Hot Fuck Date With an Older Man - Cover

Hot Fuck Date With an Older Man

Copyright© 2024 by emmzzy

Party at Tony's part 1

Erotica Sex Story: Party at Tony's part 1 - tired of the usual, boring dating scene I signed up for a dating site looking for older men.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Group Sex   Exhibitionism   Facial   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Small Breasts  

One week, two hookups with men over twice my age, and the week wasn’t even over yet ( haha), I still couldn’t quite believe what I was doing, the previous sex with boys my age couldn’t even compare to the experience with Tony and Nic, maybe I just got lucky, would all older guys be this good in bed? there’s no way.

The surprise hook-up with Nic helped satisfy my cravings for a couple more days, I purposefully stayed off the sugar daddy site to focus on school and hockey. Nic and I exchanged a few text messages afterward, he thanked me for one of the best days he’s ever had, he was sweet, and definitely someone I would hook up with again If I had the itch, I even sent him a naughty, naked, bathroom selfie, something I don’t normally do, but Nic felt trustworthy, there’s no way he would share it around.

My planned second date with Tony was only three days away, I could probably restrain my sexual urges until then, knowing Tony, I would most likely need all the energy I could to keep up with him, that man was something else, who knows what he was planning, but It excited me. Tony did mention something about wanting to have a sort of party, introducing me to people from the group chat, I didn’t know if I wanted to try anything group sex related but I was open to it, Tony did say the parties can get fairly wild but I wouldn’t be pressured into anything I deemed uncomfortable, but I was more than curious and open to the idea.

Waking up and knowing I didn’t have any classes or training felt wonderful, my muscles were still sore from the hockey game yesterday but all and all I felt amazing. My house is a short walk to the beach and a morning swim usually helps me recover from a game, the cold water does wonders for aching muscles. It was a little overcast this morning and the wind was strong, not many people were about as I stripped off my black track jacket and matching leggings, preparing to jump in. After a few stretches in my black, scoop-top bikini I entered the water, feeling the chill immediately down to my bones, my adrenaline quickly set in and I proceeded to swim out, usually doing a lap around a buoy and returning.

The wind and waves made the swim more difficult than usual, I was huffing by the time I got back. A man was jogging past as I got out, shirtless with only a pair of shorts on, his slightly hairy, chiseled chest grabbing my attention, I waved at him and smiled, being the friendly girl I am. Most joggers would keep on their merry way but he surprised me by stopping.

“you’re brave to go out there in this weather”, he commented, walking up to me as I was reaching down to pick up my towel.

“Yeah, probably not the smart thing to do, but I’m a strong swimmer”, I replied, giving the man another friendly smile before toweling my blonde, wet hair.

His deep blue eyes looking at me, judging me quite openly, drifting up and down before he smirked, “Looks like you do have strong legs, I’m Andy by the way, I just moved here a week ago, as you might tell from my accent I’m not from these parts”, he explained.

“I did notice, are you American or Canadian? I have trouble telling the difference, they sound exactly the same”, I joked knowing from past experience with Uni friends that some might take offense to the comment.

Andy laughed seemingly appreciating my attempt at humor,” I’m American, originally from Orlando, Florida, you heard of it before?”, he asked grinning at me.

“I have, that’s where Disney World is right?”

“It is, though I’ve never been, not really my thing”, Andy let known.

“That’s a shame, I’ve always wanted to go, so what is your thing Andy?”, I enquired, not knowing why I just said what I said, I guess my flirtatious behavior from the previous week was becoming second nature.

The strange man raised an eyebrow at my seductive question, half-smiling as he continued to watch me toweling myself dry, “Well I do enjoy beautiful beaches and I heard Australia had some of the best, not to mention beautiful bikini-clad girls to go along with them”, he articulated quite confidently.

I giggled at the flattering comment, giving him an appreciative grin,” not so beautiful today, but It should be clearing up tomorrow”, I informed him.

“Well one out of two isn’t bad, I’m just happy the second thing is true “, he cheekily replied.

“I bet you are”, I sarcastically said, winking at him before I turned to grab my things on the sand, bending over knowing Andy would be checking out my ass.

“So does the beautiful bikini girl have a name?”, he asked from behind me.

I turned around, eying him up, he looked to be in his early 30s, clean, buzz-cut style dark hair, cleanly shaved, strong defined jawline, over 6 feet for sure, and a muscular physique, he looked like a soldier.

“I’m happy to just refer to you as, beautiful bikini girl if you like?”, he added, a wry grin on his face knowing I was checking him out.

“I’m Emma, but I do like the sound of beautiful bikini girl, It’s a huge confidence boost”, I chuckled.

“A girl like you shouldn’t have any problems with confidence, but I’m happy to keep complimenting you until you tell me to stop”, Andy charmingly offered.

He was actually making me blush, I couldn’t stop from smiling,” wow, jeez, do you always try to hit on girls this early in the morning?”, I teased playfully.

“Well, It’s not every day a stunning blonde comes out of the ocean in a bikini just as I’m jogging past, I’m a big believer in taking advantage of an opportunity when it appears, It’s just how I live my life”, he proudly answered, not in a smug way but he wasn’t lacking any confidence either.

It would have been a lie if I said I didn’t find Andy attractive also, he was quite the hunk, god, here we go again, I was getting that familiar feeling deep within me, was I turning into a nymphomaniac? Why was I thinking about fucking this guy I just met? I needed to get a grip ( lol).

“It was nice meeting you Andy, but I really should get going, maybe we’ll run into each other again”, I cowardly said, knowing if I stayed any longer I might just give in to my temptations again, and even though I didn’t regret anything I did the last few days, I also didn’t want to make a habit of fucking every guy that showed interest in me.

“Really nice meeting you too Emma, I hope we do run into each other again”, he replied very gentlemanly like, not at all pushing for more which I was relieved with, we said our goodbyes and strolled off in different directions.

I got home and showered away the salt water from my hair and skin, resisting the urge to touch my pussy as I soaped the rest of my body clean. I did my best to push away the sexual thoughts triggered by Andy this morning by catching up with some studying, not that there was much to study regarding my fashion design course, just learning about different marketing tactics, all quite boring.

Around 11 I got ready to go out for lunch with a group of friends, A welcomed distraction, the weather had cleared up from the morning, sunny and warm just like an Australian summers day should be. I decided on a cute peach, bodycon mini skirt that showed off my butt nicely and a simple short-sleeved, white T-shirt that fell just short of covering my belly button, throwing on some simple white sneakers and I was out the door.

The short bus ride to the train station was uneventful, I did accidentally bump into an older woman on the way out, one of those grumpy types that just gave me an unpleasant glare, whispering something under her breath as I said sorry, what a bitch!.

A couple of my friends were waiting for me at the station, the train showed up a few minutes later and we hopped on. Like most teens, we had our phones out scrolling through social media and messaging other friends, doing a little chit-chatting about our lives along the way, and general gossip. I hadn’t noticed before but I was sitting opposite a mature man who kept looking in my direction, not directly at my face but lower like he was scared to meet my gaze, I only noticed because he coughed a couple of times. I looked down wondering if there was something that caught his attention, nothing on the floor between my legs I thought, then it dawned on me, my thighs were slightly apart, oh god, he was perving at my white panties, I quickly closed my legs and his eyes moved away just as fast in a guilty fashion.

I was shocked and embarrassed, not knowing how to react, I looked his way again and he met my gaze this time, my angelic face looking more than a little self-conscious, his showing an apology at being caught red-handed. I gave him a shy smile to try and ease the awkwardness then tried to focus on my phone screen once more. Every now and then I would look up, one time I caught him spying on me again, I actually liked it, he quickly turned away and I giggled softly.

This man had to be a lot older than Tony or Nic, he had gray hairs throughout his dark scalp, why was I enjoying the idea of this old man perving on me? There was something seriously wrong with me now I thought, no way I should be ok with a stranger, probably a granddad-aged man looking up my skirt. My deviant thoughts were creeping to the surface, over the last few days I had posted a lot of selfies for strange men to view, even a fully naked one showing my face, I enjoyed all the praise and attention it garnered but now I was face to face with a strange man in real time, seriously thinking about spreading my legs open once again, this time on purpose to flash my cotton panties.

I looked to my left and right, my friends were busy with their phones, I then peered ahead at the old white man again, this time he met my eyes and didn’t turn away, he just half-smiled knowing I knew what he was up to, I coyly returned his smile acutely aware it would give him the blessing to keep perving at me without further guilt. I couldn’t believe it when he silently mouthed out the word open, I was no expert in lip reading but I was pretty sure that’s what he said, my legs parted slowly as I looked about hoping no one caught on to what I was doing. This section of the train didn’t have very many people, but a woman was sitting 4 seats across from the man who would have seen what I was doing.

His half-smile turned into a big grin when my white panties came back into view, the excitement and adrenaline felt amazing as I flashed this stranger, another few minutes of this and I was worried my panties might start showing a wet spot. The old man then pulled out his phone, pointing it discreetly in the direction of my skirt, I trembled with panic, but I didn’t close my legs, instead I froze and watched as he took upskirt photos of me, one after the other until he was happy and put the phone back in his pant pocket. He gave me another pleased grin and mouthed out a thank you before getting up from his seat, waiting by the door until the train reached his stop. I sighed then laughed wondering why I just let that happen, what if I got caught?, jeez I’m being so stupid doing that next to my friends, I’m starting to lose it ( haha).

Thankfully I didn’t have any more run-ins with older men for the next few days, tonight was the night I could finally let out all my sexual tensions. Tony gave me details of what he had planned, a small get-together with his friends and their dates, It sounded fun, a different kind of party than I was used to, he informed me most of the other girls were new to the dating site as well, I was glad I wouldn’t be the only awkward newbie.

I arrived at Tony’s plush two-story home and saw a couple of expensive cars parked on the driveway, my nerves causing goosebumps as I waited for someone to answer the door. Tony’s handsome face greeted me warmly, his eyes giving me a once over like he did the first night we met, I could clearly tell he approved of my, two-piece, pink pencil skirt and tube top combo, I gave him a cute little twirl as he complimented the tight fit before inviting me inside.

He led me outside to where most of the other guests were enjoying drinks and some food, his backyard had a very tropical feel, with all the greenery and a large pool. To say I was nervous was an understatement, most eyes were on me as soon as I stepped outside, I’m usually pretty lively and comfortable in a group setting but this was obviously much different.

Tony’s arm wrapped around my thin waist as we both walked towards the small gathering, I counted 3 couples in total including us, the other two girls were very attractive, probably a similar age to myself, and the men weren’t too bad themselves, not as hot as Tony but handsome for sure and of course much older than us girls.

“So this beautiful lady here is Emma everyone”, Tony announced while I tried to put on a confident, friendly smile, giving a wave to everyone.

Tony then introduced me to each one of the guests personally starting with Rogar, a tall, dark gentleman with a kind smile, and perfect white teeth, his deep brown eyes made me shiver with excitement as we shook hands, and his date Anne, a busty, auburn-haired girl, she looked just as nervous as I was. The last couple there was Glenn and Ava, Glenn was definitely the oldest of all the men, his dark hair had spots of grey which were also present in his beard, his face showed small wrinkles but he had this confident, mature presence to him which I found attractive. Ava was your stereotypical, cute, petite, skinny, Asian girl, she was bubbly and smiling, showing no nerves whatsoever.

“Everyone’s here now, let’s toast to a fun night and meeting new friends, cheers!”, Tony joyfully said before we all took a seat around a large timber table.

The night started slowly and casually with no mention of what brought us all here. It was nice to sit and chat about what we do for a living or what we were studying, our interests, backgrounds, the only thing remotely sexual in nature was Tony’s hand rubbing my thigh under the table, of course, I had to tease him right back by caressing his bulge as he explained to Ava what his job was, I giggled as he stumbled over his words for a second.

Roger and Anne kept mostly to themselves, whispering away to one another at the other end of the table. Anne seemed timid and shy, I wondered why she would have agreed to come to a party, her little black, strapless dress did leave very little to the imagination, maybe she had a wild side away from the public eye like myself. Roger was getting very handsy with her, his right hand touching her cheek and stoking her long dark hair as the other traced along where her dress’s neckline left part of her cleavage exposed. At one point our eyes met, she blushed with embarrassment knowing I was watching, I just gave her a cheeky smile and continued to chat with Glenn who was asking me about how my fashion course was going.

A minute later I looked over again and Roger had a finger in Anne’s mouth while his other was below the table doing who knows what, the busty brunette’s chest was visibly rising and falling, her breath quickening. Roger caught me spying and mischievously winked causing me to blush as well, Glenn then saw what was happening to distract me from our conversation and chuckled, giving me a knowing grin.

Anne then whispered something at Roger after she pulled her glossy, dark lips from his finger, her cheeks getting more rosey when she discovered Glenn was also looking at her. Roger got up, and politely excused himself and Anne from the table, the two hurrying off up the stairs to finish what they started.

“Well that didn’t take long, can’t say I can blame him”, Glenn amusingly said.

“Definitely not, Anne’s a real hottie”, Tony chimed in with his two cents.

Ava frowned and pretended to be offended, crossing her arms under her chest,” HEY!, what about me and Emma, aren’t we hotties too?”, she joked.

I followed her lead and mimicked her fake outrage, glaring at Tony playfully,” not hot enough for these older gentlemen to whisk us away as Roger did with Anne”, I added, trying not to giggle.

Both men laughed and turned to one another, “Sorry mate, guess the socializing has to be put on hold for a bit”, Glenn not so reluctantly said, a naughty glint in his eye as he focused his attention on Ava.

“Don’t be, I’ve wanted to get this one alone since the moment she arrived”, Tony confessed, wrapping his arm over my shoulders.

Glenn and Ava quickly went inside and up the stairs leaving me and Tony alone, he wasted no time leaning in and kissing me softly, his hand on my thigh while the other brushed away my curly, blonde locks. His kisses moved down my neck and across my collarbone, traveling further down, kissing along the tops of my little breasts, I began to moan and whimper, missing the feel of his rugged lips on my delicate flesh, Tony was a skilled lover, he knew just what to do to get my pussy wet and ready.

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