Humanitarian Aid Worker: Abandoned on Aprico Island - Cover

Humanitarian Aid Worker: Abandoned on Aprico Island

Copyright© 2024 by Sylvia Elsworth

Chapter 7 : Walking Back to Her Cabin

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 7 : Walking Back to Her Cabin - Sylvia, a beautiful humanitarian aid worker, was accidentally left behind on Aprico Island when all foreigners were forced to leave. Stranded and alone, she lost all legal rights and became a target of daily humiliation and torture by the locals.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Blackmail   Coercion   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Spanking   Torture   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Squirting   Big Breasts   Public Sex   ENF   Violence  


Sylvia’s torment had reached its climax, but despite enduring the most humiliating and excruciating public torture that Aprico Island could devise—labeled “legal” in their twisted interpretation of justice—there was no reprieve in sight. No announcement came from Principal Tuwme, the self-appointed judge of this mock trial, to signal the end of her ordeal. She remained trapped in a limbo of agony and shame, her body and spirit both ravaged by the relentless torment she had endured.

Her entire being was wracked with exhaustion, every muscle in her body aching from the strain of enduring the whipping. The residual pain in her vulva, breasts, and buttocks was a constant, throbbing reminder of her suffering. Humiliation weighed heavily on her, as did the deep, searing shame of having been reduced to a spectacle of self-inflicted anal masturbation in public. She loathed her body, cursed its betrayal, despised how it had reacted with unwanted arousal, culminating in four uncontrollable climaxes.

Sylvia stood there, naked and vulnerable, acutely aware of every eye upon her. The starkness of her nudity only amplified her sense of degradation. Her arms trembled from the strain of holding the water bucket above her head, her legs weak and slightly bent, threatening to buckle beneath her. The dildo, still lodged deep within her anal cavity, jutted out between her bruised and welted buttocks, a grotesque symbol of her violation. The stick to which it was attached was fixed firmly to the ground at a 45-degree angle, holding her in place, rendering her immobile and utterly powerless.

This was the pitiable image of Sylvia—a white woman, innocent, falsely accused and unjustly condemned through distorted evidence and an unfair, flimsy mock trial. Her spirit was broken, her dignity stripped away, leaving her nothing but a shell of her former self. She stood there, waiting, praying for Principal Tuwme to finally announce the end of this nightmare, to disperse the jeering crowd of onlookers, and to allow her the small mercy of retreating to her cabin. But no such announcement came, and so she remained, a tragic figure caught in the cruel hands of fate, desperately hoping for an end that seemed agonizingly out of reach.

Principal Tuwme’s voice cut through the air as he announced a smoking break before the final adjournment. He nonchalantly informed the crowd that the trial’s conclusion and Sylvia’s public punishment would be announced in five to ten minutes. His tone was casual, almost bored, as he instructed everyone to take a break, citing that the punishment had dragged on far longer than usual due to “the criminal’s self-indulgence.” It was clear he was referring to Sylvia’s desperate hip-gyrations—her frantic dance to be able to endure the unbearable pain while struggling to keep the water from spilling. The self-induced orgasms, ones she had not wanted or controlled, were cruelly twisted into acts of depravity in his cold, uncaring words. Did this man, did these people, have no sympathy at all?

Sylvia, still standing naked before him, the weight of the water bucket straining her trembling arms, was the one who truly needed a break. Yet, Tuwme did not grant her even the small mercy of lowering the bucket to relieve her exhausted muscles. Her legs wobbled beneath her, barely able to support her, and her body was covered in bruises, the dildo still lodged deep inside her anus. The insult of his announcement was more than she could bear, and tears welled up in her eyes. She couldn’t stop the sobs from escaping her lips, her cries of despair audible to everyone, but Tuwme simply ignored her.

He turned his back on her suffering and casually walked over to join the three men who had delivered her torment—Matumbo, Gambe, and Marimba. The four of them stood together, lighting cigarettes and chatting as if they were discussing the outcome of a mundane event rather than the brutalization of a woman. The crowd, mostly men, followed suit, filling the air with the harsh smell of tobacco smoke.

A small group of women gathered near where Sylvia stood, their whispered conversation loud enough for her to hear. “How can a woman be so shameless?” one of them murmured with disdain. “What kind of woman masturbates in public like that?” another added, her voice filled with disgust. “She even ejaculated like a man,” another remarked, the judgment heavy in her tone. Their words were knives, each one slicing through what little remained of Sylvia’s dignity. She stood there, naked, exposed, humiliated beyond words, with their cruel comments searing into her soul.

In front of her, about ten meters away, a group of boys, along with her students, had gathered, making loud jokes and laughing at her expense. Although Sylvia couldn’t hear their words, she could see two of them mimicking her earlier hip gyrations, their exaggerated movements a mockery of her agony. They laughed uproariously, pointing at her as though she were some grotesque spectacle put on for their entertainment.

Sylvia’s shame consumed her, and she closed her eyes, trying to shut out the sight and sound of the crowd. She was overwhelmed by a profound sense of self-loathing, hating her body for betraying her, hating herself for being unable to control it. The tears continued to flow, her sobs blending into the cacophony of laughter and conversation around her. She was trapped in a nightmare, with no escape, no refuge, and no hope.

Sylvia opened her eyes, startled by the quiet, gentle voice of Abuba. “You did well, Sylvia. You did well,” he said softly, his tone filled with genuine compassion. “Just hang in there for a few more minutes, and it will be all over soon,” he continued, trying to offer her some comfort. Sylvia was truly thankful for his kind words, but at the same time, she was acutely aware of her vulnerability. She felt utterly self-conscious, standing there naked with the water bucket still balanced over her head, while her former colleague—who just days ago had looked up to her as a superior—stood before her, fully clothed.

The reversal of their roles was painfully apparent to her. She, a humanitarian aid worker from Australia, stood there naked, holding a water bucket over her head, her bare breasts just inches away from him. Abuba, the dark-skinned local guide, stood close enough that their faces almost touched. He was fully dressed, looking on with a mix of pity and sorrow for her. She knew it was irrational to feel this way, especially after all that had happened. He had seen so much worse, had witnessed her most private and shameful moments, yet still, she couldn’t shake the deep embarrassment she felt standing naked before him, unable even to cover herself.

Sylvia couldn’t bring herself to respond. Instead, she lowered her head and wept silently, tears streaming down her face. Abuba, sensing her distress, remained quiet as well, offering her the space to process her emotions. But after a few moments, Sylvia felt compelled to say something. She didn’t want to offend the one friend she had in this nightmarish situation, the one person who had shown her pity and kindness.

“Th ... thank you, Abuba, for telling me ... about the hip...” she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Abuba nodded and said gently, “No worries. I learned it from my older brother. He was a gay man and received this punishment many times. I was there each time. It’s a terrible thing for anyone to go through.” His words suddenly made everything clear to Sylvia. Now she understood where his advice had come from and why he had been on her side during this horrific ordeal.

A brief silence followed, one that felt heavy and awkward. Abuba, perhaps in an attempt to break the tension, reached out and gently cupped Sylvia’s large breasts. His hands were rough but gentle as he lifted them slightly, almost as if he were weighing them. “Oh no, look at these welts,” he murmured with concern. “They’ll be scarred for life if they’re not treated. I’ll bring some magic healing oil for you. You need to rub the oil on these right away,” he added, giving her breasts a slight bounce as if to emphasize his point.

Sylvia was taken aback, unsure how to react. Abuba’s touch was not sexual; it was casual, like that of a parent to a child. Yet, she couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of embarrassment. Just two days ago, she would never have imagined this 60-year-old man, a local guide, touching her bare breasts. But now, in this twisted reality, she was grateful for his help, even if it meant enduring yet another layer of humiliation.

“Tha ... thank you, Abuba, really, I mean it,” Sylvia managed to say, her voice trembling as she fought back her embarrassment. She knew she needed that healing oil, and she was thankful for his concern, even if the situation felt surreal and deeply uncomfortable.

“We will now conclude the reformation of the criminal.” Principal Tuwme’s voice suddenly cut through the awkward silence, startling Sylvia and breaking the tension she felt. His tone was authoritative, cold, and it sent a shiver down her spine. He continued, “Criminal, two steps forward.”

Sylvia hesitated for a moment, then, took two trembling steps forward, and as she did, she felt the long dildo slowly pull itself out of her anus. The sensation was strange and unsettling, a mix of relief and discomfort, leaving her feeling suddenly empty and exposed. Her anus, having been stretched and filled for nearly three hours, was now gaping slightly, a humiliating reminder of the ordeal she had just endured.

Tuwme then turned to Abuba. “Abuba, please take the bucket from Mrs. Elsworth,” he commanded.

Abuba, with the same gentle demeanor he had shown throughout, stepped forward and carefully took the bucket from Sylvia’s trembling hands. The relief of finally lowering her arms was overwhelming, but it was tinged with the deep shame that now settled over her. She stood there, feeling utterly defeated, her body aching, her mind numb, as the humiliating process came to its final stages.

Sylvia stood there, her hands trembling at her sides, arms aching from holding the water bucket aloft for so long. Her instinct screamed at her to cover herself, to shield her nakedness from the leering eyes around her. Almost without thinking, she began to bring her now-free hands up to cover her breasts, but then she caught sight of Tuwme. The stern, unforgiving expression on his face made her pause. She forced herself to drop her hands back to her sides, her shame and humiliation intensifying with each passing second.

Now, with nothing to restrict her movements—no bucket over her head, no dildo lodged in her anus—Sylvia felt the crushing weight of her vulnerability. The absence of those degrading devices somehow made her more acutely aware of her nudity, of the fact that she was standing there, fully exposed, surrounded by local African islanders. These were the very people she had come to help—the town boys from the soccer on the fields, the town’s women, and, of course, her students, her assailants, and her former colleague, Abuba. All of these dark-skinned Aprico Islanders, from this impoverished place, mostly dressed in ragged, dirty clothes—the very people who once came to her and her organization for handouts, whom she used to give food, medicine, and household supplies while wearing her simple but clean t-shirt and khaki pants—were now witnesses to her utter degradation. She stood there naked, and instead of the gratitude she once received, they laughed at her, mocked her, and made fun of her humiliation.

Tuwme, with a cruel smirk, tossed something at her feet—two pieces of clothing, though calling them that felt like an insult to the word. These coverings were nothing more than inch-wide elastic bands, made by her own students—her assailants—for her to wear. “Put your clothes back on,” he ordered, his voice dripping with contempt. “You can’t walk around town naked, though you seem to enjoy showing off your body in that ... whatever it is you call it. What did you say? African dress, sexy style?” He laughed mockingly, and the crowd joined in, their laughter echoing around her. “We’re decent people here, unlike you lewd Westerners.”

Sylvia’s heart sank as she realized the full extent of her humiliation. The clothing, if it could even be called that, was utterly inadequate. Each word from Tuwme emphasized the inappropriateness and mockery of these so-called clothes, adding to her deepening sense of embarrassment and shame. But she had no choice. Swallowing her pride, she bent down and picked up the bands.

The first band she pulled up over her legs, struggling to get it past her wide hips. It stretched uncomfortably across her lower abdomen, barely covering her pubic crevice and the plump outer labia of her vagina. The second band she awkwardly tugged up to her chest, positioning it as best she could to cover her nipples, though the material strained against her large breasts, offering only the most minimal of coverage.

As she stood there, now dressed in these pathetic scraps, she could hear the crowd’s reaction. People giggled and smirked, their whispers and snickers reaching her ears. Her face burned with shame, her cheeks flushing a deep red as she felt their eyes on her, taking in every inch of her exposed flesh, despite the so-called clothing she wore. Sylvia wanted to disappear, to vanish from the mortifying scene, but there was no escape. She was trapped in this nightmare, with no choice but to endure it.

“Now, go home. What are you standing there for? You want some more punishment?” Tuwme’s voice snapped Sylvia out of her daze, jolting her back to the present. Realizing that he had finally given her permission to leave, she slowly began to move, her body trembling from the sheer exhaustion and the torment she had endured. Each step felt like a monumental effort. Her legs were weak, almost giving out beneath her with every stride. She had been standing since morning, enduring the mock trial and the brutal punishment, and now it was mid-afternoon.

Despite her exhaustion, a sense of urgency spurred her to quicken her pace. The need to escape, to put as much distance as possible between herself and this place of torment, overrode the pain and fatigue. She just wanted to get away, to be alone in the safety of her cabin.

As she walked, she heard Tuwme addressing the crowd one last time. “Remember, you can’t follow her. It’s the law. Once the criminal is punished, they are to be given safe passage home. Don’t get me in trouble with the law, okay?” His words were a reminder to the onlookers, a command to let her be, as if they needed a reminder of the twisted rules that governed this place.

The crowd dispersed, people returning to their daily lives as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Sylvia, still half-naked in those absurd elastic bands, continued her shaky journey down the dirt street, finally leaving the institution yard behind. She risked a glance back and saw her students and Principal Tuwme retreating into the building. Their indifference stung, but it also signaled that the worst was finally over.

As she continued down the empty road, the reality of what she had just endured began to sink in. The nightmare was over, but the scars—both physical and emotional—would remain. She forced herself to focus on the simple act of putting one foot in front of the other, knowing that each step brought her closer to the solace of her cabin, the only sanctuary she had left on this cruel island.

Sylvia desperately wanted to run, to sprint away from the scene of her torment and get back to the safety of her cabin as quickly as possible. But she couldn’t. Her body was utterly exhausted, her legs weak and trembling with each step. Every muscle ached from the strain of standing so long and enduring the brutal punishment. More than the physical exhaustion, however, it was the memory of that morning’s humiliation that kept her from running.

Earlier that day, when she had first tried to run, the two flimsy elastic bands that made up her “clothing” had slipped embarrassingly. The top band had slid below her breasts, and the bottom one had dropped to her thighs, leaving her most intimate areas exposed. She had jogged for a while without realizing it, completely unaware of how ridiculous she must have looked. When she finally noticed and stopped to adjust her makeshift skirt and crop top, the embarrassment had been overwhelming. The thought of it happening again was too mortifying to bear. She couldn’t risk it—not now, not after everything that had already happened.

So she walked, her pace deliberate, trying to keep the elastic bands in place. The upper band was pulled tight, just barely covering her nipples, while the lower one clung precariously to her thighs, threatening to slip with every step. Each time she felt the band shift, her heart raced in panic, and she had to stop, adjust, and continue.

The 15-minute walk felt like an eternity. Every passing second was a battle between her exhaustion, her desperation to get home, and the constant fear of another public embarrassment. The dirt road seemed to stretch on forever, and with each step, Sylvia was acutely aware of her vulnerability—her nakedness barely concealed by the absurd scraps of fabric she was forced to wear.

Besides the totally inadequate coverage of her clothing, the two elastic bands failed to hide the evidence of her caning. Dark purple whipping marks were visible, slashing horizontally across her large breasts, ample buttocks, and even her crotch. The area around her pubic hair was red and lined from the whipping, adding to her shame.

People stared and murmured as she passed. “She must have gotten a pubic whipping. I bet that was for public indecency,” one person speculated.

Another said, “No, it can’t be. Look at the marks all over her buttocks and breasts. Even her pussy ... all red. They don’t do genital whipping for public indecency. It must be some type of more serious crime, a sexual crime, I’m sure.”

Sylvia tried to ignore them, keeping her eyes on the ground as she walked, but her chin turned red with embarrassment and humiliation. The comments, the stares, the endless murmuring—they all made the walk back feel even longer. She could feel their eyes on her, judging her, misunderstanding her. The physical pain from the whipping was excruciating, but the emotional and psychological pain of their judgment was almost unbearable.

As Sylvia neared her cabin, she found herself passing through a familiar block, one she had walked through countless times before. This was the local shopping area where she bought her groceries—just two blocks away from her temporary home. The small stores lining the street sold everything from meat and fish to vegetables and other essentials. Outside the shops, food vendors sold an array of local dishes, their stalls bustling with activity as locals went about their daily routines.

Sylvia was well-known in this part of town. The store owners and workers had seen her often—a white woman, a beautiful humanitarian aid worker with a voluptuous body who seemed completely out of place. To the local men, she appeared unapproachable, almost untouchable. Yet, those who had interacted with her always remarked on how kind and polite she was, a stark contrast to the aloof image her appearance might have suggested. They knew she had been left behind, forgotten by her organization when the political situation on the island had changed.

That morning, as the store owners prepared to open their shops just before 9 a.m., with food vendors already selling breakfast, many had witnessed Sylvia walking to work in her absurdly revealing clothing. It barely covered her voluptuous body. Unlike her usual polite greetings, she had ignored them, running past without making eye contact. Her clothing slipped as she ran, her skirt falling to her thighs and her top slipping to her lower belly, leaving her exposed. Everyone stopped and watched as she fumbled to adjust her clothing, her embarrassment evident.

But now, just a few hours later in the afternoon, something else was different. Now, she was marked. The visible evidence of her whipping—the dark purple welts crisscrossing her pale skin—was unmistakable. Public beatings and whippings were all too common on Aprico Island. Islanders were accustomed to seeing people, mostly locals, endure such punishments at the hands of police, courts, or even neighbors and landlords. It wasn’t unusual or noteworthy, except for the fact that Sylvia was different. She was a white woman, and not just any woman, but a beautiful one, whose alabaster skin now bore the brutal marks of her ordeal. The contrast between her pale complexion and the deep purple of the welts made the evidence of her suffering all the more striking.

As she walked through the shopping area, the familiar faces of the store owners and vendors turned towards her. Their expressions were mixed—some curious, some indifferent, others with a hint of pity. They had seen her ridiculous outfit before, but now, those flimsy elastic bands did nothing to hide the clear signs of her punishment. The sight of her bare, marked flesh drew attention, though not in the way she had once dreaded. It was no longer just her unusual clothing that made people stare; it was the story those marks told.

Sylvia could feel their eyes on her, the weight of their stares pressing down on her shoulders as she walked by. Whispers followed her, soft and barely audible, but she could sense their words. Some were likely discussing what crime could have warranted such a severe punishment, while others might have been speculating on how someone like her had ended up in this situation. The vibrant, lively street she had once walked through with relative ease now felt like a gauntlet.

As Sylvia trudged toward her cabin, utterly drained and on the verge of collapse, five boys who had paused their soccer game to watch her punishment suddenly rushed up to her. They were a rowdy, unruly bunch, their energy and exuberance only adding to Sylvia’s discomfort. They encircled her like predators surrounding their prey, one of them walking backward in front of her, his eyes locked onto her, amplifying her unease.


These boys were roughly her shoulder-height or perhaps shorter, their faces level with her large breasts, which made her even more uncomfortable. Most had lanky frames, except for one who was noticeably chubbier. Their faces were mischievous, their expressions twisted with cruel delight as they closed in on her. One of them, his voice dripping with mockery, sneered, “So, how did you like that dildo up your ass, huh? Bet you enjoyed that!” Another, behind her, added with a jeer, “Yeah, we loved that little dance you did, shaking your hips like that up and down that dildo up your ass!

Sylvia’s face burned with shame, her skin flushing a deep crimson. She couldn’t believe these boys were talking to her like that. They were too young to be speaking to a grown woman in such a way, she thought. She remembered Principal Tuwme’s words and tried to muster the courage to speak. “Please,” she began, her voice trembling, “Principal Tuwme said ... you can’t follow me. It’s illegal.”

The boy in front of her, his dark skin contrasting starkly with his bright white eyes and teeth, grinned widely. “Follow you? Nah, we ain’t following you,” he said with a chuckle, his tone oozing with insincerity. “We’re just heading home. We live on the same block as you. In fact, I live two houses down from yours.” It was only then that Sylvia recognized him as her landlord’s boy. She had seen him before when she went to pay her rent. The realization that these were her neighbors, boys she might see every day, made the situation even more mortifying.

One of the boys reached out and squeezed her bare buttocks from behind, his hands spreading them apart with a crude eagerness. Sylvia spun around, her heart racing, and swatted his hands away—not with force, but with a timid gesture that revealed her fear. These boys, though so much younger and smaller than her, still intimidated her, and she felt cornered and vulnerable.

Before she could fully process what was happening, another boy lunged from the side, grabbing her breasts with a force that made her gasp. His rough hands squeezed hard, causing her flimsy, one-inch-wide elastic band crop top to slide up over her large breasts, exposing her nipples to the cool air and the eyes of her attackers. Another pair of hands reached out, grabbing her other breast, squeezing and groping as if she were an object, not a person.

The assault continued as more hands invaded her personal space. One boy yanked her elastic band skirt up to her belly, exposing her fully. A hand roughly cupped her vulva, still swollen and tender from the earlier punishment, and squeezed painfully. Sylvia’s voice trembled with desperation as she pleaded, “Please, leave me alone, stop it, no!”

But her pleas fell on deaf ears. The five dark-skinned Aprico Island boys, so much younger than her, laughed at this mature white woman’s distress. “No, you stop it,” one of them sneered, his voice laced with mockery. “We know you like it.”

Ten sets of hands roamed over her body, groping and molesting her. She felt fingers probing her anus, trying to invade her most private area. Panic surged through her, and her mind raced with desperation. No, no, not here, not by these boys, she thought, her horror mounting as the reality of her situation sunk in.

She was being assaulted in broad daylight, surrounded by bystanders, in a busy marketplace, yet no one intervened to stop these boys. Sylvia’s world spiraled into a nightmare of helplessness and violation, and she felt the walls of her dignity crumbling around her.

The boy, her landlord’s son, pushed two of his fingers into her vagina. “Hey, look at this, she’s wet,” he called out, grinning wickedly. Sylvia’s eyes widened in shock. She hadn’t even realized it herself, but her body, against her will, had begun to respond to the unwanted touches. The ten sets of hands roaming over her body were triggering her hypersensitive nerves, and despite the revulsion and fear flooding her mind, her body betrayed her, reacting with dampness.

Panic seized her. She felt the wetness between her legs and a deep shame washed over her. Instinctively, she shoved the man boy with all the strength she could muster. He stumbled back, falling onto the dirt road, but quickly scrambled to his feet, his face twisted in anger. Without warning, he lashed out, driving his fist into Sylvia’s belly.

“Uuuuuk!” Sylvia gasped as the air was knocked out of her lungs. She doubled over in pain, clutching her stomach. But there was no time to recover. Another boy, seeing her bent over, seized the opportunity. He delivered a swift, cruel kick to her plump buttocks, sending Sylvia sprawling forward. She landed hard on the ground, her face and breasts pressed into the dirt.

Sylvia lay helplessly on her belly, her chest heaving as she struggled to catch her breath and rise from the ground. But before she could even attempt to lift herself, the five boys pounced on her like a pack of wild animals. They were smaller than her, much shorter and skinnier, yet together, they overpowered her with frightening ease. Two boys sat on each of her legs, pinning them down, while two others grabbed her arms, pulling them out to either side. Another knelt on the small of her back, his weight pressing down on her spine, forcing her to stay flat on the dusty ground.

“Please ... please, boys, let me go,” Sylvia begged, her voice trembling with desperation, but her pleas fell on deaf ears. The two boys holding her arms twisted them behind her back, causing sharp pain to shoot through her shoulders. The boy kneeling on her back pulled out a length of rough rope, quickly winding it around her wrists and securing it with a tight knot.

With her wrists bound, the boys no longer needed to hold her arms. One of them sprang to his feet and sprinted toward a nearby store. A minute later, he emerged, carrying a long stick with noose at each end—a goat stick, typically used to tether two goats together by their necks. The sight of the crude device sent a fresh wave of terror through Sylvia.

The two boys who had been sitting on her legs now grabbed her ankles and spread them wide apart, leaving her fully exposed and vulnerable. They secured the nooses around her ankles, tightening the knots so that any attempt to move would only cause the bindings to dig painfully into her skin. The five boys laughed as they worked, their cruel chuckles filling the air, drowning out Sylvia’s gasps of fear and humiliation.

Now, her hands and feet bound, and her legs spread out like an animal, Sylvia was utterly helpless, at the mercy of the boys who had turned her beautiful curvy body into a mere object for their twisted amusement.

As the other boys released their grip on Sylvia, now that the bindings kept her immobile, laying on her belly, the landlord’s son kept his knee firmly planted on the small of her back, holding her down with casual ease. With one hand, he reached beneath her, sliding his fingers over the swollen, tender folds of her vulva. Sylvia’s body betrayed her, responding involuntarily to his touch. She was already soaking wet, but the moment he began to rub, her arousal intensified, and her fluids began to flow uncontrollably, spilling onto the dusty ground beneath her.

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