Humanitarian Aid Worker: Abandoned on Aprico Island - Cover

Humanitarian Aid Worker: Abandoned on Aprico Island

Copyright© 2024 by Sylvia Elsworth

Chapter 24

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 24 - Sylvia, a beautiful humanitarian aid worker, was accidentally left behind on Aprico Island when all foreigners were forced to leave. Stranded and alone, she lost all legal rights and became a target of daily humiliation and torture by the locals.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Blackmail   Coercion   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Spanking   Torture   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Squirting   Big Breasts   Public Sex   ENF   Violence  

Monday: Atypical School Day – Physical Education

Whispers of a Shattered Soul – Sylvia Elsworth

In a land far from her own, she was left behind,
On Aprico Island, where kindness is hard to find.
A white woman in a world of disdain,
Sylvia endures a relentless pain.
The bullies, the tormentors, they crowd her day,
Students with laughter, cruel games they play.
Matumbo, Marimba, and Gambe so mean,
Her cries for mercy go unheard, unseen.
Omari, the landlord’s son, shows no grace,
Tormenting her with a wicked face.
Abuba, the janitor, her only friend,
His twisted care drives her to no end.
Her body betrays her, with a disorder so vile,
Hyper-Libido, making her suffering a trial.
Deep inside, a secret she can’t confess,
A masochist’s heart, causing her distress.
Her alabaster skin, her figure so pure,
Becomes the canvas for their cruelty to endure.
With breasts tied tight, and tears that flow,
Her modesty shattered by the constant woe.
She begs and pleads, with a voice so small,
But the island’s heart is hardened, after all.
In a world that sees her as retribution’s due,
Sylvia’s strength is a whisper, her will subdued.
Yet in her tears, there’s a fight unseen,
A silent hope, a desperate dream,
That one day, her suffering will find an end,
And Sylvia’s soul will finally mend.


That morning, Principal Tumwe delivered a stern lecture—not just about today or this week, but as a general directive: leave the foreign teacher alone. It wasn’t out of sympathy for her as a white person; he fully supported the government’s Anti-Foreigner Act. However, the reality was that without her, the school was at risk. The English scores were abysmal, and the school was on the verge of being shut down.

In truth, it wasn’t the institution that was in danger but Tumwe’s own position—he was facing a demotion and a significant salary cut, something he was too proud to admit. So, for the sake of the upcoming test and the overall performance, the students needed to improve their scores. As a result, he effectively banned any form of harassment against the foreign teacher to ensure she could focus on teaching. He made it clear that only he had the authority to punish her, and he would do so only if she failed to improve the test scores or fell behind the student learning progress schedule.

When Matumbo vehemently complained, Tumwe conceded, allowing them one hour during that day’s gym class to have their “fun” with the foreigner. But he was adamant—after that, no more, not even during gym classs, without his explicit approval. Saving the institution was the top priority.

In reality, Tumwe was guaranteed a substantial bonus if the institution received a good overall rating at the next evaluation. This rating included test scores and teacher quality, and he had already received high marks for hiring a native English-speaking teacher—a rare feat achieved by only two other schools, both of which had local residents rather than foreigners in the role.

There was a deep contradiction on Aprico Island, a paradox that revealed the complexities of its fractured society. The government, with fervent support, had enacted the Anti-Foreigner Act, a law that ruthlessly expelled and banned all foreigners from the island. It was a declaration of independence, a rejection of any lingering influence from the colonizers who had oppressed the land for two centuries. Yet, in stark contrast, the island’s Education Division held onto a peculiar exception: they awarded extra points for native English-speaking teachers to teach the language.

This irony stemmed from the island’s painful history. During 200 years of brutal colonization, the local languages had been all but erased, replaced by English. Now, Aprico Island found itself an English speaking nation, but its residents largely illiterate. A staggering 90% of the population could neither read nor write, and those who could were barely proficient. English was the language of necessity, and the need for proper education was desperate.

So, when Abuba, the janitor, brought the stranded white woman, Sylvia, to Principal Tumwe, seeking a job, he hired her immediately. Despite his deep disdain for the white race, Tumwe saw an opportunity. Sylvia was a native English speaker, and that alone made her invaluable for him, to continue the subsidy from the Education Division.

But this pragmatic decision came with a price. Tumwe also harbored a secret, one that festered in the darkest corners of his memory. As a small child, during the final years of colonial rule, he had suffered unimaginable cruelty. His parents, both rebels against the oppressive regime, were killed in the uprising. In the chaos that followed, Tumwe, just a boy, was captured. His captors, seeking to punish his family’s defiance, mutilated him, cutting off his penis and testicles. The trauma left him asexual, with no interest in women, but the memory of the event had scarred him in ways that went beyond physical pain.

What lingered most vividly in Tumwe’s mind was the image of the woman who had performed the act. He couldn’t recall her face, but he would never forget the alabaster skin of her hand as she gripped the knife that took away his manhood. That pale skin became a symbol of his hatred, a hatred that extended to the entire white race.

That was why all of his previous English teachers were non-white, native English speakers, but ethnicity-wise, they were a Hispanic, an Indian and a couple of Black-Europeans. When white people were sent to him, he found a reason to reject them as he couldn’t stand being with them.

When Sylvia first walked into his office, her beauty had no effect on Tumwe. Her voluptuous figure, her pretty face—none of it stirred any desire in him. But her alabaster skin, so similar to that of the woman in his nightmares, ignited a deep, seething rage. Sometimes, just seeing her made him want to punch her, to lash out at the embodiment of his trauma.

Despite the hatred that boiled within him, Tumwe knew that he needed this white woman to ensure the school’s success. The irony was bitter, but he swallowed it, focusing on the larger goal. His personal vendetta would have to wait; for now, Sylvia’s presence was a necessary evil he couldn’t afford to lose.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the brief 10-minute break and the beginning of the dreaded Gym class, Sylvia slowly rose from the cold, hard floor of the class room. Her face was streaked with tears, her eyes red from crying, and her heart pounded with a mix of fear and resignation. The very thought of stepping outside, into the school yard where the 16 students and Omari awaited her, sent a shiver down her spine. Seventeen African boys and young men—each one eager to torment her, to derive their twisted amusement from her suffering—were out there, waiting. It felt as if she were about to walk through the gates of hell, but she knew she had no choice. Refusing to comply would only result in a more painful and excruciating torment later, a punishment she could scarcely bear to imagine.

She stumbled out of the classroom, blinking as the harsh, unforgiving African noon sun assaulted her eyes. The yard was bathed in bright light, the heat pressing down on her like a physical weight. As she stepped into the open, the students, who had been scattered across the yard, playing soccer and goofing around, immediately stopped what they were doing. One by one, they turned their attention to her, their expressions darkening with anticipation. They quickly abandoned their games and activities, running toward a gathering point where Matumbo, Gambe, Marimba, and Omari stood, casually smoking and watching her with predatory eyes.

Seventeen pairs of eyes locked onto Sylvia as she made her way across the yard, each gaze filled with a mix of lust, cruelty, and dark curiosity. They drank in the sight of her, their white female teacher, dressed in a grotesque parody of a bondage outfit that left nothing to the imagination. Her once-beautiful alabaster skin now glistened with a sheen of sweat under the unforgiving sun, highlighting every curve of her voluptuous body.

Her breasts, large and full, were cruelly bound with a tight leather collar at their base, the skin swollen and flushed a painful shade of pink, making them look like overinflated balloons about to burst. The collar dug into her flesh, the straps cutting into her tender skin, adding to her torment. A vertical leather strap ran between her legs, bisecting her shaven vulva, which was swollen and red from the harsh rod that had been used on her earlier. The strap disappeared into the cleft of her body, a constant reminder of her degradation, as it rubbed painfully against her sensitive flesh with every step she took.

Her cheeks burned crimson with embarrassment and shame, the humiliation of her situation written all over her face. Her hands hung limply at her sides, trembling with the urge to cover herself, to shield her exposed and violated body from their leering eyes. But she resisted, knowing that to do so might anger Matumbo. So, she forced herself to keep her hands where they were, leaving herself vulnerable and exposed, her humiliation complete.

Despite her fear, despite the tears that still threatened to spill from her eyes, Sylvia was, without a doubt, the most beautiful, most voluptuous, most sensuous woman any of them had ever seen. Her extraordinary beauty, what should be a blessing for any woman, had become her curse, a cruel irony that only served to heighten her suffering. As she walked toward the group of boys, each step a painful reminder of her bondage, she could feel their eyes roving over her body, undressing her further with their minds, relishing the sight of her degradation.

To them, she was just a plaything to be abused and humiliated, a white woman far from home, all alone, and utterly at their mercy. And as she reached the center of the yard, the boys closed in around her, the air thick with anticipation, the start of another hour of living hell that had become her life.

When Sylvia finally reached the group, Matumbo smirked and said, “Okay, let’s get started...” But before anything could happen, a stern voice cut through the air, “Wait a minute.”

It was Principal Tumwe, returning to the school after taking care of his business. He now stood right behind them, his sharp eyes scanning the scene before him. “How come Gym class just started, and she’s already wearing whatever you call that?” he questioned, his tone laced with suspicion. “I assume you guys changed her into that perverted thing?”

Matumbo was about to say, “Yes,” but before he could speak, another student, clueless to the situation, blurted out, “No, she came to the school like that.”

“What?” Tumwe’s face twisted in anger as he processed the information. His voice rose, dripping with accusation. “Mrs. Sylvia, you taught your classes dressed like that? How do you expect these students, boys, to focus on their lessons when you choose to show off your filthy body like this? It’s not just inappropriate; it’s perversion! You’ve made your body into some kind of twisted spectacle! And you think you can teach them anything in that state?”

Sylvia tried to respond, her voice trembling as she struggled to find the words to defend herself. “No, Principal Tumwe, I ... I...”

But Tumwe wasn’t finished. His voice grew harsher, cutting off her stuttered attempts. “You obviously don’t want to teach English. You’re more interested in indulging in your perverted games than in actually doing your job, aren’t you? You think this is some kind of playground for your sick fantasies?”

Sylvia’s eyes widened in fear, her body trembling as she tried to muster the courage to explain. “No, Principal Tumwe, I ... I didn’t—”

But Tumwe wasn’t listening. His fury only intensified as he saw her struggling to speak, interpreting her stammering as guilt. “Or maybe,” he sneered, “you’re trying to sabotage this institution. Is that it? You want these students to fail their English test so the school gets shut down? Is that why you came to me asking for the teaching job here? So you could undermine everything, sabotage me?”

Sylvia’s heart pounded in her chest as the accusations rained down on her, each one hitting harder than the last. She opened her mouth to protest, but the words wouldn’t come. All she could do was stand there, trapped in the flood of Tumwe’s anger, feeling more helpless and terrified than ever before. The weight of his words pressed down on her, making it hard to breathe, let alone defend herself against the baseless accusations that now threatened to destroy whatever remained of her already shattered dignity.

Matumbo quickly stepped forward, not out of any concern for Sylvia, but because he feared Principal Tumwe might cancel the Gym class and force them all back into more English lessons. “Actually, Principal Tumwe,” he began, trying to sound convincing, “she taught, and we learned. I mean...”

Tumwe, still glaring at Sylvia, cut him off. “Alright, Mrs. Sylvia, did you finish Chapter 13 on verb agreement in complex sentences?”

Sylvia’s voice wavered as she stammered, “N-no, we didn’t...”

Tumwe’s eyes narrowed. “And how about the composition assignment on argumentative essays? Did you finish that?”

Sylvia hesitated, feeling the weight of the truth pressing down on her. “No...”

She wanted to explain, to tell Tumwe that she couldn’t finish those assigned chapters because Matumbo had interrupted every class with his relentless torment—humiliating her, even striking her vulva with rubber rods, making it impossible to teach. But the words stuck in her throat, fear paralyzing her. Instead, she mumbled, “P-please, I tried to finish, but...”

Before she could say more, Matumbo jumped in again. “Okay, Principal, how about this—let us just do the Gym session today, and I promise, from tomorrow to Friday, I’ll make sure she teaches, and we learn. Only teaching and learning, nothing else.”

Principal Tumwe eyed Matumbo, then glanced back at Sylvia, his anger simmering but no longer boiling over. After a moment of tense silence, he exhaled sharply. “Fine. Just the Gym session today. You can have your fun with the foreigner.” He turned to Sylvia, his voice laced with condescension. “But from tomorrow, Mrs. Sylvia, please, please, please stop your perversion, your exhibitionism, whatever this bondage nonsense is. Put it on pause and focus on teaching. And for heaven’s sake, wear something decent to the school, okay?”

Sylvia could only nod, her spirit crushed beneath the weight of Tumwe’s authority and Matumbo’s manipulations. What else could she do?

“Alright, first take those off,” Principal Tumwe ordered, his voice sharp and impatient. “One of the city officials will be here in 30 minutes for an inspection. I can explain why you’re naked—I’ll say you didn’t bring your Gym clothes but still wanted to participate in the session. But I can’t explain what you’re wearing right now. That leather strap between your ... fat pussy! That I can’t explain. Remove them, now.”

Sylvia’s hands trembled as she fumbled with the buckle behind her neck, her fingers clumsy with fear and shame. The leather strap, thin and cruel, had dug into her alabaster skin, leaving angry red marks that stood out against the pallor of her complexion. She struggled, her breath hitching in her throat, until Marimba, with a leering grin, stepped in to help. His rough hands quickly unfastened the buckle, and the vertical strap, which had been tightly pressed against her body, began to slip down her back.

As the strap slid lower, it clung momentarily to the curve of her full, round buttocks, the leather wedging itself between them in a way that made her cringe with discomfort. Sylvia’s cheeks flushed crimson as she reached back, her hands shaky, to grasp the strap. Her fingers brushed against her own soft skin, slick with sweat from the oppressive heat and the tension of the moment. She pulled the strap free, slowly, feeling every inch of it as it dragged along the sensitive flesh between her buttocks, then further down between her legs.

The leather passed between her thighs, grazing the smooth, shaven skin of her vulva, which was swollen and tender from the abuse it had endured. The sensation was both painful and humiliating, and Sylvia could barely suppress a shudder as she finally pulled the strap clear from her body. The strap, once nestled obscenely between her most private parts, now hung limply in her hand, a symbol of her degradation.

As the strap fell to the ground, Sylvia’s body was laid bare in the harsh, unforgiving sunlight. Her breasts, large and swollen from the tight collar that had constricted them, were now fully exposed, the skin a delicate pink, marred by faint impressions where the leather had bitten into her flesh. Her nipples, still sensitive and tender, stood out against the smooth expanse of her chest, adding to her sense of vulnerability.

Her stomach, soft and slightly rounded, trembled with each shallow breath she took. Below, her shaven vulva, red and raw from the day’s torment, was now completely exposed, the delicate skin showing signs of irritation where the leather had rubbed against it. Her legs, long and shapely, were tense, the muscles taut as she fought to remain standing despite the overwhelming shame that threatened to buckle her knees.

Tumwe’s harsh words cut through her thoughts like a blade. “Oh, and now you’ve decided to even shave your pussy? What a pervert you are.”

The accusation stung, and Sylvia’s eyes filled with tears, blurring her vision as she finally unbuckled the collar from around her neck. The leather fell away, leaving behind a raw, reddened line where it had been cinched tight. She stood there, her body now fully exposed, feeling more naked and vulnerable than she ever had before. The thin leather strap had offered little protection, but its absence made her feel utterly defenseless, as if every inch of her body was on display for their cruel, prying eyes.

Next, with trembling hands, Sylvia reached for the clothespins that had been cruelly pinching her nipples all morning. The small, wooden pins had dug deep into her sensitive flesh, the constant pressure sending sharp waves of pain radiating through her chest with every slight movement. Her nipples, once a soft pink, were now an angry red, swollen from the relentless squeeze, the skin tender and raw.

She hesitated for a moment, her fingers hovering over the pin on her left nipple, knowing that the act of removing it would bring both relief and an agonizing surge of pain. The thought of the pain made her breath catch in her throat, but the humiliation of the situation pushed her forward. Slowly, reluctantly, she unclasped the first clothespin.

As soon as the grip of the pin released, a sharp, stinging pain shot through her nipple, causing her to gasp involuntarily. The rush of blood returning to the compressed tissue was excruciating, and she couldn’t suppress a low, pained moan that escaped her lips. The sudden relief was almost as unbearable as the initial torment, the sensation both numbing and burning at the same time.

A ripple of chuckles passed through the gathered students as they watched her, their amusement at her suffering only deepening her shame. Sylvia’s cheeks burned crimson as she quickly reached for the clothespin on her right nipple, desperate to get it over with, yet dreading the pain that would follow. With a shaky breath, she unpinned the second one.

The pain was just as intense, perhaps even worse now that she knew what to expect. Another moan, this one louder, slipped out before she could stop it, her body reacting instinctively to the sudden release. The sensation was a mix of relief and agony, her nerves screaming from the abrupt change, her nipples throbbing painfully in the aftermath.

Her hands dropped to her sides as she stood there, her body trembling, the echoes of her moans lingering in the air. The students’ chuckles grew louder, their eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure at the sight of her discomfort. Sylvia’s humiliation was complete; the pain, the embarrassment, the sound of her own voice betraying her—all of it combined to make her feel utterly exposed and powerless.

Her nipples, now free from the pins, ached fiercely, the skin around them still flushed and tender. The throbbing pain served as a cruel reminder of her degradation, each pulse a stark contrast to the cool breeze that brushed against her bare skin. Tears welled up in her eyes again, but she fought to hold them back, knowing that showing any further weakness would only add to the students’ amusement.

Sylvia’s trembling hands moved to the puppy collar tightly wrapped around the base of her swollen breasts, her fingers fumbling as she tried to unfasten the buckle that had been digging into her skin for what felt like an eternity. Each movement caused her already tender breasts to throb painfully, their balloon-like shape exaggerated by the constriction of the collar. Matumbo, watching her closely, hated the idea of her removing it. He had been planning to have his fun with her swollen breasts, and seeing her attempt to strip away the last piece of bondage frustrated him. He was already thinking of an excuse to stop her when a sudden realization struck him.

“The plugs,” Matumbo said, his voice dripping with a twisted delight. “How about your pussy and anal plugs, Mrs. Sylvia?”

Sylvia froze mid-motion, her heart skipping a beat as the words registered. She had been so overwhelmed by the shame and agonizing humiliation of the situation that she had forgotten all about them. Her mind, clouded by the pain and fear, had somehow blocked out the constant, dull pressure deep inside her body—the two plugs that had been cruelly inserted earlier, one lodged in her vagina, the other in her anus.

The realization hit her like a punch to the gut, her face flushing even redder with a fresh wave of humiliation. She could feel the plugs inside her now, foreign objects that had been tormenting her silently, part of the constant degradation she had been subjected to. Her body stiffened, trembling under the weight of Matumbo’s cruel reminder, the unbearable shame threatening to consume her entirely.

“What? You have plugs inside you?” Principal Tumwe’s voice was filled with disbelief, quickly turning into seething anger. “So, you were feeling that while teaching English? You really need to be reprimanded for this. Your mind wasn’t on teaching—it was on sex! How do you expect these boys to learn English when you’re distracted like that?”

His fury was palpable as he glared at Sylvia, who stood frozen, her shame deepening with every word he hurled at her. She wanted to defend herself, to explain, but fear kept her silent. Just then, Tumwe’s eyes narrowed suspiciously as he turned his attention to Matumbo. “Wait a minute ... Matumbo, how did you even know she had plugs in her? We can’t see that.”

Another student chimed in before Matumbo could respond. “Oh, Principal, she put them in just now, during the third session.”

Tumwe’s face twisted with disbelief and rage. “What? So, instead of teaching, you were spending your time doing a perverted show in front of the students?”

Deep down, Tumwe didn’t truly believe the accusation he was making. He knew, on some level, that Sylvia wasn’t some exhibitionist indulging in twisted games. In fact, he had observed her enough to know she was a shy and modest woman, terrified and coerced into these deviant sexual acts that she was being accused of, by the bullies. But he didn’t want to acknowledge that. His hatred for the white race, especially white women, was so deeply ingrained that it clouded his judgment, blinding him to the truth.

Rather than confronting the reality that this white woman was a victim, trapped and humiliated with no legal protection, he chose to fuel his anger with old, bitter memories. To him, she was just another symbol of the colonial past, and it was easier to despise her than to recognize the cruelty of what was happening right in front of him.


“Take those filthy things out of your filthy holes, you filthy animal!” Principal Tumwe spat, his voice dripping with venomous disdain. The words hit Sylvia like a physical blow, each insult cutting deeper than the last. Her body trembled with a mixture of fear, humiliation, and the unbearable shame that had become her constant companion.

Her hands hesitated as they moved toward her vagina, her fingers trembling as they reached between her thighs. She didn’t want to do this, not in front of all these leering eyes, but Tumwe’s command echoed in her mind, leaving her with no choice. Slowly, reluctantly, she gripped the base of the dildo plug that had been lodged deep inside her vagina. The thick, rubbery object was slick with her body’s moisture, the smooth material pressing uncomfortably against her tender, swollen flesh.

As she began to pull, the plug resisted at first, still snugly wedged inside her. She winced as the thick girth of the plug stretched her sensitive skin, the pressure building as she gently tugged. A sharp gasp escaped her lips, unbidden, as the tip of the plug began to slide out, her body instinctively reacting to the sudden shift. The slow, deliberate motion of its removal seemed to drag on forever, every inch of the plug reminding her of the violation she had endured.

The students, gathered around her, snickered and muttered under their breath, their eyes glued to the degrading scene unfolding before them. Their chuckles grew louder, more mocking, as the dildo finally emerged, the thick, glistening length of it fully visible now in Sylvia’s trembling hand. Her body burned with shame, her cheeks flushed crimson, and her legs felt weak beneath her. She wanted to curl into herself, to disappear, but instead, she stood there, exposed and humiliated, with the object that had been hidden inside her now on full display for all to see.

Tears welled up in her eyes, but she fought to keep them from spilling over. The mocking laughter of the students echoed around her, filling the air with cruel amusement. One of them muttered something crude, prompting another round of laughter. Sylvia’s shame was complete, her body trembling as she tried to hold back the sobs threatening to break free.

The feeling of the plug being pulled from her was agonizing, not just in the physical discomfort but in the humiliation it represented. Her most private, vulnerable parts had been exposed, not just to the violation of the plug but now to the mocking eyes of the African boys who saw her as nothing more than a source of twisted amusement. She was no longer just their teacher—she was their entertainment, her suffering a spectacle for them to enjoy.

She lowered her head, her hands shaking as she held the now-extracted plug, unable to look anyone in the eye. Each moment stretched painfully, the weight of her degradation pressing down on her like an unbearable burden.

Sylvia stood there, naked and trembling, her hands clutching the slick dildo plug she had just painfully removed from her body. She didn’t know what to do with it. Her eyes darted nervously between Principal Tumwe and Marimba, hoping one of them—especially Marimba, who had cruelly forced her to insert it earlier—would take it from her. But neither of them moved. The silence felt suffocating as she stood there, exposed, with the obscene object in her hand. She had no pockets, no place to hide it. The thought of simply throwing it on the ground crossed her mind, but fear gripped her—what if that angered Matumbo or Marimba? What if that simple act brought even more punishment?

Her heart raced, and the weight of the silence pressed down on her, each second feeling like an eternity. Then, breaking the tension, Matumbo let out a low, mocking chuckle. “Oh, Mrs. Sylvia,” he said, his voice filled with cruel amusement. “You don’t have a pocket, do you? I guess that’s the downside of walking around naked. Hehehe.”

His words were like a knife twisting deeper into her humiliation. Sylvia’s cheeks burned hotter, her body feeling like it was on fire from the shame that engulfed her. She kept her gaze low, hoping this would somehow end, but then Matumbo spoke again, his tone darker this time. “Why don’t you put it in your mouth?”

Sylvia froze, her mind reeling with the horror of what he had just suggested. The very thought made her stomach turn, her entire being recoiling from the revolting idea. Her hands gripped the plug tighter, slick with her fluids, and she glanced desperately at Principal Tumwe, hoping—begging, even—that he would find this disgusting and put a stop to it.

But his response crushed whatever hope she had left. “Put it in your mouth. You heard him.”

The cold finality in Tumwe’s voice shattered any resistance Sylvia might have mustered. Tears welled up in her eyes, but she blinked them away, swallowing hard as she realized she had no choice. Every fiber of her being screamed against it, but the fear of further punishment, of further humiliation, overpowered her.

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