her and take her ... Oh! Yes! Please do that some more. Mmm, Nate fuck me with your fingers and your tongue. Oh, yeah!”

The conversation came to an abrupt end as I licked her through a couple of strong comes. I crawled up her body and kissed her tits and then her lips some more.

“Come on,” she panted, pushing me upright.

“What? Where?”

“Darkroom. Beth told us there was no fucking in the studio. But then she reminded us that in case of emergency, the darkroom is not the studio.”

Theresa practically dragged me into the darkroom and closed the door. She turned on the light and I saw there was a stool in the room.

“We thought you’d be more comfortable with someplace to sit in here. You know, while things are developing,” Theresa said.

She started pulling my clothes off and I retrieved a condom from my wallet. Theresa was between my legs with my cock practically down her throat. She backed off and rolled the condom on, then straddled me on the stool. She held my erection straight, pointing at her opening and settled down onto it.

“Oh God, yes! Oh, Nate. Three years wanting to feel you inside me. Oh, this is good. I want your come to be more powerful than any you imagined while fantasizing about me. Oh, yeah. Mine is definitely going to be.”

“Theresa, it’s not going to be long in getting here. God, you’re tight and hot and slippery. I’ve wanted to fuck you for four years. Yes. Bounce on me. I’m going to come in you!”

I filled the condom. She convulsed on my cock. We kissed and petted. And then we got busy and did it again.

Maybe Theresa knew better what she was doing than I did. We did get some props pulled for Saturday and I was pretty relaxed when we ducked back into the darkroom for another quick fuck.

I didn’t bother to go to the studio on Friday. Beth and I went out to dinner and didn’t speak once about Saturday’s photoshoot. In a very unusual move, she went back to my room with me, waved to my roommates, and went into my bedroom to spend the night.

When Beth and I got to the studio at 11:30 Saturday morning, Levi was directing Leora, Cassie, and Theresa in arranging seating for a dozen observers. I wondered who the heck all the people were going to be. The first one to arrive was Uncle Nate and he was escorting a statuesque blonde dressed in a minidress with a plunging neckline. I reduced my estimate of her height after I saw the platform heels she was wearing, but she was still nearly six feet tall. All she carried was a makeup bag.

“Nate, this is Rose Thorne. I’ve notarized a model release and verified her true identity. She’s twenty-two years old.”

“Thank you, Mr. Mayer. Rose, it’s nice to meet you,” I said taking her hand.

“Likewise, I’m shoo-er,” she drawled. I thought that was a little over-played.

“Let me show you where to put your makeup kit and we’ll talk about what is happening today,” I said, leading her behind the privacy screen. “Rose, I ask this of every model who comes in here. Are you here of your own free will, without being coerced by anyone?”

“Wow! Mr. Mayer said you’d be straight up with me. I thought he meant something else. I think accepting payment to be here amounts to being here of my own free will.”

“What are your expectations?”

“I was paid a lot of money, flown from Vegas to here, and given a nice hotel room. I was told you were a very special kind of photographer and I was to place myself in your hands and do whatever you told me to for the next forty-eight hours. I just need to tell you, I don’t do pain shit.”

“You’re a professional call girl?”

“No! Oh, God, no. I’m a showgirl. But when one of the big bosses offers you a really plum deal if you’ll just play the game for a weekend, you gotta take it. You know what I mean?”

“Yeah. I think I do. The bosses had one over on you, though.”

“How’s that?”

“This isn’t porn. There’s no sex allowed in the studio. And I don’t date models.”

“Really? I guess I’m a little relieved. I’d have done whatever you wanted, though. I really need the break.”

“You’re an actress?”

“No. Dancer mostly. I was hired as a showgirl because I’ve got firm tits and don’t mind showing them. I was doing that at a strip club, but I really hated the club scene. I got recruited by a producer who liked my style,” she said. “So, we aren’t doing nude stuff or sexy things?”

“Oh, I didn’t say that. No porn. No fucking. But I’m going to work with you to create some really great sexy photos. Unc ... Mr. Mayer didn’t give you a chance to look over the gallery before he handed you off and I suppose our audience is already seated in front of it now. So, you’ll have to trust me to take great photos that will bring out more than the showgirl in you,” I said.

“I guess that all comes under the heading of doing whatever you want me to. I take it you’ll probably be touching me, though.”

“Probably. Maybe intimately. There will be three reasons to do that. First, to get you posed like I want you. Second, to build a connection between the two of us. Third, to make this long and sometimes boring day of hard work a little more pleasant for both of us,” I said, smiling at her. She responded with a smile.

“Okay. I barely have a high school education, but I’m not a dummy.” She took my hands. “I’ll tell you these are real, not fake,” she said guiding my hands to her breasts. “I haven’t forgotten how to get pleasure from them, so I’ll try to tell you how to make it feel good for me. The same goes for any other part of my body you touch. Just—like I said—no pain stuff. I’d walk out before I put up with that.”

“Rose, I think we understand each other perfectly.” I gave her boobs another nice squeeze and then turned her head left and right. “I’m going to do a few portrait shots just like you are. But your makeup is more appropriate for stage. I’ll work with you or have one of my assistants work with you to tone it down for our second round of photos. And I take it that you assumed we’d be working nude, so this is the only outfit you brought? That’s fine. We’ve got a lot of costumes we can pull and we’re pretty good at improvising things. Are you ready to start?”

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