Beth - Cover


Copyright© 2019 by Bronte Follower

Chapter 62

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 62 - Something of a coming-of-age story of a bright, well-adjusted, modern girl, this story is long. It begins with her mother's infidelity, an act that becomes the impetus for a plan to further her ambitions in a particular direction: her hunk of a father. The plan does not come apart so much as expands to encompass much more than she planned... just as the actual writing did.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Sports   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Voyeurism   Nudism  

September 13, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

For some reason, I woke early and could not get back to sleep, so carefully extracted myself from bed and finished up yesterday’s diary entry.

[Added September 14]

In study hall, I did the homework assigned in my first-bell class to get it out of the way for tonight. I got amped just thinking about why I wanted to get that homework done. I spent the last ten minutes reading more of the book for English, while all around me kids were chatting or just goofing off, most with their phones.

The critique of yesterday’s scrimmage came to the conclusion that the team needs more practice as a team, and that we all needed to learn the other’s styles and skills. Coach warned us all not to be surprised if it took a while for the team to gel, particularly on offense.

Scrimmaging with the midfield backups was a bit of a disaster, and it was not due to the wet field caused by overnight rain continuing until lunch. The starting midfield, again using the diamond that included Gracey, outclassed the backups and dominated the game. Abby, at right back, began skipping the midfield and trying to outlet directly to Heather or me, and that initiated the only bright spot for us during the scrimmage.

During a strong offensive press by the other team, Abby stripped the ball from Makayla Jones near the right sideline and curled an incredible pass to Heather that might have spent some time outside the sideline, but Heather tracked down just beyond the centerline. Addiah was playing the forward center half position and was closer to Heather than I was, so she took off to help Heather upfield, while I hauled straight upfield. Shameka, who had overwatch, was staying well in front of me. Gracey was trying like hell to catch up to Heather, as she, like most of their team, had been caught well upfield on offense. Rachel was also hauling back to her end of the field, slowly gaining on Heather and apparently hoping to cut her off before the box. Rhee, who had not gotten the jump I had as she had been helping on D, was coming up quickly, ahead of Kim, and was angling toward the left post.

Heather carried it to the close right corner of the box where she ran into Rachel, so turned and left-footed it to Addiah, who was trailing and outside the longitude of the right post. Gracey, who must have realized that Rachel would be able to cut Heather off, had turned more toward the middle of the field and was only a few steps behind Addiah. While I thought that Addiah should have carried the ball into the box, perhaps shot, I think Gracey concerned her. Addiah saw me trailing her inside of her, so sent a hard pass on the ground that led me just about perfectly. However, Shameka was probably going to be in the way. I might have been able to slide a shot past her to her right and inside the left post, but it would have been a dicey thing. Rhee was trailing outside of me, so I flashed her the sign with my left hand, and kept charging at the ball, focusing on it as if I were going to blast it. Instead of shooting, I stepped past it and kept going toward the goal as the ball kept going left. Rhee blasted a rocket that crossed the goal line head-high and a yard inside the right post, billowing the back of the net.

I smiled when I heard what I expected, Shameka yelling, “DAMN!”

“Damn, that was smooth, Beth. I really thought that you were going for it.”

“Thanks, Shameka. I certainly tried to get you to bite on the fake.”

“Hah! I bit, chewed, and gulped it down! Rhee, that was a helluva rocket. That would have scored on virtually any goalie in the world.”

“Thanks, Shameka,” Rhee responded.

I walked over to Addiah and said, “I was wondering why you didn’t carry the ball into the box. You could have had a shot.”

“Yeah, but I saw you and Rhee, and Coach’s words came back to me about your peripheral vision, so I thought that you probably saw Rhee, too. She had the clearest path and a better angle than I had. I thought you could flick it to her, but what you did worked, too.”

“Oh, good. I was afraid that you might have passed solely because Gracey was bearing down on you. But if you saw Rhee, that was really good thinking. We might need a word to yell out for something like that. I considered shooting, but, as you said, Rhee had a clear path and I didn’t, what with that monster Shameka in my way.”

Shameka chuckled, then said, “That’s me, Shamonster!”

Rhee, Addiah, Heather, Gracey, and I chuckled.

As we turned to go back down the field, I said to Addiah, “I’m looking forward to working with you more. That really was a good decision. Why didn’t you come out for the premier team this spring?”

“We arrived in Elkton in July. Like Jules and Jess, I’m here because one of my parents, my dad, now has a position at the university. We were in upstate New York in spring.”

“You’re 15, right?”

“Yeah. Since we’ll probably be here a while, I’m planning on going for the 16-18 premier team next spring. It will be nice to have a longer playing season, here. I’ll also be happy not to have another upstate New York winter. Damn, but they’re cold and gray.”

Dad picked all six of us up after practice.

With the upstairs shower out of commission, Liya said, “First round downstairs, Heather and Gracey, Liya and Beth in Dad’s.”

Since even Civia was now experienced with our family’s way to do dinner – homemade pizzas tonight, I helped Rhee dry her hair while the others helped the adults deal with dinner. Dinner was tasty and fun, as per usual with this expanded family. Dad drove the whole family to take Gracey, Liya, and Civia home. Again, Civia’s parents were on the front porch when we drove up.

Dad said to Mr. Palecek, “I hear you taught that wonderful daughter of yours the basis of algebra the other day.”

“Yes, and, as I ... and you ... and a couple of these girls ... expected, she got it right away, and was surprised that it was so easy.”

“I take it, then, that you are amenable to her moving ahead in math.”

“As long as her other subjects don’t suffer. She said that your math department might be interested in taking a hand.”

Dad nodded and said, “Yes. We’ve discussed what an expedited pre-calculus route through math would be. We believe that intelligent and motivated students would have little trouble with covering the math that is now taught from 6th to 11th grades in four years, instead of six. Particularly gifted students could, obviously, do it in less, probably much less, time. However, Civia, with her interests in other school subjects and in soccer, may not wish to devote enough time to moving ahead quickly enough to take calculus in 9th grade, although I’m fairly sure that she, a girl that we view as another of our menagerie of bright daughters, could do it.”

Mr. Palecek cocked his head at Dad, and said, “You think of Civia as your daughter?”

“Yes. She fits in so well with the other girls, all of whom we also consider as daughters, that there seemed little reason not to consider Civia as yet another one. You should see her running around and hanging out with them. It’s like ... It’s like they’ve known each other all of their lives. They’re like six peas in a pod. We truly enjoy Civia and like having her visit. She’s our ... newest daughter.”

Putting his arm around her and pulling her into him, Mr. Palecek said, “Like you, we think she’s wonderful. We’re very happy that she now has, not just friends, but good friends. Friends that seem to share many, if not most of Civia’s interests, and have obviously been very good for her. We were concerned, at first, about her spending so much time with older girls. However, those girls ... your girls, I guess, seem very responsible and mature. We’ve never seen Civia so happy. We’re more than willing to follow your lead in moving her ahead in math. She said that you thought that we should have a meeting with the high school and, possibly, your math department. Can you arrange that?

Dad nodded and said, “Since I have a working relationship with one of the high-school teachers and the principal due to Heather, I can contact the high-school math department if you’d like. You and we should apprise them of ... our daughter wanting to blaze ahead.”

“Except for Wednesdays, our schedules can allow for a meeting such as that. We greatly appreciate the interest your family is taking in our daughter’s education ... and life.”

“It’s no problem at all. She’s fun to have around. Oh, I nearly forgot.”

Dad reached into his pocket and pulled a card out of it, handing it to Mr. Palecek.

“This is the card of a friend of ours. He’s a realtor and he happened to tell me recently of a house that will become available after January. I don’t know what your rent is here, but he said that the owners were looking to sell or rent, preferably the former, but that they had specific requirements for whomever would occupy the house next. He intimated that the cost, purchase or rent, would be at below-market price for particular sorts of tenants or buyers, although he did not provide specifics. However, since the house is fairly close to our house, and I know the girls would love to have Civia closer, as would we, I told him that I’d give you his card in hopes that you’d contact him.”

Mr. Palecek took the card and looked it over, then said, “That’s a firm I’ve heard of and is, apparently, reputable. We would all like to move closer to the middle of town, now that all three of us have interests in the area. We live here because Kalina’s work was nearby, but she’s since gotten a better job near you, as you know. My work and the university, where I’ll be attending classes in the winter term, would obviously be much closer from there than here. We’ve been quietly looking for a new place, but the cost of going back to school and my going on reduced hours at the power plant so that I can go back to school restrict what we can afford for lodging. I wish you knew what the owners are looking for as far as occupants.”

“I’m sorry. It doesn’t hurt to call him, though.”

“No, it doesn’t. I’ll do that tomorrow. Thank you for thinking of us.”

“No problem. It’s what friends do. Speaking of which, we’d like to have your family over once we have the remodeling done and have all the girls. If you’re interested, please let us know the best time for you after the 27th.”

“Thank you. We accept. Given that Civia will be spending the night on the 29th... [he looked at Mrs. Palecek, who nodded] perhaps we could make it the 30th, and we could take her home after that. Would that work?”

Dad looked at the Moms, both of whom nodded.

“Looks like a date! We should get these other daughters of ours back to their respective actual mothers. We’ll look forward to spending some time with you on the 30th. Perhaps you could arrive earlier in the afternoon so that the dinner and conversation won’t be constrained to such a brief time.”

“Thank you,” Mrs. Palecek said. “Please give our regards to Gracey’s and Liya’s mothers.”

“You’re welcome, and we will.”

When we arrived at Gracey’s house, that Nira was on the porch with Inez was not the surprise that it used to be. They both waved all of us to join them on the porch, so we did. What was surprising was that both Nira and Inez hugged Dad, then both Moms.

Nira said, “Thanks for bringing our daughters home. We appreciate not having to make the run to get them from school every day.”

“It’s not a problem. Since we’ve agreed to have Civia for a couple of hours and feed her every Wednesday evening, it’s no more trouble bringing three girls to this neighborhood than it is just one.”

Inez said, “Please, everyone, come inside and sit a spell if you have time.”

Dad and the Moms looked among themselves, then at us girls. We nodded, so we followed Inez into the house.

“Excuse me, everyone,” Gracey said, “I’ve got to hit the bathroom.”

Inez said, “Okay. But there’s a male here, now, so you might think twice about stripping down until he leaves.”

Gracey looked aghast, but calmed down, nodded, and departed for the bathroom. Nira responded to the raised eyebrows on all of our faces.

“Our daughters convinced us to proclaim our houses clothing optional when there were no males here. They convinced us by telling us that they spend most of their time at your houses with their friends in the buff and that they missed it when they were home, that is, in our houses. We assume that you know about that.”

Carol quickly responded, saying, “Yep. I told Rhee and Beth, and then Heather, that the Devlin house was clothing optional back in ... June? Late May? Of course, we added Gracey and Liya to that option, since the five of them seem to spend most of their time together naked, much of that when they’re upstairs. Of course, during summer when we were all working but our girls had only a couple hours of soccer practice most days, they made the Williams house clothing optional on the strength of them being the only ones in the house prior to our returns from work. Like the girls, I prefer that state if it’s warm enough.”

Nira smiled, and said, “I must admit that I’ve become used to seeing Liya or both of them naked in the house and that I’ve joined them in stripping down on occasion. I am beginning to see something in the arguments presented by nudists. I assume that you and your ... husband and wife are used to multi-person nudity in your ... interesting relationships.”

Carol chuckled and responded, “We are. I’m so happy that you two ... and our various daughters are accepting of our out-of-the-ordinary relationship. I know that I am much happier now than I was, and I believe that both my husband and my wife are also happier. I’m ecstatic that our biological daughters are not only accepting of it but happy about it. In fact, we announced it to all five of them at the same time, and we appreciated their positive reactions. The situation, including the women and girls all being naked under the same roof at times, now seems almost normal. I hope that you and Inez don’t mind them being naked in our houses.”

“Not at all. They’re your houses and you can have whatever policies you want there. As long as our girls are comfortable and happy there, then we will not object to any policies you make or any situations that come about. They have certainly not complained about anything at all uncomfortable there. While Gracey has always been a happier girl than Liya, they’re both very happy now, even glowing, at times. I very much appreciate all that you ... you and your husband and wife ... have done for my daughter.”

“Nira,” Carol responded, “as my spouses have told you, both of them are welcome at any time. We – Charlie, Sandy, and I – very much enjoy and love them both. Charlie, in particular, loves having them in the house.”

A sharp inhalation of breath announced Gracey’s return to the room. All of us turned to look at her. I assumed that her intake of breath and her wide eyes were a result of Carol’s last sentence. I mostly agreed with Gracey, but perhaps for a reason of which she was unaware. I glanced at Liya, whose expression was not particularly sanguine, but also not all that negative. If she was okay with the extensive sub rosa discussion of the intimate relationships in our extended family, who was I to argue? However, I thought that the women were getting carried away with the banter, and Dad’s mien suggested that he agreed with me.

Inez asked, “What’s the matter, Gracey?”

Gracey recovered, saying, “Nothing much, Mom. I must have misheard something.”

“Perhaps. I’ve come to think that it’s too bad that society’s mores are what they are. All of you ... girls are so comfortable with nudity in our four houses, that it’s too bad that society would frown on our four families having a group clothing-optional policy in our houses. Some of society would not object, or not object strenuously, to us nine females having such a policy, but all of society would object to including Charlie in that policy, particularly with you girls involved as you are. It’s a shame that society has a stick up its butt.”

Nira, looking directly at Charlie, said, “Our girls are happy and settled, much happier and more settled than I’ve ever seen them. Your houses are your houses. We’re comfortable with that, and we’ll say no more on the subject. Probably.”

Sandy replied, “Thank you, Nira, Inez. We are happy that you are comfortable with our care of your daughters. I know that both of you will shortly be spending extensive time out of town and will be, essentially, homeless in that time. Please consider our houses your houses. Either or both of you are welcome at any time in either of our houses. Because of the large handful of new permanent and semi-permanent residents in our houses, both now have extra bed space. If you need it, it is there for you. I know that I would greatly appreciate both of you being a larger part of our lives. Once the time of ... unsettledness for you two is over, I hope that we can all socialize more than just the short time it takes to transfer daughters from our houses to your houses or vice-versa. I’ve come to greatly appreciate the wit and intelligence that are so much a part of both of you, and, with the recent blossoming of your daughters into women, I can see where their wit and intelligence originate.”

The conversation, fortunately, turned to more-mundane matters, Dad passing on the Paleceks’ greeting, and we took our leave of them around 7:20. Gracey and Liya both thanked and hugged Dad and the Moms, then hugged Rhee, Heather, and me.

Upon climbing into the Sprinter and closing the doors, the first words out of Sandy’s mouth were, “Beth, Charlie, if you two want your night together to begin now, feel free. I’ll drive.”

I suspected that Dad had some words to say about the banter in Gracey’s house, but I wanted this, so looked at him with eyes somewhat pleading.

“I would love that, Beth, if you would.”

I took his hand and led him to the second bench seat. I hugged him, then reached up and kissed him, feeling his arms go around me and his lips kissing me back. Mom started the Sprinter and slowly pulled onto the road in front of Gracey’s house. I pulled back a little from Dad and began to take his clothes off him. Mom was driving very carefully, so it was still relatively easy to stand and disrobe Dad. Once he was naked, he slid into the seat, then pulled me to stand in front of him where he extracted my shirt, socks, and shoes from my body. He was going to leave my skirt on me, but when I began to lower it, he gave in and took that off me, too; I was wearing no undies. I knelt over his lap, straddling him, then parked my butt on his thighs and wrapped myself into him, initiating a passionate kiss.

My focus on Dad was broken when Rhee sang out, “Madison Street!”

There was much chuckling.

Sandy yelled out, “You may now move, Beth.”

When I pulled back, Dad looked at me. When I grinned, he wormed his hands under my butt and lifted. I took the hint, took hold of his now-erect penis, rubbed it quite a few times back and forth on my getting-juicier slit, placed the head at my center, then began slowly sliding down onto him.

Without turning my eyes from Dad’s, I said, “Heather, you better be getting all this.”

“You bet, my beautiful wife. You better cum before we get home.”

“I think I can manage that.”

With my eyes still on his, I leaned in and gently kissed Dad’s lips; he kissed me back. We began elevating the passion in the kiss. I was momentarily surprised when the vent fan kicked on right above us but realized what it was and why one of the Moms had turned it on, so went back to kissing Dad. After a few minutes of kissing, I began slowly lifting my pussy up on Dad’s cock, then lowering it back down. Dad’s hands roamed my back, and my ass, where he occasionally squeezed the cheeks and helped lift me up his cock. Occasionally, he would fondle one of my breasts. However, he rarely took his lips from mine. At least, not until we began heading toward the heights.

I vaguely heard Carol call out, “19th Street.”

Vaguely, because I was somewhat loudly ramping up, stepping onto the Stairway, then racing up it and over the top. As I was coming down, I felt the Sprinter stop and heard the engine cease.

I heard Mom say, “Rhee grab their clothes. Heather, keep videoing. Charlie, carry her in the back door.”

I was confused, still a bit out of it, so did not object. Dad lifted me off his cock, pulled me to him, stood, and, somehow, sidled to the side door of the Sprinter, my legs now wrapped around his waist. I saw Carol and Rhee helping him exit the vehicle. As we hit the cooler air, I became more aware and realized that Mom had parked in the driveway at the edge of the back of the house, that the new garage frame blocked the view from the Arthur house on the other side, and that the Sprinter blocked the view from the Jacobsen house. I relaxed and settled into Dad. Sandy must have opened the door for us, as we walked right in.

When Dad turned left to go through the living room, I said, “No, Dad. Kitchen. Please.”

He turned around, and walked down the hall past their bedroom and into the kitchen.

“Put me on the table, please, Dad.”

Dad pulled back and looked at me. I nodded at him, so he gently put me on the table after Rhee moved his chair out of his way. I laid back on the table, looking for Sandy.

When I found her, I said, “Mom, would you like to have Dad’s cum?”

She looked surprised, then asked, “Don’t you mean Sex Slave?”

“No, Mom. I want to know if you want it.”

“Oh, Beth, I’d love to have it. I’d love to lick and suck my husband’s cum from my daughter’s pussy.”

“I thought you would, Mom. Feel free.” Still looking into Mom’s eyes, I said, “Heather, you better still be videoing.”

“I am, my incredible wife. I’ll keep videoing as long as you want.”

“Good. You might quit once Mom has cleaned me and Dad ... if she wants to do the latter.”

“Yes, Beth, I do.”

Once Mom was finished and Heather had stopped the video, I said, “Why aren’t you all naked? You need to get out of those clothes, and I think that we should all have some ice cream. Then, I have a favor to ask of Dad.”

“What would you like, beautiful daughter of mine?”

“Would you mind if Rhee and Heather slept with us, but you and I make love only with each other? They can watch or make love with each other, whatever they want, but I want you making love with me in our bed, with my wives with me. On other nights that I get with you, I may very well want to be alone with you, but I’m feeling a need to have them there with us tonight. If that’s okay with you.”

“That’s okay with me.”

Rhee, who was standing next to me lying on the table, leaned over and gently kissed me.

“I love you, Beth,” she said.

Heather squirmed her way in and repeated Rhee’s actions, then said, “I love you, Beth.”

I smiled up at the two of them, then yelled, “Hey” When everyone startled, I asked, “Why hasn’t anyone gotten the ice cream and bowls and spoons, yet?”

I grinned, then vaulted off the table to the freezer. When I placed the two cartons of ice cream (Mocha Chocolate Chip and Strawberry Shortcake) on the table, the Moms added bowls and spoons. Once Sandy placed the bowls on the table, I wrapped her in a tight hug.

“Thanks for the Sprinter, Mom. That was exquisite! I’ll want to do that again!”

“Hey,” Dad complained, “I think I had something to do with that, too.”

I released Mom, twirled, grabbed Dad, and said, “You did, and I love you. Thanks for that. You’re incredible!”

I got a little more English reading done before Dad came upstairs. I gave him the “one-moment” gesture and finished the chapter, then climbed out of bed and kissed him, his mouth minty fresh. That reminded me of my own, so I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and quickly visit the throne. Although the bathroom is missing most of a wall, the sink and toilet are along the opposite wall, so are still available, although the shower is gone.

I went back to the bedroom; he was lying on the bed, his penis half-hard. I quietly watched him from the doorway as he studied the ceiling, quirking one corner of my mouth in response. I took a long step and launched myself over him into the middle of the bed.

“You scared me,” he said with a smile, then pulled me into him.

“Nuh-uh. We need to be on my side of the bed. Or, rather, on what used to be my side of the bed. Nowadays, it’s usually Rhee’s side, and I don’t know how that happened. We both slept on that side in our own beds, even when we shared. Somehow and somewhen, that changed.”

“That’s probably true in many relationships. I had to change when I began sleeping with Sandy, but the minor change was more than offset by being able to share a bed with such a wonderful woman. I was so crazy about her and still am. I’d never met anyone quite like her.”

“Do you wish that I were more like her?”

“Absolutely not. I very much love that you’re your own person, with your own distinct personality and way of doing things. While I love you both very much, I also greatly appreciate that you’re both wonderful in very different ways. Other than having the three children of our own that we wanted, a lack that’s been nicely filled by the Go5, I would not change you or your childhood in any way, you turned out so spectacular.”

I rolled into him, pressed my face with its leaking eyes into his chest, and said a blubbery, “Thanks, Dad.”

I reveled for a short while as he comforted me, and I quit weeping. I lifted my head and kissed him lightly, then again. Light kissing transformed into more-intense kissing, which moved into more action with roaming hands. Sometime later, Dad was above me, his knees outside my legs, his cock sliding slowly into and out of me, kissing me occasionally, when Rhee and Heather arrived. While mostly concentrating on the feelings that Dad was exciting in my body, I kept a corner of an eye on them as they watched for a bit.

“Fu-uckk,” Rhee said very quietly, “that looks magnificent. I’ll have to remember that when it’s my turn.”

I could see Heather nodding in agreement, but then she put a hand on Rhee’s arm and led her into the hall, thence to the bathroom. I returned my full attention to Dad loving me, eventually losing track of everything other than the two of us. As I began to reach for the Stairway, the girls returned and climbed into bed. While that might have been distracting, it provided more oomph to my feelings, set me firmly on the rise to orgasm. Dad only slightly increased the rate at which he pistoned in me but increased the intensity of the kissing he was doing with me. With that, with Rhee lying next to me and Heather next to her but with her torso draped over Rhee’s, and with the intensity that both were watching me, watching us, I vaulted into Ecstasy.

When I came back down, Dad was still in me but had maneuvered the two of us into the position with his left leg lying on me, but my left leg resting on him, so most of his weight was on the mattress. Rhee leaned over, turned my head to her, and kissed me lightly on the lips.

“That was beautiful,” she said. “Thanks for the invitation.”

Heather crawled over Rhee and kissed me, then retreated, and began kissing Rhee. Their passion climbed, inducing elevated libidos in Dad and me resulting in, sometime later, the highlight of the night as Heather set off a chain reaction with her less-than-quiet squealing orgasm. I quickly followed her up the Stairway and peaked as she was coming down. When Rhee loudly went up and over, perhaps as a result of my orgasm, Dad gave out an “Oh, god” and moaned and grunted and came deep inside me.

September 14, 2017

I woke curled into Dad with Heather curled into me behind me. Her light, slow rubbing of my ass may have been what woke me.

“Beth,” she said, “I absolutely LOVE this life. I wish we had more time, ‘cause I woke up a few minutes ago with a strong desire to make love with you.”

“Oh, Love, come here.”

I rolled onto my back toward her and pulled her on top of me. We kissed quietly, but passionately, my libido quickly ramping up. In the midst of that, she lifted her head.

“Oh, god. Dad, I’ll give you exactly 30 minutes to quit playing with my ass.”

I looked to my left and saw Dad on his side, grinning at me. My imp suggested a plan. I held onto Heather tightly and rolled us a quarter-turn toward Dad, staying under the covers.

I said, “Dad, please do me a favor and take Heather from back there.”

“Holy fuck,” Heather said not too quietly.

I planted my mouth back on Heather’s. I felt her body moving around or being moved around. I knew when Dad entered her, as Heather suddenly inhaled deeply, and she lifted her left leg a bit to make it easier on Dad.

“Wh ... whu ... what?”

I pulled my lips off Heather’s and said sort of over my shoulder, “You can help, Rhee.”

I felt Rhee move behind me, then put her head on my right shoulder.

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