I'm Lucky - Cover

I'm Lucky

Copyright© 2018 by Barely Sofia

The Dog & The Dungeon

Monday was a rather busy day, first Cynthia asked me to go to a slumber party at her home next Saturday evening. I wasn’t sure, I had a shoot with Gregg that day, and I didn’t know how tired I would be. I just told her that I would do my best. Next Mom called me, she had gotten a couple of job offers for me and also wanted me to meet a prospective manager. My first impulse was to ask her to talk with Christy, but maybe that was too much, so instead I asked her to call me again that evening and we would arrange a get-together.

The evening wasn’t any better, first we had to find time for the two jobs and the meeting. The jobs were basic modeling work for an internet company who sold teenager’s fashion clothes, and we arranged the meeting with the prospect manager for next Wednesday.

On e-mail I found one from the father who had asked me to model for his sons. As promised, he had attached some of the pics the kids took during the Master Class, the photos were not bad, and he was offering big money for a couple of hours, so I didn’t dismiss the offer out of hand. Another e-mail from Gregg, he sent me some poses that we would be using during the next session, his idea was for me to practice them. I looked at them and found them exciting, I was enthusiastic to start, but that evening hadn’t a single free moment.

I also got a call from Christy, she had some questions for me and wanted to meet. She would fetch me Wednesday after school and we would go to her place. I realized that I would have to leave at least one of the after school clubs I was in. Making all the arrangements for Wednesdays wasn’t going to work forever since that was the only day I was free early enough to do anything after school. Anyway, with all those calls and thoughts I couldn’t even find a moment to relax and be Lucky.

Tuesday was a bit better, but not by much. Cynthia was trying to get me to promise that I would go to her party, all the while I had my mind with other things, and at least I could be Lucky for a while before going to sleep.

Wednesday I decided that it would be a good day. I began with a long run, I hadn’t done any since… well for some days, and I felt great afterwards. At the end of the school day, Christy was waiting for me, she gave me one of her hugs and drove me to her place, I was surprised when the car entered the college campus.

“Do you live here?” I ask once the car stopped in front of what looked to be an apartment complex. I realized how stupid my question seemed.

“Yes, it’s a cool place to call home, and only 5 minutes from my classes.” I had never thought she would still be studying. The apartment is what could be considered a Geek’s dream. Computers and laptops all around, a giant flat screen TV covers one of the walls, there a couple of guys playing video games.

“I’ve got a visitor!” Christy said, and the two guys turned towards us for a couple seconds before going back to their game. I look at them carefully, 20 somethings, far from being in good shape, one had a ponytail and both have unkempt beards. I say ‘hi,’ then Christy pulled me into a room and closed the door behind us.

Right in front of me she takes off her clothes until she’s only wearing her panties. Like me she doesn’t wear a bra at home, she puts a shirt on and offers another one to me. I shook my head and she shrugs.

“Ok, let’s see,” she says sitting on her desk, where three screens and a laptop fills the entire surface. “There’s a chair for you,” she mumbles, pointing absentmindedly toward a pile of clothes. I moved the clothes over to the bed and finally see the chair, I place it next to her then sat down.

She began by showing me some statistics. I learned that the most of my many followers are middle-aged men, between 25 and 35. There was also a niche of young girls and boys, between 15 and 20 followed by a third one of men above 40.

Following that, she showed me all the different kinds of job offers she had been rejecting classified by the same criteria. I blushed reading some of the offers which were far from being ‘decent.’ She was scrolling across the three screens like crazy showing me more and more information. So much so, that I was barely capable of absorbing this free flow of information.

“We need a photo book, and also some new material, you haven’t sent me anything since our first meeting. I’ve been publishing those for a while, and along with the new ones people were tagging you has been enough, but we need more control of your image now, that’s why I need more material.

“Well, I could ask David for the ones he didn’t print for Dad’s birthday, there were some nice ones we didn’t use.”

“Good, some of you at school would be great, and we need to also add some bikini and lingerie here if you want to keep and increase your fan-base.

“You got some unpaid or too low paying offers which I ignored at first, but on a second read I’ve selected two of them. These are independents who make custom stuff. What they want is to send you some samples for you to wear in some pics. From there they will publish the photos on their sites and social networks and ask that you would do the same. As a bonus, you can keep the items they send.”

She proceed to show me two she selected. Both of them were considered ‘alternative’; one was lingerie, sexy, but not as ‘fetishy’ as the ones I had been modeling at the sales event. The second one was leatherwork, but mimicking normal clothes, tops, skirts, shorts and such.

“Does my mother know about this?” I asked, I had put Mom in charge of contracts and didn’t want to leave her out of the loop.

“Yes, she said it was ok, there’s no obligation on your part, you get the stuff, and if you like it, you model those items. If you don’t like them then you don’t have to do anything. Your mom made sure you were not committed to these offers.” Well, I agreed and sent my measurement and address to both of them.

The photo-book would be difficult, I had a full schedule for the following weeks, and taking pics at school wouldn’t be easy but I told her that I would try.

“Chris! We’re about order some pizza!” I heard one of the guys yelling from outside her door.

“Any preferences?” Christy asked me, I shook my head, my idea was to get home early, but then I hadn’t realized that we had spent more than two hours at the computer. “Don’t worry, I’ll take you home later.” I nodded.

“Anything is fine,” I said making reference to the pizza. She stood up and walked out of the room while I called home to let them know that I would be having dinner with Christy.

“Natalia!” She called out to me. I walked out, she was in front of the fridge offering me a drink while she grabbed a beer for herself. The guys seemed too focused on the screen to notice their half-naked flat mate. She tossed some stuff off of the couch before offering me a seat and doing the same herself. The guys were playing one of those shooting games, I’ve watched my brothers playing those plenty of times, and played with them a few times at home.

“Wanna play?” Christy asked, I knew that we had to wait for the pizza, and Christy seemed to be taking a break, so I nodded. “Guys, we’re in,” she said, they didn’t answer, but once they finished the match they were in, they stopped the game. I think that for the first time they really noticed me.

“Hey! I’m Bob,” said the one with the ponytail.

“I’m Rob,” said the other one. Great, Bob and Rob, was this some kind of joke? Anyway, Christy made the introductions. The guys went for a couple of beers, while I was drinking my soda.

We made teams, I played on Christy’s team and the guys on the other team. I was a complete novice, but Christy was good enough for both of us and she taught me some tricks. By the time the pizzas arrived, I felt like I was almost holding my own.

Christy didn’t blink an eye before opening the door while wearing only a shirt and a pair of panties, I couldn’t stop admiring her. That strong of character and a smart brain, she was also cute as hell. Just as tall as I was but with more breast and some more yet still firm butt. She had just everything. We had pizza in front of the TV, but we were not playing instead we talked.

“So, is she your girlfriend or what?” Bob asked Christy. I saw her grinning for a second, and shook her head.

“No, I’m working with her, handling her social stuff.”

“So, you’re famous or what?” Bob asked, I never did like the “or what” thing, but I did it myself from time to time.

“Or what…” I said.

“Yeah, she’s doing great, here,” Christy said handing her phone to the guys.

“Hey, you’re hot, girl!” They said together, making me blush. And I think that they just now realized that I was a girl because their eyes roamed over me for a while.

“A tournament?” Rob asked.

“Dream about it!” Said Christy. I looked at them.

“Sometimes we play, you know, a strip tournament, I kick their asses more often than not, that’s why they want you to play, so they can see some tits, well real tits at least,” she explained making me blush again. I had everyone’s attention for quite a few seconds.

“I suck at video games, you’ve seen me already, I would lose for sure,” I said, this newest development was crazy, but somehow, I was feeling excited again.

“What about this, your deaths count double, also you and Christy can trade clothes, so if one is about losing something she doesn’t want to, the other can take her place,” Bob added.

I checked the time since Christy would be taking me home I thought I could spend some more time here. I looked at Christy and shrugged.

“Ok… but it’s an all vs all, 5 minutes matches,” she said, I looked at her scared, with her I could do something, but alone… then she smiled. “Those two are too competitive… they will try to kill each other,” she said as an explanation.

I had agreed already, so once we finished the slice of pizza we were eating, we went back to the game.

Damn! It’s different when you have nothing to lose it’s... just a game, but when you know that you can lose your clothes, each death counts. They were being fair, I mean, no one was focusing on anyone and tried to kill everyone equally. Christy killed me a couple of times, but if she had to choose between me or the guys, she went for them.

Even with the double points for my deaths I was in last place at the end of the first round, so I took my shirt off showing my bra to everyone, and no more than five minutes later my skirt followed.

Maybe I had improved a little bit, or maybe Christy helped me some during the third round, but that time Rob was last and took off his shirt. He was big and I noticed that with some exercise he could have a better body, just, too much beer, fast food, and hours sitting down.

Each round was getting more and more exciting. Playing in my underwear, I began to yell and to talk smack just as they did, doing the same excessively competitiveness I had blamed my brothers for plenty of times before. Rob lost again, and next was Bob. The first one was wearing only his briefs, and Bob had lost his shirt, Christy was the only one wearing all her clothes, and that wasn’t that much to say the least.

I think we all targeted her for the next round because she lost. Instead of taking off her shirt, she pulled down her panties and threw them over the TV screen.

“If you lose your clothes from the inside to the outside, you get those two more excited,” she said.

It was about time for me, of course, and the next round I lost again. This time my bra went off. I was expecting plenty of attention, but the guys seemed more interested in the game than in me because, after a short time, we were playing again. I guess it’s just called passion.

I targeted Rob, he was the easiest one. Christy was too hard for me, Bob still had one piece of clothing more than us. If I didn’t want to lose my panties, I would have to beat Rob. It was an interesting match, I was able to ambush him a few times, I was getting better at the game. Nothing like some pressure to motivate me. I guess that everybody knew that it was going to be the last round because, without a word, Christy sided with me while Bob did the same with Rob. When the match finished, even with my kills doubled, I was last but only by one point.

This time once the game was over, I had everyone’s attention.

“You don’t have to,” Christy said, I noticed Rob was about to say something, but in the end, he nodded.

“Yeah, you don’t have to, we had fun, and we’ve seen your tits.”

I shook my head, stood up, and pulled my panties down before kicking them away with one foot, there I stood still for some time until…

“Fair game!” The two guys cheered having a quick look before going to get more beers. Christy looked at me for some more time before handing me my clothes.

“Time to go I guess but all this was fun, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah… I’ve never thought playing video games could be so exciting.”

She grabbed her panties and went to her room, seconds later she was dressed and with her car keys in hand. We said goodbye and left.

“They are cool,” I said while she was driving me home.

“Yeah… I had a hard time training them, but it was well worth the effort in the end,” she joked.

I wondered about how my life at college would be. Months ago it would have been just studying at all times, but by now, I had changed enough and knew that only studying wouldn’t be enough.

I arrived home, finding Dad and Cristina in the living room, they were watching a movie, I said hi and kissed them both. After telling them that everything was alright I headed for a shower and bed. A funny and interesting day…

Thursday was even better, I spent all day thinking about the perspective of being Lucky all evening. Our folks would be out and that almost guaranteed a nice bath with a happy ending. That’s the main reason that I felt deceived when Nick stopped me from taking off my clothes.

“Shower and get dressed, something nice, we’re going out.”

I could have just said no or something, I was sure he would have respected my wish, but since the twins seemed to be out, if he left I would be alone… I had my shower and went to my room to get dressed, I picked one of the dresses I had recently gotten. I didn’t know where we were heading, but I thought that this dress would fit in most anywhere.

A white dress with only one strap, leaving most of my back exposed. The dress was long enough to let me feel comfortable if I had to sit or move. After a final look in the mirror, I added some make-up. I heard a car’s honk and supposed that someone was picking us up. I went downstairs and found Nick with some of his friends: Allan, Oscar and Jonathan. Nick looked at me and motioned me to spin around, which I did. He nodded in approval, along with the others. We then proceeded with the greetings, of course, Jonathan gave one of his bear hugs that left me out of breath for a while.

“Nat, we have some time, so bring us some drinks,” Nick said using his bossy tone.

“Yes, Sir, your wish is my command,” I said, slightly bowing to follow the previous time’s roleplay.

“Wow Natalia, you’re improving, maybe I could hire you someday as my maid,” joked Oscar, I faced him and showed my tongue.

“You can’t afford me.”

I brought some drinks, Allan asked for some water since he would be driving, the rest asked for some beer, I wasn’t thirsty so just sat down with them. From what I could overhear we were going to a party, a guy from school had his folks out for the night and he was having some fun. Some college students were also expected, Nick would be meeting Martha there.

They had their drinks and headed to the car. The party house was 40 minutes away, I was sitting between Nick and Oscar, Allan was the driver, and seeing that Jonathan, the biggest one, made it so that he would only fit in the front seat. They talked during most of the trip and tried to include me in their chat, but we hadn’t many things in common, so I just enjoyed listening. They were polite enough to avoid any comments about the striptease I had done for them months ago. I was glad they didn’t, not being used to going out at night, I was nervous enough already.

The car stopped in front of a house, from the sounds and music it was obvious that there was a party.

“You guys go ahead, I have to talk with my sister,” I heard Nick say while he held my hand. As the others walked into the house, Nick grinned twisted into a wicked smile.

“I guess you’re not wearing a bra?” he asked, I’m sure he knew, with this kind of dress I could only be wearing a strapless bra, and he knew my wardrobe well enough to know that I hadn’t any of those. I nodded.

“Your panties,” he continued, I looked at him, his grin becoming more evil. I quickly looked around and slid my hands beneath my dress pulling my panties down. Seconds later he had them in his pocket.

“Stick with my friends, they will take care of you...” he said while walking away.

“Have fun,” were his last words before stepping inside.

I followed him over to his friends, they were talking to each other and made some space for us. The place was large, and there were plenty of people. Some were talking, others drinking, dancing or doing everything at the same time.

“Let’s dance,” Jonathan said grabbing ahold of my hand and pulling me away. “So, you lost another bet?” he asked while we began to dance, his hands on my waist. I looked at him and shook my head a bit surprised.

“So, you just wanted to go out? That’s not the Natalia I know.”

“Well, it seemed like a fun idea…”

Jonathan behaved like a perfect gentleman, keeping his hands at the right spots and talking while we danced. The problem was that I knew I wasn’t wearing panties, and I knew that the situation was arousing me enough to wet them if I still had them on. After a couple of dances we walked back to the group. Martha and another girl were with them, I smiled, happy to see Martha, noticing she was holding hands with Nick, the other girl also seemed nice.

Jonathan asked if I wanted a drink, I asked for a soda, but when he returned Oscar had already taken me to dance. I don’t know what Nick had told them, but no one was asking me, they just took me as if permission was already granted. Oscar was a jokester himself, he always had a jest at the ready and not the nice and kind ones either. His hands were braver than Jonathan’s, reaching my butt a few times. Nothing that made me feel that awkward but I was terrified that he noticed that I was pantyless.

We rejoined the group, my drink was there, but Jonathan was dancing with Martha’s friend and Nick had disappeared with Martha. Allan was talking with a girl, to my dismay the group was not a group anymore. Oscar acted like the boss introducing me to some other guys and girls, most of them were from school, just a grade above mine, so while their faces looked familiar I haven’t conversed with these people. Most of the guys with whom I was introduced to stared at me for a few seconds, almost as if they could see through my clothes. It took me a while to come to the realization that most of them had seen more than my face on Instagram.

That caused the remaining introductions to be a bit more exciting. On my Instagram, of course, there were only ‘proper’ photos, and because of the censorship, none of my bits were clearly shown anyway. I knew that some of the kids who had assisted in the Master Class had published photos that were more explicit. They didn’t last long before they were deleted, but each day one or another was tagging me and that pic was linked to my profile until it was deleted. Not that those were poor photos, just that they were not as classy and professional as Gregg or David’s.

Most of the people were nice, but the few that weren’t made me feel uncomfortable. Oscar kept things under control and made them shut up when he thought that they had gone too far, but at some point I found myself surrounded by people talking to me. Nick came to check how I was doing, Martha pulled me into the bathroom.

Going into the bathroom together with another girl was one thing I’ve avoided at all times. The old Nat considered that a total waste of time if only one can do her ‘stuff,’ the other is forced to be there just doing nothing. This time Martha didn’t give me an option, I had nothing better to do and I felt relieved leaving the crowd. She sat down on the toilet.

“I see you’re doing nicely with your new style,” she said, nodding in approval at my clothes.

“Yes, thank you, I had to get some more clothes, but I’m starting to enjoy going shopping.”

“You should refresh yourself a little,” she said pointing to the sink. I looked at her, she was looking straight at my breasts. Cool! My always too sensitive nipples were hard against my dress tenting it.

I did as told.

“There are stickers that you can use in these situations, they cover the nipple so you can avoid them being so very noticeable. Unless… of course, you like them being noticeable.” If I had been blushing before, then I had gone bright crimson red.

“I should get some…” I said, yes, that was right, I should, but would I? She finished, wiped and put her panties on. Then, while washing her hands, she looked at me.

“You don’t know when you’ll find the bathroom free again.”

I nodded, lifted my dress and sat down, she looked at me and smirked, “Naughty!”

I blushed, of course, she just realized that I wasn’t wearing any underwear, no bra, no panties. She was smiling wickedly, and suddenly, moved her hands under her skirt and pulled her panties down.

“Let’s surprise your brother,” she said winking.

That was risky... for her I mean, my dress was long enough. Her skirt on the other hand was… short… I saw her blushing while she put the panties in her bag. “Don’t tell him, ok? Let’s see if he finds out.”

“Naughty!” I said in relief, I was discovering that most of the girls had a naughty side to them, I was not a pervert, I was just… a girl and that made me feel better.

When we stepped out some people were in line waiting for the bathroom. We walked over to the group which had been formed again with some additions. Martha went to Nick, whispered something that made him smile and they went dancing. One of the guys I had been introduced to asked me to dance. Since everyone was having fun and chatting, I agreed, then after that one, another and then a third one.

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