Humanitarian Aid Worker: Abandoned on Aprico Island - Cover

Humanitarian Aid Worker: Abandoned on Aprico Island

Copyright© 2024 by Sylvia Elsworth

Chapter 23: Monday: A Typical School Day, Third & Forth Classes

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 23: Monday: A Typical School Day, Third & Forth Classes - Sylvia, a beautiful humanitarian aid worker, was accidentally left behind on Aprico Island when all foreigners were forced to leave. Stranded and alone, she lost all legal rights and became a target of daily humiliation and torture by the locals.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Blackmail   Coercion   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Spanking   Torture   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Squirting   Big Breasts   Public Sex   ENF   Violence  

Monday: Atypical School Day, Third & Forth Classes

As the bell rang, signaling the start of the 10-minute break, Sylvia walked over to her teacher’s desk and sat down, staring blankly at the worn pages of her lesson book. Her body trembled, still aching from the punishment. Her vulva throbbed painfully, the sharp sting of each hit etched deep into her flesh and mind. The swelling, the bruises—every inch of her lower body pulsed with the memory of those smacks. She could still feel the weight of her bound breasts, tied tightly at the base with the cruel puppy dog collar. Her nipples throbbed from the clothespins, every slight movement reminding her of the humiliating bondage she was trapped in.

The room slowly emptied as the students moved outside to smoke. The air cleared, but Sylvia’s shame hung thick around her. Only a few of the quieter, more studious students stayed behind, taking seats in the back to review their notes, their eyes occasionally flicking toward her. She could feel them watching, but no one spoke.

Sylvia’s hands clutched her book tightly, but she wasn’t reading. Tears welled up in her eyes, spilling over onto her pale, lovely cheeks. She tried to blink them away, biting her lip to keep from sobbing audibly, but it was futile. Quiet tears streaked down her face, landing on the desk as she tried to suppress her sobs.

How did it come to this? she wondered, despair gripping her heart. Just two weeks earlier, she had been a regular humanitarian worker, dedicated to helping others in the way she always imagined. But now, here she was—stripped of everything that made her feel human, reduced to nothing but a figure of torment for the island’s boys, men, anyone daring enough to take advantage of the Anti-Foreigner Decree which stripped away foreigners’ human rights. Naked except for her humiliating restraints, her bound breasts swollen like obscene pinkish balloons, her shaven vulva exposed for all to see, looking unnaturally swollen and tender from the recent punishment. Her body had become an object of ridicule. And despite all of that, she couldn’t fight back. She couldn’t even bring herself to resist.

She was weak. She always had been. The fear of confrontation, the fear of being hurt even worse, was paralyzing. Deep down, her mind swirled with confusion, as she tried to ignore the arousal that still simmered beneath the layers of her shame. Her Hyper-Libido Disorder plagued her, making her body betray her even during the most humiliating experiences. Worse, she feared what it said about her—this awful, dark part of her that sometimes wanted to be hurt, wanted to be humiliated. It was sickening, and yet there it was, lurking in the shadows of her mind.

Her hand drifted over her throbbing vulva, where the rod had struck. It was wet. The pain was unbearable, yet there was a twisted agony in knowing her body had reacted to it in ways she couldn’t control. It left her feeling disgusted with herself, but too weak to change.

The students left behind glanced over occasionally, but they said nothing. These were the quieter ones, the “good” ones who still respected her position as the teacher, or maybe they were just too scared to mock her in such a vulnerable state. Either way, their silence didn’t comfort her. She still felt exposed. Ashamed. But more than anything, helpless. She could only sit there, crying softly, counting down the minutes until the next class.

Her mind raced, filled with dread at what awaited her in the coming hours. There were still two more hours to go. She prayed silently that when Gym class came around, the students would head out to play soccer as they usually did. Maybe she could sit quietly in the corner of the institution yard, watch them from a distance, and regain some semblance of peace—at least until it was time to return to her lonely cabin.

But the gnawing feeling of hopelessness weighed her down. There was no escape from her torment. She knew this in her heart. No matter how much she feared the pain or the humiliation, she would always submit. It was who she was, after all—a weak, submissive woman, driven by fear and survival, and haunted by her own secret shame.


(Photo Caption: Matumbo often couldn’t believe his luck. It was almost unreal how such a beautiful woman had, through a series of unfortunate events (for her), ended up as his personal ‘play-toy.’)

As the class began, Sylvia stood at the front of the room, trying her best to suppress the lingering pain and humiliate herself further. Her nerves were on edge as the students settled into their seats, but there was a tension in the air, a knowing smirk on the faces of Gambe, Matumbo, and the others in the front row. Omari had returned to sit beside them, his posture relaxed and amused.

Sylvia could feel their eyes on her, dissecting every part of her exposed body. The straps still clung tightly to her breasts, the leather biting into her swollen vulva. She tried to shift her weight to ease the discomfort, but every movement only heightened the sensitivity. Despite everything, she still clung to a faint, irrational hope that something might change for the better—somehow, she could regain a shred of dignity.

Then Gambe cleared his throat, leaning forward with a frown of mock concern. “Teacha,” he began, using their derogatory nickname for her. “I’ve been thinking about something that’s been bothering me.” His voice was filled with faux sincerity, and Sylvia immediately felt a wave of dread.

Her eyes flickered nervously toward him, her body tensing instinctively. She said nothing, waiting for the inevitable humiliation to follow.

“You remember earlier,” Gambe continued, “when you showed us that little trick with the ‘can’t see my asshole, can’t see my clit’ routine?”

Sylvia’s stomach twisted at the memory. The awful, degrading spectacle still haunted her, the sound of their laughter echoing in her mind.

“Well,” Gambe went on, “here’s the thing. We could actually see everything—your asshole, your clit. It was all on display for us.”

The class erupted into laughter, jeers filling the room as Sylvia’s face burned with shame. Her hands instinctively moved to cover herself, but there was no point. Her body had already been exposed to them in every possible way.

“But that’s not even the worst part,” Gambe said, holding up a hand to silence the room. “See, I’m actually worried about you, Teacha.”

Sylvia blinked, confusion mingling with her dread. Worried about her?

“You know it’s illegal to walk around naked here in Aprico Island.” Gambe continued. “And with the new anti-foreigner decree, well ... it’s not safe for someone like you. If the police catch you, it could be bad. Really bad.”

Sylvia’s heart skipped a beat. She knew the decree he was talking about—aimed at cracking down on foreigners, even in rural areas like this one. The punishment for breaking even minor laws was severe, and foreigners were often treated with brutal disdain. Torture, even death, wasn’t out of the question, she was told.

Her pulse quickened as a flicker of hope ignited in her chest. Could it be? Were they actually going to help her? Maybe—just maybe—they would give her something to wear, some form of covering that would give her just even a bit more coverage. The relief of that thought briefly brightened her miserable state.

Gambe smiled at her reaction, the amusement never leaving his eyes. He leaned back in his chair, arms crossed. “We wouldn’t want to see you get hurt,” he said, voice dripping with sarcasm. “We should probably do something about it, right? I mean, can you imagine what they’d do to you if they caught you like this?”

Then, Marimba and Gambe stood up, and approached Sylvia. As Marimba walked behind Sylvia, a heavy silence settled over the room, the students’ attention riveted on the unfolding scene. The air was thick with anticipation, the unspoken understanding of Sylvia’s vulnerability hanging heavy.

Marimba’s hands reached around to the back of Sylvia, his fingers finding the edges of the leather strap. With deliberate slowness, he unbuckled the strap. The thin leader strap fell, and stopped at the small of her back as it was wedged between her plump buttocks. Marimba began to peel the strap away, starting from her back and moving steadily towards the front.

As the strap slid across her hips and down the curve of her buttocks, Sylvia’s body tensed. The anticipation of the strap’s release was almost as agonizing as its initial application. She could feel every movement, every shift of the leather against her swollen skin, a mix of slight pain and the faintest relief mingling as the pressure gradually eased.

The room watched in crude silence, fixated on the visual of the strap slowly being removed. As Marimba reached the most sensitive area, Sylvia’s swollen labia, he paused, ensuring that everyone’s eyes were locked on the moment of release.

With a final, careful tug, Marimba pulled the strap away from her vulva, releasing the pent-up tension that had accumulated there. Sylvia felt an immediate rush of blood to the area, her clitoris throbbing painfully as it was suddenly freed from the constricting leather. The physical reaction was intense and immediate, her body responding with an involuntary shudder.

Though the room couldn’t see her clitoris swelling hidden between her shaved labia, they saw the consequence of its release—a sudden gush of wetness that dripped from her, trailing down her inner thighs. This unexpected display drew a collective gasp from the students, their crude fascination with her body’s betrayal evident in their wide eyes and smirks.

Sylvia’s cheeks flamed with the deepest shade of red, her humiliation complete. The sensation of her clitoris swelling under such watchful eyes, the visceral physical response to her prolonged confinement, left her feeling exposed and deeply ashamed. Her mind recoiled at the betrayal of her own body, struggling to reconcile her internal revulsion with the undeniable physical response.

Marimba, satisfied with the spectacle he’d orchestrated, stepped back, allowing Sylvia a moment of respite, though the damage had already been done. He tossed the leather strap to the side of her shoulder, still attached to the front of the collar with a flick of his wrist, his eyes gleaming with cruel satisfaction.

“Looks like our Snowflake was holding back quite a bit,” he commented dryly, eliciting snickers and lewd remarks from the gathered students. They reveled in Sylvia’s discomfort, in the raw display of her body’s involuntary reactions.

Sylvia struggled to regain some composure, her hands instinctively moving to cover herself, though she knew it was futile. The damage had been done, her body’s secrets laid bare before these merciless spectators. The shame burned within her, a searing reminder of her degradation and the ever-present gaze of those around her.

She stood there, trembling, trying to wrap her mind around the fact that she still had to endure more time with these people—her tormentors who saw her not as a human being but as an object of amusement and derision.

As the next part of their cruel game unfolded, Sylvia’s heart pounded with dread. Gambe nonchalantly pulled out what looked unmistakably like two butt plugs, along with a small bottle of lubricant. Even to Sylvia, who was naive and inexperienced with such devices, their purpose was clear. The sight of them made her stomach turn with fear and embarrassment.

“Ever seen one of these, Snowflake?” Gambe asked, his voice dripping with feigned curiosity as he casually coated the plug with lubricant. He held it up for her to see, ensuring that she could not avoid the sight of the glistening object.

Sylvia shook her head, barely able to speak. “No,” she whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of her racing heartbeat.

“It’s a butt plug,” Gambe announced with a smirk, enjoying the flush of humiliation that spread across Sylvia’s cheeks. “Today, you’re going to learn all about them.”

The room felt impossibly large and cold, the eyes of every student on her. Sylvia’s shame was complete. She felt exposed and degraded, her dignity stripped away with each passing second. Her breathing quickened, and she fought the urge to flee, knowing there was nowhere to go.

“Here,” Gambe said, extending the lubricated plug towards her. “First, stick this in your asshole, teacha.”

As Gambe presented the butt plug, Sylvia’s eyes widened with a mix of fear and humiliation. Her heart raced uncontrollably as the reality of what she was being asked to do sank in. Standing there, in front of a room filled with students, 17 African boys, every fiber of her shy, modest nature screamed in protest.

“No, please,” Sylvia whispered, her voice quivering. Her hands trembled as she involuntarily took a step back, her eyes welling up with tears. “I can’t ... please, don’t make me do this here.” Her plea was soft, filled with desperation and a deep-seated fear that shook her core.

But her protests were met with cold indifference. Gambe’s smirk only widened at her distress, his amusement clear. “Come on, teacha. This is for you. You’d rather get arrested and taken away for few days or weeks of torture instead?” he taunted, his tone dismissive of her anguish.

Sylvia’s hands clutched at her sides as she tried to muster the courage to resist further, but her innate fear and the oppressive atmosphere of the room weighed heavily on her. She knew her pleas for their sympathy were futile.

Tears spilled down her cheeks, tracing lines of shame across her face. She sobbed quietly, each breath a shuddering gasp as she struggled to regain some semblance of control. Her modesty, deeply ingrained, made the demand placed upon her feel like a violation of her very soul.

With great reluctance and after several pleading glances that were ignored or met with mocking chuckles, Sylvia reached for the plug again. Her movements were hesitant, her whole body shaking as she tried to comply with the humiliating command. The students watched with rapt attention, their faces a mix of curiosity and cruel delight at her discomfort.

Sylvia took a trembling breath as she prepared to comply with the daunting task. Her legs were slightly apart, creating a bowlegged stance. With a deep sense of humiliation, she leaned forward slightly, reaching between her legs with shaking hands. The cold, slick surface of the plug made her skin crawl as she touched it to her body.

Guiding the plug with her own hands, she could feel her heart pounding against her chest, each beat echoing loudly in her ears. Her fingers trembled as they pressed the tip of the plug against the tight entrance of her anus. Closing her eyes, she took another shuddering breath, trying to will her body to relax.

The initial contact was cold and uncomfortable. As she pushed gently, the resistance of her own body made the task even more challenging and painful. The sensation of the plug slowly entering her, stretching her sphincter, was overwhelming. She felt a sharp sting of pain mixed with a bizarre and unwelcome pressure as she forced herself to continue, pushing the plug in further.

The African boys watched intently as the white woman’s body adjusted to the intrusion, some leaning forward to get a better view of her discomfort. The sight of her so vulnerable and exposed, performing such an intimate act on herself under duress, only fueled their crude remarks and laughter.

Finally, with a soft gasp, Sylvia managed to fully insert the plug. She stood slowly, her body stiff and her breathing heavy. The sensation of the plug fully seated was strange and uncomfortable, a constant reminder of her degradation and the control they held over her. Her face remained downcast, unable to meet the eyes of her tormentors, as she tried to regain some semblance of composure despite the burning shame and physical discomfort she felt.

Sylvia stood frozen, the reality of her situation settling in like a dark cloud. She felt exposed, more vulnerable than ever, her privacy invaded in the most intimate way possible in front of an audience that saw her pain as nothing more than a source of amusement.

Next, Gambe casually produced another device from the bag, holding it out for Sylvia and the room to see. It was similar in shape to the previous plug but distinctly different, designed more like a dildo with an additional feature: a protruding knob on one side near the end.

“This is for your pussy,” Gambe announced, handling the device with an ease that contrasted starkly with Sylvia’s visible trepidation. He held it in such a way that Sylvia could not avoid seeing the detailed contours, including the knob that was intended to press against her clitoris. “Again, you insert this yourself, teacha. We’re not forcing ya to do anything here. All for you, all by you. Just make sure the knob is positioned just right—over your clit.”

As Gambe extended the device towards Sylvia, her initial reaction was a visceral mix of fear and desperation. Her voice, barely a whisper, was laced with pleading, “Please, no more ... I can’t do this.” Her eyes, wide with fear, darted around the room, seeking an ounce of mercy in the sea of indifferent faces.

Gambe, unphased by Sylvia’s distress, chuckled darkly at her plea. “Oh, Snowflake, don’t be shy. It’s just like a little double penetration, isn’t it? You like double penetration, don’t ya? I know ya Westerners do that all the time, common, I know you like it,” he mocked, his voice dripping with cruel amusement. The room erupted in laughter, the sound sharp and mocking in Sylvia’s ears.

Her protests faltered under the weight of their laughter, her cheeks burning with shame. Before she could muster another plea, Matumbo joined in, his voice booming over the others, “Or maybe she prefers a good pussy whopping instead. What do you say, Snowflake?”

The implied threat in Matumbo’s tone sent a shiver of fear through Sylvia. Panic flared within her, and without another moment’s hesitation, she reached out with trembling hands to take the device. Her actions were hasty, driven by the fear, need to appease Matumbo, to prevent any further threats that might worsen her already unbearable situation.

As she grasped the cold metal, the laughter around her swelled, the sound echoing mockingly in the cramped classroom. Sylvia’s head bowed, her long hair falling around her face as a veil against their stares. The shame washed over her in waves, each laugh a reminder of her degradation, each smirk a testament to her helplessness. Her modest, shy nature was being eroded under their relentless gaze, leaving her feeling exposed and utterly alone in her humiliation.

Taking a deep breath that did little to calm her nerves, Sylvia shifted her stance slightly. With her legs trembling, she spread them just enough to allow herself access, all under the watchful eyes of 17 African boys. Her movements were awkward, her muscles stiff with anxiety and dread. She bent her knees slightly, feeling utterly exposed as she positioned the vaginal plug at her entrance.

The initial contact of the cool metal against her sensitive skin made her flinch. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears like a drum, each beat echoing her growing panic. Slowly, with painstaking care, she began to insert the dildo, her breath hitching in her throat as she felt the knob come into contact with her swollen, sensitive clitoris. The sensation was strange—uncomfortably intense and unnervingly foreign.

As she pushed the device deeper, Sylvia’s discomfort mounted. The knob pressed insistently against her, sending a jolt of mixed pain and unwanted stimulation through her body. Her hands trembled more visibly now, her fingers slick against the metal. With each slight movement, the knob shifted, scraping against her in a way that was both stimulating and deeply humiliating.

The room was eerily silent now, the earlier jeers having given way to a tense anticipation. Each of Sylvia’s breaths seemed loud in the quiet, her soft whimpers barely audible over the sound of her labored breathing. Finally, with a gentle push, she seated the device fully, feeling the knob press firmly against her clit, a constant, unrelenting pressure that made her want to squirm with discomfort.

Standing back up was an ordeal in itself. Sylvia felt the weight of the device inside her, an unwelcome presence that she could not ignore. Her legs felt weak, barely able to support her as she straightened her posture. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to block out the stares, the room, the entire situation. But it was no use. The sensation of the dildo and the knob was overwhelming, a stark reminder of her degradation.

Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes as she stood there, the metallic object inside her making every small movement a trial. Her body was on display, manipulated and controlled, and her spirit felt crushed under the weight of her humiliation. The shy, modest woman who had once held herself with a quiet dignity was now reduced to a figure of torment, her deepest vulnerabilities exposed and exploited for their amusement.

Sylvia’s head hung low, her long hair shielding her face from view as she struggled to compose herself. But inside, her turmoil was a raging storm, her thoughts a chaotic whirl of fear, shame, and an aching longing for the ordeal to be over.

Marimba, with a calculated casualness that belied the cruelty of his actions, approached Sylvia once more. His fingers deftly grasped the leader strap that dangled from the front of her neck collar—a thin leather band that had been carelessly thrown over her shoulder earlier. With a firm grip, he pulled it down, ensuring everyone’s attention was on the humiliating spectacle about to unfold.

The strap, cool and slightly stiff from disuse, traced a path down the center of Sylvia’s chest. As it slid between her tightly bound breasts, swelled them up like pinkish balloons constrained at the base by two puppy collars, the leather pressed into her soft, sensitive skin. The sensation was uncomfortable, intensifying the tenderness of the swollen tissue, making Sylvia wince sharply.

Marimba positioned the strap so it ran right down the middle of her shaven vulva mounds, the leather grazing the sensitive skin with a roughness that drew a sharp intake of breath from Sylvia. The humiliation of having such a private area touched so impersonally, so publicly, was overwhelming.

Then, with his other hand, Marimba pulled the strap between her legs. The action forced the leather to tug harshly at the two plugs inside her, pulling them deeper. Sylvia couldn’t hold back a pained whimper as the vaginal plug shifted, the knob on its end pressing cruelly into her already swollen clitoris. The sensation was intense, a mix of pain and a perverse pressure that she could not escape.

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