Humanitarian Aid Worker: Abandoned on Aprico Island - Cover

Humanitarian Aid Worker: Abandoned on Aprico Island

Copyright© 2024 by Sylvia Elsworth

Chapter 13: Weekend With Omari and His Friends

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 13: Weekend With Omari and His Friends - Sylvia, a beautiful humanitarian aid worker, was accidentally left behind on Aprico Island when all foreigners were forced to leave. Stranded and alone, she lost all legal rights and became a target of daily humiliation and torture by the locals.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Blackmail   Coercion   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Spanking   Torture   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Squirting   Big Breasts   Public Sex   ENF   Violence  


Omari and Mosi squeezed into the tight front seat next to the driver, their bodies pressed together uncomfortably. The car was small, and even for two boys, the front seat was cramped. But they insisted on sitting there because the backseat was sagging, and the pool of Sylvia’s urine still lingered, a cold, wet reminder of her humiliation.

Sylvia hesitated, trying to sit next to the door, away from the foul spot, but Mosi caught her movement. With a sly grin, he said,” Aunty, please take a seat right ‘deh, in the middle, it be more comfy for ya!.” She knew the real reason behind his suggestion—he wanted her to sit right in the middle of the mess she had made. It was another cruel twist, another way to remind her of her degradation.

Broken and terrified, Sylvia didn’t protest. She was too far gone, too scared to resist any further. With a quiet, defeated sigh, she lowered herself into the middle of the seat, feeling the cold, wet spot seep into her skin. It was revolting, but she endured it, biting back the urge to cry out. Instead, she quietly wept, her tears falling silently as the taxi began its journey back to town.

The atmosphere in the car was suffocating. The air was thick with the stench of urine and sweat, and the tension was unbearable. Omari broke the silence, his tone light and casual, as if they were on a pleasant outing. “Can you believe it’s already noon? Hopefully, our friends come prepared for a picnic. I’m starving.”

The casualness of his words was a cruel contrast to Sylvia’s reality. She was trapped in the backseat, sitting in her own filth, on her way to a place where her torment would likely continue. Her mind swirled with fear and despair, unable to comprehend how her life had descended into such a nightmare.

As the taxi drove through the streets, the town drawing closer with each passing minute, Sylvia’s quiet weeping continued. She was caught in a living nightmare, and all she could do was pray for it to end, though deep down, she feared there was no end in sight.

As the taxi pulled up to the playground at the edge of town, Sylvia’s heart sank. Tears welled up in her eyes, unbidden, as she gazed at the familiar place. This had once been a sanctuary for her—a place where she found peace and solitude. Back then, she was still respected, a foreign aid worker who, despite turning heads with her striking figure, was considered untouchable by the local men. The boys sometimes had teased her, calling her “Auntie Snow White,” but she hadn’t minded. Her alabaster skin, which refused to tan, had always made her stand out, even among her fellow foreign aid workers.

She remembered how she used to jog through the town, ending her route here at the playground. It was a peaceful routine: 30 minutes of running, followed by stretches and yoga. She would often be alone, the empty playground a perfect spot to perform her poses without the embarrassment she felt in front of others. She was so shy back then, so careful to keep her body hidden, never imagining that one day she would be exposed in the most humiliating ways imaginable.


The memory of those peaceful days, the stark contrast between her past and her current reality, was too much to bear. Tears flowed freely down her cheeks, a silent acknowledgment of all she had lost. The playground, once a place of solitude and calm, now loomed before her as a stage for further torment. Sylvia’s heart ached with the bitter irony of it all, her tears a painful testament to the innocence she had lost along the way.


As the taxi pulled to a stop at the park, Omari and Mosi exchanged a glance before turning to Sylvia, their expressions cold and commanding. “ Alright, Auntie, step outta tha taxi now!” Omari instructed, his voice void of any empathy. Sylvia, her body a canvas of dried cum and tear stains, obeyed, stepping shakily out of the vehicle. The midday sun bore down on her pale, naked form, highlighting every trace of the earlier assaults on her skin.

She moved hesitantly, feeling the coarse gravel beneath her bare feet as she walked toward the playground. Her steps were heavy with dread, each one taking her further away from any shred of dignity she had left. As they approached, she noticed a small group of African locals, half a dozen men and women, who had gathered nearby, drawn by the unusual scene.

Their reactions were almost uniform—mouths slightly agape, eyes wide with a mix of shock and disbelief. They stared at her, their gazes tracing the outline of her exposed body, taking in the streaks of cum on her face and breasts, and the way her head hung in defeat. The women exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of pity and disdain, while the men’s eyes lingered a little too long on her curves, barely concealed disdain in their smirks.

Yet, despite the shock and the low murmurs exchanged between them, no one moved to intervene. They had seen too much on this island to be surprised for long, and they knew better than to get involved in matters involving foreigners, especially white ones. Here, Sylvia was just another outsider, her presence tolerated but never truly welcomed. And now, she was nothing more than a spectacle, an object of curiosity and silent judgment.

Sylvia kept her head down as she walked, her tears now flowing freely, though she tried in vain to hide them. The weight of their stares pressed down on her, each one a sharp reminder of how far she had fallen. What had once been a place of peace, where she had found solace in her morning jogs and stretches, was now a cruel parody of that tranquility—a stage set for her continued degradation.

As they neared a secluded part of the playground, Sylvia’s heart sank even further. Waiting for them were five boys. She recognize some of their faces, the same ones who had assaulted her at the market. Their faces lit up with cruel satisfaction as they saw her approach, their eyes raking over her exposed form with a mixture of hunger and malice.


One of them, sneered at her as she drew closer. “ What da bloody hell took ya so damn long, ya bloody auntie?” he taunted, his voice dripping with mockery. His gaze flickered down to the dried cum on her body, his smirk widening as he took in the full extent of her degradation.

Sylvia’s breath hitched, and she bit her lip hard enough to draw blood, desperate to keep from breaking down completely. She was surrounded, trapped between six African boys who had already proven how little they cared for her humanity. The playground that had once been a sanctuary was now a prison, and there was no escape from the horror that awaited her.

Sylvia stood trembling, her body naked and vulnerable under the unforgiving sun. Every instinct screamed at her to shield herself, to cover her exposed skin from the prying eyes and mocking words of these boys surrounding her. But she knew she couldn’t. She had been told not to by Omari in the taxi, and fear—a deep, bone-chilling fear—kept her hands obediently at her sides, no matter how much she wanted to hide.

One of the boys stepped closer, his eyes raking over her with a twisted grin. “ Wow, you be looking like one hot mess, my lawd, those be dried up jizz, no doubt about it!” he remarked, his voice dripping with cruel amusement. He didn’t wait for an answer, didn’t expect one—Sylvia’s humiliation was answer enough.

Another boy chimed in, his nose wrinkling in exaggerated disgust. “ Ah ya, ya done had ya groove on already, neh? You supposed to be jamming with us, snowflake?.” His tone was mocking, and the term “snowflake” only added to the insult, turning her pale skin and foreignness into a point of ridicule.

The third boy leaned in, his voice loud enough to ensure everyone could hear. “ Oh boyz, go on, smell ‘er! She be smellin’ like piss an’ jizz! Must’ve been one helluva bash ya’ll had!” he exclaimed, taking a step back as if the scent were too much for him to bear. His words cut through Sylvia like a knife, each one a fresh wound added to the agony she was already enduring.

Sylvia felt like an animal—a lowly, filthy creature being inspected and judged by these young African boys who had all the power in this twisted situation. They spoke about her as if she weren’t even there, as if she were nothing more than an object, something to be used and discarded. And she had no choice but to stand there and take it, to silently absorb their taunts and jabs while her tears flowed freely down her cheeks. She was powerless to stop them, powerless to protect herself from the humiliation being heaped upon her.

Her sobs were quiet, barely audible, but to Sylvia, they felt deafening. Each tear that fell was a reminder of her helplessness, her inability to do anything but stand there, naked and ashamed, as they continued to degrade her. Her humiliation was complete, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

“Alright, let’s first go ahead and get her cleaned up real good, boys.,” one of the boys suggested, his tone dismissive. “ Eish, she’s dirty as fuck; I ain’t tryna lay a finger on that shit, man!.”

They all agreed, pointing towards the chin-up bars at the far side of the playground. “ Alright, let’s go over dey ya!,” another added, nodding towards the area where a well stood next to a row of rusty old buckets. It was a place Sylvia knew well, a spot where locals, after exercising, would pour cold well water over themselves to wash off their sweat. She had often seen them do it—men and women alike, standing unabashed as the water soaked through their clothes, clinging to their skin and outlining every curve of their bodies.

Sylvia had always felt uncomfortable watching them. To her, the act had seemed lewd, almost primitive. The way the wet clothes clung, revealing the outlines of underwear and skin beneath—it was something she had never been able to reconcile with her own sense of modesty. She remembered one time, after finishing her jog, a man had casually suggested she pour a bucket of water over herself. Hey, white mama, you just go ahead and tip that bucket on ya head. It be more better to chill and not let the heat get ya, clothes wet, no problema” he had said, his gaze lingering on her body a little too long.

Sylvia had declined politely, unsure if his suggestion was genuinely about cooling down or something more. The way he had stared at her, looking her up and down, had made her skin crawl. She had turned and jogged back to her cabin without a second glance.

Now, she was being led back to that same spot, but this time there was no jogging away, no polite refusal. She was about to wash her body for the first time there—fully nude, fully exposed. A shiver of dread coursed through her as they approached the well, her heart pounding in her chest. She hoped, desperately, that there wouldn’t be anyone else around.

But even as she hoped, she knew it was futile. There were always people at the well, and today would be no different. The thought of standing there, naked and vulnerable, while others looked on filled her with a deep, gnawing terror. She could already feel the cold water running over her skin, the eyes of strangers on her body, and the weight of their judgment bearing down on her.

As they walked toward the well, the boys whispered among themselves, their voices low and conspiratorial, punctuated by occasional giggles. Sylvia’s stomach churned with anxiety, her dread deepening with every step. She couldn’t make out what they were planning, but the malice in their voices was unmistakable.

When they reached the well, Sylvia’s hope of a quick, cold rinse was dashed. Instead, they steered her toward a chin-up bar just a few steps away. The bar was slightly too short for her, made for children, positioned just above her head. She felt her heart drop as they directed her to grab hold of it.

One of the boys eyed her skeptically. “ I don’t tink she fit hang on, wid dose big ol’ boobies and dat phat bottom, she gon’ drop from da chin up bar soon enough, ya feel me?.” he remarked with a smirk. “Should we tie ‘er up, den?”

“Yeah,” another agreed, a sly grin spreading across his face as he rummaged through his pockets. He pulled out a roll of duct tape, the silver gleam catching the sunlight. “ Ah tink we can just jus’ tape up her hands the way she be hol’in’ on to dat bar...”

Sylvia’s heart raced, and she meekly protested, her voice barely more than a tremble. “Please ... don’t ... I...”

But her pleas fell on deaf ears. One of the boys responded, his tone mockingly reassuring. “ Ey, no problem at all, snowflake. We’re just tryna assist you in getting that cleanse on, you feel me?.”

His words sent a shiver of fear through Sylvia, bringing back memories of that evening when Abuba had tied her wrists to the ceiling in the shower. He had claimed it was for her safety, to help her stand while he washed her, as she told him that she was too weak to stand on her own. Even with his kind intentions, It had been terribly embarrassing, standing there naked and bound, but this—this was so much worse.

Now, she wasn’t in the privacy of her cabin with a trusted friend. She was out in the open, surrounded by seven boys with lecherous grins.

They ignored her protests and swiftly went to work. Sylvia’s skin prickled with dread as she felt the cold, sticky duct tape wrap around her wrists and over her hands grabbing the bar, binding them tightly. Each pass of the tape made her feel more helpless, more trapped.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she stood there, her arms raised, bent above her head, her body completely exposed. She was at their mercy, and there was nothing she could do to stop whatever they had planned next. The boys took a step back, admiring their handiwork, their eyes roving over her helpless form.

Omari’s voice cut through the air with a sharp, commanding tone. “Ah, now, pick up your foot from the ground, aunty.”

Sylvia blinked, momentarily confused, her mind struggling to grasp what he wanted. The uncertainty only lasted a moment before his voice came again, harsher and more insistent. “Ah said, take da foot off da ground, now!”

Realization dawned on her, and with a shaky breath, she bent her knees, slowly lowering herself until her arms were fully stretched above her head. Her muscles strained as she bent further, forcing herself into a precarious position. Her feet lifted off the ground, leaving her to dangle by her taped wrists.

Now, her head was level with Omari’s, her body suspended with her arms pulled taut. The position was uncomfortable, her shoulders beginning to burn from the strain, but she didn’t dare protest. The helplessness of her situation was suffocating, her vulnerability all the more apparent as she hung there, her body completely at the mercy of the boys surrounding her.

Omari stood close, his eyes level with hers, a cruel smirk playing on his lips as he looked over her trembling form. The sense of power he held over her was palpable, and Sylvia could feel it in every fiber of her being. Her fear was all-consuming, and as she dangled there, she knew there was no escape from whatever torment they had in store for her next.

Sylvia’s body trembled as Omari pointed to the vertical poles supporting the iron chin-up bar. “ Alright, now extend your foot to either side, aunty,” he ordered, his voice cold and unyielding. She hesitated, knowing what this would mean. She had managed to hang with her legs closed, but spreading them wide meant exposing her most private areas to the men around her in a position so lewd and humiliating she could barely comprehend it.

Omari’s patience was thin. “Ah’m trynna assist ya, Aunty, ya know. Look ‘ere, me buddy Juma, ‘e gon’ crack da bone in ya foot if it hits da ground before we say it’s a-okay. it gonna be some time, ya get me?” His threat was clear and menacing, leaving Sylvia with no choice but to comply.

Fighting her shame and humiliation, Sylvia began to spread her legs. As a master-level yoga practitioner, her flexibility wasn’t the issue, but her shyness and modesty were. Her legs trembled as she performed an almost full split, her feet finally reaching the poles on either side. Two boys, Mosi and another, each grabbed her ankles and lifted them almost to her hip level, forcing her into a full split with her knees slightly bent.

“Ya, dis way ya can push against dose support poles, ya get me, aunty? You can hold up your big ol’ booty weight with your legs, so it don’t hurt your shoulders too much when ya hanging ‘round for a bit.,” Mosi said, sounding almost helpful. The new position did indeed relieve some of the strain on her shoulders and arms, as she could now push her legs against the poles to help support her weight. But the humiliation was beyond anything she had ever experienced.

Sylvia’s body was completely exposed. Her arms were stretched above her head, her breasts heaving with each shaky breath, and her legs spread wide apart, revealing everything. She was hyper-aware of the eyes on her, the men taking in every inch of her exposed flesh, their gazes leering and hungry.

“Please ... this is so embarrassing,” she whimpered, her voice barely above a whisper.

The boys around her chuckled, their laughter filled with a cruel amusement. “ook at ‘er,” one of them said. “Like a monkey on a tree!”

Another boy stepped closer, his eyes raking over her body. “Ah, ya be correct, dem tings dey be dried cum marks. Look like she don already have one wild party bash.”

Sylvia felt like she was going to die from the shame. Tears streamed down her face as she hung there, her body trembling.

Sylvia’s heart sank as she saw the men returning with two large buckets full of water, a couple of smaller ones, and some soap. It should have been obvious to her, but the realization struck with a crushing force—they weren’t going to let her clean herself. They were going to do it.

The six African boys passed around bars of soap, their hands working quickly to create thick, frothy bubbles. The remaining one boy grabbed a small bucket and lifted it over her head. The cold water cascaded down, soaking her hair and face, washing away the crusted cum stains clinging to her skin. For a brief moment, the chill was a relief, a momentary respite from the filth covering her body.

But then, the true horror began.

Without a moment’s notice, six sets of rough, boys’ hands descended upon her like a pack of hungry predators, each one eager to claim a piece of her trembling body. Their soapy fingers dug into her breasts with a vigorous, almost violent, fondling, her nipples hardening under the relentless onslaught of their touch. The sound of wet, squelching skin filled Sylvia’s ears as they mercilessly kneaded and squeezed, their palms gliding over her slippery curves with a disturbing ease. Her body was a canvas of embarrassment and degradation, painted with their lewd intentions.

Their digits, coated in a thick, fragrant lather, slipped and slid across her skin, delving into the most intimate recesses of her being. They stroked and rubbed her clit, the sensitive bud swelling under the harsh pressure, while others penetrated the soft folds of her pussy, pushing and prodding without care or consent. The feeling of their soap-slicked hands exploring her most private areas brought a wave of unwanted arousal mixed with humiliation.

Her cheeks burned with shame as their calloused hands gripped her ass cheeks, pulling and spreading them apart as if she were nothing more than a piece of meat to be displayed and enjoyed. The cool air kissed her exposed flesh, sending a shiver down her spine as they made sure to leave no inch of her behind untouched, their knuckles grazing the tight entrance to her most sacred place.

The cacophony of their laughter and crude comments pierced the air, each one a dagger to her soul. The sting of their words was only amplified by the unyielding pressure of their hands, a constant reminder of her utter vulnerability. Her face was a mask of mortification, eyes squeezed shut to block out the sight of her own degradation. Each touch, each lewd remark, brought her closer to the edge of a sob, her dignity being stripped away one cruel caress at a time.

Sylvia gasped as she felt fingers probing at her openings. One man’s finger slipped inside her vagina, moving in and out with the excuse of cleaning her, only to be pushed aside by another hand eager to take its place. Then, she felt the same with her anus, a finger breaching her tight ring of muscle, moving in and out as if her body was theirs to explore.

Fourteen hands worked over her naked body, each one claiming a part of her. Some boys focused on her legs, their hands sliding up and down, while another rubbed soap into her face, pushing her head back as he did so. It was madness, a cacophony of degrading touches that made her feel less than human. She was a toy, a plaything, and there was nothing she could do to stop them.

The stimulation was unbearable. For any woman, the overload of sensation might have sparked a response, but for Sylvia, with her Hyper Libido Disorder, it was torture. Her hypersensitive body reacted to every touch, every invasive probe, despite the shame and degradation. She hung there, buckling under the weight of the sensations, moaning involuntarily as her body betrayed her.

Her legs shook, struggling to stay in place against the side poles as the African boys continued their assault. She squirmed, her hips twisting and grinding despite her best efforts to stay still. She could feel herself getting aroused, the unwanted pleasure building inside her like a tide she couldn’t hold back. The humiliation of her situation, coupled with the overwhelming physical stimulation, pushed her toward a breaking point. She could feel her body responding in ways that horrified her, her mind screaming in protest even as her flesh quivered with unwanted desire.

Sylvia’s body was betraying her in the most humiliating way. The build-up was unbearable, each touch pushing her closer to the edge, her hips moving against her will in a desperate attempt to find some relief from the overwhelming sensations. She could hear her own moans, that distinctive, humiliating sound she loathed so much—”Uuuuuuu ... Eeeeee ... Uuuuuu ... Ahhhh...”—echoing through the playground, as if announcing her shame to the world.

The absurdity of her situation only made it worse. Hanging there in the public playground, her legs spread wide in a full split, exposing everything to the group of young boys around her, she felt like a whore, most perverted prostitute putting on a show, a living embodiment of obscenity. Her skin was flushed, the cool air brushing against the sweat and soap lather that covered her naked body, but it did nothing to quell the fire building inside her.

She hated herself for it, for the way her body responded no matter how she despised the torments she was enduring, for the way she was so utterly powerless to stop what was coming. She knew that once she started climaxing, there would be no stopping it—the squirting, the urination, the uncontrollable release that always came with her orgasm. It was something she had always been ashamed of, something that made her feel like her own body was a stranger, a traitor.

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