Beth - Cover


Copyright© 2019 by Bronte Follower

Chapter 208

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 208 - Something of a coming-of-age story of a bright, well-adjusted, modern girl, this story is long. It begins with her mother's infidelity, an act that becomes the impetus for a plan to further her ambitions in a particular direction: her hunk of a father. The plan does not come apart so much as expands to encompass much more than she planned... just as the actual writing did.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Sports   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Voyeurism   Nudism  

May 20, 2018 (Sunday)

Dear Ms. Diary,

We watched Brett and Rache for the entirety of their time together last night, with Brett giving Rache three orgasms and cumming twice, himself, after which various of us helped the others get our cookies. I woke wrapped around the backside of Rache, who was as tightly tucked into Brett as she could be. I lifted my head to look at them, thus seeing Meka on the other side of Brett looking at me. I gave her a soft smile, which she returned.

We had something of a powwow at breakfast.

Rache fiddled with her breakfast of oatmeal into which she had added shredded coconut and raisins, but finally looked up from it at me and slowly said, “I know you’ve said that the sex within the LA is entirely at the discretion of the individual, but it still seems ... wrong of me to request membership yet have sex only with the two guys.”

I responded, “There’s no reason at all for us to demand that individuals do sex in any way that they don’t want or to which they’re truly opposed.” I gazed at her for a few seconds, then asked, “What did you think about me tucked tightly into you this morning?”

Rache tilted her head back and sighed while she studied the ceiling for a few moments, then looked at me, replying, “It was really nice tucked between Brett and you ... and I see your point.” I waited as she closed her eyes for a bit until she added while looking around at everyone, “If everyone will be patient with me, take your time getting ... sexy with me, I ... I’d like to request membership.”

I simply stated, “All in favor, say ‘aye.’”

The motion carried unanimously, after which Maren walked around the table, stood behind Rache, gently put her arms around Rache’s shoulders, and softly said, “Welcome to the LA, Rache. We’re very glad to have you.”

When Rache tilted her head back, Maren placed a soft kiss on her forehead upside down.

Rache screwed up her face to maintain control, then asked Maren, “You’d be interested in having sex with the girls?”

Maren nodded, saying, “Yes. Even if I’m not that sexually interested in girls, and I’m not saying I do or don’t have such an interest. From what I understand, sex feels great even without ... orgasms, so it seems to me to be a way that I can tell my best friends that I love them.”

Rache continued to look at Maren upside down for a bit, then took a bit of a tangent with, “You’ve really changed in the past few weekends here.”

“I see that, myself. I’m happier and the most comfortable I’ve ever been. I love my mom a lot, but these girls are the cause of the changes in me, just as they’ve changed you. You’re excited by having an outlet for what looks like a refound passion for photography. You’re photographing portraits for us, which you seem to enjoy, and I hope you come up with ideas for many more. You’re photographing the girls having sex with each other and with the three guys, which everyone says you seem to enjoy even more than the portraits. You’re also contemplating trying for a career in what is apparently an ... exotic aspect of portrait photography. And you know, now – right? You know the girls will help you learn that career, which will involve them having sex at your direction, according to your vision.”

Maren gazed strongly at her eyes as she asked, “Is sexually loving girls so horrible?”

I doubt anyone in the room anticipated Maren taking her comments there, and many of us stared at her. She maintained the lock on Rache’s eyes that she had kept while she talked softly to her. In addition to surprising me with the ... explicitness of her words, she surprised me with the gentle way she had treated Rache. Maren had certainly changed, stepping up her game and, most importantly and surprisingly, taking up a mantle of leadership in a group of girls of which she is the second youngest. At that thought, I glanced at Civia to see an odd expression as she stared at Maren. That expression seemed to be a mix of admiration, surprise, and ... I can only call it love, and I recognized the same feelings in myself.

I returned to the scene when I noticed Rache’s head moving side-to-side as if she were shaking off a shock to her system, all the while keeping her eyes on Maren’s, then very quietly answering, “I imagine it’s not, but I’m ... Not scared, but not all that far from that feeling. What do you suggest?”

Maren replied immediately, “I suggest going for it, but at a pace that doesn’t scare you. You’re comfortable with hugs and curling into the girls in bed. Just ... extend that a bit. Softly touch one of them ... or Civia and me ... on the shoulder or elbow. Become used to and comfortable with little aspects of ... intimacy. Allow the girls to repay those sorts of loving touches. Get comfortable with those touches, then touch a bit more intimately, more lovingly. You might find yourself enjoying that and wanting to ... get deeper into that.”

“How is it that one of the two LA members that is not sexually involved has such a ... handle on intimacy and its expressions?”

“I watch the girls. Civia and I both watch, and we’ve talked a lot about it. If you watch these girls in everyday ... situations, they’re constantly giving out little touches to each other, touches that Civia and I have interpreted as gently expressing feelings, letting their wives and husband know that they’re there, that they love the recipients of the touches. It’s the part of the love within the LA that we both want the most, as it seems to us that it’s pure feeling, that is ... lacking thought in that it’s pure response to a wife’s presence.”

Before anyone could respond to Maren’s incredible and surprising words, Civia backed her up with, “It is what we want. Hugs are great, too, but hugs seem more ... thought-inspired rather than instinctual response. My mom and dad do that a lot, the soft touches, and I’ve talked about that with Mom, and she told me the same thing Maren just told you, Rache. She said it’s something like physically confirming the love with and of each other and that it’s done nearly subconsciously.”

Rache reacted by pulling her head back up, moving her bowl away from her, putting her head on her arms on the table, and sobbing. Maren and Civia immediately knelt by her seat and wrapped her in their love. I stared in amazement at the two young girls through watery eyes. Glancing around the table, I noticed that many of us were in the same condition and Meka was shaking her head in amazement.

Celeste and Rhee began quietly busing the table, although taking only empty bowls and utensils no longer needed; I stood to help them, as did a few others. Upon my return from the kitchen to get more stuff from the table, Rache was turning around in her chair, after which she put her left arm around Maren, her right around Civia, and pulled then as tightly into her as she could manage with the chair between her and them; she had quit crying.

She looked up at them and quietly told them, “You two are amazing. I ... cried ... because you made me realize something else that was missing in my relationship with Seamus, and that lack was at least partly my fault. I’ve never been that demonstrative ... except with ... our Go5 ... Meka’s and Kim’s Go5. I guess Seamus and I were ... sexually intimate, but neither of us could express ... Neither of us ever did that touching you two described. I might need some help getting into a ... sexual relationship with the girls. I’ve been doubtful and somewhat afraid of ... sex with girls. Apparently, I’ll be taking advice on the subject from you two, as you’re at least a little ... removed from the sex, yet you seem to know more about how lovers in love act than I ever learned.”

Maren replied, “We’ll help however we can.” She grinned at Rache, then added, “And the more interesting LA portrait ideas you come up with, the more I’ll help you.”

“You really want more?”

“Yes! They’re great fun and Civia and I are now allowed to be naked around a naked Brett. That means fewer ... con ... constraints on portrait design. And that reminds me. Brit, what was your idea about a portrait that involved body painting?”

Jess texted that she would not make it today, so we quickly switched plans to include doing the soccer portrait photo this morning.

In the backyard, with Brett wearing only one of his Katherine-made panties, Maren wearing her G-string and a very narrow tube, and Civia in just her G-string, Brit painted two black soccer-ball pentagons in different orientations and placements so as to cover, at least, Char’s nipples. After that, she painted the front of a narrow fuchsia tube on Lana, who then returned the favor.

Lana commented, “This is fun, Brit. I’d like to ... do more of this so I can get better at it. I’d love for you and me to do a big scene with lots of paint. We could probably now paint Brett without him wearing a panty.”

Brit chuckled and replied, “We’d have to paint him hard, so we’d have to think of what that would be in the scene. I agree with you ... and with Maren. I’d like to do a bunch more portraits because, like Maren, I find this very fun!”

Gracey followed that with, “But Rache is now part of us. While she needs to be behind the camera, she also now needs to be in front of it. I’d be okay with her not being part of this one, but, Rache, you need to be part of all subsequent portraits.”

Rache stared at Gracey for a bit, then replied, “I’m much less comfortable in front of the camera than behind it.”

Liya responded, “Gracey’s right. You need to overcome your photo shyness like you’ve overcome your body shyness. You have a lovely body, Rache, so you would add to whatever scene we make, not detract from it.”

“But you’re giving...” She closed her eyes, breathed deeply, opened her eyes, then restarted with, “We’re giving copies to most of the parents and I’m...”

“No, Rache,” Andy interrupted. “We’re giving copies to all of the Thursday-night parents, and all 16 of those parents – counting Lana’s parents once they return – are going to see your naked body in the same portrait with all our naked bodies. Get used to the idea.”

“In addition,” Kim added, “with the young girls now permitted to be naked in Brett’s presence, we can probably make the portraits more ... body explicit, although not sex explicit. That is, if the scene calls for it, we can show chests and pelvises ... even Brett’s.”

Lana exclaimed, “Oh, yes! Matt would be fine with that, and Steph would love it!”

Rache’s face was bright pink as she hemmed and hawed for a bit, but then said, “I understand. Seven of those parents have already seen me naked and two of those have seen me ... having sex.” She exhaled loudly, then added, “I can’t believe how much change I’ve undergone in the time I’ve been here. In that time, I’ve gone from only one non-medical person seeing me naked in the past ten years to adding 24 people to that list just this month! I’d had sex with only one guy ... with no outside observers. I’ve now had sex with three guys with double-digit observers. I almost don’t recognize myself.”

Softly, Katie asked, “But do you like this version of you better than the old one?”

Rache exhaled again and quietly answered, “Much, much more.”

Meka stepped over to Rache, gently put her arms around her, lowered her face, and lightly kissed Rache on the lips. Rache’s eyes rounded and she used them to stare at Meka ... until Meka leaned in slowly and put her lips back on Rache’s. Those round eyes closed as Rache kissed Meka back ... and stayed with the kiss as the two of them intensified it. While their mouths stayed closed, the kiss went on for over a minute, after which Rache pulled back, panting.


After she dropped the F-bomb, Rache slammed her torso into Meka’s and put her head on Meka’s left shoulder while the two of them squeezed each other tightly. Maren squeaked loudly, but her face was wearing a merry grin.

Rache was still a bit flustered when she pulled away from Meka but began getting our portrait scene organized.

“Civia, Maren, please park yourselves by the fence ... unless you ... and Brett are ready to see Brett without a panty.”

That statement caused silence in the yard until Civia responded, “We’re probably not ready.”

After the two girls put their backs on the fence, Rache said, “Brett, you’re our centerpiece, so please lose the panty and get into place. Once he’s there, Celeste, please park yourself and your oh-so-pretty breasts in front of him. Remember, it’s only your head that’s hiding his penis from the camera, but we’d like your head to hide as little else as possible. You can sit comfortably until we get the whole scene set up, but then we’ll want all you seated girls to put your feet flat on the ground in front of you and someone, possibly me, will give you soccer balls to hide your pussies. We’ll put the girls on shoulders last, so Heather, Liya, and Cera, rest easy. Brett, the last thing we’ll do is give you the soccer balls to hold in front of one each of Katie’s and Rhee’s breasts. Also, could a couple of you braid the left side of Rhee’s hair and the right side of Katie’s?”

I replied, “I’m on it.”

“In that case,” Rache added, “let’s get the sitting girls all placed. Remember, the LA is all about the love, so I should see no space between adjacent shoulders. Civia, Maren, you two come sit last and if you’re not ready to see Brett’s penis again, don’t look down the line to the middle of the scene.”

There was some chuckling.

“Oh, wait, you two. Lana, please help hide that penis in Celeste’s hair. Brett, would it be uncomfortable for your penis to point downward because Celeste’s head is leaning against you?”

“Probably not. Celeste, lean back slowly. Lana, help as you see necessary.”

Once they were situated, Rache stated, “Celeste, how about moving your butt back a bit so you’re not leaning back. Will you be okay with that hard thing lying down the back of your neck?”

“I’ll try it.”

Once Celeste got re-situated, Rache asked, “How’re you doing, Brett?”

“This is fine, but I need to put a little pressure on Celeste else it slides to the side.”

“Is that okay, Celeste?”


“Civia, Maren, you ... Ah, I see you’re already naked. The rest of the front line, park yourselves in your places, the younger girls last. As a reminder, from portrait right it should be Civia, Char, Lana, Celeste, Brit, Andy, and Maren.”

As Maren settled in on the right side (portrait left), she squeaked loudly, then exclaimed, “I love this. It’s so freaking fun!”

Rache replied, “And I’ve been nicely surprised by what you bring to these portraits. I’ll come up with more portrait ideas, partly because you’re freaking fun!”

That caused another loud Maren squeak, and again a second after Andy put her right arm around her shoulders and briefly pulled Maren into her right side.

“Beth, do you have our braid girls ready to go?”

“Just a sec on Rhee, but Katie’s ready.”

“Katie, you’re on Brett’s right and snug into his side, Rhee you’re on his left when you’re ready. Gracey and Beth, you’re responsible when we’re set for making sure Katie’s and Rhee’s braids hide their right and left nipples, respectively. I’ll let you know if I can see either.” When Rhee got into place, Rache added, “Gracey and Beth, you’re next. Oh, Cera and Liya, would you two please hand out soccer balls to the front line? Thanks.”

Once the sitting front-line members had soccer balls between their legs, Rache announced, “Meka and Kim, you’re up. You know, I like that the back line is bookended by our darkest and palest members. Well, second-palest; Heather’s in the middle. This is gonna be so good!”

Rache suddenly got a thinking mien on her face, looked back and forth along us, then seemed to come to a decision.

“Brett’s already got his pelvis snugged into Celeste. Let’s do that the length of the line.”

When Kim snugged her knees into Maren’s back and her pelvis into the back of Maren’s head, Maren squeaked. I reached over and patted her head with my right hand which caused her to turn and look up at me.

“Beth, I really, really love this ... camaraderie. It feels like my heart is so happy, it wants to come out and join the fun!” She then looked down the line and added, “Brett, you’re ... hidden in Celeste’s hair. Celeste, how does that feel?”

“I’m so turned on. I may have to take Brett somewhere and have my way with him when we’re done, but that’s only if I can resist having my way with him right here when we’re done.”

Civia responded, “We know you like ... the outside. Maren and I could go inside and not look out if you want.”

“Thanks, but I have more self-control than that. However, once we get the painted girls cleaned, could we have a communal soak in the not-so-hot tub? We could arrange entries to keep Brett and the young girls from seeing each other.”

Civia exclaimed, “Yes, please!”

Meka added, “I’ll be so happy when the hole in the backyard becomes our pool.”

Maren replied, “Me, too, but Civia, Brett, and I will probably need to get used to seeing each other naked by then or soon thereafter, because I suspect that you’ll all want to skinny-dip.”

Liya answered, “Of course, we will, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you three need to be uncomfortable.”

Civia came back with, “No. It’s going to happen, either accidentally a bunch of times, or purposefully at our choice. Brett, Maren we should probably start working toward that.”

“I can do that,” answered Brett.

“Me, too. I’ll start first, as I have more to show other than a ... fever dream Brett had recently.” She smiled when there was much chuckling, then added, “I’ll start going topless sometime soon if everyone’s okay with that. Brett, we’ll try very hard not to stare and, in fact, keep our eyes on yours. However, there will almost certainly be times when we’re surprised or forget.”

“That’s really all right. I’ve become used to a lot of girls seeing me entirely naked, and two more won’t make much of a difference.”

Civia responded, “Thanks, Brett. Maren and I understand a lot of why the girls are so much in love with you. Please remember that we love you, too, just ... not in that way. At least, not in that way ... so far.”

“I love both of you, too, and I agree with Rache when she said you two are amazing.”

Suddenly, Kath responded, “They are amazing. I had not discovered the pleasures of nudism at their age, but look at them sitting there, fully naked, taking part in a conversation with their older friends who are also naked. Amazing!”

“Thanks, Kath,” Civia responded. “You’re naked, too, but it seems you have a cloaking device like Mia does.”

Kath grinned at her, then responded, “You were all pretty involved with the conversation, and I gave Rache the shhh sign.”

Rache stated, “You’re just in time. We’ll need you to toss a soccer ball soon.”

“That’s why I’m here.”

“Heather, it’s time for you to climb up your husband’s body and sit on his shoulders. I’ve been thinking about this. As Lana said, we probably have more leeway now, so don’t slouch when you’re up there so you can show those pretty little titties off proudly, perhaps by resting them on Brett’s head.”

Heather stepped over and hugged Rache, quietly saying, “I’m glad you’ve joined us. You bring a couple undefined somethings to us that we didn’t have ... as well as a few defined somethings, like good photography and another artistic mind.” She released Rache and walked around the scene as she said, “I’m climbing your backside, Husband Brett. Try not to scare the girls by allowing that awesome boner to come out of Celeste’s hair.”

There was some chuckling and much snickering.

Celeste helped by reaching over and behind her head and pulling Brett fully into her by pulling on his ass. Brett still had a bit of a struggle as Heather climbed him, but she got to his shoulders without causing a ... hair malfunction.

“Okay. Cera and Liya, climb up your partners. As a reminder, Cera, use your right arm to cover your breasts, Liya your left.”

Kim put her left hand on my shoulder as Cera began climbing her with Kath’s assistance. Liya waited to climb Meka until Kath could help her.

Once we were all situated, Rache called out, “Front line, feet flat on the ground, soccer balls hiding your pussies. Kath, please give Civia two game balls, Meka one, Rhee one, and Brett two. Refresher for all: Civia, you now have breasts, so look happy about it. Meka, hold yours in front of Gracey’s left breast. Rhee, hold yours in front of Gracey’s right breast. Brett, hold one of yours in front of Rhee’s right breast, the other in front of Katie’s left breast. Katie and Rhee, make sure your individual braids are covering the nipples they’re supposed to be hiding. Beth and Andy, both of you need a little hair rearrangement to hide both your nipples.” Rache looked around carefully for a while, then stated, “I think we’re ready to roll. All back-line pelvises firmly into the back of the head in front of you. Celeste, Brett’s penis is trying to escape. Please, help him out. Once Celeste has that fixed, Kath, we’ll be ready for you to toss a soccer ball. Toss it softly on my call. You’ll have to track the ball down each time, because I’ll want to take a lot of shots to make sure we get what we want. Maren and Andy, please ignore the ball and keep your eyes focused on my lens. Oh, and Maren, I want that beaming smile, again. It’s just too spectacular not to have it. Same with you this time, Liya, as you’ll provide the perfect matched bookend. Heather, I want that incredibly beautiful mien you present when you’re thoroughly happy. I want to see your eyes sparkling through the lens and show those titties off proudly. Please, everyone else, no forced smiles. A pleasant expression is sufficient.”

Kath had to chase the ball down 21 times as Rache took photos as it flew past Maren’s chest.

“That’s a wrap. Let’s get our body-scalers down off shoulders first. Civia and Maren, you can be first in the not-so-hot tub but face away until we can get Brett in the tub. Brit, will the hotter water remove the paint?”

“Not much, if any, and I’ll bet the aggressive system Charlie put in could handle what little comes off. Of course, we could also quickly remove it all in a few minutes.”

“You’re in charge of all things body paint, so whatever you think is best.”

“Lana, Char, you’re with me in the downstairs W shower.”

Once everyone was in the tub, Civia said, “Brett, this is what we want. We want to be fully part of everything the LA does except for the sex. If the three of us can become comfortable with each other, this will be easier and more enjoyable.”

“I understand and agree. Maren, when you’re ready, you lead in initiating that comfort. However, give me a warning the first time you go topless. I suspect that you wish you were larger, but the other day in that fever dream when I imagined seeing your breasts, they looked perfectly nice as they are.”

Maren gazed at him for a few seconds then stole our line, “Is it any wonder the girls are so in love with you? Thanks, Brett, for being so kind, such a gentleman. If or when I find an interest in boys, I’d love to be one of your girlfriends, maybe even one of your wives.”

“That is not something to which I’d object. I suspect that my other wives probably won’t object. You and your sister fit so well with us, despite your ages.”

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