Humanitarian Aid Worker: Abandoned on Aprico Island - Cover

Humanitarian Aid Worker: Abandoned on Aprico Island

Copyright© 2024 by Sylvia Elsworth

Chapter 21: Monday: A Typical School Day 1

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 21: Monday: A Typical School Day 1 - Sylvia, a beautiful humanitarian aid worker, was accidentally left behind on Aprico Island when all foreigners were forced to leave. Stranded and alone, she lost all legal rights and became a target of daily humiliation and torture by the locals.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Blackmail   Coercion   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Spanking   Torture   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Squirting   Big Breasts   Public Sex   ENF   Violence  


As Sylvia, Omari, and Abuba walk down the dusty, cluttered street of Aprico Island, the image is surreal and jarring against the backdrop of the bustling yet impoverished African street. The road is wide but filled with scattered trash, dirt, and broken stones, with makeshift houses lining the sides. Their roofs are rusted tin, and the wooden walls are stained and worn. Telephone wires crisscross above them, sagging between old poles. Local villagers, dressed in faded and worn-out clothes, mill about the street, some going about their business, others lingering in groups, observing their surroundings.

Sylvia, nearly naked except for the thin leather strap that traces a humiliating path down her alabaster body, walks in the middle, held firmly by Omari on one side and Abuba on the other. Her voluptuous figure stands in stark contrast to her two short, dark-skinned companions, a boy and an old man. Her large breasts, tightly constrained by the strap, bounce slightly with each step, her body stiff with shame. Her pale skin, nearly glowing in the bright sunlight, stands out like a beacon amidst the dark-skinned figures surrounding her. Her face is downcast, her beautiful features etched with humiliation and despair, her delicate hands trapped in the grips of her companions, unable to cover herself.

Omari, on her right, walks with a cocky swagger, his grip on Sylvia’s hand firm and possessive. He is has a lean but athletic body, his shirt open, exposing his chest as if he is proud of his dominance over Sylvia. He glances around at the people on the street, a smirk playing on his lips as he enjoys the attention their odd trio is attracting. Abuba, on her left, is older and slightly taller, but skinnier, his face marked with age and fatigue, yet he grips Sylvia’s other hand with a misplaced sense of care. In his delusional mind, he believes he is helping his “adopted daughter,” guiding her along the street.

As they walk, the reactions from the villagers are mixed. Some people stop in their tracks, staring openly at the strange spectacle before them. Their eyes widen in shock or amusement, some laughing under their breath as they observe the nearly naked white woman paraded down their street. Others look away, sympathetic to the white woman who walked these same streets in her Humanitarian Organization uniform handing out free medicine and household supplies with the friendliest smile; but they lack the courage to stand up for her. Others, used to the harsh realities of life on the island, exchange their curious glances but remain indifferent, unwilling to intervene.

Children run ahead of them, giggling and pointing, their laughter adding to the surreal nature of the moment. A group of young men loitering on the side of the road calls out in amusement, jeering and whistling as they take in the sight of Sylvia’s voluptuous body barely concealed by the strap. They laugh and nudge each other, their eyes following her every step.

The sun beats down relentlessly, casting harsh shadows on the ground as they continue their journey toward the Aprico Island Reform School. Sylvia’s heart sinks with every step, the humiliation tightening around her chest like a vice. The twenty-minute walk feels like an eternity as the island’s harsh reality presses down on her, the jeers and stares of the villagers like daggers to her already broken spirit.


As Sylvia, Omari, and Abuba continued their walk through the crowded street, the onlookers’ reactions intensified. The air was thick with dust and the midday heat, but it felt even thicker to Sylvia with the weight of her humiliation. Her pale skin, nearly glowing in the harsh sunlight, drew all eyes toward her. The thin strap running down from her neck, disappearing between her plump hairy vulva mounds, only made her feel more exposed—more vulnerable. Every step forward was agony, not from pain but from the all-encompassing shame.

A small crowd started to gather as they walked. The jeers and comments began softly, then escalated as more people noticed Sylvia’s obscene attire.

“Hey, look at the white woman!” one man shouted from the side, his voice cutting through the noise of the busy street. “What’s she wearin’? That’s not clothes! That’s a string for tying up cows!”

Laughter erupted from a nearby group of young men, who had been lounging in the shade. One of them pointed directly at Sylvia’s lower body, his eyes filled with a twisted sense of amusement.

“That strap’s deep in there, between those fat pussy lips!” another called out, his voice dripping with mockery. “Bet it’s rubbing against her clit with every step! Hey, you feelin’ it, white girl? You enjoying the walk?”

Sylvia’s cheeks burned crimson, tears welling up in her eyes again. She tried to block out the words, to focus on putting one foot in front of the other, but it was impossible. The jeers cut through her like knives.

“Check out those big white, I mean, bloody pink titties, all tied up like balloons!” another man chimed in, openly leering at her chest. “They’re bouncing like watermelons. Careful they don’t hit you in the face, Snowflake!”

Another burst of laughter followed, loud and cruel, echoing down the dusty street. Sylvia felt as though she was being stripped even further, reduced to nothing more than an object of ridicule and perverse fascination.

“Hey, look at that ass! Her fat buttock totally swallowed up that strap!” a woman shouted from the side of the road. She laughed wickedly as Sylvia passed by, unable to stop herself from glancing at the obscene strap between Sylvia’s round buttocks.

“Bet she likes it,” another man said, his voice dripping with lewd amusement. “Why else would she be wearin’ that? Probably gets off on showin’ herself like that! You enjoyin’ this, Whitey?”

The words cut deep, and Sylvia’s mind whirled. How could they say these things? she thought, despair gripping her heart. She wanted to scream, to tell them she didn’t want this, that she didn’t choose this. But she knew her voice would fall on deaf ears. Her hands remained trapped in Omari and Abuba’s grip, her body laid bare before them all, her thoughts circling around one central, crushing truth—there was no escape. She was nothing to them but a spectacle.

“Her pussy’s on full display!” one boy shouted from behind her. “Bet you could see all the way up into her if you stood behind her and looked close enough!”

Sylvia bit her lip hard, stifling the sobs that wanted to escape her throat. The urge to cover herself was unbearable, but her hands remained locked in place by Omari and Abuba. She could feel the strap between her outer-labia, pressing uncomfortably against her clitoris. With each step, the leather seemed to dig deeper into her flesh, forcing a perverse awareness of her own body that only heightened her humiliation.

She could feel the eyes of the crowd crawling over her, probing every inch of her exposed skin. It was as though her very soul had been laid bare alongside her body, her privacy stolen, her dignity stripped away. Her humiliation was total. It filled her mind, her heart, her bones, sinking in like a poison. She was trapped—trapped in her own body, trapped by the people who held her, and trapped by the jeering onlookers who delighted in her torment.

“Bet she’s wet down there,” another voice rang out from the crowd, crude and callous. “Ain’t that right, Snowflake? Walking around like this, you probably can’t help it, huh?”

Sylvia felt herself tremble violently as she walked, tears streaming down her face. The shame was unbearable, all-consuming. She could feel the eyes of the crowd on her vulva, on her breasts, on her bare skin. She wanted to disappear, to vanish from existence entirely. But there was no escape from the nightmare.

Omari glanced at her with a smirk, thoroughly enjoying her anguish. He squeezed her hand tightly, ensuring she couldn’t pull away or shield herself.

“Keep walking, Auntie,” he said softly, his voice low enough that only she could hear. “They’re loving this. And you? I bet you like it also. You always pretend you don’t, but I bet Auntie’s pussy is all wet, hehehe.”

Sylvia couldn’t respond. She was too choked by her own sobs, her throat tight with despair. Her body moved on autopilot, dragged along by the two men holding her captive. The sunlight was blinding, the dust swirling around them, and the jeers never stopped.

“Her big white ass looks like it’s ready for some spanking again!” one woman cackled from the side of the street. “Bet the boys at her school will have a good time with that today!” There was a burst of laughter, some asking what she meant, and Sylvia heard a man explaining loudly, that this white woman, walking naked, was a schoolteacher and she must be walking to school, looking like that. It was followed by the noises of shock and disapproval.

Sylvia squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the taunts, trying to make herself small, to disappear inside herself. But there was no escape. The street stretched out before them, endless and unforgiving, and with each step, her humiliation grew deeper, her spirit crushed beneath the weight of her shame.

Please, she begged silently. Please let this end ... But she knew, deep down, that this was only the beginning. The Aprico Island Reform School loomed ahead, waiting for her, and the torment would continue.


As the trio continued their humiliating march down the street, the tension in Sylvia’s body never subsided. The weight of the jeers, the stares, and the laughter bore down on her like a heavy blanket, suffocating her. Suddenly, one man standing near a small market stall shouted out above the noise, his voice dripping with mock outrage.

“Hey, look at her! She’s naked!” he yelled, pointing at Sylvia with an accusing finger. His voice echoed down the street, drawing even more attention to her plight. “It’s illegal to walk around naked like that! Someone ought to call police to arrest her!”

Heads turned in their direction, and the jeers momentarily hushed as people focused on the accusation. Sylvia felt her heart pound painfully in her chest. ‘Naked’, ‘Police’, ‘Arrest’. The words rang in her ears, setting her panic ablaze. The worst part of it was, even though she wore the thin leather straps crisscrossing her body, they offered nothing in the way of modesty or protection. She in reality was naked, in front of everyone, her pale body exposed to the scorching sun and the prying eyes of the crowd.

“You know what to do, Auntie. Do what we practiced,” he murmured, grinning sadistically. “Start with the titties.”

Sylvia’s hands were shaking uncontrollably as she reluctantly lifted them to her breasts. The leather strap at the base of her large breasts dug into her alabaster skin, made her breasts swell up like balloon, as they bulged out from her chest, round and pink. Even worse were the clothespins that clamped down on her nipples, biting into her tender flesh, sending sharp jolts of pain through her with each subtle movement.

Her face flushed deep red as her trembling hands went to the sides of her breasts. With a broken sob, she started shaking them, her breasts jiggling obscenely in the open air as she forced herself to follow Omari’s cruel command. The sharp pain from the swollen breasts and nipples cramped tightly by the hard pressure of clothespins became almost unbearable, her breasts and nipples throbbing with the ache. Her entire body shook with humiliation as she wobbled her breasts back and forth, displaying herself in the most degrading manner possible.

Her voice was barely audible at first, cracking and trembling as she choked out the rehearsed words. “Y-you ... c-can’t see ... m-my n-nipples ... c-can y-you?” she stuttered, her voice breaking with shame as she addressed the crowd. The pain of the clothespins and the sheer degradation of the act made her entire body feel numb with horror. She could feel every eye on her, burning holes into her pale skin as she debased herself before them.

The man who had called her out grinned nastily. “Can’t see your nipples? No, but I can sure as hell see everything else!” he called out, sending ripples of laughter through the crowd. Sylvia’s heart twisted painfully, but she couldn’t stop. She had to keep going, Omari’s stare a constant reminder that there was no escape.

Omari nudged her again, signaling that it was time for the next part. Sylvia wanted to die right then and there, but her body moved on its own, trained by fear and obedience. She let go of her breasts and slowly turned around, her pale, voluptuous form glistening with sweat in the harsh African sunlight. Her alabaster skin stood out starkly against the dark street and the onlookers who lined it. She was the only white woman for miles around, and her body, pale and plump, was a spectacle among them.

With tears streaking down her flushed cheeks, Sylvia reached behind her, her trembling hands finding the plump mounds of her bare buttocks. She hesitated, her breath coming out in shallow gasps as she swallowed down the sobs threatening to break free. The moment felt like an eternity, the crowd waiting eagerly for her next humiliating act. But she had no choice—Omari would make her life even worse if she didn’t comply.

Slowly, with her entire body shaking from the effort, Sylvia spread her buttocks apart, exposing her most private area to the jeering crowd. Her delicate fingers gripped the soft flesh of her cheeks, pulling them to the sides until her anus was fully visible to anyone looking. Her pale skin flushed even deeper with the unbearable humiliation, her mind screaming in protest as she stood there, offering herself up for ridicule.

“You ... c-can’t s-see ... my a-asshole ... c-can you?” Sylvia’s voice was barely a whisper, trembling with the weight of her shame. The moment stretched endlessly, her body locked in this degrading position, with her buttocks spread wide for all to see. She felt the cool air brush against the most intimate parts of her body, and she wanted to sink into the ground and disappear forever.

The crowd erupted into mocking laughter, cruel taunts and jeers flying at her from every direction. “Not your hole, inside, but we can see your asshole!” one man shouted, his voice brimming with sadistic glee. Another called out, “Yes, how can we not see your asshole when you spread your fat ass like that!” The onlookers burst out in laughter. Another boyish voice, “Look at that, mother, that white woman showing off her asshole!”

Omari let out a soft chuckle, clearly enjoying every second of her torment. “Good job, Auntie,” he said, his voice dripping with cruel amusement. “But you know you’re not done yet. Turn around and finish it.”

Sylvia released her buttocks with shaking hands, her entire body quivering as she slowly turned back around to face the crowd once more. The weight of the jeers pressed down on her like a vice, squeezing the breath from her lungs. She could feel the eyes of every person in the street on her body, dissecting every inch of her exposed flesh.

Her hands dropped slowly to her crotch, her pale, trembling fingers hesitating before they grasped the soft outer labia of her vulva. She sobbed openly now, tears streaming down her face as she spread her labia apart, exposing the thin leather strap buried deep within her most intimate folds. The strap pulled her clitoris tightly against her body, disappearing inside her, offering no cover or relief.

Her voice came out as a broken sob as she repeated the humiliating phrase, “Y-you ... c-can’t see ... my cl-clit ... c-can you?” Her legs felt weak, her knees threatening to give out under the sheer weight of her humiliation and shame.

Omari’s voice cut through the din. “Now say it, Snowflake,” he ordered, his tone firm. “Say it loud so they all can hear you.”

Sylvia’s entire body trembled as she stuttered out the final humiliating phrase, her voice barely more than a whisper. “Th-therefore ... I ... I am n-not ... n-naked,” she choked out, her voice cracking with every word. Omari made her repeat it, louder this time, until she was practically screaming the words through her tears.

Each repetition felt like another nail in her coffin, another piece of her dignity stripped away. And still, the crowd jeered, their cruel laughter echoing in her ears as she stood there, exposed and broken, her pale body on full display for all to see.

The crowd was ruthless. “Not naked? Hell, you might as well be!” one man shouted. “We can see all we need to see!” another jeered. Laughter rang out, mixing with the calls of derision, the crowd delighting in her suffering.

Finally, Omari seemed satisfied. He patted her hand mockingly. “Good job, Auntie,” he said with a smirk. “Now let’s keep walking.”

Sylvia felt as though her soul had been shattered into a million pieces. Her body was exhausted, her spirit crushed, and yet she had no choice but to obey. With tears still streaming down her face, she allowed herself to be led forward again, the weight of her shame and humiliation pressing down on her like a leaden cloak.


The walk to the school stretched out like a nightmare for Sylvia. Each step felt heavier than the last as she trudged along, her head bowed, eyes stinging from tears that had long since dried on her cheeks. Her body, strapped, exposed, and trembling, seemed to weigh a thousand pounds. The tight leather collar around her breasts, constricting them at the base, made them swell unnaturally, resembling pinkish balloons. The clothespins painfully pinched her nipples, sending sharp stabs of pain through her with every movement.

Omari still held her hand, his grip firm and inescapable, making sure she couldn’t attempt to cover herself. Her other hand was still held by Abuba, who walked beside her like a faithful yet oblivious companion. He clung to her hand, in his mind, he was reliving the past, guiding his daughter on a casual stroll, unaware of the torment flooding this woman’s mind. Sylvia, trapped between these two people, one sadistic, the other demented, felt a despair that seemed boundless.

The hot African sun beat down on her alabaster skin, intensifying her discomfort. The narrow street, lined with dilapidated shacks and unevenly spaced power lines, felt suffocating under the weight of so many watchful eyes. Her pale form, starkly contrasting against the dark-skinned onlookers, made her feel more exposed than ever. The sharp edges of the small backpack Omari had made her wear cut into her shoulders, the absurdity of it only heightening her shame.


“Look at her, parading like that,” someone jeered from a nearby shack.

A woman, half-dressed in threadbare clothing, sneered at Sylvia from a doorstep. “I saw her before, she’s the one who masturbated at the food stall yesterday. I think she’s crazy. Look at that, I bet she thinks she is a bride walking between her two husbands, young and old,” she spat mockingly. “What a crazy bitch!”

More voices chimed in, crude and unforgiving.

“Hey, missy, your titties look like they’ve been blown up! Trying to be a balloon and fly away from here?” a man called out, laughing.

“She’s a freak show, ain’t she?” another voice echoed.

Sylvia’s hands shook with the effort not to cover herself, to block out their words. She knew it would only make things worse. Her face burned hotter than the sun itself, and she kept her gaze fixed on the ground, hoping she could somehow disappear into it.

Each step forward felt like a betrayal of her own body. The leather strap running down her center dug further into her skin, pressing uncomfortably between her plump buttocks, disappearing into the folds of her vulva. The humiliation was excruciating, every inch of her flesh on display, nothing left to shield her from the judgmental eyes of the island’s people.

After what felt like an eternity, the looming structure of the Aprico Island Reform School finally came into view. The place was a brutalist monument to the island’s oppressive authority, its single story, blocky walls casting a shadow across the barren yard that stretched out before it. The yard was eerily empty, a stark reminder that they were late. The usual crowd of students, currently only 16 of them, but all delinquents with arrest records, as rambunctious as 100 students, had already gathered inside the classroom eagerly waiting for their new teacher, a beautiful white woman, the Humanitarian Aid Worker, left behind.

Sylvia’s breath came in shallow, ragged gasps as they approached the two trees that symbolized the entry to the school’s yard. Her knees trembled, barely able to support the weight of her shame and exhaustion. Even though there were fewer eyes on her now, the emptiness of the yard only intensified her anxiety. She had walked this path many times before, but it never became any easier. If anything, it felt worse each time.

Omari smirked as they passed through two trees. “Looks like we’re late, Auntie,” he remarked casually. “Lucky for you. No one to make fun of you here in the yard.”

Sylvia didn’t respond, her voice lodged somewhere deep within the tightness in her throat. She felt hollow inside, the shame consuming her like an endless abyss. Abuba, blissfully unaware of the darkness consuming her, held onto her hand as if they were walking into a bright future together. To him, this was just another day.

As they crossed the yard, Sylvia could feel her legs wobbling, her mind drifting as if it were trying to retreat from her body. She could see the school’s double doors ahead, and she steeled herself for what awaited her inside. She knew there would be no mercy in that building, only more degradation. But even in her darkest moments, she clung to the faint hope that somehow, someway, it would all end.

The doors loomed closer. Omari gave her hand a sharp tug, guiding her forward like a puppet on strings. The sun, now partially obscured by the building’s shadow, offered no warmth, no comfort. Just cold concrete beneath her feet, and the weight of eyes she could no longer see but could still feel lingering on her exposed skin.

With one final step, Sylvia crossed the threshold of the school, leaving the relative emptiness of the yard behind. Inside, her suffering would begin anew.

As they stepped into the rundown entrance of the Aprico Island Reform School, Sylvia’s heart raced faster than her feet could carry her. The oppressive atmosphere inside the building hit her like a wall, cold and suffocating. The concrete hallways were eerily quiet, save for the sound of their footsteps echoing against the cracked floors. The shadows of the dimly lit corridor seemed to loom over her, like dark clouds ready to descend and swallow her whole.

Abuba, still holding Sylvia’s hand as if they were a loving family, stopped near the janitor’s small storage room at the far end of the hallway. His old, wrinkled face twisted into a gentle smile, a stark contrast to the madness that lay behind it. He let go of her hand, and reached out and patted Sylvia’s vulva, patting it gently as though he were offering comfort. Sylvia wasn’t surprised anymore, she knew by now, this old African man, her only friend, thought of patting her crotch the same as patting her head or shoulder. But still, this simple absurd act, something he has done so many times already, now once again in front of Omari, only further drove the nails of humiliation deeper into her soul.

“Hang in there, my dear,” Abuba said with a strange warmth in his voice, one she might have found comforting if not for the absurdity of the situation and what he was saying. “Be strong, okay? You’ll be fine as long as you remember to control yourself. Don’t ... don’t turn things into your sexual pleasure now, okay? Try not to have an orgasm ... or ... or squirt all over the classroom floor. Remember you’re their teacher. This is your school.” His words carried the obliviousness of someone who meant well but had no grasp of reality.

Sylvia’s chest tightened with a flood of helplessness. She wanted to scream at him, to cry out that it wasn’t her fault—that she never asked for this, that she was the victim in this twisted game. But her throat was locked in a vice of shame, and she knew it was pointless and futile. So, she just looked back at Abuba, with pretty eyes, pleadingly, her lips trembling, her mind swirling with despair.

Abuba, satisfied that he had done his part, gently squeezed her vulva one last time. “Goodbye for now, my dear baby,” he said quietly, before disappearing into his small storage room, leaving Sylvia standing there with Omari, alone in the echoing silence.

Sylvia’s stomach churned. She dreaded what awaited her beyond the door to the classroom. She had walked into these doors countless times now, yet every day felt like the first, her anxiety fresh and raw. The twisted strap biting into her flesh reminded her of her debasement, the swelling of her breasts straining against the puppy collar and the cruel pinch of the clothespins a constant reminder of her forced obedience. Her cheeks flushed with humiliation, and a deep shame washed over her like a wave. She knew what was expected of her, and there was no escape.

Omari nudged her forward with a smug grin. “Come on, Auntie, let’s go in.”


He pushed the door open and stepped into the classroom, dragging Sylvia along with him. The room was dingy and cramped, the walls stained with years of neglect. A single flickering lightbulb buzzed overhead, casting a sickly yellow glow over the space. A row of 16 students, boys and men, their ages unknown per Aprico Islands’ tradition of not tracking the birthday or even year, all from different walks of life but united by their delinquency, sat facing the front. Each one of them had a smug look of expectation, like they were about to watch their favorite show.

At the front row, Matumbo, Marimba, and Gambe sat like kings on thrones, their eyes immediately locking onto Sylvia. Matumbo, the leader, the meanest bully, leaned back in his chair with a satisfied smirk, folding his arms across his chest. His dark eyes glittered with malice as he took in the sight of Sylvia’s trembling body, bound and exposed like a grotesque offering. Marimba snickered beside him, his lips curling in a cruel smile, while Gambe leaned forward, his gaze fixed hungrily on her heaving breasts.

The room fell into a tense, waiting silence as Omari led Sylvia to the front. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably, her skin prickling with anxiety as she felt the weight of their eyes on her body. She could feel their gazes roaming over every inch of her exposed skin, lingering on her exaggeratedly swollen breasts and the leather strap that cut cruelly between her legs. The strap disappeared between her plump mounds and reappeared between her buttocks, a constant source of shame and discomfort.

Sylvia’s eyes darted over the room, the wave of nausea rising as she caught sight of their leering faces. She felt sick to her core, humiliated beyond belief, yet she had no choice but to stand there, exposed and vulnerable. Her body felt like it was betraying her again, reacting to the twisted environment in ways she couldn’t control. Her nipples ached from the clothespins, each subtle movement sending sharp jolts of pain through her, only adding to her torment.

“Well, well,” Matumbo’s voice boomed from the front row, breaking the silence. He chuckled darkly. “Look at our Teacha, all dressed up for us today. What a sight, huh boys?”

The room erupted in low chuckles and jeers, the sound reverberating in Sylvia’s ears like thunder. She squeezed her eyes shut, wishing desperately to disappear, but she knew there was no escape. Not here. Not now.

Gambe, grinning widely, added, “Looks like she couldn’t wait to get started. Those pink balloons of hers look ready to pop.”

Sylvia flinched at the crude words but forced herself to remain silent, her breath coming in shallow gasps. She could feel the heat rising to her face again, her entire body trembling from the weight of their words and their predatory stares.

Omari let go of Sylvia’s hand and stood back with an air of authority, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. He didn’t need to say anything—he knew Matumbo was to take over from here. Omari sat down next to Matumbo, empty chair waiting for him, arranged by Matumbo. Matumbo now considered this boy his assistant, his apprentice for him to teach proper ‘bullying.’

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