Niki's Family Life - Cover

Niki's Family Life

Copyright© 2018 by TailWeaver

Chapter 4: Tuesdays can be fun Too

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4: Tuesdays can be fun Too - After the adventures in Niki's Descent, and Niki's New Life, Niki and Max have to adjust to their parent's return. Or are the parents the ones that have to do the adjusting.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   BiSexual   School   Incest   Mother   Brother   Sister   Father   Light Bond   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Nudism  

Niki hurried into Ms Craig’s classroom for her noon tutoring, still feeling the aftereffects of what had almost happened during the morning’s second modeling session. Everything would have been fine, she could have calmed herself down like always if Roach had not made her play with herself all through Algebra. She had barely sat down, her spot still somewhat shielded by Roach, Dave and Scott’s seats, when he had motioned for her to begin to play. For whatever reason, possibly because they had just seen her naked and modeling in the last class, being subtle was not in the cards, and he had kept insisting she part her robe farther and farther, until any observer could have seen a long expanse of skin from her throat to the black curls between her legs. Having ensured themselves that the teacher would not stop their games over the last couple of weeks, Mike and his crew kept encouraging her to spread wider, and play with herself faster. Watching the back of the unsuspecting students in the front rows, Niki had complied, feeling her own wicked desires compelling her to play along. Mr Mathis made a couple of trips between the aisles, stopping for a long moment as she boldly splayed her thighs and practically begged him to look at her wet cunt, her finger tracing its length, before closing her thighs around her hand as she mimed cumming while seated in the back row of the classroom.

She’d still been on her own sexual high when she’d returned to Ms. Dougal’s studio for her second modeling session of the day, quickly tossing her robe onto her hook and moving onto the dais. The earlier session had her reenacting some famous poses from movies, and as she got into position for the first one, raising her knee as she lounged on the mock couch, she felt her earlier wetness exposed, the air cooling her lips slightly. She really would have been ok then, she knew, she could always calm herself down and just model, but right then she caught Ms Dougal looking ‘right there’, and that was all it took. Her mind began to imagine all sorts of inappropriate things, and she spent the next thirty minutes fighting the urge to reach down and masturbate in front of the whole class.

Mis. Elizabeth Craig could tell that Niki was a bit agitated today, and as they began to work on the last assignment, going over better word choices, she could not help but look at her student. Her robe was even briefer than the one from last week, and the image of her parting the robe in the bathroom and just standing there, letting her look, was still burned in Liz’s mind.

Niki caught her teacher’s glance as she paused in her instruction, and her ramped up libido made her a little reckless, though considering what had happened last week, she was not too worried. “Oh, you like this robe? My brother got it, we all decided with all the modeling and stuff, it would just be easier, you know.” She said, running her hand down her front gently, her fingers idly toying with the tie of the belt. “Or did you want another look like last Friday?” Her fingers untied the knot, and began to pull her robe open, Niki’s eyes watching Ms. Craig’s face, ready to stop if she must. But Ms. Craig said nothing, the older woman’s eyes riveted on the belt clasp, and at the edge of the robe as it slowly slid apart. Sure now of her power over her teacher, and still wildly aroused from the morning, Niki continued to open her robe until she was sitting there, her body on display as the two sat together at Ms. Craig’s desk.

“Is this why you wanted to tutor me some more?” Niki asked, speaking softly, running her hand up to cup her breast, boldly pinching her nipple and biting her lip in pleasure. Her exhibitionist desires were now in full overdrive, and the teacher’s quiet acceptance of her actions only fueled her need to expose herself.

“Oh, yes, I mean, you are beautiful as a nymph” Ms. Craig finally spoke, her eyes drinking in all that Niki was showing. The older woman’s face was flushed, and her eyes were bright. She was playing a dangerous game, she knew that, but it had been so long since she had seen anyone quite so compelling.

Slipping the robe over her shoulders, Niki let it slide down her arms, pulling them out one by one, until she was sitting there naked, her robe pooled around her hips and backside. “You wanted to see this again, not just help me with my paper, right?” she continued to push at her teacher, her hand leaving her breast and moving down her body, caressing her stomach and playing with the small tufts of hair above her sex.

Ms. Craig nodded, unable to look away as the outrageous teen continued to expose and play with herself right in front of her. The girl had no shame! No shame at all!

“That’s good, I guess, maybe you’ve heard the stories, but, mmm, I kinda like to be looked at” Niki said, turning towards her teacher slightly and parting her legs wide. Blushing, she imagined her sitting like this at dinner, with Cooper having his way with her, and she felt another rush of desire hit her. Boldly now, she reached down and slowly ran a finger up and down her wet slit, reaching up to circle her clit. She could smell her arousal now, and as she heated up she leaned back a little, letting Ms. Craig look all she wanted. Turning she looked at the teacher’s desk and suggested. “If you move those papers, I could um...” she said, nodding at the edge of the desk.

Startled out of her examination, Ms. Craig nodded eagerly, and quickly stacked up the books and set them aside, clearing some room for Niki. She sat back, stunned a little, as the now naked girl stood up and turned around to face her, straddling the teacher’s chair, her wet cunt only inches from Ms. Craig’s face, before she scooted herself up onto the edge of the desk, leaving her legs spread wide, the tips of her toes holding her in place by pressing against the outside corners of the teacher’s chair.

“Oh, god, this is what I needed” she moaned as she began to finger herself with more abandon, leaving all pretense of toying and teasing behind. Being watched was the icing on the cake, but her need to get off, building all morning, was overpowering. There was no way she was going to stop. She could see the want, the desire in her teacher’s eyes, just like in Mr Jacobs’s eyes the other day, yet she could feel Ms. Craig resisting, keeping her hands down and to herself. But she did not stop me, she thought to herself, leaning back and clamping her hand over her damp sex, humping against it for a few moments.

Sitting back up straight, gasping from the pleasure, Niki returned to circling her clit, her pace picking up. “Going to cum now, oh god, you are watching me cum like, like, oh fuck, like the slut he made me. Such a slut, yes, fuck, oh god, look at me, cumming ... cumming, oh FUCK!” Niki almost screeched out the end, though she tried to not yell as loud as she desired, they were still on school property after all.

Liz longed to just reach out and bury her face in the girl’s wetness, but she knew that was the path to disaster. Someone would find out, and her long years of hiding would be over. No one would keep an old lesbian teaching, she thought, especially one that touched a student. Still, the desire was strong, and as she watched the young nymph orgasm right in front of her, she wondered a bit at who ‘he’ was that she was talking about. The one that ‘made’ her a slut.

Ms Craig had given her fifteen minutes to go eat and freshen up before class, and Niki was hurrying towards her locker, grabbing her lunch and dashing towards the door that led towards the park, stopping as she heard Roach calling her name. Turning, she saw that he had Mitchell, one of the best student’s in their class, standing with him as he beckoned her over.

“Niki, Mitchell has agreed to help me pass that stupid Physics test in exchange for one of your specials. I know you had tutoring today, so no time to rush out to the park, we’d run out of time. Just come with us, we can do it quick in here.’ Turning, he led the three of them to the boy’s bathroom, Niki balking at the door for a moment. “Come on, silly slut, don’t tell me you haven’t been expecting this. This is the perfect spot for in school, or in between classes. Not everyone is as understanding as Ms Dougal!” Roach added, alluding to the curtained off area in the back of the art studio he had made her use in the past.

Looking around, curiously, wrinkling her nose a bit at the slight odor in the room, Niki followed the other boys into the room, everyone turning to stare as a girl walked into their domain. Motioning Niki into an open stall, he motioned her to sit down as he prodded Mitchell towards her.

“No way, that’s gross looking” Niki said, spotting stray droplets staining the barely functional seat.

“Fine, kneel then, or strip off, I don’t care, am sure these guys would prefer the latter though!” Mike said, turning to the still stunned group of boys, hurriedly finishing up their task at the urinals and sinks.

Not sure she cared to even kneel in here, it was so NOT like the girl’s room, Niki wondered for a moment how they could stand it. Taking some toilet paper, she wiped off the seat as best she could and keeping her back to the room, she slid her robe off before turning to hang it up, quickly sitting down. She was not shy so much as uncomfortable in this strange place, and her usual excitement over being seen, or showing off, had faded considerably due to the slightly smelly locale. She still put on quite a show though, and the boys who had been lucky enough to be here (and stayed here) were treated to the delicious view of her bare breasts, and a brief glimpse at the dark curls between her legs before she sat down and Mitchell moved in and blocked their view.

“Guys, this is not a free show, pay up or move on out” Roach said, spotting another opportunity to increase his spending money.

There was quite a bit of grumbling as most of the boys left, but a couple of them forked over a buck to watch, and moved closer to the stall hosting Niki and Mitchell. As the boys gathered round, Niki reached up and opened the snap of the science geek’s jeans, and opened his pants, revealing a rather substantially sized prick. “Oh, mmm” she said, playing her expected role, though the more she sized up various pricks, and tasted them, she had begun to get a real appreciation for nice ones, like her brothers. This one was similar, if perhaps not quite as long. Almost. Stroking the shaft as she exposed him, Niki quickly put her mouth over the thick top and began to suck and lick at his knob, the quivering in his knees not unexpected. He can’t have had much experience, Niki thought. Heck, before a few weeks ago, I was the same. With a rush of heat to her face, Niki continued to suck on her assigned customer, though she began to feel a little cheap and slutty, rather than aroused and naughty. She was almost taken by surprise when he began to cum, rather quickly, but thankfully she had felt the sudden increase in the thickness of his prick head, and as his balls began to quiver and unload their shipment, she quickly licked and sucked his cum clean. Continuing to suck for a moment, she eventually stopped, pulling back after a moment, and sitting there a bit glum faced.

Mitchell swiftly backed away, putting his pants back together, and Mike could quickly sense that something was not quite right with his new toy. Well, Max’s toy that he kept exercised. With a sense of urgency, he moved up to her, keeping her from getting up, and reached down to stroke her head.

“What’s the matter, did you not like him or something? Had he been mean to you in the past?”

“No, no, nothing like that. I just started to feel, well, you know. Cheap.” Maybe it was the dirty bathroom, maybe it was the huge cum she had just had in front of Ms. Craig, maybe it was nothing. But she felt, odd, dirty almost.

“Oh.” Realizing this was potentially a real crisis of faith, Roach cleared everyone out. ‘Ok guys, shows over. Niki and I need a little chat, bugger off all of you.” As the other boys, including Dave and Scott, left, Mike reached down to cup her chin.

“Look at me.” he said, waiting as her eyes drifted up to his. “Never let what the world might think change how you view yourself. I’m sure Max or Cyndi could explain it better than I could, but I only know my way.” Undoing his pants, he fished out his hardening prick and pushed it against her lips. “Open. Now, see how easily you did that? You are not cheap. You are a slut. Totally different. Embrace it.” As he spoke in short sentences, he slowly slid his prick in and out of her mouth, pleased that her mouth and tongue were responding, even if her mind was still a bit fucked up.

“I saw you practically cum during Algebra, did you feel cheap then? No! Embrace it. Max saw something in you and is bringing it out, and I’m simply helping. You are a cock sucking delight. Your body is amazing and I know you get wetter than a river every time people look at it. I bet you were wet when you posed today. Yes? Fuck, and your mouth, mmmm”. Pausing, he watched as she began to really work on his shaft. He was not sure if he was helping, or hurting, but it was all he knew how to do.

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