Humanitarian Aid Worker: Abandoned on Aprico Island - Cover

Humanitarian Aid Worker: Abandoned on Aprico Island

Copyright© 2024 by Sylvia Elsworth

Chapter 1: Left Behind and Forgotten

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 1: Left Behind and Forgotten - Sylvia, a beautiful humanitarian aid worker, was accidentally left behind on Aprico Island when all foreigners were forced to leave. Stranded and alone, she lost all legal rights and became a target of daily humiliation and torture by the locals.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Blackmail   Coercion   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Spanking   Torture   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Squirting   Big Breasts   Public Sex   ENF   Violence  

Sylvia arrived on Aprico Island by boat, the vessel creaking and groaning as it docked at the weathered wooden pier. The air was thick with the salty tang of the sea, mingling with the earthy scent of the tropical foliage that fringed the shoreline. As she stepped onto the sun-bleached planks, the humid air wrapped around her like a stifling blanket, beads of sweat instantly forming on her pale skin.

Around her, the locals moved with a relaxed, almost languid grace, their dark skin glistening in the intense sunlight. They wore vibrant, loose-fitting clothes that fluttered in the gentle sea breeze, the colors a stark contrast to Sylvia’s plain, muted attire. She felt their curious gazes upon her, a solitary white figure amidst a sea of deep bronze and ebony.

The rhythmic sounds of island life enveloped her: the distant laughter of children playing, the melodic chatter of women bartering at the market, the soft rustle of palm fronds swaying above. The air buzzed with the hum of cicadas, punctuated by the occasional call of a tropical bird, its song echoing through the lush greenery. The vivid hues of the island – the emerald leaves, the sapphire sky, the golden sand – seemed almost surreal, each color more intense than she had ever seen.

Sylvia’s heart pounded in her chest, a mix of trepidation and excitement. She felt out of place, her pale complexion and timid demeanor a stark contrast to the confident, sun-kissed locals. Her senses were overwhelmed by the sights, sounds, and smells of the island, each one a vivid reminder of how far she was from the familiarity of home.

Sylvia was a stunning woman, her height average at 167 cm, but there was nothing average about her appearance. She had a physique that struck the perfect balance between health and athleticism, with curves that were neither too pronounced nor too subtle. Her large, triple D-sized breasts, wide hips, and perfectly plump buttocks made her body sensuously captivating.

Her pale, unblemished skin contrasted beautifully with her dark black hair, cascading down in soft waves. Her large, round eyes were a captivating shade of brown, framed by thick lashes that only enhanced her angelic face. Her nose was perfectly proportioned, and her sensuous lips often drew the gaze of many admirers. There was an ethereal quality to her appearance, a blend of cuteness and sensuality that often left people entranced.


In her homeland of Australia, Sylvia turned heads and left men mumbling in awe. Here, on Aprico Island, she was an even more extraordinary sight. People stared unabashedly at this beautiful woman, their gazes lingering on her every movement. Men whispered among themselves, their eyes following her with a mix of admiration and desire. Children, too, were drawn to her, surrounding her with curious smiles and wide-eyed wonder.

As Sylvia made her way through the bustling dock, she felt the weight of their stares. Her presence was a stark contrast to the locals, her angelic beauty standing out vividly against the backdrop of the island. The air buzzed with a mix of curiosity and fascination, the locals unable to take their eyes off the extraordinary woman who had just arrived.

At the end of the dock, Sylvia saw a man holding a sign with her name, “Sylvia Elsworth,” scrawled in bold letters. He must have been sent by the aid organization she had been in contact with. His dark skin and rugged appearance marked him as a local, his face lined with age and experience. His clothes were worn and tattered, speaking of a life of hard work and humble means.

He was a skinny man, about the same height as Sylvia, his frame appearing frail yet resilient. She guessed he was around sixty years old, judging by the deep wrinkles that etched his face. Despite his weathered appearance, he wore a big, friendly smile that radiated warmth and kindness. His eyes crinkled at the corners, and there was a genuine welcome in his gaze that put Sylvia at ease.

As she approached him, the man’s smile widened even further, and he waved enthusiastically, the sign bobbing slightly in his hand. “ Welcome to Aprico Island, Miss Elsworth!f” he called out, his voice carrying a rich, melodic accent that added to the sensory tapestry of the island. His presence, though humble, was a reassuring beacon amidst the unfamiliar surroundings.

They exchanged quick greetings, Sylvia trying her best to sound humble and friendly, which came naturally to her. His name was Abuba, and he explained that they needed to go through customs clearance before they could proceed to the aid organization. Sylvia was surprised that there was even a customs office on this remote, small island, but she reminded herself that Aprico Island was an independent nation.

“Welcome, Miss Elsworth,” Abuba said warmly, his smile never faltering. “ Ah, we gotta pass by customs first, den we can make our way to the aid center, yeah?” Sylvia nodded, ever so shy and timid.

Indeed, at the end of the pier, there was a table where people lined up, waiting for their turn for inspection. There was no building, just a couple of trees behind the table providing shade. Sylvia and Abuba took their place in line, with about ten people ahead of them. The line moved quickly until there were only three people left in front of her. Suddenly, a man was stopped.

“Ya brought a gold watch and ya didn’t declare it, ah see!” one of the customs officers said, his voice carrying the unique African island accent. Sylvia could hear every word as they made the man open his bag. Inside, they found two more gold watches.

Then, to Sylvia’s shock, they told the man to take off his clothes. Right there in the open, under the sunlight, surrounded by at least two dozen people, the man complied. Without hesitation, he stripped off his clothes, including his underwear, standing naked without any attempt to cover himself. Sylvia couldn’t help but notice how large he was, her eyes widening at the sight.

The scene felt surreal. The man’s nudity seemed to be the least of his concerns as the customs officers thoroughly inspected his belongings. The crowd watched silently, their expressions a mix of curiosity and indifference, as if such occurrences were routine on Aprico Island. Sylvia felt a mix of embarrassment and fascination, her cheeks flushing as she struggled to process the unexpected spectacle unfolding before her.

They tied the man to a tree, still naked. A woman, who seemed to be an acquaintance, brought him his underwear and was kind enough to pull it up for him. The simple act of kindness brought a sense of normalcy to the otherwise bizarre scene, making Sylvia feel slightly better about the situation.

Abuba explained that the man would be taken to the police station. “What will happen to him?” Sylvia asked, her voice tinged with concern.

“E don go get beaten up for there.,” Abuba replied. “If da po-lice-man be happy, ya know, with some small-small bribe, den maybe dem go let am go with local ‘education’. Dis ‘education’ be like, some good ol’ beating, ya get me? But if not, oh boy, he be going to da prison. Ma’am, trust me, you no wan’ go to that Aprico Island prison. What you white folks tink be torture, we call that light punishment, ya dig?.”

Sylvia felt a surge of fear and regret. The harsh reality of the island’s justice system was a stark contrast to anything she had ever known. In that moment, she deeply regretted signing up to come here, the initial excitement of her adventure now overshadowed by a sense of foreboding.

It was Sylvia’s turn, and immediately things got strange. The policeman told her to take off her golden wrist bracelet. It was a birthday gift she received from a friend a year ago, a simple gold bracelet, not very expensive. Yet, the policeman looked furious. Abuba seemed equally surprised.

“Wow, I di’n’t see dat. Didn’t ya read the pamphlet the agency sent ya? Gold is forbidden on dis island. It’s against the law to bring gold into the island without tellin’ dem!”

“Wh ... what?” Sylvia stammered, realizing she had received the pamphlet but had read it too quickly. There was a list of prohibited items, but she had assumed it was about drugs and just skimmed through it. Her heart sank.

The policeman instructed her to put her suitcase on the table. Abuba stepped in and did it for her. They opened the suitcase and started going through her belongings. Sylvia felt a wave of embarrassment as they lifted each piece of clothing, including her underwear and bras. Was it her perception, or did the policemen seem to hold on to them a bit longer?

There was nothing else of note in her suitcase. Then, they told her to remove her clothes. Her heart fell to the ground. “No way,” she thought. She felt she would die of shame. Could she just turn around and leave? Her feet wouldn’t move, and her mouth was too dry to speak.

Let’s pause a scene here to reflect on Sylvia’s personality. She was inherently timid, her demeanor gentle and easily unsettled. In moments of confrontation or threat, even the smallest intimidation could compel her to comply with demands she didn’t wish to follow. A child’s raised voice or a sharp threat could make her acquiesce without resistance. Yelling was particularly distressing for her, often reducing her to tears almost instantly. Her essence was that of a deeply submissive person, prone to folding under pressure.

Until now, Sylvia had navigated her world with a sense of security provided by those around her. Her father had been her steadfast protector, his kindness a buffer against the harshness of life. After his passing, she had found another pillar of support in her husband, whose protective nature mirrored that of her father’s. When her husband died two years ago, Sylvia lost not just a partner but her shield against the world. Since then, she had been alone, vulnerable to the uncertainties and threats she had once been shielded from.

In this distressing moment, Abuba stepped in to her aid. His voice was firm yet calm, breaking through the oppressive tension of the situation. “ Oh no ... no ... dis be a white lady, a voluntary. You can’t do dat to her. Aprico Island’s local law, it don’t apply to de white foreigners, ya understand?”

The policemen’s faces showed traces of irritation but also a flicker of concern. They argued back, their voices rising. “But she committed an offense—brought in gold without declaration!” But she commit a crime ya, brought in gold without declare it proper, she did.”

Abuba stood his ground, his stance resolute. “ Oy, if you make am take off her clothes here, I go tell the organization big man. He go carry this matter go high-high up!”

The officers’ expressions shifted, their previously stern and unyielding faces now betraying unease. The threat of involving higher-ups seemed to have an impact, and the tension in the air grew palpable as their resolve wavered. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of fear, frustration, and a glimmer of hope, as Sylvia clung to the possibility that Abuba’s intervention might alter her dire predicament.

After a tense discussion among the two policemen, they decided to let Sylvia pass, provided she left behind her bracelet. Relieved beyond words, she nodded in agreement. The bracelet meant little to her compared to the relief of escaping the humiliating situation. She felt a wave of gratitude as the officers allowed her to leave.

Sylvia and Abuba then made their way to a waiting minivan, its side panel emblazoned with the words “World Humanitarian Aid.” As they drove away, Sylvia’s mind was still reeling from the ordeal. It was only then, as the van bumped along the uneven road, that she realized she was about to pee from the stress. Her body had been on edge, and now the physical strain was catching up with her.

Sensing her distress, Abuba glanced over and said,” Ah, no worry, Miss Elsworth. It be quite normal around here to have dem strict tings, but you safe now, yes...”

Sylvia turned to him, her eyes filled with gratitude. “I owe you so much. You were incredibly brave to stand up for me. Thank you, thank you.”

Abuba smiled warmly, though his eyes held a hint of weariness. “ Ay, it’s nuthin’ but the usual ting. Aprico Island got dem ol’ school laws, very tough, yeah? Plenty public punishments for all to see. But don’t you go gettin’ your feathers ruffled too much, ya hear? They ain’t usually treatin’ white foreigners like dat...”

His reassurance was comforting, yet Sylvia couldn’t shake the lingering unease. While she felt a measure of safety with Abuba by her side, the harsh reality of the island’s justice system still weighed heavily on her. The journey ahead felt uncertain, and despite Abuba’s comforting words, Sylvia remained cautious, aware that her ordeal might not be over just yet.

What Sylvia didn’t realize was that this encounter was merely a taste of what lay ahead. If she had known, if she had glimpsed even a hint of the future, she would have begged Abuba to turn the minivan around and leave on the next boat off the island. But she was unaware of the full extent of the trials that awaited her.

As the minivan continued its journey through the island’s rugged terrain, Sylvia was still shaken by the events she had just endured. Little did she know that this was just the beginning of a series of harrowing experiences that would push her to the brink. The future that lay before her would prove to be a relentless series of challenges, each one more daunting than the last, as she faced a reality far beyond what she could have ever imagined.

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