How to Train Your Master - Cover

How to Train Your Master

Copyright© 2024 by Anna Mae Holister

Chapter 1

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Part 2 of Blondies Have More Fun. Riki and Iason try to settle into life in Eos with a new understanding to their relationship.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Ma   Coercion   Consensual   Romantic   Gay   Fiction   Fan Fiction   Science Fiction   Aliens   Space   Rough   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

“Ngh!” Riki gripped the arms of his chair in pain as Jupiter entered his mind. Why did it always have to hurt?

You perceive that it should cause you pain, therefore it does.

Riki couldn’t get used to this ... this creature being able to read his thoughts during these sessions. This was his third, and he didn’t like it any more than he did the first time, but he had agreed to it because Iason had explained that it was by Jupiter’s grace he was alive and whole again.

He could feel himself start to sweat and tried to relax as Iason had told him, but how could he when it felt like someone using a laser scalpel on his brain?

Think of something pleasant. A memory or feeling and I will suppress your perceived pain with this.

Riki didn’t like the word suppress, it sounded too much like control. He grit his teeth, shook his head. He may be forced to do this, but he’d be damned if he’d give the AI more control than he absolutely had to. He glared at the hologram Jupiter projected of itself.

You are very a very stubborn mongrel. You are making this more difficult than it must be.

“You ... sound like I ... Iason.”

You need not speak. I can understand your thoughts.

“Just ... Can we just get this over with?”

There was blissful silence in his head and he tried to clear his mind of any thoughts. A machine that could read your mind was unnatural and obscene.


He jolted. “W ... What?”

What is obscene? Is this a literal reference? Or do you apply it to your situation? Explain.

Shit! He didn’t dare! He might piss it off.


“AHHH!” he cried. “Stop that!”

What is it you wish to discontinue?

“It ... I don’t like you reading my mind, okay! I can’t even finish a thought before you fu ... before you’re demanding an explanation.” Iason had warned him about using profanity in Jupiter’s presence. “I have random thoughts, they don’t always have meanings attached to them, they’re just random.”

Why do you have these random thoughts?

“Oh God.”


Riki would have rolled his eyes if he’d had the ability. “Obscene means something that isn’t right or natural.” So you’re not right or natural, he finished silently.

Correct. I am not natural. I was not born in blood from the womb of a female as Humans are. The concepts of right or wrong is a defective human condition. It has caused war, death and disease for centuries. Logic is linear and can be applied to any situation or decision to indicate a proper solution. There is no choice or discussion, there is only the truth.

“Are we d ... done yet?”

You have still not allowed me proper access, pet.

“Don’t call me that!”

Then allow me access.

“You’re already in my head. What m ... more do you want?”

The was a moment of silence, as if Jupiter was considering the question.

Riki allowed himself a small sigh of relief and closed his eyes as the pressure in his brain eased a fraction. Why did he have to do this alone? Iason had come in with him the first time, but was apparently advised that Riki had to come on his own for future visits. He wished Iason was here anyway, to lend him moral support at least. Shit! What was he doing wishing for that Blondie? What did he expect Iason to do, hold his fucking hand? He swore at the idea and despised himself for his own weakness.

Why do you perceive your affection for another to be a weakness?

Jupiter’s voice in his head startled him, the AI had grown so quiet he had almost forgotten it was there.

“What do you mean?”

You wish your master were beside you, yet you are angry that you have this feeling. Explain?

Riki smirked, if he could explain how he felt about Iason, to anyone, the world’s problems could easily be solved.

Explain how feelings would solve ecological and social issues?

God, he couldn’t even be sarcastic. “Nothing. Never mind.”

Explain your reasoning for the conflicting emotions I feel in you.

“It’s complicated!” he snapped.

I understand all. I am the greatest Artificial Intelligence in the universe.

“You can’t even understand random!”

There is nothing I cannot comprehend with a proper explanation.

“But you can’t comprehend it, that’s the point. You know what emotions are, but you can’t comprehend them. Isn’t that why Iason and I have to play this stupid game with you?”

Why do you feel anger towards your master?


Your reply is unclear. Why do you feel anger towards your master?

“I just do.”

Why do you do?

“Because he kidnapped me, took away my freedom and made me into a fucking pet, okay!”

You were given a choice of freedom and you chose to stay with your master. Why did you do this?

He’s not my master!” Riki screamed in frustration.

Do you still wish for freedom?


Do you wish to leave Iason?

Riki paused, surprised that it had listened about the master thing. He grudgingly replied. “No.”

I do not understand. You wish for your freedom, yet you wish to remain a captive. Explain.

“I can’t explain. I ... I just ... I just want to stay with Iason, okay? I’m still mad about what he did, I still want to be free, but ... but I know I can’t be.”

Can’t? What holds you here?

Iason held him here. The way he touched him, the way he smelled. Riki depended on Iason now, he hated that but it was true, and his body was addicted to the Blondie. Besides, it didn’t matter where he went, Iason would find him.

I can make you disappear.

Riki’s eyes flickered open again, he couldn’t move his body because of the link, but if he’d had the ability, he would have fallen out of the chair. “What ... what do you mean?”

If you truly wish for your freedom, I can give it to you.

A surge of something shot through him. Excitement? Need? Fear? Something rose inside of him at the idea of getting out of here, away from Tanagura. Away from the pets and the Elites and all the crap he had to deal with.

You may take some time to reflect. Now you must allow me to go deeper.

“What do you mean?” Riki groaned. “I don’t understand what you mean.”

Jupiter’s stark white room hologram changed into a stone cavern seemed to wrap around Riki. A massive iron gate appeared in front of him, then swung open and Riki could almost feel himself moving forward through the gate, into softer grey walls, only to come up against an even larger stone door.

“What is this?”

A simulation that your simple mind can comprehend. You have allowed me through the first gate, so that I am able to read your thoughts, yet there is another, stronger barrier beyond it.

Riki watched, fascinated despite himself, as the second door started to crack, he could hear the sound of it and shivered as it crumbled and fell away with a loud boom. Inside, the grey walls grew into a brilliant white, which sparkled with multi coloured gems.

This is the place I require; it is called The Sanctum or Inner Eye. A place where I might understand not just your thoughts but also your emotions, your memories and what makes you an individual.

Naked fear spiked through Riki. “No.” Was it even possible for the AI God to get that kind of access? Wouldn’t such a thing allow it to turn him into a mindless sex doll?

Iason does this for me, he understands why I request it. His Inner Eye has always been more complex than his brother’s. He has evolved exponentially since meeting you, Riki.

Hearing it use his name made Riki uncomfortable, but it was better than being called a pet and the voice in his head seemed softer so his pain also lessened.

“Why do you need to be here? What is it you’re looking for?”

Knowledge. You and Iason have a unique relationship. I wish to understand it further.

“Why? So you can use it against us later?”

This is why it would be better to allow me access. Humans are a suspicious lot and the length of time it would take to arrange an explanation simple enough for you to process would be a waste.

“I’m not an idiot!”

Correct. Your IQ is well above that grade. Why would you suggest such a title?

“You just said I was stupid!”

Incorrect. Explaining that your mind is simple is a logical and true comparison, not a slight. How does this offend you?

“Would you want to be called stupid or ... or simple?”

Neither term can be applied to me, so it would be a falsehood. I am a very complex Artificial Intelligence.

“But wouldn’t it offend you if someone said it?”

I do not understand your reference. If you would allow me access, I may glean the meaning of your words more easily.

Fuck it, Riki thought. He just wanted to get this over with. “Do whatever you want.”

You must give your permission mentally as well as verbally. I can probe beyond the barrier using force, however I told Iason I would not harm you or cause you undue pain.

Riki chewed on his lower lip. Will I still be me afterwards? He thought, unable to say the words out loud, for fear hearing them would cause him to change his mind.


Okay. Do it.

Close your eyes, Riki.

Its voice had softened again and Riki felt almost instant relief inside his head. He complied and tried to steady his breathing.

Think of a good memory. One that you have carried with you for a long time.

He tried, but most of his memories were ones that he would rather forget.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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